Diada Group Europe

Ukrainian manufacturer of industrial power electronics

Автомобильное путешествие по США! ПЕРВЫЙ РАЗ в Америке! VeddroShow Bonneville! 30/10/2019

Good morning, friends!

And here is a video about a Ukrainian electric motorcycle, whose electric drive we designed and developed!
Our traction inverter and its adventures in Boneville together with the Ukrainian Spirit of Ukraine project and pilot Malyk!

Автомобильное путешествие по США! ПЕРВЫЙ РАЗ в Америке! VeddroShow Bonneville! Интересно как закончится эта история? Подписывайся на канал и жмакай колокольчик! Наверняка вы уже знаете, что мы посетили легендарный Бонневиль. А также сня...

Photos from Diada Group Europe's post 23/09/2019

Upgrading thyristor rectifier
Hello dear friends!

Today I want to tell you about our kits for upgrading industrial thyristor rectifiers.

Many Ukrainian thyristor converters are used for electrochemical treatment of metals with an outdated control system. We offer our devices (RC-S or RC-D models) to upgrade such old equipment.

Our devices are designed to control reversible and non-reversible thyristor rectifiers in the modes of current and voltage stabilization, conventional control of the thyristor opening angle with linearization, or to control the power of three-phase rectifiers.

RC-S or RC-D control units are made in a protected plastic box, which allows you to control the rectifier in conditions of high humidity and corrosive environment, for example, in conditions of galvanic shops.

Photos from Diada Group Europe's post 20/09/2019

Modernization of the Journeyman-330 milling machine with CNC

During the modernization, the outdated electronics of the milling machine was replaced. The motion control system was implemented on the basis of the Sinumerik 808D CNC system from Siemens.

Since the XDC-210 series converters can operate with installed motors, they are compatible with all CNC devices and have an adjustable input for the encoder, so an inexpensive positioning system was built on them.

The upgraded machine has three XDC-210 servo inverters with a capacity of 1.2 kilowatts each. These converters control existing DC motors using installed encoders, accepting tasks from the Step / Dir format Sinumerik 808D CNC system.

Photos from Diada Group Europe's post 20/09/2019

Good morning, friends!

In continuation of the story about the modernization of CNC machines with our servo converters, following a few more examples of upgrades.

With the use of our servo converters it is possible to inexpensively upgrade an existing machine and improve production performance!

Modernization of the milling machine using Sinumerik 808D CNC system and XDC-210 servo converters

We have upgraded the Bridgeport CNC Series 1 Interact milling machine based on the Siemens Sinumerik 808D CNC system using self-made DC servo converters. In a short time (1 month) our company specialists have completely updated the electrical part of the milling machine and put it into operation.

In the course of modernization, we completely replaced all the automatics and electronics on the machine, performed diagnostics and maintenance of all its components. Associated updated electronics with actuators and machine sensors, and trained staff.

Siemens Sinumerik 808D proven and accessible CNC system is the basis. For the axle drives, we used our XDC-210 servo converters, which are fully compatible with Siemens CNC. Servo converters are controlled by digital signals in Step / Dir format.

When performing the work it became clear that the installation of the encoder is not compatible with the updated electronics of the machine. Encoders generate a specific sinusoidal signal that is not accepted by modern servo converters and MSCs. Therefore, we have developed a special converter that converts the signal from encoders from analog to quadrature and increases resolution. In the future, these devices can be used to upgrade other equipment.


Ahoj priatelia!

Dnes sme po cestovaní do USA konečne dostali motocykel do našej dielne a už sme vyhodnotili rozsah nehody.

Našťastie sme po krátkej prehliadke nenašli žiadne významné problémy v mechanickej alebo elektrickej časti bicykla. Elektronika je neporušená, ale existuje určité mechanické poškodenie tela.

Teraz odstránime batérie a menič a dôkladne vyčistíme trup korozívnej soli.

Hello friends!

Today, we finally got a motorcycle to our workshop after traveling to the US and have already evaluated the magnitude of the accident.

Fortunately, after a brief inspection, we found no significant problems in the mechanical or electrical part of the bike. The electronics are intact, but there is some mechanical damage to the body.

Now, we are removing the batteries and the inverter, and will be carefully cleaning the hull from corrosive salt.

Photos from Diada Group Europe's post 13/08/2019

Waiting for new speed record!

Čaká sa na nový rýchlostný rekord!

Сергій Малик протестував свій електробайк для Бонневіля-2019 06/08/2019

Video of a test electric motorcycle before races in Bonneville speed week 2019

Video z testovacieho elektrického motocykla pred pretekmi v Bonneville speed week 2019

Сергій Малик протестував свій електробайк для Бонневіля-2019 Український гонщик провів тестові заїзди на електромотоциклі, побудованому спеціально для встановлення рекорду в Бонневілі (США). Тести пройшли на трасі під ...


Everything is ready to record!

Fully tested motorcycle ready to travel to the United States to set a new speed world record for electric motorcycles!
Good luck and waiting for news...

Všetko je pripravené na rekord!

Plne otestovaný motocykel pripravený na cestu do Spojených Štátov Amerických a vytvoriť nový svetový rekord v rýchlosti elektrických motocyklov!
Veľa šťastia a čakanme na dobré správy.


Electric bike for Bonneville Speed Week 2019 is almost ready - last test on the testing stand. Stay tuned for news from the event...

Elektrický bicykel pre Bonneville Speed Week takmer pripravený - posledný test na testovacom stojane. To be continued...

Bestsellers of the Diada Group 29/07/2019

Our main line devices - perfect quality and functionality.


Just Ride Salt Flats Racing

Photos from Diada Group Europe's post 29/07/2019

Hello, dear friends!

These weekends were not bad. Finally, we made a "field" tests for our electric motorcycle.

All systems are normal, tests are successful. Acceleration is awesome!
Ahead of minor repairs of the construction, installation of the rogue and Bonneville, here we come!

Wish us good luck!


The process of adjusting the algorithms of electric motor control. Testing the performance of the junior engine model with our converter and control algorithm.

Electric motorcycle for Bonneville Speed Week 2019 29/07/2019

Elektrický motocykel pre Týždeň Rýchlosti Bonneville 2019

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Videos (show all)

Custome Electric bike - last tests - posledný testy
Preparation of our Electric Motorcycle
Testovanie výkonu juniorského modelu motora pomocou nášho prevodníka a riadiaceho algoritmu.



Popradská 66

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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