Noloshaada Horumari
Dadaala xaaji cabaas gaadha
Stay away from negative people ,they have aproblem in every solution
mid uun oo ka mid ah meertada nolosha ayaa qalbigaaga ka buuxin kara yaab iyo xigmad aad ku ogayd farxad keli ah
هذه الأيام تظهر قيمة حديث النبي ﷺ :من أصبح منكم آمنا في سربه معافى في جسده عنده قوت يومه فكأنما حيزت له الدنيا بحذافيرها
So right. The less you care about what other people think, the more you do for yourself.
If more people start to give importance to peace over power this world will be a merrier place.
These motivational stories will encourage you to follow your dreams, treat others with kindness, and never give up on yourself.
Long time ago there lived a priest who was extremely lazy and poor at the same time. He did not want to do any hard work but used to dream of being rich one day. He got his food by begging for alms. One morning he got a pot of milk as part of the alms. He was extremely delighted and went home with the pot of milk. He boiled the milk, drank some of it and put the remaining milk in a pot. He added slight curds in the pot for converting the milk to curd. He then lay down to sleep.
Soon he started imagining about the pot of curd while he lay asleep. He dreamed that if he could become rich somehow all his miseries would be gone. His thoughts turned to the pot of milk he had set to form curd. He dreamed on; "By morning the pot of milk would set, it would be converted to curd. I would churn the curd and make butter from it. I would heat the butter and make ghee out of it. I will then go to that market and sell that ghee, and make some money. With that money i will buy a hen. The hen will lay may eggs which will hatch and there will be many chicken. These chicken will in turn lay hundreds of eggs and I will soon have a poultry farm of my own." He kept on imagining.
"I will sell all the hens of my poultry and buy some cows, and open a milk dairy. All the town people will buy milk from me. I will be very rich and soon I shall buy jewels. The king will buy all the jewels from me. I will be so rich that I will be able to marry an exceptionally beautiful girl from a rich family. Soon I will have a handsome son. If he does any mischief I will be very angry and to teach him a lesson, I will hit him with a big stick."During this dream, he involuntarily picked up the stick next to his bed and thinking that he was beating his son, raised the stick and hit the pot. The pot of milk broke and he awoke from his day dream.
Moral: There is no substitute for hard work. Dreams cannot be fulfilled without hard work.
Isku day in aad ka madax banaanato dadka
Self-discipline is must to realize your aims. You need to organize all your inner strength to be able to confidently move towards your goals.
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.
It is your attitude at the beginning of a task more than anything else that will determine your success or failure
The only disability in life is a bad attitude
With a new attitude everything can change, make it how you want it to be, staying mad?, why do that...Give yourself a break, laugh about it & you'll see that life what you make it.
Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is your attitude
You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself.
Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself.
Prove yourself to yourself, not people.
You can give them another chance, or you can forgive, let go, and give yourself a better chance.
يا ربّ بلغنا المُتسع واليُسر والبركة والعافية والتوفيق في كلّ أمورنا، اللهّم سعادة القلْب وقرّة العين وجميل البشائر وانشراح الصدر.
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ علَى مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ ورَسولِكَ، وآله وسلم.
ربنا يا وهاب نسألك بركات ما أنزلت من السماء، وما أخرجت من الأرض، ربنا امنحنا ولا تمتحنا، أنزل علينا رحمتك وبركتك وسعة رزقك وعافيتك،
ولا تبتلنا، نعوذ بك من فراغ الفم والعين والقلب، نعوذ بك من حب الدنيا و التعلق بشيء منها أو الانشغال به عنك.
أسأل الله في هذه الساعة أن يشملنا جميعا بالرحمة والمغفرة ويصلح نياتنا وذرياتنا، ويؤلف بين قلوبنا ويستر عيوبنا ويغفر ذنوبنا ويفرج همومنا ويقضى ديوننا ويوسع أرزاقنا، ويشفي مرضانا ويرحم موتانا، وأسأله وهو أكرم من سئل! أن لا يحرمني وإياكم في هذا اليوم من سعة رزقه وتوفيقه وشمول رحمته ومغفرته وتمام عافيته ورضوانه وجنته وصحبة نبيّه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، اللهم الأُمنيات المتروكة بين عظيم لُطفك اللهم قدّر لنا الفرح بكل أشكاله
أنت الكريم الذي لا حدود لعطائك اللهم امين امين امين
اسعد الله اوقاتكم بكل خير
It is better to end something and start another than to imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.
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