ABUN Media

ABUN Media

ABUN - Afro Broadcasting United Network Suriname Afro Broadcasting United Network (ABUN). Bij ABUN staan Afrika en de van Afrikaans origine mens centraal.

ABUN met de uitspraak “A boeng“ betekent “het is goed“ in het Surinaams. ABUN is een nieuw Surinaams, onafhankelijk en dynamisch multimediaal bedrijf. Deze commerciële media-instelling zal opereren vanuit een Afrocentristisch perspectief en is een culturele aanvulling op het huidige media aanbod. Het streven is om te zorgen voor herkenning, onderkenning en waardering voor het eigene met een Afroce


Arrestan tres parejas de cubanos en Paramaribo

Suscríbase para recibir notificaciones! Visite su-noticia.com

su-noticia.com El miércoles pasado fueron arrestadas tres parejas cubanas por la policía de Geyersvlijt por ocupar una casa sin permiso en la calle Ferdinand Bolstraat, en el vecindario de Paramaribo-Norte. Seg


Suriname, Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba - Tweedewereldoorlog.nl

Suriname en de Antillen zijn niet bezet, maar raken wel bij de Tweede Wereldoorlog betrokken. Britse, Nederlandse, Amerikaanse en Braziliaanse troepen bewaken de olieraffinaderijen op Aruba en Curaçao en de bauxietmijnen in Suriname. Deze grondstoffen zijn van belang voor de vliegtuigbouw. In 1942 worden in Suriname 150 gevaarlijk geachte NSB’ers geïnterneerd in een werkkamp. Honderden Surinaamse vrijwilligers gaan als militair naar Nederlands-Indië. ABUN, a tan so. LIKE & SHARE!

tweedewereldoorlog.nl Suriname en de Antillen zijn niet bezet, maar raken wel bij de Tweede Wereldoorlog betrokken. Britse, Nederlandse, Amerikaanse en Braziliaanse troepen bewaken de olieraffinaderijen op Aruba en Curaçao en de... lees meer


Top 7 African Tribes Where Women Literally Rule

BUN NYUNSU | Hier zijn de Top 7 Afrikaanse volkeren waar vrouwen heersen. ABUN, a tan so. LIKE & SHARE!

therealafrican.com Matrilineal descent has been instrumental in tracing the origin of some of Africa’s tribes and it’s a huge part of Africa’s history and evolution. In the past, matriarchy’s, or families, groups, or states ruled by women, were prevalent in Africa.


David Adjaye named world's most influential architect by Time magazine

Meet the world's most influential architect of 2017 by Time magazine. David Adjaye (50) born in Tanzania. ABUN, a tan so. LIKE & SHARE!!

dezeen.com "Architectural visionary" David Adjaye has been named among Time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2017 – and is the only architect to make the list


The Black Billionaires 2017

Van de 2043 mensen die op de 2017 Forbes-lijst van 's werelds miljardairs staan, 10 van hen zijn Afro mensen, tegenover 12 een jaar geleden. Nigeriaanse cement tycoon Aliko Dangote is nog steeds de rijkste Afrikaan in de wereld, met een fortuin geschat op $ (miljard). Like & Share ABUN

forbes.com Meet the 10 black billionaires in the world in 2017


130 years ago: carving up Africa in Berlin | Africa | DW.COM | 25.02.2015

In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day. Representatives of 13 European states, the United States of America and the Ottoman Empire converged on Berlin at the invitation of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to divide up Africa among themselves "in accordance with international law." Africans were not invited to the meeting. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

m.dw.com In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day.


The Nigerian Media mogul with a global empire

Mo Abudu is described as Africa's most successful woman. In eleven years, this female entrepreneur has transitioned from simply hosting a television show to owning a multimedia empire. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

cnn.com Mo Abudu has gone from hosting a TV show to owning one of Nigeria's premier TV networks, and taking over Africa is just the beginning.


India’s forgotten African tribe

An African-origin ethnic tribe of about 20,000 people has been living in near total obscurity in India for centuries. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

bbc.com An African-origin ethnic tribe of about 20,000 people has been living in near total obscurity in India for centuries.


World's languages traced back to single African mother tongue: scientists

New research, published in the journal Science, suggests this single ancient language resulted in human civilization — a Diaspora — as well as advances in art and hunting tool technology, and laid the groundwork for all the world's cultures. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

pri.org New Zealand researchers have traced every human language — from English to Mandarin — back to an ancestral language spoken in Africa 50,000 to 70,000 years ago.


The Most Famous Black Man In Korea; Discusses Racism, Moving From Ghana

BUN NYUNSU | Sam Okyere is the most famous man in Korea, and it's not just because he's black. Okyere sat down on the popular show "Asian Boss" to discuss racism in Korea, and his rise to fame. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

vladtv.com Sam Okyere is the most famous man in Korea, and it's not just because he's black. Okyere sat down on the popular show "Asian Boss" to discuss racis...


Diana Ross: Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Ashford / Simpson), 1967 - Lyrics-Тексти-Paroles

Nick Ashford: Songwriters Hall of Fame: http://songwritershalloffame.org/index.php/songs/detailed/C324/ Please note: As of August 27, 2010, I am uploading mu...


Diana Ross

HAPPY Birthday Diane Ernestine Earle Ross (1944), known professionally as Diana Ross. American singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer Diana Ross was part of the 1960s pop/soul trio the Supremes before embarking on a successful solo career, also starring in such films as 'Lady Sings the Blues' and 'The Wiz.' Like & Share ABUN

biography.com Singer and actress Diana Ross was part of the 1960s pop/soul trio the Supremes before embarking on a successful solo career, also starring in such films as 'Lady Sings the Blues' and 'The Wiz.'


The Ark of Return | In order to more permanently honor the Victims of the Tragic Transatlantic Slave Trade, a memorial has been erected at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The unveiling took place on 25 March 2015. The winning design for the memorial, The Ark of Return Video by Rodney Leon, an American architect of Haitian descent, was selected through an international competition and announced in September 2013. Like & Share ABUN


The African Roots of Cuba's Music

March 25th de Internationale Dag van de Herdenking van Slachtoffers van de Slavernij en de Trans-Atlantische slavenhandel. Kijk hoe de bijdrage van de Afrikaanse erfgoed de Cubaanse muziek heeft beïnvloed. LIKE & SHARE ABUN

United Nations - March 25th marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Watch how the contributio...


Aretha Franklin (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - Kennedy Center Honors 2015

Happy Birthday Aretha Franklin!

Full segment of Aretha Franklin (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - Kennedy Center Honors 2015. Chilina Kennedy, plays Carole King in Beautiful, the mu...


March 25th | International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. For over 400 years, more than 15 million men, women and children were the victims of the tragic transatlantic slave trade, one of the darkest chapters in human history. Overview of the slave trade out of Africa, 1500-1900. David Eltis and David Richardson, Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade(New Haven, 2010). Like & Share ABUN


Remember Slavery: Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Every year on 25 March, the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade offers the opportunity to honor and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. The International Day also aims to raise awareness about the dangers of racism and prejudice today.
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un.org For over 400 years, more than 15 million men, women and children were the victims of the tragic transatlantic slave trade, one of the darkest chapters in human history.


Aretha Franklin

HAPPY Birthday Aretha Louise Franklin (1942) - Multiple Grammy winner en "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin is bekend van hits zoals "Respect," "Freeway of Love" en "I Say a Little Prayer." Franklin heeft gedurende haar loopbaan 112 singles opgnenomen die op Billboard terecht zijn gekomen, waaronder 77 Hot 100 entries, 17 top tien pop singles, 100 R&B inzendingen en 20 nummer 1 R&B singles. Hiermee werd ze de vrouwelijke artiest met de meeste liederen die op de Billboard chart zijn gekomen. Like & Share ABUN

biography.com Multiple Grammy winner and "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin is known for such hits as "Respect," "Freeway of Love" and "I Say a Little Prayer."


Voorzitter Simons presenteert stappen DNA richting open parlement op ParlAmericas vergadering - De Nationale Assemblée

BUN NYUNSU | Op donderdag 16 maart 2017 heeft de officiële opening van de ‘2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas’, plaatsgevonden in het Parlementsgebouw van de Republiek Costa Rica. Volksvertegenwoordigers uit diverse landen, waaronder ook Suriname, hebben de openingsvergadering bijgewoond. Assembleevoorzitter Jennifer Geerlings-Simons, die aan het hoofd staat van een parlementaire delegatie heeft namens Suriname, het woord gevoerd. Mevrouw Simons heeft onder andere aangegeven dat er alleen vertrouwen kan zijn als personen het instituut of het proces inderdaad kennen en begrijpen, waardoor zij zelf het werk van het parlement kunnen beoordelen. Hierbij heeft mevrouw Simons de aanwezigen, door middel van het vertonen van een filmpje, vertrouwd gemaakt met het werk van de DNA richting het transparanter maken van de volksvertegenwoordiging. ABUN, a tan so! LIKE & SHARE

dna.sr Assembleevoorzitter Jennifer Geerlings-Simons heeft op de tweede dag van de ParlAmericas vergadering in de Republiek Costa Rica, het werk van het parlement gepresenteerd. Mevrouw Simons heeft de aanwezigen, door middel van het vertonen van een filmpje, vertrouwd gemaakt met het werk van de DNA richt...


Africa’s richest man wealthier than Oprah & Trump combined | CGTN Africa - Strengthening news coverage in Africa

Rijkste man van Afrika, rijker dan Oprah & Trump samen. ABUN a tan so!

africa.cgtn.com Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest man who founded and chairs Dangote Cement, the continent’s largest cement producer is worth more than American President and business mogul Donald Trump and Celebrity businesswoman Oprah Winfrey reports the


Suriname | Global Forest Watch

Zie hier middels deze website gegevens over bosverandering, eigendomssituatie, bos gerelateerde werkgelegenheid en ruimtelijke ordening in Suriname. ABUN, a tan so! Like & Share!

globalforestwatch.org Data about forest change, tenure, forest related employment and land use in Suriname


James Baldwin and America’s “Racial Problem”

James Arthur Baldwin (August 2, 1924 – December 1, 1987) was an American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic.
In this clip from a 1969 talk in London, Baldwin dismantles the ways in which black people have been taught to hate themselves, and what happens when they refuse:

“What one does realize is that when you try to stand up and look the world in the face like you had a right to be here, without knowing that this is the result of it, you have attacked the entire power structure of the Western world.” Like & Share ABUN



Suriname | Forest Legality

UN International Forests Day | Suriname has 15.3 million hectares of forest covering approximately 94% of the country’s surface area. (FAO, 2015). 91.4% of Suriname’s forest area is primary forest, 8.5% is naturally regenerated and only 0.1% planted. Like & Share ABUN

forestlegality.org Suriname has 15.3 million hectares of forest covering approximately 94% of the country’s surface area. (FAO, 2015). 91.4% of Suriname’s forest area is primary forest, 8.5% is naturally regenerated and only 0.1% planted. Suriname's forests are located within the broader Guianan Moist Forests area, o...


UN International Day of Forest 21 March | This global celebration of forests provides a platform to raise awareness of the importance of all types of woodlands and trees, and celebrate the ways in which they sustain and protect us. This year we highlight the importance of wood energy in improving people's lives, powering sustainable development and mitigating climate change | www.un.org/en/events/forestsday
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Maya Angelou - From Silence of R**e to Voice of Compassion

The visionary poet, thinker, performer, sacred activist and human Maya Angelou. Out of emptiness. A moving and courageous account from Maya Angelou about being r***d, a long period of muteness, and the hidden gift in the suffering contraction around expression. Out of horrified silence, witness the birth of one of the most transformative voices of our generation. Like & Share ABUN

The visionary poet, thinker, performer, sacred activist and human Maya Angelou. Out of emptiness. A moving and courageous account from Maya Angelou about bei...


In verband met Wereld Poëziedag 2017 (World Poetry Day), een gedicht van Johana Schouten-Elsenhout. Deze dag is in 1999 ingesteld door de UNESCO met als doelstelling het lezen, schrijven en publiceren van poëzie te bevorderen en de taalkundige verscheidenheid via poëtische expressie onder de aandacht te brengen. Like & Share ABUN


UNESCO World Poetry Day 2017 | Johanna Schouten-Elsenhout (19 July 1910 – 23 July 1992) was a Surinamese poet and an eminent community leader who fought for acknowledgement of Sranan and of the Afro-Surinamese culture. Schouten-Elsenhout was born in Paramaribo in 1910. She is known for poetry that is written without verses. The poems are written in Sranan Tongo and they contain no punctuation. She has been called the Grandma Moses of Sranan. In 1987 she was awarded the Knight of the Order of the Yellow Star. Like & Share ABUN


World Poetry Day, 21 March

Celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.

un.org "By paying tribute to the men and women whose only instrument is free speech, who imagine and act, UNESCO recognizes in poetry its value as a symbol of the human spirit’s creativity. By giving form and words to that which has none – such as the unfathomable beauty that surrounds us, the immense suff...


World Poetry Day 2017 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

HAPPY World Poetry Day 2017. UNESCO first adopted 21 March as World Poetry Day during it's 30th General Conference in Paris in 1999, with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard.
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unesco.org Held every year on 21 March, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. Practiced throughout history – in every culture and on every continent – poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the si...


14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization | SiliconAfrica

14 Afrikaanse landen die worden gedwongen door Frankrijk koloniale belastingen te betalen voor de voordelen van slavernij en kolonisatie. Like & Share ABUN

siliconafrica.com When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country independence, the french colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of fury the french administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what the...


International Francophonie Day (French: Journée internationale de la Francophonie) is observed within the International Organization of La Francophonie's 77 member states every March 20 to celebrate the French language and Francophone culture. There are over 274 million French speakers on Earth. The date celebrates the signing of the Niamey Convention in Niger on 20 March 1970.


Spike Lee

HAPPY Birthday Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee (1957). American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, has produced over 35 films since 1983. Emmy Award winning filmmaker. Most famous for "Do the Right thing" and "Malcolm X." - Like & Share ABUN

biography.com Producer, director, writer and actor Spike Lee creates provocative films that explore race relations, political issues and urban crime and violence. His films include 'She's Gotta Have It' and 'Do the Right Thing.'


Little Known Black History Fact: Ho Chi Minh’s Black Connection

Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese revolutionary, who later became Prime Minister (1946-1955) and President (1946-1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). In an essay, Ho wrote, “It is well-known that the Black race is the most oppressed and the most exploited of the human family." According to historians, Ho was influenced partly by the teachings of Marcus Garvey during a stay in America. Like & Share ABUN

blackamericaweb.com Ho Chi Minh, the famed Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader was instrumental in leading North Vietnam to eventual independence from French colonizers. According to historians, Ho was influence…


Why History Has Forgotten The Woman Who Refused To Give Up Her Seat Before Rosa Parks

Most of the people involved in social movements will never have their names printed in the history books. Claudette Colvin is one of them.
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all-that-is-interesting.com Meet Claudette Colvin, the 15-year-old who held her ground nine months before Rosa Parks.


Vanessa Williams

HAPPY Birthday Vanessa Williams (1963) Grammy Award-winning singer and actress. Became the First Black Miss America in 1984.
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biography.com Vanessa Williams is an actress and singer known for her Miss America scandal and her roles on television shows such as Ugly Betty.

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The Ark of Return | In order to more permanently honor the Victims of the Tragic Transatlantic Slave Trade, a memorial h...
ABUN IWD2017 - Ilonka Elmont



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Sibi Busi Media Sibi Busi Media

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Sommelsdijkstraat Wakapasi

Su-Vandaag Su-Vandaag
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Dagblad Suriname Dagblad Suriname
Zwartenhovenbrugstraat 154

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