Wildlife & People Suriname

Wildlife & People Suriname

WPS aims to protect wildlife to reach beneficial coexistence with local communities

Onderzoek: In 2 maanden tijd zeker 400 dieren doodgereden op Surinaamse wegen 07/10/2024


Onderzoek: In 2 maanden tijd zeker 400 dieren doodgereden op Surinaamse wegen De Surinaamse non-gouvernementele organisatie Wildlife & People heeft in het kader van haar Reconecta Project, in samenwerking met de afdeling Natuurbeheer van de dienst ‘s Lands Bosbeheer en medewerk(st)ers van Snake Patrol Suriname / Unlock Nature en met steun uit fondsen van de Future For Nat


******Geen aap als huisdier!!*****

Op Werelddierendag wil Wildlife & People Suriname stilstaan bij de vele apen die in Suriname als huisdier worden gehouden en vaak veel leed meemaken.

Wat een ontzettend schattige baby slingeraap op de foto denken veel mensen bij het zien van deze foto. Men denkt, ik wil er een als huisdier. Ik zal er voor zorgen alsof het mijn kind is. Veel mensen bedoelen het goed....

Maar wat mensen zich niet realiseren is dat haar moeder werd neergeschoten voor eten en dat ze erbij was toen haar moeder stierf. Getraumatiseerd voor het leven. Een baby zoals zij wordt verkocht aan mensen die het goed bedoelen en zo'n aap willen.

Dit is helaas de realiteit:
# door wild te kopen, zelfs met de beste bedoelingen, stimuleer je de handel in wilde dieren. Omdat je deze koopt, gaat de verkoper op zoek naar een andere om te verkopen. En zo gaat de handel gewoon door
# kleine aapjes groeien uit tot grote apen. Ze worden agressief en hebben verzorging nodig en kosten geld.
# apen kunnen in gevangenschap tot 30 jaar oud worden
# apen zijn sociale dieren en het is wreed om ze alleen te houden
# de meeste volwassen apen eindigen als huisdier voor de rest van hun leven alleen aan een ketting of in een kooi
# apen kunnen mensen ziektes bezorgen
# er is geen apenopvang in Suriname waar je je aap kunt brengen als je hem niet meer wilt
# terugbrengen in het wild is vaak niet mogelijk of erg moeilijk en duur

Koop alsjeblieft geen baby-aapjes. Iedereen heeft er op een gegeven moment spijt van na het kopen van een babyaapje.
Wees de wijzere persoon en laat je niet verleiden door hun schattigheid. 🙏🙏


Komen jullie ook? Er zij allemaal leuke workshops en Els zal een workshop doen over de slingeraap / kwata aap en vertellen over het Ateles P.roject bij de Voltzberg.

🐾i.h.k.v. Wereld Dierendag hebben wij een interactieve workshop voor jong en oud🐾
Laat je informeren, inspireren en ontdekken hoe we samen een verschil kunnen maken voor onze dieren. Mis het niet!
Als afsluiting krijg je een wildlife-certificaat en een kleurplaat mee naar huis en mag je nog een speurtocht doen in het WEC. 🖍
Bekijk hieronder het programma 👇
❗️Let wel: beperkt aantal plekken dusss registreer optijd❗️

Registratie link: https://forms.gle/MWNKCr6xdcs1o3f96


We are very happy to announce the Reconnecta Suriname project with the support of Future for Nature!

In this first phase of the project, we will systematically record, for the first time, the direct deaths of terrestrial vertebrates due to vehicle collisions on the three highways in Suriname.

We have an incredible team and, together, we want to reduce this impact that takes so many animal lives!

The data will be part of the mitigation plan for these highways and we hope to have a second phase of the Project to install mitigation measures!

Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 28/09/2024

WPS recently recruited a community monitoring team from the Kwinti villages Witagron and Kaaimanston who will support in monitoring illegal activities in the Central Suriname Nature Reserve and support in wildlife monitoring. In the past weeks the training of this team took place in Kaaimanston and in Paramaribo.

On the group photo below from left to right: Mireille, Basja Jennifer, Romano, Angelique (WPS staff) and Jennifer. Clyde is also part of the team (wearing a cap on the first picture).

We also recently recruited 1 local coordinator in both villages: Lucretia (Kaaimanston) and Claudina ((Witagron), who will support us in local coordination of activities.

This project is funded by SCF (Suriname Conservation Foundation) and Re:wild.


We are in our second month of data collection for the Reconecta Project Suriname, where our team is collecting data on road killed wildlife on the three main paved roads. Yesterday and today Chafihd and Ashwin were joined by 2 "new" rangers of LBB / NATUURBEHEER Fabricio Alequin and Guillermo Alupa on the Nickerie road survey.

On the video you see the team doing the 8 km monitoring by foot that is part of every survey day to include small animals that you miss when driving.

In only 2 months of data collection (meaning 2 surveys completed per road) we already have observed over 400 road killed animals. This is very high, we expect to see even more victims in the rainy season.


Drone, birds, sloths and monkeys

In the Ateles P.roject we are using modern technology: arboreal (in the trees) cameratraps, acoustic recording devices and a thermal drone. One of the main advantages of using these technologies is the reduced time (and costs) for the research team required to be in the field, as the cameratraps and audio recorders continue to collect data even when we are not there. Of course, nothing beats actually physically being in the field and observing the primates, which is also the most fun!

Every day when we were in the field, I (Els) would walk to the plateau with the drone very early morning, when the sun had not heated up the canopy and forest, to make best use of the thermal drone camera. This special camera / feature on this drone (DJI Mavic 3T) measures the temperature of everything that is in the camera frame and this way you can find warm / hot objects – in our case monkeys and other wildlife…..this took some practise I must admit!

The first few flights in the field site I was nervous about the flying altitude, as some of the trees there are pretty high – and I was worried that I would fly the drone into a tree – although this fear is unnecessary as this cool drone has many obstacle avoidance sensors.

Also, some branches and large dead trees in the canopy are so exposed to the sun during the day that they keep their heat overnight and believe me, the first few flights I got excited about quite a few leaves and branches, thinking that I had found an animal in the canopy haha!

But after a few training flights I saw this distinctive, very bright yellow spot in the canopy and when I zoomed in I found a bird!!! A Green backed trogon – I was so excited!!
Mainly because I was starting to doubt if this thermal drone method was actually going to be as useful to spot and film spider monkeys as I had expected and was told by other researchers.

This drone has a really good zoom function, so there’s no need to fly the drone really close to the animals, which would disturb them and scare them off. But despite this, most mammals will still be alarmed by - and move away from the drone as it is an unknown object that makes quite some noise and they see it as a potential predator such as birds of prey.

After this bird, I spotted a sloth, and more birds and finally I was able to film our first spider monkey and what a shot!! BINGO! (video - watch until the end).

She was very busy feeding together with a juvenile male. After this, I had more frequent success in finding spider monkeys and other primates – these video’s will be shared soon. I need more flying time to really get the hang of this but it was a good start!


And then there were 6! Our team is growing 🌼🌟 (Natascha missing on this picture)

Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 11/09/2024

So.....on day one at the Voltzberg we saw a group of 6 spider monkeys move into a sleeping tree for the night. It was really close to the plateau, so we were excited to have found our first tree to place cameratraps.......until the next day we went to the foot of the tree and it turned out to be a bit higher than we anticipated 😟🤣! WOOPS!
Guiana black spider monkeys choose the highest trees that tower above the canopy with little foliage to sleep in, as they don't have predators from the sky (Ref: van Roosmalen) and this way they feel the vibrations of a predator climbing the tree and gives them enough excape time and routes. Clever monkeys!
Check out the video of Irvin Ristie explaining the situation.


Meet the field team of the Ateles P.roject!

From left to right:

Chafihd: Assistant tree climber and general field assistant (in daily life tourguide and co-owner Suriname Reizen & Geven)

Lorenzo (Boke): General field assistant and aspirant tree climbing assistant (in daily life local assistant for tours to the Central Suriname Nature Reserve)

Irvin: Lead tree climber and general field assistant (in daily life Co-director of AWMY foundation and tour guide)

(Basja) Max: Field station manager (for WPS) and general field assistant (in daily life Assistant of the Chief of Kaaimanston)

Els: Lead researcher, Ateles P.roject manager (in daily life Conservation and Wildlife Crime director WPS)

Photos from Future For Nature's post 08/09/2024
Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 07/09/2024


Met groot genoegen nodigt Stg. Wildlife & People Suriname (WPS) - in samenwerking met One Earth Conservation (OEC) - u uit voor haar aankomende workshop getiteld:

"Community Wildlife Conservation in Suriname: Protecting Parrots, Macaws, and Giant River Otters".

Het Reuzenotter project is refinancierd door de Mohamed Bin Zayed Foundation en het Papegaaien en Ara project door de US Embassy in Paramaribo.

Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 06/09/2024

The Ateles P.roject team is back from the first field trip to the Voltzberg and it was a success and an amazing, exciting and also challenging ten days.

We will share more updates with videos and pictures soon, but for now an impression of the field station that is located at the foot of the Voltzberg, near "the plateau", which is a beautiful rock savannah ecosystem with unique flora and fauna. From this plateau we would scan for spider monkey (sub) groups moving to and from their sleeping trees in the late afternoon (very hot!) and early morning, and it is the perfect location to operate drone flights from as it is located in the center of the home range of the spider monkey population that we are studying.

Wildlife & People Suriname has been working on the renovation of this field station with funding from Re:wild, in partnership with the Kwinti community of Witagron and Kaaimanston (Stichting Wederopbouw Kaaimanston en Omgeving -WOKO), planning on expanding activities, aiming to offer a unique, undisturbed research location for national and international researchers in the near future.


Another exciting WPS project that is starting this week is the Ateles P.roject! This research project will focus on the Guiana black spider monkey, scientifically called Ateles paniscus.

The primary goal is to assess the impact of hunting on this species, as they are widely hunted in the interior by the indigenous communities for food.

The first part of the research will focus on the unhunted and undisturbed spider monkey population around the Voltzberg, where Russ Mittermeier and Marc van Roosmalen studied the same population in the 1970's!

We will work with (thermal) drone, passive acoustic monitoring and arboreal camera traps (in the canopy). This project is funded by Primate Action Fund.

This Friday the team (Irvin, Chafihd, Basja Max, Boke and Els) are off to this stunning location for 10 days! More updates when we get back.


Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 17/08/2024

With only 3 paved main roads in Suriname to the East, South and West, one would not immediately think that these roads and road kill of wildlife have a big impact on our wildlife populations. But you will be surprised (and shocked) by the sad reality. On one of the pictures you see one of two recently spotted dead rare bushdogs killed on our roads (Photo credit: Matthew Wallace/ (). But evenmore, the number of snakes, frogs, bats, monkeys, anteaters and so many more species that get killed by cars is staggering.

Tonight the kickoff of the project "Reconecta Suriname Phase 1" took place in Paramaribo.

This is the first expansion abroad of the Reconecta Project (https://projetoreconecta.com/) founded and led by Fernanda Abra in Brazil over the past years, for which she won the Future For Natureaward and recently also the Whitley Award.

Reconecta's mission is to create a new concept of sustainability for road infrastructure, promote science and research in Brazil, and support the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.

Reconecta Phase 1 in Suriname's goal is to make the first wildlife road mortality assessment of the main three paved roads in Suriname (Nickerie, Atjoni and Albina), to assess the number of wildlife casualties (species), to identify roadkill hotspots and recommend mitigation measures aiming to decrease loss of individuals by roadkill and increase connectivity of natural habitats bisected by roads.

This project is funded by Future For Natureand is in partnership with the LBB / NATUURBEHEER Nature Conservation Division and the National Zoological Collection of Suriname - NZCS .

Fernanda and I want to express special gratitude to the Future For Nature Foundation for their endless support and opportunities for FFN award winners to learn and collaborate to increase our impact together for the conservation of wildlife globally.

The training of our super enthusiastic and experienced field team will start tomorrow. We will keep you updated!

Here's a great video narrated by Sir David Attenborough about Fernanda's project in Brazil:


Job opportunity
Wildlife & People Suriname is looking for an Ecotourism Expert. The Ecotourism Expert will be responsible for the development and implementation of ecotourism initiatives in Kaaimanston and Witagron, ensuring that all activities align with WPS' strategic objectives and are leading to impactful conservation outcomes.
Interested? Please find the Terms of Reference in the link below.

The amazing wildlife of Suriname, just outside of the capital of Paramaribo 13/08/2024

Check out this amazing video of a cameratrapping project in Laarwijk by Panthera that WPS team members were part of.

Suriname is so unique to have such a large variety of incredile wildlife species so close to our capital city!

Credit: Bart Harmsen (Panthera)

The amazing wildlife of Suriname, just outside of the capital of Paramaribo Videos and images of a camera trap survey that we carried out just outside of the capital of Paramaribo in Suriname, near the community of Laarwijk. We captu...


Planning session with the WPS team at Queen Maxima by Prins Hendrik Suites


Job opportunity
Wildlife & People Suriname is looking for a Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating various projects within WPS ensuring that all activities align with the strategic objectives and deliver impactful conservation outcomes.
Interested? Please find the Term of Reference in the link below.

Photos from Wildlife & People Suriname 's post 18/07/2024

One of the focal area's of WPS is the Central Suriname Nature Reserve. Here we focus on improved protection of this beautiful protected area (with Unesco World Heritage status), by providing the tools, strengthening them through trainings and active involvement in joint monitoring and patrolling activities.

One of the recent activities involved installing satellite internet and a solar panel system in Kaaimanston, one of the two Kwinti villages, that had no/ weak reception until now. This project is funded by Re:wild.

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Video's (alles zien)

We are very happy to announce the Reconnecta Suriname project with the support of Future for Nature!In this first phase ...
We are in our second month of data collection for the Reconecta Project Suriname, where our team is collecting data on r...
And then there were 6! Our team is growing 🌼🌟 (Natascha missing on this picture)
Happy World Otter Day!One of WPS's priority species is the Giant river otter. This species lives in family groups and ar...





Maandag 09:00 - 16:15
Dinsdag 09:00 - 16:15
Woensdag 09:00 - 16:15
Vrijdag 09:00 - 16:15

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