The International Institute of Education for Development

The International Institute of Education for Development fosters inclusive, quality educational prog


Visit us our booth and learn more about our Master in Educational Innovation!

The International Institute of Education for Development The International Institute of Education for Development fosters inclusive, quality educational prog


Get future-ready with our Master in Educational Innovation. Message us for more information!


Visit our Open Day!
Want to know more about our Master in Educational Innovation? Register for the Open Day on July 12th:


Discover Your Future: Join Us at the Master's Program Open Day!
Register here


Have you heard of the Lencioni Model? In his book, The 5 dysfunctions of a team, Patrick Lencioni writes about the 5 main issues that teams face. Lencioni models these dysfunctions in the form of a pyramid. During our Leadership Development Course, we look at these dysfunctions and the problems they bring to the workfloor. During the course, teams learn how to collaborate and cooperate to create synergy, with help from the Lencioni Model. You can learn how to use the model and create a stronger team by taking our Leadership Development Course. Send us a message for more information.


One of the focus areas in our Master in Educational Innovation is Innovation & Problem Solving. Nowadays, scientists, engineers, teachers and many other groups use a human-centered approach to make innovations. In our Master program, we use Design Thinking as a framework for solving global challenges, all with the human-centered approach in mind. This way of thinking will help innovate either your way of teaching or help you implement new ideas in your organization or company. The visual represents the five phases in the design thinking process.
Do you want to learn more about design thinking? Send us a message!

Photos from The International Institute of Education for Development's post 10/05/2024

In January we had the pleasure of facilitating our first Leadership Development Course for professionals from several Surinamese Companies. During the course, our trainers and participants worked on communication skills, collaboration, conflict resolution etc. Patricipants designed their Personal Development Plan and a Personal Action Plan and were awarded a certificate at the end of the course. Send us a message if you also want to invest in Leadership Development of your team!


Reskilling and upskilling your team, will lead to innovation and growth of your business. Investing in your team means investing in your business. Send us a message to learn more!


Let's take things to the next level. Investments in human capital are 🔑


Are you looking to take the next steps for your company? Then you need a team that can grow with you. Let us help build your team with our Master Program.

Mobile uploads 23/08/2023
Photos from The International Institute of Education for Development's post 20/07/2023

Want to know more about our Master in Educational Innovation? Join us at our open day for a sneak peek!

Photos from The International Institute of Education for Development's post 20/07/2023

We have a new starting date for our Masters in Educational Innovation. Be part of the change within your organization with this program. The new cohort will start in November 2023. Send us a message for more information and applications!

Photos from The International Institute of Education for Development's post 20/01/2023

We are starting our second cohort soon! Read our brochure for more information. Do you want a preview?
On Monday January 23rd, the Institute IIED will offer you the opportunity to experience a demonstration college.
Those interested in the second cohort of the ‘Master in Educational Innovation’ Program are welcome to experience the interactive learning environment we created.

Date Monday January 23rd 2023

Time 5 pm - 8 pm

Location Lalla Rookh Ballroom

Register here!


The Institute is starting its second cohort of the Master Program in Educational Innovation in January 2023. Are you interested in broadening your knowledge? Send us a message!

Photos from The International Institute of Education for Development's post 13/11/2021

“The Institute” gestart met Masters degree ICT for Innovation in Education

The International Institute of Education for Development heeft op 8 November 2021 de openingsdag gehad met de studenten van de Bacheloropleiding ICT in Education en de Masters degree ICT for Innovation in Education. Deze opleidingen worden verzorgd door The International Institute for Education and Development (The Institute).

In 2014 is The Institute begonnen met de Bacheloropleiding ICT in Education, in samenwerking met het ministerie van Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur en het Instituut voor de opleiding van Leraren. Intussen zijn er al meer dan 150 afgestudeerden van de opleiding. Dit jaar zal ook het Mastertraject hiervan worden aangeboden. De opleiding is volledig in het Engels.

De Bacheloropleiding ICT in Education, is echt bedoeld als leraren opleiding voor mensen die meestal al docent zijn of dat graag willen worden of die dat in hun vak kunnen gebruiken. In de studie is ook opgenomen het Skills Building program. Daarin word ingegaan op het aanleren van andersoortige manieren van les geven, deels gericht op afstandsonderwijs alsook op een meer actievere manier van lesgeven. “Lesgeven met direct meetbare effecten. Zodat, datgene wat is aangeleerd direct toegepast kan worden in de praktijk”, licht Judith de Graaff, directeur van The Institute toe. Ze merkt nu al op dat in de acht jaar dat The Institutebestaat, dat ervraag is naar haar afgestudeerde studenten.
Zij is zeer verheugd dat de nieuwe aanwas van studenten op beide opleidingen elkaar weer eens een beetje kunnen zien. Dit was vanwege de covid uitbraak een hele tijd niet mogelijk.

The Institute is een internationale organisatie die werkt met professoren uit het buitenland en lokale mensen. “We zijn namelijk geen voorstaander van volledig online lessen verzorgen. Afstandsonderwijs is niet hetzelfde als onlineonderwijs.” Anders kunnen bepaalde programmaonderdelen zoals het Skills learning traject niet plaatsvinden. “Dan gaat het echt om het aanleren van samenwerkingsmethoden, debatten voeren, dialogen aangaan, elkaar aanvoelen en de groepsdynamiek die zie je niet online”. Voor de Masters hebben zich 35 man zich ingeschreven. Evenveel man zit op de Bachelors opleiding.

De opleiding zal Surinamers de mogelijkheid bieden om op internationaal niveau vaardigheden aan te leren in een relatief nieuw werkveld. De Masters opleiding die gaat een stap verder. Zij kunnen zo te werk bij het Ministerie van Onderwijs Wetenschap en Cultuur (MinOWC) of andere educatieve instellingen die een grote behoefte hebben aan vernieuwing. De bachelor opleiding loopt al acht jaar en de bedoeling is om meer Digitaal onderwijs te geven aan studenten. Volgens de Graaff, gaat de digitalisering in het onderwijs maar zeker ook in het professionele bedrijfsleven zeer snel.

De digitalisering creëert een enorme disruptie op de arbeidsmarkt. We kunnen onze kinderen niet meer simpelweg opleiden voor de banen van de toekomst. Zij zullen hun eigen baan moeten creëren en om dat te kunnen is een skills building program naast de inhoud een absolute must. Van de Masters opleiding leveren Educatie specialisten af die gaan helpen de opleidingen te vernieuwen, te digitaliseren, maar ook hier de andere manier van lesgeven te onderwijzen.

IIED 27/09/2021

Looking for a new exciting way to further your career? The Bachelor's in Applied Computing will help you transform your organization. Want to know more? Send us a message or fill in the contactform for more info.

IIED Newly launched, the International Institute for Education for Development (IIED) attracts experienced professionals from the world’s finest universities and organizations. IIED team leaders engage their extensive networks and affiliations in order to build local leadership and accelerate education...


ICYMI: Our first group of graduates received their diploma in 2017. They were the pioneer group and completed the ICT in Education program. Until now, more than 150 students have graduated from our program.


Are you looking for a Bachelor program that will teach you to design digital strategy for companies and organisations? Our new program is scheduled to start in November 2021.


All of our study methods are based upon the 21st century skills. Want to know more about these skills? Visit our open house on Saturday August 28th!


You could be the next results-driven executive! Apply to the new bachelor’s program.

IIED 25/08/2021

IIED Administration and admissions: Mrs. Yu-Ann OkumaAdress: Zinniastraat 23, Paramaribo Email: [email protected] Phone/WhatsApp: +597 8531555


Looking for a new challenge? Want to learn from international professors and exchanges? Visit our open house and get all the info you need!


Looking for a Bachelor program and want to know more about our program in Applied Computing? Interested in the Master’s Program ICT for innovations in education? Visit our open house on Saturday August 29th.


Watch our live presentation here!

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Visit our Open Day on July 12th  Want to know more about our Master in Educational Innovation? Our new cohort will start...





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