
Books lover
Big brother
Country music
Hard Life Avenue Universe


There’s a great difference between who’s around you and who’s down for you.
Some may help you only when they have enough and while others can help you out even if they don’t have anything at hand by going an extra mile to rescue you in times of trouble and need.

Know who’s down for you and who’s just hanging around you but regardless, they’re all there in your life for a purpose, though.

Peace & regards.
_ Oneckson


Criticism in whatever form can be our distraction but if we can control how we react to it and use it to our advantage, it can be our greatest weapon.
Do not mind people’s criticism about you in your back.
So long as it’s been done behind you, that’s where it’s supposed to end up at. Don’t bring it forward.
You’re going to be talked about anyways. Whether you do good or not it’s always been that way and nothing else’s going to change about it.
Don’t take it so personal; Even God get critized by the people he created Himself. Not to mention, the Biblical Noah recieved overdosed criticism at the time he built the ark but he never stopped until he completed his work assigned to him was and the same people who critized him came for help.
You just have to change how you feel and react to it in a way it doesn’t affect any of your moves.

Step up, Chin up, and boss up!

Peace & regards.
_ Oneckson.



Proximity, touch, PDA, unwanted comments on appearance or sexuality.
“I don’t appreciate comments like that.”

Boundaries around inappropriate topics, emotional dumping and dismissing emotions.
“I’m not willing to discuss this”

Boundaries around possessions, when they can be used and how to treat them.
“You can borrow my _____ that’s if you ask me first” (consent)

Boundaries around time, lateness, when to contact favors.
“Please text me if you’re going to be late”

Freedom to have your own beliefs, values and opinions.
“I respect your opinion even if I don’t agree, and I’d like you to respect mine too.”

NB: I visited AMI international hospital’s biometric office in JUBA Na bari one of the days of work and I happened to have got that important information hanged to the their office wall so I thought it wise to share it with y’all.

Peace & Regards.

_ Oneckson.



Having a good heart with no boundaries in place is a set up for heartbreak.
You’ve to be wise enough not to allow people take advantage of you all in the name of ‘good heart’
Guard your heart and peace of mind by setting up boundaries.

Peace & regards.
_ Oneckson.


Your body was not created for the purpose of being looked at but to honor God.
You’re beautiful. Period!
Just because you’re different from others doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful — You’re unique
Uniqueness is a superpower and not a weakness.
Don’t let nobody say you aren’t because that’s a lie — You heard me.
If somebody doesn’t see you as an art, that’s their problem and perhaps, maybe they are blind and allergic to seeing beautiful art.
You’re beautiful, exceptional, powerful, and a fine art of the most magnificent God of the universe.

Peace & regards.

_ Oneckson.


Don’t take religion too serious and don’t live as if God doesn’t exist.

_ Oneckson


She’s my home

It’s home that makes us feel fulfilled
It gives us
A sense of belonging
A touch of warmth and comfort
undefinable things
You’re my home
a resting place for my dying heart
my fatigued soul

In your presence,
I get that feeling of completeness
and more even
I don’t know yet
if there’s a feeling better than this
but again,
I don’t want to know
this feeling is all I ever asked God for

You’ve given me so much
to be grateful for
Gave me purpose,
unwavering support, unconditional love
restored the broken pieces to my puzzle
I can proudly say
you’re enough
and if you’re not enough,
then what else’s enough?

06/01/2024 (Aida’s pages)


I just realized that most people don’t read other people’s faces or body language when they are hurting inside.
it’s very easy to tell if someone isn’t mentally sane or if someone is on cloud nine judging by the way their countenance, vibe or energies may reveal to us.
But it’s hard to find out if they are ready to open up about what they are hurting from or if they aren’t yet ready to open up.

I find it so challenging to most people how they should approach their closest people when they are going through their darkest moments.
It’s a common habit that i’ve seen with Us; a misnomer behavior that should be discarded.
We are fond of pushing people to open up to us about what they are going through even when all they need from us is either just a hug, a rub on their backs or a space so as to process all of their emotions before opening up to whoever they confide with.

You may find someone going through a tough time but doesn’t feel like to share with anyone. Be it at work place, home, class, mention them. Some people need a safe space — I mean, someone they can trust when opening up while others aren’t yet ready to open up as they are still processing the emotions.

You could either be the right person to open up to but you might have popped up at the wrong time when they haven’t yet processed it. Or, you might have popped up at the right time but you aren’t their safe space to confide with — It’s timing and trust!

The biggest mistakes we make is forcing people we care about to open up to us when we found out they aren’t sane and that worsens it more. People who are in such situations need to be understood not to be pushed to talk.

If you care about them, ask these relevant questions;
‘I am seeing you hurting so much dearie, how can I be of help to you, can I give you a hug, a rub on your back, a conversation or should I give you a space?
Be wise enough to read their body language and very careful how to act. If they keep silent, you know what to do, either you walk away silently or you rub their back until they answer your questions judging by their body languages but don’t push them against the wall to talk.

peace & regards.

_ Oneckson.


Some people in life, ended up being bodyguards; others, watchmen; others, cleaners; others, hawkers; others, fishermen; others, maids; the list won’t stop anytime soon.

Most of these aforementioned people didn’t choose those hustles but life’s harshest situation gave them no other option than to blend in.
Meanwhile — out of those, there are few people who had those small hustles as their dream.
To some It’s a passion. isn’t it? but to others, it’s the ‘bare minimum’ the bare minimum wage could be a dream wage to someone.

People have got different purposes in life and we’all can’t be great.
We’all can’t be presidents, we’all can’t be queens, we’all can’t be lecturers, we’all can’t be doctors, we’all can’t be preachers, we’all can’t be musicians, we’all can’t be soldiers.
But regardless, we’all deserve to survive in this hostile world — in short, we’all don’t have the same finish line and we’all are created to live different purposes in this universe.

But, if we can respect each other’s hustles, lend a helping hand, support each other; all of us can look and live a great life regardless.

Peace & regards.
_ Oneckson


I’m well persuaded that there are things I can’t be better at.
So, I can’t allow what I can’t do better discourage someone else who is willing to explore what I failed at. Just because I failed at something doesn’t mean someone won’t succeed at it.
I am also aware of the fact that it’s not a weakness not being able to be good at everything because God has blessed all of us people differently.
Let’s learn to give others chances of things we aren’t capable of doing instead of keeping it to ourselves.

_ Oneckson


The negative minded people compete with others while the POSITIVE minded people collaborate among themselves.

_ Oneckson

Photos from Oneckson's post 02/01/2024

It’s time we began to cut off some negative influence so we can grow faster than ever.….. not being able to do so will only have us think we can fix stuff tomorrow as if we’ve all the time we need.

…..there is no tomorrow if we don’t start it now, we only lie to ourselves with the, ‘it’s my year’ slogan — It’s only a slogan and it doesn’t add no value to our future if we don’t work hard to beat our life’s odds or obstacles. Trust me, if we don’t start building ourselves silently than making ‘useless alerts’ on social media about our new year moves that ain’t gonna work, the following year will catch us unaware and we would’ve done nothing than reaping regrets.

stop saying ‘It’s my year’ — Go work hard in silence; let your blessings manifest and blow up the trumpets. You become what you do not what you say.

_ Oneckson


I always give my best to get what I want when I want it.
But if my best doesn’t get me what I want, then, I am persuaded that, perhaps, what i’m pursuing isn’t mine — I can’t be chasing the wind forever.
I don’t give more than I have, I don’t ask more than I can handle and so, I don’t chase what I can’t catch.

Peace & best regards.

_ Oneckson


If it doesn’t make you grow, you just let it go — rest assuredly.
But as you let go of things out of your life, be careful and brave enough to discern between what’s supposed to be given up on and what’s not supposed to or who’s worth the hurt and pain and who’s not.
So that you don’t let go of things that are meant to build you and keep those that will end up breaking you eventually.
You don’t need to cut off a diamond to keep a silver — and don’t let go of a dog to keep a snake as a pet at home.

Stay in tune with your intuition and ask your God to give you wisdom to enable you do it rightly but don’t ever doubt your intuition by ignoring the red flags retrieved to you once.

Peace & best regards!

_ Oneckson.


You don’t have to keep overworking yourself when you’ve the ‘chance’ to rest.
It’s very, very vital to take a break so as to enable your mind to rest and help you gain enough energy to strike back even harder.

You don’t have to keep fighting even in times when you’re hurting most or lack peace of mind — take some rest, heal, readjust, and do some set backs because every setback is a set-up for a greater comeback. You can’t save the world in one day.

I don’t know about you but as for me, at my lowest, I take a break from activities I engage in, including staying logged-out of facebook for some few days so as to gain my sanity back until then, I will be able to refocus and resume my engagements — self care.
People only care about those ones that take care of themselves.
I don’t know if you’ve the same feeling or if it’s mine alone; facebook can really be so toxic to me when i’m at my lowest. Yeah? that’s to be honest.

All of Us are really going through a lot in our different ways and what i’ve realized with our generation is that, we’re trying to be tough to fight our battles alone in fear of being judged or considered weak. Which of course, it’s not too bad for the record, we’re losing ourselves in the name of looking strong — we’re dying younger.

I just want to remind you that it’s okay to take a break when you’re in your lowest and that it’s your sole responsibility to take care of your mental health by always keep your sanity on check.

Peace & best regards!

_ Oneckson


Your reputation is your greatest asset. Don’t ruin it.



Beware of pride — it’s a distractful habit.

Being learned doesn’t mean you’re wiser or somewhat smarter than anyone. But it means, you’ve a knowledge worth sharing that someone might not have — that puts you in a position of a teacher.
So, how you decide to share and what you do with it ( the knowledge) shows what manner of a teacher you’re.

Some people end up showing superiority on the people they share their knowledge with so that they are feared and respected. such people (boastful class) are the hardest to learn from.
They care about credit — clout chasers.

In contrast, the other class of people ( lowly class) give their best to learners without expecting credit.
Such a class cares so much about the development of others more than credits.



True story

If we don’t take our responsibilities of building our own children’s character and shaping them to be disciplined, trust me, in the next decade, we won’t be having a set of children we can be proud of.

Someone once quoted, ‘If you don’t spare time to teach your children the way of God, the devil has got enough time to teach them his way to rebel against you and your God.’

Speaking of, it’s very hard and almost impossible to find disciplined and well mannered children in Juba.
Almost — 90 percent of the children here can’t even differentiate between who’s an adult and who are their equals and, of course, they don’t care how they treat whoever comes their way.

A while ago, I was running my usual assignments given to me by my superiors at my work place — it was some consignment to be picked up from the airport at around 3:pm CAT.
The workplace where I operate from is located at Juba Na Bari off bilpam road.

So, I got one of the silver-colored Rav-4 key cars and drove off to the airport for the consignment.
I thought it wise to use the newly tarmacked road to the airport which passes through the Catholic University of South Sudan, so as to avoid traffic Jam and, perhaps, get back in time.

Soon as I arrived Juba Na Bari bridge, there was a bit of Jam so I slowed down my speed to go through it safely.
A minute and a half later, I heard a hit on the car from the left side-glass and it felt as though the glass was going to come crashing down.

I anxiously looked to where the object came from and behold, it was a little boy around 8Years Old — he’s of a medium-build, a bit of weight, brown-eyes, brave-like and had a fine look.
I quickly checked on the side-glass and nothing was broken, oh, God! what a phew! I got relieved…..

We made an eye contact and his looks told me what I already knew ‘it was him’ I pulled up the car opposite one of the old mama’s restaurant in that streets on the right-hand side — it’s always crowded by lots of people coming to eat there.

In my mind, I already concluded he’s one of those disgraceful Juba children who can’t admit their faults but I took my chances to see what’s going to happen, perhaps, waiting for my disappointment right?

But I was surprised to seeing him coming towards me with an exceptional expression of which I was awed.

Not long enough, he reached where I pulled over.
‘what happened?’ I asked him.
Stuttering... he said;
“i was hurriedly going to the other side of the street before my feet mistakenly kicked a small stone-particle on your car.”
“I am even so sorry” — he added.

‘what a boy!’ I said in my mind — i’ve never seen such a decent kind of a good boy in Years
I am sure he’s not from here ( don’t misunderstood me, such kids are FEW that are brought up from here by good parents) He must have been brought up from Uganda or Yei, South Sudan, I said to myself of course, that’s based on experience and my opinion.

He left me stunned and speechless for some seconds.
I took a deep breath and phewed, ‘mm-hmmm, it’s okay, boy; you may go your way — okay?’
He nodded and left his way.
I started the car and proceeded to the airport for the consignment.

A week or two later, I was excited to recognize the boy at midan Rambo. I was waiting to be picked up for some soccer game by one of my friends.
I was so pleased to see him as i’d get the chance to ask him where he’s schooling at and where he got his manners and fine character from.
I tell you what? as young as he is, he told me he is in class 8 and that he was schooling in Uganda. ‘That’s what I thought’ — I said in my mind.

Truth be told, the behavior of children here is so disgraceful but it’s pathetic that it doesn’t even ring a bell to the parents to help nature them.
We care so much about cash and how to put food on their tables which is not bad but we don’t realize that it’s almost like feeding a reptile that ends up bitting us once they are grown.
I’ve seen lots of children who ends up rebelling against their parents not because they weren’t fed well but because they weren’t shown the right path to life and direction.

_ Oneckson


Your day is one of the days in my calendar that shines the brightest.
You’re such a human that has unique personalities and aura. I am so proud to have met a special gem and the luckiest to have crossed paths with the most humblest GOAT.

I get reminded to thank you for the selfless efforts, countless memories, unforgettable moments on the pitch, and all of the contagious smiles and more stuffs I couldn’t put them in writings. You’ll forever be one of my most cherished and adored human.

May the rest of your days be the best of your days — happy birthday my king, RK.👑 🐐🤍


Happy birthday, Jaiksana!

It’s hard to find the right words to describe who you’ve been to me since I started to grasp the world around me. You’ve so much impacted my life in a way that I felt complete, looked out for me, taught me a lot of stuff, loved me completely and tickled out the hell out of me and you made sure I reasoned like an adult even as a teenager.
How about the streets of sobe? ain’t we the ones running it with those of Anthony? La boys😂
Nobody will understand the bond we had but of course we all have our different paths to run, castles to build and empires to rule — in the end all that matters is that the love that was there in the beginning doesn’t stop.
You’re my biggest inspiration and I looked up to you since day one — happy birthday, Jaiking!👑❤️💪🏽


Books from our own talents could give us a sense of pride if we give them our best shots. Here’s a touch of one of those books I am talking about. It’s written by Bóth Mawich II. Get yourself a copy or two now before it’s out of stock — kudos, bro.


One of the best feeling in the world is seeing a brother who has been peddling through the edges of hell-life attain one of his wildest dreams — oh, a huge milestone is achieved.

It’s been a tough ride but he’s able to set a high bar for us the ‘clique’. Ran as far as he could to place the banner to a high standard for us to level up despite all of the pressures and dramas of life he’s been through. mhen, what a soldier.
You’re the clique’s first graduate and we are super proud to having you lead the way for all of Us — kudos!

Hometown(Yei) is proud, momma is, we are, the nation is and late Uncle would be so proud to see you wear that hat in his presence if he was still alive but know he’s still proud of you even in his resting place. You’re called to serve and destined for greatness.

A win to one of us is a win to all of us. congratulations, Dave Ami — big love🤍🔗


children can’t learn what they don’t see. You lie your entire life and you watch them lie to you their entire life too.


It beats my understanding sometimes why I get to cross paths with genius, considerate, generous and comic people most of the times in life but then, I get to conclude that’s God’s best way of blessing me — so I keep counting those blessings one by one cheerfully.

Peterr is one of the dudes I love so much. He has a high sense of humor, intelligence, discipline and most of all a heart that reads and that’s so cool of him.

I wish you life’s unending bliss that comes with good health, success and fortune and may the days ahead of you shine brighter than the ones in the past — happy birthday, bro, shine on!


So long as prayer is free of charge, don’t envy other people’s opened doors.

_ oneckson



You don’t need to struggle to be greater than others but instead, struggle so hard to become greater than the person you were yesterday.
Your biggest rival shouldn’t be a friend or a brother — your greatest rival has to be who YOU were YESTERDAY.
Begin to look at others as ladders not as obstacles or competitors because all of Us have got different paths to success.

_ oneckson



Do not try to understand everything. certain things aren’t meant to be understood, but to be accepted

_ Oneckson

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