Xodus Education



Maximizing Muscle Growth: Training to Failure or Not?

Science Review: Refalo et al. (2023) "Influence of Resistance Training Proximity-to-Failure on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis"

Is training to failure really necessary for muscle growth? This comprehensive review examined the current literature and found that there were no significant differences in muscle growth between training to failure and stopping shy of failure. Training close to failure is important, but pushing to absolute failure on every set may lead to excessive fatigue and hinder overall volume.

The review analyzed 15 studies with over 500 participants and revealed that training to failure was not superior to non-failure training for muscle growth. Different definitions of failure did not significantly impact hypertrophy, and load or volume load did not alter the effects. However, training close to failure is still crucial for optimal muscle growth.

Occasional sets to failure can be part of a well rounded program, leaving a few reps in the tank allows for a more sustainable training and potential gains!



Xodus is honoured to share feedback from our recent collaboration with the teachers and educators of the Physical Education department at the International School of Bangkok (ISB).

Our Olympic weightlifting course, led by our master educators .ironhivebkk and received kind praise for their expertise and valuable instruction. We appreciate their positive feedback and eagerly anticipate future opportunities to work with ISB.


Myth: You Must Shorten Muscles to Strengthen Them 🤔

Fact: Crunches are not as effective as you think they are!

While concentric contractions, involving muscle shortening, are commonly used to build strength, there are other ways to achieve this. Isometric contractions, where you tense the muscle without changing its length, can also help. Think holding steady during an ab crunch or maintaining a posture like Boat Pose.

Moreover, eccentric contractions, where you engage a muscle as it lengthens under load, can aid in muscle development. For example, slowly lowering your head and shoulders back to the floor after a crunch.

But that's not all! Anti-rotation and anti-flexion core exercises can also improve stability, posture, and prevent low back pain. Pallof presses, single-arm planks, planks, bird dogs, and deadbugs are all great examples.

The key to supporting your daily movements is to adopt a diversified approach to core strength training. By incorporating a variety of exercises that target different types of muscle contractions and movement patterns, you can develop a well-rounded and functional core.


What do you usually think of when we talk about core muscles?

The most common response will be “Abs”.

While the abdominal muscles are a well-known component of the core, they are just a small part of the story. In fact, the core consists of 29 different muscles, encompassing those located in the middle and lower back, pelvic floor, buttocks, and hips, which act as stabilizers and powerhouses during various movements.

These 29 muscles are classified into two categories: inner and outer core muscles. The inner core muscles attach to the spine and play a crucial role in stabilizing the body during movement. Meanwhile, the outer core muscles provide support and assistance to the innermost core muscles during day-to-day activities.

To learn more about how to train your core effectively and reach your fitness goals, join us for our upcoming Core Optimization course.

This personalized training program will be hosted at Iron Hive Gym on May 27th from 2-4pm and is designed to provide tailored guidance on core training techniques. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your core training to the next level.

Sign up now through the link in our bio!

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 29/04/2023

Optimize your Core's for Better Functionality and Performance!

When it comes to fitness, your core is the foundation of all movement. It's not just about achieving a six-pack, but rather developing a strong and stable core that supports your daily activities and enhances your overall performance.

Join our core intensive workshop to learn how to personalize your training based on your unique biomechanics and goals. Our experienced instructors will provide you with a deep understanding of core anatomy, function, and training principles, and guide you through a comprehensive program designed to optimize your core performance and functionality.

Gain insights into how your body moves and learn how to train your core to improve your stability, balance, and power. Whether you're an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to improve your overall health, this workshop is for you.

Our evidence-based approach and personalized coaching will equip you with the knowledge and skills to take your core training to the next level.

Don't miss this opportunity to master your core and enhance your overall performance and functionality!

❗️ Sign up through the link in our Bio❗️

Date: MAY 27th 2023
Price: 3,000 baht
Location: Iron Hive Gym
Time: 2PM to 6PM
Educators: Toby Altree & Edana Keijdener

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 29/04/2023

Optimize your Core's for Better Functionality and Performance!

When it comes to fitness, your core is the foundation of all movement. It's not just about achieving a six-pack, but rather developing a strong and stable core that supports your daily activities and enhances your overall performance.

Join our core intensive workshop to learn how to personalize your training based on your unique biomechanics and goals. Our experienced instructors will provide you with a deep understanding of core anatomy, function, and training principles, and guide you through a comprehensive program designed to optimize your core performance and functionality.

Gain insights into how your body moves and learn how to train your core to improve your stability, balance, and power. Whether you're an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to improve your overall health, this workshop is for you.

Our evidence-based approach and personalized coaching will equip you with the knowledge and skills to take your core training to the next level.

Don't miss this opportunity to master your core and enhance your overall performance and functionality!

❗️ Sign up through the link in our Bio❗️

Price: 3,000 baht
Location: Iron Hive Gym
Time: 2PM to 6PM
Educators: Toby Altree & Edana Keijdener


The Benefits of Combining Lifting and Aerobic Training 🏃‍♀️+🏋️‍♀️

Combining lifting and aerobic training, also known as concurrent training, is recommended for people of all ages and fitness levels to maximize health and longevity. What are the effects:

* A 2018 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that concurrent training can lead to improvements in cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and body composition, especially in older adults.

* Contrary to the narrative pushed by some strength enthusiasts, longer forms of endurance training do not necessarily kill gains. Two systematic reviews and meta-analyses found that concurrent training does not seem to affect muscle size as a whole but may negatively impact explosive strength.

* If you enjoy doing aerobic training while trying to gain muscle, it is generally okay to do so as long as you structure your training in a way that it does not affect your resistance training performance. Avoid long duration endurance training performed more than three times per week, as it may have negative effects on hypertrophy. 

* Walking can also be a great way to improve overall fitness and health without interfering with resistance training. Hitting approximately 8-12 thousand steps per day has been shown to meaningfully reduce the risk for all-cause mortality as well as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

So, if you want to maximize your health and fitness potential, consider incorporating both lifting and aerobic training into your exercise routine. And remember, the key is to find a balance that works for you and your goals!


💤 Does sleeping for six hours or less result in a decline in training performance?

Studies have shown that missing an hour of sleep can lead to around a 0.4% decrease in performance. While the performance decrease may not be significant for some, sleep is crucial for recovery, and a lack of sleep can lead to negative outcomes.

Potential factors behind the performance decrease include blood pressure, perceived effort, muscle glycogen, and hormones like cortisol and testosterone.

Previous research shows that sleep extension can lead to up to a 9% increase in exercise performance, so don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep!


💤 Does sleeping for six hours or less result in a decline in training performance?

Studies have shown that missing an hour of sleep can lead to around a 0.4% decrease in performance. While the performance decrease may not be significant for some, sleep is crucial for recovery, and a lack of sleep can lead to negative outcomes.

Potential factors behind the performance decrease include blood pressure, perceived effort, muscle glycogen, and hormones like cortisol and testosterone. Previous research shows that sleep extension can lead to up to a 9% increase in exercise performance, so don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep!


Is lower back pain an indication of a weak core? 🤔

Lower back pain is a common issue that people often blame on a weak core, tight hip flexors, or weak glutes. However, it's important to understand that our bodies are complex systems and pain in one area may have multiple causes.

Factors that can contribute to lower back pain include muscle imbalance, lack of strength, lack of stability, overactive muscles, or not moving enough amongst other things.

To help alleviate lower back pain, it's important to focus on exercises that target areas of weakness. If the pain is severe, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional. If a healthcare professional only considers one potential cause without looking at other possible factors, seeking a second opinion may be helpful.

By taking a comprehensive approach and understanding how different parts of our bodies are connected, we can work towards reducing lower back pain and improving overall physical well-being.


Muscular imbalances are extremely common and very normal, with almost everyone being a little stronger on one side than the other. It is not dangerous unless it causes pain. These imbalances are a consequence of human existence, as we tend to use one side more than the other during daily activities.

However, certain muscle imbalances may become an issue over time if some muscles become overused while others become underused. This can lead to postural dysfunction and pain in various parts of the body. Muscle imbalances can be caused by sitting in a specific position for a long time without movement, overusing a muscle through repetitive movements, or overall muscle weakness and underactivity.

To fix muscular imbalances, there are several suggested means, including doing unilateral exercises, training and matching the same frequency, intensity, and effort on each side, addressing underlying mobility and flexibility issues, and working on the opposing muscles of the overactive muscles.

Remember, it's crucial to seek professional help if you experience pain or discomfort related to muscular imbalances. By taking care of your body, you can improve muscle balance, posture, and overall quality of life.


Paralympic powerlifting is a sport that aims to create a level playing field where athletes of all abilities can showcase their strength and skills.

Paralympic powerlifting promotes inclusivity and diversity in sports by classifying athletes based on their functional abilities, not their disabilities. This allows athletes of different impairments to compete against each other and showcases their unique strengths and abilities.

Para Powerlifting is an adapted version of powerlifting designed for athletes with a range of disabilities. The sport only features one discipline, which is the bench press.

This discipline is specifically designed to test the upper body strength of the athletes, and some of them are capable of lifting more than three times their own body weight.

Weightlifting was first introduced in the Paralympics in 1964, exclusively for male athletes with spinal cord injuries. Over time, the sport evolved to include athletes with other disabilities, and the rules became similar to those used in Powerlifting competitions.

Eventually, it was decided that the Paralympics would only feature Powerlifting as a sport. In 1988, the sport made its debut at the Summer Paralympics for men, and it was later introduced for women at the 2000 Games.



Stability training is crucial for overall fitness and injury prevention. ✅

By training your active and passive stabilizers, you can improve your balance, control, and proprioception (your body's awareness of its position and movement).

Active stabilizers are muscles that help maintain joint position and stability during movement, such as the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder or the transverse abdominis in the core. Passive stabilizers are non-contractile tissues like ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules that provide additional support to the joint.

Training both types of stabilizers can improve your body's ability to handle dynamic movements and stress. This can lead to better performance in sports and everyday activities, as well as a reduced risk of injury.

Incorporating stability training into your workout routine can help you achieve better overall fitness and prevent injuries.

How will you incorporate stability training into your workouts? 🤔


Studies supports stretching as a way to increase range of motion (ROM), but is it the only way? 🧘‍♂️

Resistance training involves various muscle contractions, such as concentric, isometric, and eccentric, with the latter shown to improve ROM. This suggests that strength training is a viable option for improving flexibility.

Neither method is superior to the other; the choice depends on individual preference. ROM can be enhanced by placing joints in different ranges of motion through training, or by stretching through meditative practices or relaxation techniques. Both methods are valid for improving flexibility.

So, which method do you prefer? 🤔


Myth 🙅‍♀️: Spinal flexion during lifts cause injury

Fact ✅: The hip hinge technique aims to limit movement at the lumbar spine and pelvis and allow only the hips to move through flexion and extension. This technique locks the lumbar spine and pelvis together via an isometric hold in a neutral position, thereby shifting the load to the hamstrings, which leads to greater mechanical efficiency, higher weight, and more reps, resulting in greater training stimulus.

However, it's important to note that even when the spine appears neutral, it still goes through some degree of flexion.

For instance, a kettlebell swing results in approximately 26° of lumbar flexion, while a squat results in up to 67% of its available flexion range. Therefore, lumbar flexion is inevitable during heavy lifting, and injuries are more likely due to load tolerance rather than poor form.



🏋️‍♀️ Myth: Lifting weights is dangerous and stunts growth in adolescents. 🙅‍♀️

👉 Reality: Research has shown that lifting weights can be a safe and effective form of exercise for teens. Studies have found no negative effects on growth and development in young people who lift weights, and the injury rate for youth lifting weights is similar to other popular sports.

👊 Not only can lifting weights help build strength (up to 30-50% increase in just 2-4 months), it also enhances motor skills and neuroefficiency, reduces body fat, and improves bone health. However, it's important to remember that proper training ex*****on and programming are crucial to ensure safety and effectiveness. Adolescents should be supervised by a qualified coach or trainer who can provide guidance on proper form and technique.


Opor Kasem, the deadlift and total World Record holder, believes that consistent self-development through gaining knowledge is essential.

He attributes his success to constantly seeking the best means of training through trial and error, finding optimal solutions for himself and his clients to excel in the sport.

Opor is passionate about educating others and creating opportunities for coaches and athletes. This passion has led him to now partner as a XODUS educator and provide you with the Eleiko Level 1 Powerlifting Course.

To register, please click the link in the bio.

The Eleiko Certification is accredited by ISSA (18.00), NASM (1.30), and NSCA (1.60).

📍Iron Hive Gym.
📅: April 15th & 16th.
Price: 20,000 baht.


1. "Breath into your stomach and refrain from expanding the chest": This cue is a helpful reminder for lifters to focus on breathing into their stomach rather than their chest. By taking a deep breath into the core, the lifter can engage the diaphragm and create intra-abdominal pressure, which can help to stabilize the core during the lift.

2."Fill up your core 360 degrees, not just the stomach, think of expanding laterally and on your lower back” When filling up the core, it's important to expand 360 degrees, including laterally and on the lower back, instead of focusing solely on the front.

3. Tense your core while maintaining your expanded stomach. Imagine someone punching you in the stomach” Tensing the core while maintaining an expanded stomach can help create intra-abdominal pressure. This cue can be enhanced by imagining an external threat, such as someone punching you in the stomach.

4. "Think of tensing down and stacking your body chest over hips and hips over ankles": This cue is a helpful reminder for lifters to maintain proper alignment throughout the lift. By thinking of "stacking" their body from top to bottom, the lifter can maintain proper form and reduce the risk of injury.

5. “Try to remain tight and controlled from start to finish of each rep": This cue emphasizes the importance of maintaining core engagement and proper form throughout the entire lift, not just during the setup. By remaining tight and controlled, the lifter can improve their technique and reduce the risk of injury.

Overall, these cues are all helpful for teaching someone to brace their core. It's important to note that different cues may work better for different lifters, so it may be helpful to experiment with different cues to find what works best for each individual.


Before discussing the importance of thoracic spine mobility, it's crucial to understand its anatomy. 👩🏼‍🏫🫁

The thoracic spine connects the cervical spine and lumbar spine, and its 12 vertebrae are attached to the rib cage. Although designed for rotation, flexion, and extension, poor posture, lack of movement and rib connections can limit its mobility, leading to overuse of the lower back and causing lower back pain.

Conversely, the lumbar spine commonly referred to as the lower back is built for stability and supporting the body's weight. Without mobility and optimal use of the thoracic spine you would find that a majority of the movement will fall on the lower back possibly causing irritation and over use of the lower back.

How’s your thoracic mobility?

Improving thoracic spine mobility can reduce discomfort and pain in the lower back and shoulder area, increase ROM, improve posture, and increase lung capacity. However, achieving mid-back mobility requires correcting poor posture habits through incorporating exercises and movement over time.

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 15/03/2023

It has been a long time coming, and we are happy to announce that we will be hosting our first ever Eleiko certification program!

XODUS presents Eleiko Powerlifting Level 1.

This course will show you the ropes for all things powerlifting from technique of main lifts through to how to effectively program for training and or coaching. The key defining element is that our very own international competitor and elite powerlifting coach will be teaching this certification and will be offering you the ins and outs on how to be successful in this field. Come join us!

📍Iron Hive Gym
📅 : April 15 & 16th

If you are interested you can DM us or email us through [email protected]
or register your interest through the link on our bio!


Powerlifters often use a technique called arching during the bench press. While some people may see this technique as dangerous or harmful to the spine, research has shown that arching can actually create a safer lifting environment.

Arching involves stabilising the shoulders and spine by creating a natural arch through the thoracic spine. This helps to distribute the load of the weight more evenly and reduces the risk of injury to the spine and other muscles involved in the lift.

Furthermore, arching also limits the range of motion of the lift, which can be beneficial for powerlifting as it allows the lifter to move heavier weights with greater efficiency. However, it's important to note that arching should only be attempted by experienced powerlifters under the guidance of a qualified coach.

So, have you ever tried arching during the bench press? While it may not be suitable for everyone, it's a technique worth considering for powerlifters looking to improve their performance while maintaining safe lifting practices.


Overtraining is a topic that's often misunderstood in the fitness world. While many people assume that exercising "too much" is the sole cause, the truth is much more complex.

In reality external factors like proper recovery/tapering, nutrition, proper sleep, and programming can all play a role in preventing overtraining. Rather than blaming your lack of progress on overexercising, it's important to look at the bigger picture and identify any areas where you may be falling short.

By taking a holistic approach to your training and addressing these external factors, you can avoid this misconception and achieve better results. So next time you hit a plateau, don't assume that overtraining is the problem. Instead, take a closer look at your training program and see where you can make improvements.

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 09/03/2023

What an incredible weekend we just had! 🏋️‍♀️⚡️🔥

Our participants spent the weekend learning and growing their Olympic weightlifting knowledge during our Olympic weightlifting seminar hosted by XODUS coaches in collaboration with .ig!

It was inspiring to see everyone's progress and dedication throughout the weekend, and we couldn't have done it without our amazing educators .coaching and .

We are looking forward to see what's next for this incredible community! Stay tuned for our next seminars!

For more information check out our website linked in our bio!

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 07/03/2023

Sumo vs Conventional Deadlifts: Understanding the Differences and Benefits.

When it comes to deadlifts, there are two main variations that often spark debate among lifters: Sumo and Conventional. But which one is better?

The answer is it depends on several factors, such as your body type, biomechanics, and fitness goals.

Sumo deadlifts require a wider stance and utilize more adductor and quad engagement.

On the other hand, Conventional deadlifts are performed with a narrower stance and engage more of the posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, and back.

Both variations have their unique benefits and drawbacks, and the key is to understand how they differ and how they align with your goals.

Ultimately, the best deadlift variation for you is the one that feels most comfortable and natural and suits your body type and fitness goals.

So, whether you prefer Sumo or Conventional, take the time to understand the differences, experiment with both, and find the variation that works best for you.

Let us know in the comments which variation you prefer and why.



Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to improve heart health!

Not only does it make you feel great, but it also has a number of scientifically proven benefits for your cardiovascular system. Here are just a few:

Strengthens your heart: When you engage in cardio exercise, you increase your heart rate and breathing rate, which helps to strengthen your heart muscle and improve its ability to pump blood efficiently throughout your body.

Lowers blood pressure: Regular cardio exercise has been shown to lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Reduces the risk of heart disease: Studies have found that people who engage in regular cardio exercise have a lower risk of developing heart disease, including conditions like heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.

Improves cholesterol levels: Cardio exercise has been shown to raise levels of "good" HDL cholesterol and lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, improving overall cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease.

So if you're looking to improve your heart health, adding some cardio exercise to your routine is a great place to start. Whether it's running, cycling, swimming, or dancing, find an activity that you enjoy and aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Your heart will thank you! 🤝🏼❤️🤝🏼


T- 2 days until our first-ever seminar this weekend! 🏋️‍♀️⚡️

We can't wait to see how our participants will grow their understanding of Olympic Weightlifting mechanics and enhance their lifting experience.

If you haven't signed up yet, don't worry, there's still time!

Join us at Iron Hive Gym from 9am-4pm on March 4th and 5th, 2023.

Our course costs 8,900 baht and will be packed with valuable information and hands-on training.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to up-skill your lifting technique and become a better weightlifter.

Contact FIT TH at 026509294 to register now.

We can't wait to see you there!



"Let's talk about the age-old debate in the lifting community: ass to grass vs parallel squat. 🏋️‍♀️💪

Some people swear by the full range of motion of the ass to grass squat, claiming it's the only way to properly engage all the muscles in the legs and glutes. Others argue that the parallel squat is more effective for building strength and power in the lower body.

The truth is that they are all beneficial but it depends on the individuals purpose.

Example A: Sprinter = Short
Example B: Olympic Lifter = Full
Example C: Powerlifter = Just Below Parallel

As with any exercise, proper form and technique are essential for preventing injury and maximizing results.

Ultimately, the choice between ass to grass and parallel squat comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. So whether you prefer to sink deep into your squats or power through with a quarter squat for performance, just remember to listen to your body and stay safe in the gym!


Training barefoot allows for greater stability, balance and coordination. Most shoes have been structured in a way that confines our feet and causes our toes to tighten together and the arches of feet to be supported by extra material. These things in reality alter our functional movement patterns and can make it more difficult to balance and coordinate. Removing these shoes and finding a good centre of gravity creates a more stable environment making strength exercises and overall movement much more efficient. Hence why most of your coaches will suggest you train with flat shoes unless you are utilising lifting shoes for sports specific needs.

In totality training without shoes will improve balance, coordination, and stability. Alongside greater body awareness and of-course stronger feet! 👣💪

Photos from Xodus Education 's post 22/02/2023

Improve your balance and coordination for better overall health, sports performance, and safety. Incorporate unilateral exercises into your routine to challenge your body to maintain stability and control with one leg or arm.

This can reduce the risk of injury and improve performance. By dedicating time and effort towards improving these skills, individuals can enhance motor function, stability, and agility, leading to a more fulfilling life.

ต้องการให้ธุรกิจของคุณ ธุรกิจ ขึ้นเป็นอันดับหนึ่ง โรงเรียน ใน Klong Toey?



Klong Toey

Klong Toey โรงเรียนอื่นๆ (แสดงผลทั้งหมด)
ijso2023 ijso2023
Faculty Of Science, Srinakharinwirot University
Klong Toey, 10110

20th International Junior Science Olympiad

STEM Career Academies STEM Career Academies
928 Sukhumvit Road, Khlong Toei
Klong Toey, 10110

SWU Department of Mathematics SWU Department of Mathematics
114 สุขุมวิท 23 แขวงคลองเตยเหนือ เขตวัฒนา
Klong Toey, 10110

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