Telnet Holding

Telnet Holding

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TELNET est un groupe de sociétés tunisien spécialisé dans le conseil dans l'innovation et les hautes technologies.

Crée en 1994, TELNET est rapidement devenu leader dans son cœur de métier à l’échelle nationale.

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 15/01/2024

الطائرة المسيرة Phénix من ابرز المشاريع التي عملت فرق مهندسينا، ونحن نسعى الى مواصلة هذا المشروع ليدخل مرحلة التصنيع وقد وقعنا اتفاق مبدئي لاحداث المصنع في القطب التكنولوجي بصفاقس.

حجم الطائرة يبلغ 4,7 متر على 4,2 متر، وهي قادرة على اجتياز 800 كلم وتستطيع التحليق لمدة 8 ساعات متواصلة على علو 5000 متر، مشيرًا إلى أن الطائرة ستكون حاملة لنظام طيران آلي ونظام تحكم عن بعد.

ستسخدم هذه الطائرة في مجالات الفلاحة والحماية المدنية ومراقبة الحدود وإيصال المعدات للأماكن التي لا يمكن الوصول إليها بالطرق العادية، وهي تحتوى على تكنولوجيات حديثة وقع تطويرها في تالنات.


Aujourd’hui, on zoome sur notre activité Mécanique qui brillera à travers le portrait de notre Directeur d’activité Mécanique Sami Znagui dans notre chronique « Meet TELNET talents! » 👨💼
👉 Pour en savoir plus sur lui et son rôle, regardez la vidéo suivante ⬇️


📢 🔎 [ ] New year, new opportunities ! Sfax is hiring! Check out our open positions and join :
🚨 QA Engineers
🚨 Android/Kotlin Engineers
🚨 Technical Writer

Apply now:📥
👉 [email protected]

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 08/01/2024

"من بين المشاريع النموذجية التي عملنا عليها في شركة ، مشروع أول رائدة فضاء تونسية_أفريقية. حيث سعينا إلى أن تكون المرأة التونسية رائدة في مجال الفضاء كما كانت رائدة في كافة المجالات. ، ومن المبرمج أن تكون أول سفيرة لتونس في الفضاء الخارجي واحدة من طيارات الجيش الوطني التونسي. لقد قمنا بخطوات هامة شملت الاختيارات النهائية ونأمل أن يتم استكمال هذا المشروع لرفع راية تونس في اقرب الاوقات. 🇹🇳

هذا المشروع يحمل أهمية فعلية في دعم مكانة تونس في مجال العلوم والتكنولوجيا وتأسيس خطواتها الأولى في مجال الفضاء، كما أن له أهمية رمزية كبيرة في الترويج لصورة تونس والتأكيد على ريادة المرأة التونسية."

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 03/01/2024

يصادف هذا اليوم الذكرى الثالثة لانتهاء تصنيع أول قمر صناعي تونسي، "تحدي واحد"، من قبل شركة "تلنات" بالاعتماد على القدرات والكفاءات الشابة التونسية . هذا الإنجاز حظي بإعجاب وإشادة وسائل الإعلام العالمية ورفع راية تونس عاليًا، مما جعلها تنضم رسميًا إلى نادي الـ40 دولة التي نجحت أبناؤها في إطلاق مشاريع فضائية بامكانياتهم الذاتية.

نحن في "تلنات" نموذج حي للقدرات الإبداعية التونسية، ونطمح بكل ثقة للفوز في رهان التكنولوجيا وصناعة المستقبل. نأمل في استكمال مجموعة من المشاريع الرئيسية التي بدأنا العمل عليها منذ سنوات والتي تمثل نموذج تونسي استثنائي، ومن أبرزها:
تصنيع القمر الصناعي "تحدي 2" بخبرات تونسية.
العمل نحو تصنيع كوكبة تتألف من 5 أقمار صناعية.
إطلاق مركز تدريب للمهندسين التونسيين في تكنولوجيا الفضاء بشراكة مع كفاءات دولية.
تحقيق مشروع الطائرة المسيرة التونسية "Phénix".
تطوير نظام مضاد للطائرات المسيرة.
الاستمرار في العمل على مشروع إرسال أول رائدة فضاء تونسية إفريقية إلى محطة الفضاء الدولية.
الشروع في تصنيع أقمار صناعية لصالح دول إفريقية."


Telnet Group wishes you a new year filled with health, happiness and success to you and your loved ones.

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 27/12/2023

The countdown to 2024 has officially started and it’s time to bid farewell to this incredible year but what would a 2023 wrap-up be without celebrating with our talents!
As part of the , our talents received the new year wishes card, and a symbolic gift as a token of our .
Dreaming together, Working together, Growing together…and together, we can go the extra mile and enjoy making marvels. We believe that in unity, strength is found!
It is with heartfelt gratitude that we say thank you to our talents that helped TELNET shine throughout the years. We warmly wish you happiness and joy during this holiday season and hope for a healthy and prosperous new year for all!

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 22/12/2023

Warm welcome to our last round of new team members in 2023!
🚀 We are excited to have you with us and kick off the new year with you!


We had the privilege of engaging with an exceptional pool of talent at orange job dating event that was held on December 19th 2023. This invaluable experience had allowed us to connect with a multitude of graduates and job seekers who exhibited immense potential and ambition for their future careers.

At TELNET, we firmly believe in nurturing and supporting talent, and we are excited about the prospect of collaborating with outstanding individuals who are all set to embark on their career journey.

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 14/12/2023

TELNET is committed to investing in the talents of tomorrow. We truly enjoyed hosting Mr. Abdelmoula , Director of ENET’Com accompanied by Mr. Samet, Director of studies and the final year Engineering students at our lake site.

During this visit, we signed a strategic partnership between ENET’Com and TELNET and the students had the opportunity to discover our site via the site tour and connect with our talents.

It was truly rewarding to impart our knowledge and insights to those who attended the presentation of TELNET group ’s activities. We’d like to thank our Senior Program Manager for providing an overview about the Media & Energy activity.

We look forward to continuing to build strong and fruitful relationships with future engineers.

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 13/12/2023

Shaping workplace culture, championing HR best practices, and empowering individuals to thrive in their careers are at the heart of our mission. We collaborate closely with leadership to align our HR strategies with our ambitious business goals and often take smooth exchange of information & engaging messages Group.

As we bid farewell to another fantastic year, we shared a recap of our HR adventure marking a journey filled with passion, precision, and the pursuit of excellence at the HR Coffee meet ups that were conducted in all TELNET’s sites.

Let’s rewind to the moment when our CHRO shared a recap of our HR quick wins that were already in place and the HR action plan progress summarizing our HR achievements and ongoing challenges.

A little throwback featuring our gathering ’s sites.
Can't wait for our next meet up !

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 04/12/2023

[JMI 2023]
We had an amazing time at the that was organized by the , connecting with aspiring students eager to kickstart their careers and showcasing our company's opportunities. A big shoutout to all the talented students who visited our booth during the job Fair, your engagement and interest did not go unnoticed.
Special thanks to our wonderful ambassadors ! Your dedication and expertise truly made a difference!
Stay tuned for our next events !

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 02/12/2023

[EPI Job Fair]
New month, new stop and new talents !
Our Amazing ambassadors headed down to the EPI Job fair to seek out new talents to join us as we continue to grow.
We had a fantastic time attending the Job Fair!There's no need to worry for those who couldn't make it! TELNET has a multitude of exciting End of studies projects and roles available across multiple activities. Check out our PFE book on LinkedIn and job offers to step into your dream career 📈


[Sesame Job Fair]

TELNET’ s Ambassadors made a new stop on November 29th, the Sesame job fair where they were thrilled to present TELNET and meet the students who are looking for interesting end of studies projects. A big thank you to all who reached out and visited our booth.

For those who couldn't make it to the job fair but are interested in our PFE Book, no worries! You can meet us in the EPI Sousse Job Fair. We're always interested in connecting with promising talents !


[ENIT Entreprises Forum]

TELNET Ambassadors were shining in the hashtag Entreprises forum. Once again stressing the motivation of a young and dedicated team.
We had a great time at the ENIT Forum, it was a huge success where we interacted with many highly qualified and brilliant students loooking for starting their careers in a dynamic and innovative firm dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions.
Stay Tuned for upcoming events!

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


[ Sup'Com Forum]

What would be more exciting than wrapping up our November’s universities tour with two forums at the same day! On November 22nd 2023, we participated in the ENIT Entreprises Forum & Sup'Com Annual Forum.
We were honored to share insights about our innovative pre-hiring end of studies projects.
Besides, the AI enthusiasts who share a passion for Space had the opportunity to attend a great workshop « Space for AI » that was hosted by our amazig Space team ! 💫🚀
It was fantastic to reconnect with talented IT students eager to kick-start their careers at one of the most innovative technology players in Tunisia!
Dear TELNET Ambassadors, keep shining superstars ! ✨ ✨



[ENSI Annual Forum]
We had the pleasure of attending the ENSI Annual Forum in its 18th edition, by the National School of Computer Science!
Reflecting on the day, we can't help but recall the fruitful discussions and exchanges that we had with the students that were particularly fulfilling and their genuine enthusiasm while exploring our PFE Book.
It has been a truly rewarding experience and the students enjoyed our HR workshop that was conducted by our CHRO! We’d like to thank all those who stopped by our booth and showed interest in our PFE book.
👍Once again thumbs up for TELNET Ambassadors who are doing a great job! 👏


[ENSIT Forum]
Our second stop on November 15th 2023 was the ENSIT Forum.
We had the pleasure of meeting motivated students who came eager to learn about our fantastic opportunities. A massive shout-out to our ambassadors for their commitment and collaboration. Their presence was instrumental in illuminating the pathways to these future talents.
Our next stop will be on November 21st at the ENSI Forum. 📍
See you there 👋

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 18/11/2023

[ENET'Com Forum 8.0]

There' s a reason we keep saying that our TELNET team is composed of truly inspiring people. Today, our participation in the ENET'Com Forum 8.0 was very special where all our HR team conducted the TELNET' s presentation together.
We're very grateful for this opportunity to have made a positive impact.
During the event we had the pleasure to meet and get to Know young talents who are looking for innovative end of studies projects and our monetics team of experts delivered an exciting workshop session about E-payment solutions that received positive feedback from the students.
Special thanks to all TELNET's ambassadors, keep shining!
Stay tuned for our upcoming events!


TELNET’s tour of the universities continues 🎓
We are pleased to share with you a throwback video featuring our remarkable participation in the ENI Carthage Job fair !
Thank you to all the students who stopped by the TELNET’s booth. It was a pleasure to meet you all. And many thanks to all TELNET ‘s ambassadors who shed light on our PFE topics.
We are still receiving your applications, so hurry up and apply!
Stay tuned for our upcoming events !

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 12/11/2023

Throwback to our brilliant participation in the Pitch Yourself For A Career in its 9th Edition that was held on Saturday November 11th and organized by ENIS✨
It was a great networking opportunity to meet professionals and our future talents. We’d like to thank all those who visited our booth and met our team to learn more about our End of studies projects and technologies. Our HR & Business ambassadors were delighted to answer all their queries and provided details about our exciting career opportunities.
Stay Tuned for the next job fairs!

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 02/11/2023

TELNET’s tour has just started! 🎓

Yesterday, we kicked off our universities tour with the ISI Forum. 🌟
We were delighted to visit the students at ISI Campus, and participate in the IT career panel.
The students had the opportunity to explore our PFE Book, network and connect with our team of experts during the technical workshop entitled « Satellite Imagery with LEO Satellites » that was conducted by our Space team 🛰
Dear students, we can't wait to meet you in our next stop, 9 of ENIS on November 11th 2023 ! If you're wondering about TELNET and our PFE Book, this is the perfect time to come and ask your questions.
See you there 👋


At Telnet, we are united by the same values :

✅ Customer Satisfaction
✅ Sustainable Performance
✅ Integrity
✅ Sharing
✅ Personal Fulfillment

We strive to create a motivating workplace and encouraging our people to embrace each other's strengths and improvement areas to build a family-like environment!🌟

Photos from Telnet Holding's post 15/10/2023

عملنا على امتداد سنوات طويلة بامكانياتنا الذاتية التونسية الخالصة وبذلنا جهودا كبيرة ونجحنا في تحقيق نتائج رائعة جعلت تجربتنا محل فخر اشادة دولية...طموحاتنا واثقة واحلامنا كبيرة لكن نامل ان يستمر الحلم ....


It’s more than just a color, it’s a symbol of hope and strength.
Let's defeat breast cancer together ! 🤝 🎗


Aujourd'hui, c'est la journée mondiale de la santé mentale. 🌎🧠
Chez , nous reconnaissons que la santé mentale est un élément essentiel de notre santé, de notre bien-être et de notre bonheur en général.
N'oubliez pas de prendre soin de vous!


Happy smile day ! 😄
Today is all about spreading joy and positivity. At , we believe that a is the simplest and most universal way to connect with others so let’s make the world a happier place! 😊🌟

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Videos (show all)

Sami Znagui
📢 🔎 [#Jobalert] New year, new opportunities ! #TELNET Sfax  is hiring! Check out our open positions and join #Telnet_Fam...
Orange job dating
Sesame Job Fair
ENIT Entreprises Forum
Sup’Com Forum
ENSI Annual Forum
TELNET’s  tour of the universities continues 🎓
At Telnet, we are united by the same values : ✅  Customer Satisfaction✅  Sustainable Performance✅  Integrity✅  Sharing✅ ...
📢 [TELNET Sfax recrute] :Vous êtes à la recherche d'une nouvelle aventure et de nouveaux challenges ?Dans le cadre de la...
Aujourd'hui, c'est la journée mondiale de la santé mentale. 🌎🧠Chez #TELNET, nous reconnaissons que la santé mentale est ...



Les Berges Du Lac Rue Du Lac Léman

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00

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