Saint Paul Union Church of Antalya

Come worship God through Jesus Christ with people from all over the world. Most of us come from other countries.

Saint Paul Union Church is a community of people in Antalya, seeking to follow Jesus together. All of us speak English to a lesser or greater extent; some of us as our mother tongue, others as our second, third, fourth or fifth language. We understand that Jesus’ call to follow him, is also a call to walk with others. We recognize that can sometimes be difficult; none of us are perfect and there a

Saint Paul Union Church • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters 27/07/2024

You can also follow us on Spotify!

Saint Paul Union Church • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters Sermons from the Saint Paul Union Church in Antalya, Turkey

Photos from Saint Paul Union Church of Antalya's post 25/07/2024

Just a quick reminder:

The Church Service is still available every Sunday, even if it's Holiday everywhere


We love to see you there


Holy Week, which runs from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, is when we celebrate the core of our faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Come and join us for our special services this week:

Palm Sunday Service, Sunday, April 2 at 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday Service, Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 pm
Good Friday Service, Friday April 7 at 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday Service, Sunday April 9 at 10:30 am, in the garden.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Asia Minor Research Center Lecture:
The Asia Minor Lecture Series will hold its February presentation on Thursday evening, February 9 at 19:00 at the St. Paul Cultural Center. Dr. Mark Wilson will speak on “Paul in the Chora: Did the Apostle Preach in the Galatian Countryside?” The lecture with PowerPoint will be in English and is open to the community.


Christmas is almost here, and we want to invite everyone to join us for our traditional Christmas Eve service of readings and carols. Join us at 18:30 or 20:00 for a time of reading scripture and singing carols that trace the story from creation to the birth of the Lord Jesus. There will be refreshments between the two services.

Date: December 24th
Time: 18:30 and 20:00
Theme: A Service of Nine Readings and Carols


The world is becoming a more and more polarised place. Many of us can tell stories of friends or family members who have become distant in the last few years because of differences over politics, or Covid, or any number of things. In times like these, the Bible's command to us to "accept one another" is even more important.

Come join us this Sunday as we look at what it means to accept one another.

Text: Romans 14:1-15:7
Title: One-anothering: Accept One Another
Speaker: Robin Ellis

St. Paul Cultural Center · Kılınçarslan, Yeni Kapı Sk., 00447 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey 30/09/2022

The Asia Minor Lecture Series will continue its fall program on Monday, October 17, at 17:30 at the St. Paul Cultural Center. Dr. Rebecca Ingram, Lead Archivist and Publications Coordinator at the Institute of Nautical Archaeology in Texas, will be the speaker. Her topic is: "Out on the Wine-Dark Sea: Ships and Seafaring in the Ancient Aegean." Rebecca participated in the excavations of the ships at the Byzantine harbor at Yenikapı in Istanbul. We look forward to seeing you there!

St. Paul Cultural Center · Kılınçarslan, Yeni Kapı Sk., 00447 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey ★★★★★ · Community center


It is hard to over estimate the impact of a few encouraging words, yet we so often don't speak them for one reason or another. Join us this Sunday as we talk about, firstly, the reasons why we can be encouraged and, secondly, how we can be intentional about encouraging one another.

Text: Hebrews 10:19-25
Title: One-anothering: Encourage One Another
Speaker: Robin Ellis


We can all agree that slavery is a bad thing. Why, then, does Paul refer to himself as a "slave" of Christ, and encourage believers to be "slaves" of each other? We usually translate the Greek word as "servant" but it is really much stronger than that. Join us this Sunday as we look at what the New Testament means when it calls us to serve one another.

Text: Galatians 5:2-14
Title: One-anothering: Serve One Another
Speaker: Robin Ellis


Someone once observed, "Refusing to forgive is like drinking poison every day and expecting the other guy to drop dead."

Come and join us this Sunday at 10:30am as we continue to look at the "one anothers" of the New Testament. This week's topic is "Bear with... forgive one another.

Text: Colossians 3:12-14
Title: One-anothering: Bear With... Forgive One Another
Speaker: Robin Ellis


People are back from their summer travels and Saint Paul Union Church is beginning a new sermon series looking at the New Testament commands (although not all 50 of them) that refer to "one-another." This week we begin by looking at the basis for all of them, Jesus' command in John 13 that we "love one another as I have loved you."

Text: John 13:34-35
Title: One-anothering: Love One Another
Speaker: Robin Ellis


The Asia Minor Lecture Series will begin its fall program on Thursday evening, September 8 at 19:00. Anna Enberg, a doctoral student at the University of Lund, Sweden, will speak on Colossae and the book of Colossians. Desserts and drinks are available beforehand at the SPCC Cafe. The presentation will in English and is open to everyone. We look forward to seeing you there!


This fascinating lecture is not to be missed! Hope to see many of you this Thursday evening!

Asia Minor Lecture Series-Thursday, May 19th at 19:00 at the Saint Paul Cultural Center. Dr. Linford Stutzman, professor at Eastern Mennonite Univeristy and author of "Sailing Acts" will speak on "The Sea-Change in the Bible that shaped Western Culture." He is a dynamic speaker and this is a lecture not to be missed!

Paul's Place will be open before the lecutre if you want to come by for a bite to eat or drink before the lecture.

Photos from St. Paul Cultural Center's post 09/05/2022

Please join us for a wonderful spring concert, this Saturday afternoon at SPCC.

Best Western Khan Hotel Antalya 06/04/2022

Please join us for our Holy Week Services at Saint Paul Union Church:
Palm Sunday Service - Sunday April 10 10.30am at Saint Paul Cultural Center (SPCC)
Maundy Thursday Service - Thursday April 14 at 6.30pm at SPCC
Good Friday Service - Friday April 15 at 6.30pm at SPCC
Easter Sunday Service - Sunday April 17 at 10.30am at Best Western Khan Hotel

Best Western Khan Hotel Antalya Suit odamız, 45m² yatak odası ve oturma odası şeklinde iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Yatak odasında, büyük yatak (2x2), kanepe ve oturma grubu ...

Photos from St. Paul Cultural Center's post 18/03/2022

Friends, don't miss this wonderful opportunity presented by the Asia Minor Research Institute! Dr. Jason Borges will be presenting on the "Lives and Spaces on Monks in Cappadocia"


The second lecture in the Asia Minor Lecture Series will be given on Thursday February 24 at 19:00 by Dr. Sarah Yeomans. Her topic will be: “Luke the ‘Beloved Physician': Doctors and Medicine in Asia Minor.” Sarah’s presentation will also discuss the evidence for physicians and their practices from Graeco-Roman sites such as nearby Rhodiapolis. The lecture will be at the Saint Paul Cultural Center in Kaleici. Soup, drinks, and snacks will be available at the Paul’s Place Cafe beforehand. See you there!

YouTube 19/01/2022

One of the things that Jesus spoke about a lot was his future return. Join us this Sunday as Mark Wilson takes us through Jesus' teaching on this in the Parable of the Days of Noah, Lot, and Lot’s Wife.

Sunday at 10:30. We will be practicing social distancing. Or you can join us online on YouTube
Text: Luke 17:20-37
Title: Stories Jesus Told: Parable of the Days of Noah, Lot, and Lot’s Wife
Speaker: Mark Wilson

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YouTube 05/01/2022

Have you ever been told not to “hide your light under a bushel”, or heard someone described as a Good Samaritan, or folks talking about people being “talented” or using their "talents" well? All of those expressions, and many more, come from one or another of Jesus’ parables. These short stories that Jesus told are at the core of his teaching and have shaped English, and many other languages, more than many of us realise.

Starting this Sunday, and continuing over the next two months, we will be looking at some of Jesus' parables and asking what it is they seek to teach us. We begin this Sunday by looking at the "Parable of the Sower" as we seek to understand how parables work.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30. We will be practicing social distancing. Or you can join us online on YouTube

Text: Matthew 13:1-23
Title: Stories Jesus Told: Sowing and Growing - How Parables Work
Speaker: Robin Ellis

YouTube Dela dina videoklipp med vänner, familj och hela världen.


Come and join us this Christmas Eve as we celebrate the mystery of the incarnation. There will be:
-A Family Service, specially designed for children at 5pm.
-A Readings and Carols Service at 7pm and 8:30pm.
To register please go to
The 5pm and 7pm services will be live-streamed on the SPUC YouTube channel at

YouTube 10/11/2021

"I want that" can be cute coming from the lips of a five year old seeing a puppy. But the same sentiment can be destructive to our relationships as adults when it's applied to things that belong to other people.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at the last of the Ten Commandments, "You shall not covet..."
We will be practicing social distancing. Or you can join us online on YouTube
Text: Exodus 20.17; Matthew 6:25-34
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Cultivate Contentment
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 03/11/2021

Words are powerful things. They can make or break relationships. They can start wars or make peace. How do we use our words? What do we say? Why do we say it? How do we say it?

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at the ninth of the Ten Commandments, "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour."

We will be practicing social distancing. Or you can join us online on YouTube

Text: Ex 20.16; Zech 8:14-17; Eph 4:22-25; Phil 4:8
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Speak The Truth
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 14/10/2021

In a world where, more and more, everything has a price, what is a human life worth?

This week in our series on the Ten Commandments "Ten Keys to Successful Living" we look at how the sixth commandment "Do not murder" puts a high value on every human life; young, old, disabled, unborn... every life.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at the sixth of the Ten Commandments, "Do not murder."
We will be practicing social distancing and there will be overflow downstairs in the cafe if the room becomes full. Or you can join us online on YouTube
Text: Gen 9:1-7; Ex 20.13
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Treat Life As Precious
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 29/09/2021

25 years ago the ministry that would become Saint Paul Union Church was founded in Antalya. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we celebrate 25 years of God's faithfulness.

Please register here so we can comply with restrictions. Or you can join us online on YouTube

Text: Colossians 1:15-23
Title: "The Propelling Power of SPUC"
Speaker: James Bultema

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YouTube 22/09/2021

Did you know that, in the Roman Empire, Jews were considered lazy because they only worked 6 days a week. We're so accustomed to the idea of a day off a week (even if we don't always get one) that we forget that it is a direct result of the influence of the Bible. Are you remembering to take time out?

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at the fourth of the Ten Commandments, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."
Please register here so we can comply with restrictions. Or you can join us online on YouTube
Text: Gen 1:26-2:3; Ex 20.8-11; Deut 5:15; Mark 2:27
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Take Time Out
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 15/09/2021

"What's in name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

So says Juliet in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." But are names simply interchangeable labels that have no meaning in themselves? Or is there something deeper here?

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at the third of the Ten Commandments, "You shall not take the Lord's name in vain."

Please register here so we can comply with restrictions. Or you can join us online on YouTube
Text: Exodus 3:14-15; 20:7; 34:4-7
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Mind Your Tongue
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 01/09/2021

The Ten Commandments are perhaps the most well known part of the Bible. They have become part of the language of our culture. So we have things like "Ten Commandments for Java Developers" and "Ten Commandments of Design."

But what are the Ten Commandments? Are they a set of rigid rules for life? Are they still relevant for today?

Over the next 10 weeks, we will be looking at the Ten Commandments as a series of commitments that are entered into freely by people in relationship with God, people who recognise that they have been saved by grace and live by faith.

Join us live at 10.30am every Sunday for the next 10 weeks (please register here so we can comply with restrictions) or online on YouTube
Text: Exodus 19:1-9,16-19, 24-20:3
Title: 10 Keys to Successful Living: Be Clear On Who’s In Charge
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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YouTube 23/06/2021

This past year and a half has put strain on us in so many ways. One aspect of that has been the tension generated by different responses to the threat of covid. As we come to the end of our series on "Jesus People" in Acts we see an example of that kind of tension as Paul believes he is called by God to go to Jerusalem and all the believers around him tell him not to go. In the process we get some wisdom about how to navigate these kinds of disagreements in a godly way.

Join us live at 14:00 on Friday (please register here so we can comply with restrictions) or online on YouTube at 10:30 on Sunday.
Text: Acts 21:1-16
Title: "The Lord's Will Be Done": Community Discernment and Personal Responsibility
Speaker: Robin Ellis

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Our Story

Saint Paul Union Church is a community of people in Antalya, seeking to follow Jesus together. Most of us come from other countries. All of us speak English to a lesser or greater extent; some of us as our mother tongue, others as our second, third, fourth or fifth language. We understand that Jesus’ call to follow him, is also a call to walk with others. We recognize that can sometimes be difficult; none of us are perfect and there are many cultural differences to navigate. But the richness of the life and fellowship that we have together by God’s grace is well worth it.

We’d love to have you become part of our community as we seek to follow Jesus and become more like him. Join us any Sunday morning at Saint Paul Cultural Center in Kaleiçi.

On behalf of the whole congregation,

Robin Ellis




Yeni Kapi Sokak No: 24 Kaleici

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
19:00 - 20:30
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:30 - 12:30

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Tahılpazarı Mah. Adnan Menderes Bulvari İsmail Aynur Akçor İş Merkezi No:25 Kat:5
Antalya, 07040

Kurtuluş Kiliseleri Derneği Antalya Temsilciliği