Icmeler Lighthouse

The Lighthouse has Apartments each with a balcony with views over the town to the mountains.


Dear guests, just received a note saying that there might be a water cut tonight between 22.00 to 10.00 tomorrow due to connecting a huge pipe. So please be aware ok? Chop chop in the shower now 🤣😉


In case you were wondering 😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 15/07/2024

Of you want to treat yourself on your holiday come and eat at the Lighthouse at the dolphin square :) xx


This is our eldest. She started to work at smile more 3 month ago. I, to my embarrassment must admit that i am a total coward when it comes to dentists. I needed an implant for quite a long time but just couldn’t get myself an appointment. She made me one 🙈 today i had the implant fitted into my jaw and i am in awe how quick and painless and efficient it was done. I am still in shock really how quick it was. No stitches, no bleeding, i can eat immediately. So if you are like me and are worried and afraid don’t be. If you are thinking of doing your teeth here in turkey this is a wonderful clinic. Sooo modern, but t of all the doctors and carers there are just the sweetest. I don’t normally make advertisements but now our daughter works there and i can vouch for what i have experienced. And in 3 month i will get my new, sparkling little tooth 🦷😄😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 18/06/2024

Here’s to savoring every bite and relishing the flavors of summer on your holiday at the lighthouse at the dolphine square


Please be careful even if you say you love the heat, its not to be taken lightly!!!!! Drink drink drink water and stay hydrated, and don’t go walking in the midday heat ☀️

⚠️ Lütfen Dikkat ⚠️ 13 - 14 Haziran’da bölgemizde en yüksek hava sıcaklığı Ortaca’da!!
Gölgede 45 C’ derece sıcaklık bekliyoruz!!
Bu hafta bölgemizde sıcak çarpması ve orman yangını riski çok yüksek!
Dikkatli ve tedbirli olunmalıdır!


Hello June, would you believe it’s already June?????? So many people will come this month to enjoy their holidays here in icmeler, some will stay in our apartments, some will visit for food. You might all have read about horrendous prices etc but i beg you not to listen. Yes, prices have increased but also for the Turkish people, it’s not only for the season like many believe. Life is getting harder all over the world, cheap cheerful Turkey is not anymore. But we have soooo much more than cheap! Why not this year explore a bit? Book a trip to efesus, i promise your mind will be blown!!!!! Make a day trip to Akyaka and go on a lovely boatride still so affordable. Visit Dalyan and see the tombs, oh so much to do. Or just chill and read a ton of great books, my favorite thing to do! Enjoy the hospitality and your free time. Most of all be happy! We hope that we can contribute to this happiness with our food and our staff and our rooms and our cakes 🤣🥰 and our hospitality. You are so welcome here and we cannot wait to hear what has happened to you in the last year. Come for a chat and let us know. Here’s to a fantastic June!!!!!! Let the holidays begin ❤️


Sıcak Hava Dalgası!
Muğla'da Haziran ayının başında sıcak hava dalgası etkisini gösterecek. 3 Haziran ile 7 Haziran tarihleri arasında sıcaklıklar mevsim normallerinin 6 ila 10 derece üzerine çıkarak bölgeyi etkileyecek.
Bu dönemde termometrelerin 35-40 dereceyi göstermesi bekleniyor.

Ancak, 7 Haziran'dan itibaren hava sıcaklıkları düşüşe geçecek ve mevsim normallerine, yani 30 derece civarına, geri dönecek. Bu, bölge halkı için bir rahatlama sağlayacak. Bu dönemde, dışarıda zaman geçireceklerin önlem alması, bol su tüketmesi ve serin yerlerde bulunmasını tavsiye ederim.

✍️ Barış Demiralay bildirdi.

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 30/05/2024
Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 11/05/2024

Our new staff :)

Türkiye introduces 'night archeology' in ancient city of Ephesus for enhanced tourism 07/05/2024

Türkiye introduces 'night archeology' in ancient city of Ephesus for enhanced tourism In a historic gathering in the ancient theatre of Ephesus, a pioneering endeavor to introduce 'night archaeology' was introduced, marking a significant...


Tomorrow evening is really the start of a new season for us. They have worked so hard to get everything ready, we retiled the pool and i bet you will love the color!!!! We took the huge tables out of the apartments and put smaller ones in that fold in so much more space! We have rested and now it’s time to rock and roll once again. We are looking so forward to see you back our old friends but also looking forward to making many many more this year. We hope we will be able to make your holiday extra special, either as our apartment guests or restaurant visitors. We always try to do our best and love what we are doing. Come and soak up the sun ☀️ already in the high thirties right now. Enjoy, eat, love and laugh and go home to tell the tales of how once again you had the time of your life. If we are one tiny part of this then we are truly blessed. Let the season begin!!!!!!! ❤️

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 03/01/2024

Yesterday was one hard and beautiful day for our daughter, well to watch it and be there it was hard on me too but she’s powered through again like before and showed us once again how powerful women really are!!! You are our heroine 🦸‍♀️Suzan Yönet. Lina is just beautiful and precious and we cannot wait to see her grow up in her wonderful family. Big brothers will meet her a bit later today and we are so so excited to see what happens. Lumi is used to little kids now and probably thinks: oh no another little one 🤣 she is a fantastic dog mummy to them and loves to sit under the highchairs to catch scraps 😉 waiting now for them to come home. Let the adventures begin ❤️🍾

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 31/12/2023

Dear all you wonderful people, yep the year is almost finished. Amazing isn’t it? Lots of people wish for a better year but it’s all relative isn’t it? Today is just a Sunday, tomorrow Monday. Time goes on, life goes on not stopping or changing because of the date. I have long ago stopped to wish for this or that. To promise to lose weight or walk more or eat less chocolate 🍫. For me it’s now just a day. And every day can bring so so so much. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes sad, tragic, hilarious, blessed, blissful. Gray and boring, endless, hopeless but it still moves and moves. Once i went to a woman’s conference. The title was: Bloom where you are planted. I didn’t want to hear that i remember. But it’s so true. When we learn to be content and satisfied wherever we are then all falls into place. We learn to accept that this is our place and start to bloom. Shine, give and smile and glow. Spreading joy! If anything i want to change then it’s this. I want to shine more, to spread more joy! To see my blessings e instead of focusing on the bad stuff. As many of you already know our third grandchild will be born on Tuesday morning. We are filled with gratitude already. To be grandparents has changed our life so much. Work is getting pushed back to second place. We are all replaceable!!!!! But not to our babies. 👶🏻 life is teaching us big lessons watching them grow up. Our hearts are tender now and vulnerable. So …. What i am trying to say is. Celebrating tonight is cool. Hoping for a wonderful new year ahead is cool. But by waiting for the good stuff to happen let’s not miss all the tiny sweet blessings that happen to us every single day. If you are sad tonight or broken because of circumstances in your life then feel my arms around you hugging you tightly. It seems impossible but it will get better. I speak from experience. Wishing you all a wonderful evening tonight wherever you are and let’s share our experiences when we see each other next year in the lighthouse!!!!! Lots of love from Tina and Süleyman ❤️🎉🎂🥂🥃🍸🍾


I want winter!! 🥺

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 25/12/2023

Not too late i hope! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, hopefully surrounded by family or friends. We had both daughters here and the grandkids and it was very loud, very chaotic and very nice 🤣🤣🎅🏻🎅🏻 i know it’s not about the presents but seeing them enjoying their new toys and their shiny eyes was so rewarding. Leon finished off the milk that Santa didn’t manage to finish!!!! We ate, too much! I always worry it won’t be enough and that i can’t bring it to the table all together at the same time but it always works out, then watched the kids enjoy and then put the smallest to bed. Then it was a bit more relaxed 🤣 when our guests left were sat with the big kids and just chatted, ate chocolate and marveled how it is to be with your adult kids. It was so cozy and warm and we felt so content. We hope you also felt contentment in any circumstances, wishing for peace in the world and in our lives. Now looking forward to next week when grandchild number 3 will join our family!!!!!!! It never gets boring doesn’t it??? We will hunker down now for some quiet time and restoring and then off we go again on our grandparents duties! 😍 feel embraced in this magical time and maybe see you again next year. Be blessed always… Tina and süleyman ❤️

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 23/11/2023

Our last day. Said a sad goodbye to our people in the hotel, they all have been so lovely. We had asked for a taxi but the lady told us that they have their own transfer which we could book. Of course! A young bouncy man came in , Jo, i forgot his real name 🙈 and helped with the luggage. He was a delight and very funny. He raced us to the ferry and with the help of 4 other determined young men they managed to squeeze our Mercedes SUV on the ferry!!!!! It was just like in turkey 🤣 we all cheered and off we went. Lovely chat , told us little stories and history facts and in no time we were in Podgorica. The Capitol of Montenegro. Found our hotel which has a very fancy shower 🚿 and checked in. Immediately out again looking for the town center. We just couldn’t find it. I saw two young boys, went to them and asked if they spoke English. They said yes! But hmm not really. They tried so hard so so hard but we couldn’t understand anything between all of us. It was fun though how hard we all were using hands and feet to understand. Then we pretended we understood. Oh what joy!!! They were so relieved and after one more time asking if we really got it now we nodded our heads enthusiastic and they left. We continued to walk. And walk and walk. My Fitbit was very proud of us. All of the sudden we saw a sign of a coffee shop. Two police men were standing around all calm and collected and we asked. They were so sweet and sent us in the right direction, showing off their perfect German which only i understood but that’s not the point🤪 finally some life. We sat in a coffee and ordered their speciality, cream filled pastry, my oh my. My jeans 👖 are so tight now i had to open them, the blood circulation to my upper body including brain was non existent anymore. I had difficulties breathing but it might have been smog? Pollen? 🙈🙈🙈 we got up to do more walking and explored, found lovely presents for the kids and for me a snowglobe with music and changing lights. It will be a magical things for the boys to watch. After some time we found a restaurant that was famous for its meat. I chose goulash which was heavenly with mashed potatoes. I sat through dinner with my trousers open i must admit😩. The waiter wanted to know if we wanted dessert and i almost cried. Our friend said yes, it was a sweet that they know from turkey. It came and looked a bit strange. My friend took one bite and it shook her. The waiter took exactly this moment to check and ask if they liked it and she shouted noooo, he literally turned around on his feet and escaped. I told her that she probably broke his heart which made her very humble and she called him back and said sorry. He laughed it off but i bet inside he cried, he was so proud when he presented it!!! We left, still open trousers, they wouldn’t fasten anymore. It was a struggle to make it home but we did it. Repacked our luggage because we bought some things , the first thing i did was change my jeans 🤣🤣🤣 one last aperol in the cozy bar where we relived our holiday, had a laughing fit, our men just watching helpless and having no clue what happened. Our holiday was nice, the time spent with our friends was perfect! But it’s late in the year and earlier would have been better. Also we had high expectations after watching travel programs but kotor is not as big as they show it, same as Dubrovnik. And besides those old towns there is not much else to see in those cities. We are still happy that we did this trip and giving it a 7 out of ten. Thanks for sharing our trip with us and see you in the next one. Till then stay calm and collected like we do

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 22/11/2023

I have nothing to write 🤣🤣🤣🤣 we woke up to an amazing rain, it was crazy!!!!!! We picked up a hotel umbrella and ran over to the restaurant for our wonderful breakfast. The highlight of my day everytime. Sat and sat and enjoyed endless cups of tea and coffee. There was no way to go out so we went up to our rooms. When we first arrived we had a lovely plate with cupcakes in the room as a welcome. Since we prolonged our stay for two days süleyman went down and said he had a complaint. She looked so worried and shocked. He said since we prolonged this is actually like a new booking, we need cupcakes 🧁. In 2 minutes someone knocked on our door, Luka, he wasn’t even working ( our favorite waiter ) brought us our cakes. He even apologized that he wasn’t wearing his uniform 🥺 . So i made tea, we sat in our chairs in front of the big window overlooking the stormy sea and the rain pelting the window and ate our cupcakes. Bliss. Then we slept, read played on the phone spoke with our grandchildren and just chilled. At 17.00 we went for dinner, still raining. Yesterday süleyman had admired a huge fish and luka had spoken with the chef that they could do half for us. So the chef came out, we discussed what he wanted to do for us and we started with ice cold white wine. The starter came, ceviche, oh it was sooooo good. Then he made a fish soup from the fish, amazing and then we got the fish itself with roasted vegetables and a mixture of spinach and potatoes which is famous for this area. We were passing around salt and pepper and süleyman asked for the tofu salt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was truffle salt but he had tofu on his mind i guess, then he dropped the nice cork stopper from the sea salt container into his soup 🙈. You can’t take him anywhere really😉 after a while they came and offered us a rakije which is like a grappa, the one we had was with figs. Cold and yummy it tidied up in our tummies. Now all of the sudden there was space again in our stomachs. I had a crunchy vanilla slice with icecream and the other ones a milk pudding infused with lavender and lemon and topped with forest fruits. Süleyman dropped the red fruit on the white tablecloth, but i am sure you had guessed that by now🤣 we walked a bit in the storm went back and into the shower. Tomorrow we will leave this magical hotel to go to Podgorica and stay one last night and then fly home. Weather is supposed to be calm and collected tomorrow 🤪

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 21/11/2023

Friends, i am not exaggerating but today was another day of fighting for our life!!!! Breakfast as usual brilliant. The waiter Luka knows now what we like and brings us everything without even asking, he is a sweetheart. We decided to rent a car for one day and made a Program. Then the car that we had was given to someone else. But! We got a smaller hence cheaper and an automatic which probably saved our lives. It started raining and we decided to go first to perast to go over to see the little church on the island. Hmm, it rained so much we continued and decided to follow the advice of the lady from the reception to go up 3568965 serpentines to visit a mausoleum and go to a national park. I get carsick but held my ground and made it through it. But the rain ☔️ it got worse and worse and worse. So on the road to the mausoleum we thought first we were wrong. Süleyman the hero without a cape went out to help our friend to turn the car around on a very narrow road. At the bottom of the road we realized that we weren’t wrong and turned around again. 🙈 but after one kilometer the fog got so thick that we turned around once more without ever making it to the mausoleum. Well… we continued to the National park. It was closed and nothing to do because it rained so heavy anyway. So we turned around again to go to a city called ceytinje which used to be the Capitol of Monte negro. Took us ages. We couldn’t find the center. The rain was as thick as porridge!!!! If that is actually possible. All of the sudden we saw a light indicating there was a restaurant because we had drunken a lot of water and needed to get rid of it. Preferably not in the car! We stopped and ran out but got soaked in no time. We opened the door and a grimly faced man looked at us so disgusted it was almost unreal. We asked humbly if we could drink a coffee and he pointed to the one table that was right beside the entrance door where all the cold air came in. Our hearts longed for a lovely table by the side but he pointed with his finger at us and then at the table he chose for us and said: coffee you sit here! We didn’t even try to make eye contact with this super friendly dude but sat down and ran to the loo one after another. We had some cake which was lovely and the coffee was hot and by our good fortune he was leaving work and a lady took over. She liked us, we are very likable, i don’t know what was wrong with the guy. Ran to the car again got wet again and decided to go to budva. Now it gets scary. Rain, hale and fog that i cannot even describe how thick. Nobody said a word. We crawled around in the dark hoping not to fall down the mountain or crash into a car. It was awful. Budva was in rain and fog so we didn’t stop but decided to continue to tivat and go to the harbor where we knew were loads of restaurants. We needed a break. The rain stopped for a while and we found a restaurant with a lovely waiter who couldn’t do enough for us. Since everyone drank wine 🍷 except me i had to drive after dinner. The paying machine in the car park didn’t work! We got stuck there and could not go out. A lovely lady came pressed a button and spoke some wise words and somebody opened the gates for us. Phew! I was sweating by now in the car. I drove us to the ferry where we could immediately board. It was very wavy and choppy but we didn’t sink! Parked the car in front of the hotel, took a deep breath and we all went and had a drink. All of the sudden it hit us i believe, we paid and now shower 🚿 and bed. Thankful to be in one piece. We drove around all day in a rented car and didn’t see anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nothing was calm and collected about this day but maybe tomorrow 😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 20/11/2023

Hahaha i totally forgot to tell you about süleyman yesterday!!! When we came back from dinner in a very happy mood we had a talk about a rental car with the lady from the reception. All was sorted and we went up. Got ready for bed. The hotel has a big billboards outside advertising its spa and a beautiful woman is sitting around the indoor pool with a bathrobe on. Now i wanted to do the same since i was staying in this fancy hotel. Had a shower and wore my robe to shoot a picture to make our friends laugh. Süleyman while trying to put his pyjama top on knocked a giant picture from the wall. I started to laugh hysterically and at that moment someone knocked on our door!!!! I thought it was our friends and kept cackling like a witch uncontrollably until i heard a woman’s voice! It was the girl from the reception 🙈 she made a mistake with the price for the car and wanted to let us know. Well i really lost it then 🤣🤣🤣 he was very polite and said thank you and came back in to hang the picture again, one corner is a bit crooked now 😉 this morning the breakfast was starting with a starter! A plate of hams and prosciutto and different cheeses, hot pastries 🥐 etc. Then choices of sweet or salty breakfasts. Freshly squeezed Orange juice and espresso and then we were told it was all inclusive in our rooms. Well sometimes a girl just gets lucky i guess 😊. We decided to stay 2 days more in this gem if they could give us a good price and they didn’t disappoint!!!! Yay! We took the bus like the locals and went to kotor, 50 minutes passing oyster farms and nice scenery. Arrived and went straight for the old town. What can i say? Magical! Old, impressive, beautiful, cute and so much more. 3 huge cruise 🚢 ships were there and it was busy. We went in almost every shop and looked at all their goods. It was like Christmas. So much fun. Had a coffee and a very grumpy waiter. He was unbelievable actually but we tried to kill him with kindness. The cake was as grumpy as him i must say, gone soggy but i cannot leave a piece of cake alone 🤣. Walked more and then went to the restaurant our hotel said was nice. Another glass of wine. The food was so so, and we weren’t really impressed but the season is really coming down to an end, you can tell. So we took it like a champ and went to a supermarket to buy some cheese and some chocolate in case we got hungry later because we ate so early. Don’t ever let me go into a foreign supermarket, i lose my mind about things i want and cannot find in turkey. But because we fly and have almost no space in the suitcase i didn’t buy anything 😩. Went back to the bus station and arrived at hotel. I made us a nice cup of tea and we ate a Berliner yum yum, the men will have Massage now and we will go and shower with all those lovely products 😍 later maybe over the street for a drink 🥃 see you tomorrow calm and collected 😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 19/11/2023

I don’t know where the time goes! Woke up, Sunday today and the harbor had sailboats ⛵️ sailing around just because they can. Beautiful! Breakfast 🥞, no need to say that i thoroughly enjoyed it again 😉 then we had to pack our things and wait for our taxi to take us to Montenegro 🇲🇪. The driver was lovely and chatted all the time with süleyman about boats and Antalya and cards and football, we rested our tired little eyes a bit in the back. We had booked a hotel in kotor but they had a flooding and so we got upgraded to a 5 star boutique hotel half an hour away. Oh my goodness. The hotel is so sweet and charming and cute and whimsical and beautiful and their products are ritual products smelling like heaven, meaning that i smell like heaven too now!! 🤣 a little cake platter with tiny cakes was in the room, the balcony looks over the sea. We don’t know what hit us! Well we know it was the flooding and we are sad for them but inside i am jumping up and down!!!!! Dropped our luggage and immediately went to the ferry ⛴️ which is only 5 minutes from the hotel. Tivat we wanted to explore. We wanted to buy a ticket but they refused to take money. I thought we must be the cutest but later we learned only cars need to pay 💰. Short ride over the sea and there was nothing to see. 😱 we took a taxi that took us to porto Montenegro which is a humongous marina with coffee shops and restaurants and was wonderful to explore. We sat down for a coffee, i chose the icecoffee and they made it like the Germans do with vanilla icecream and fresh whipped cream. I wanted to weep with happiness, i didn’t don’t worry but i wanted to. Realized that it was Sunday and no old town in tivat so we went back with the ferry. By now a cold wind had picked up and we started to shiver, we are a bit wimpy because we come from turkey! Rested a bit, finished the little crumbs that were left on the platter, not a lot but it helped us to survive until dinner. There is a restaurant over the street which belongs to the hotel. Beautiful too. The waiter was a darling. We had risotto and burrata and just dug in.He Gave us advice on the wine and the olive cake with rosemary ice cream and the dobrota cake which is famous for here. We drank a lot of wine and laughed a lot 🤣 now a shower with the wonderful stuff and i am wearing a bathrobe that was in the room 😍 and feel like the queen of sheeba!!!!! It helps also that we had lots of lovely wine 😊 tomorrow kotor hopefully 😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 18/11/2023

People, you will be bored today, nothing out of the normal happened today 🤣🤣 a calm and collected day! Woke up to a spectacular sight of the marina early. Laid in bed and just watched. Bright sunshine, in icmeler the world is coming to an end so much rain!! Got ready and already felt the excitement so see what it would be for breakfast. Oh my oh my, sausages, salami the proper one, bacon and pancakes with maple syrup, wonderful cheese, croissants 🥐 shall i continue??? Tea was hot so no problem here to find. We stuffed ourselves, my jeans started to feel a tiny bit tight but i think it’s the sunshine that shrinks them a bit. 🙈 got a taxi and arrived in old town Dubrovnik. Oh my goodness!!!! I could have not imagined it like that. So impressive and beautiful. We walked around and decided to buy tickets to go around it on the wall. If you are in Dubrovnik do it. It was breathtaking, and muscle tiring and hot and cold and windy and hard and easy and all i thought it would be. 2km worth to walk. We forgot water so that was the only threat to our lives today but we survived. We sat in a little cafe and gulped down some water and then went to the stairs where they filmed Game of thrones. I did a pose very graciously like 5689843 other people did with me and then i felt the urge to eat gelato. Really strongly. Husband obliged and we ate a wonderful cup of ice cream that revived us immediately. Most of the shops were closed because of end of season so we had no souvenir but well it is what it is. We asked the tourists information about restaurants to eat fish and she said take a bus and go. We are such globetrotters we immediately sussed out where the bus leaves and got our money right. I showed the bus driver where we wanted to go and he told me he would let me know. It was at a round about. We found seats and enjoyed the sights. A very quiet and tidy and pretty town. I saw a sign with a roundabout sign and shouted out: is it here?? And he said yes! He was about to continue with us on the bus. Only my super brain saved us the day! 😉 we walked a bit and found a wonderful harbor restaurant and sat in the sun with some Pinot Grigio and just marveled at how good life was. Ate well, shared a sweet and called a taxi to take us home. Now we will rest for some hours, and then the bar is calling us with peanuts and aperol spritz! Tomorrow we will leave here and go to Montenegro/ kotor. Speak to you tomorrow until then stay calm and collected like us 😉

Photos from Icmeler Lighthouse's post 17/11/2023

Oh wow what a day!!!!! Luckily we are still alive to tell the story. Got up and had a wonderful breakfast, i would even call it heavenly, liver pate, sausages, eggs, some things that were very delicious but i don’t know what it was 🙈 and buttery, flaky, delicious Pastries filled with jam and some with chocolate. I will admit that i ate all of them. I just couldn’t get full this morning . The tea was cold but hey. Flaky pastries, whats hot tea in comparison! The night was also good i forgot to mention. The room was under the roof and in the night a light rain started to fall on the window and it was so so cozy. Then the church bells started and i felt in Europe, cuddled in this soft bed with lovely rain. Bliss. We went for a walk to have a Bosnian coffee and some hot tea. Ok i will admit i wanted one hot. The rain started heavy by then but we all had ☂️ and it was fun. Now we had planned to rent a car to go to dubrovnik but because it’s in Croatia the prices were crazy expensive. I started to panic a bit. How would we ever go from Sarajevo to dubrovnik now? Across our hotel was a bar called Tesla bar, mr tesla was sitting outside waiting for customers. A taxi had parked in front of it. Süleyman went out and negotiated a price for a car with driver to take us the next morning. He said he will come himself and he knows English and will take us first to Mostar and then to our hotel in Dubrovnik. He really came but it wasn’t himself. It was a big man looking scary and he didn’t speak very much English. But he brought a big car and explained that it was forbidden to drive with a taxi over to Croatia and we must say he is our friend! Oh dear… we left. By now it was raining like there was no tomorrow but the car had back seating heaters and it was quite nice to have a warm popo 🤣 we drove and after while he drove into a gas station and filled the car. His name was Ismet by the way. Süleyman asked him if he wanted some of the money to pay for gas and he said yes you can give me all. My radar was turning left to right but couldn’t focus because of the speed it was turning. Sevda and i were starting to write scenarios. He would take us somewhere to mu…r us, organ maf.a. We went through everything. Why o why did he pay him all? We arrived in Mostar absolutely not calm and collected!!!! We had a plan, we would take him with us so he couldn’t just drive away without us and with our luggage. He patiently waited in front of every shop we went into and FaceTimed his wife. We said hello, we are friendly like that. She was lovely and i thought surely he must be a nice man with a wife like that. Lunch, of course with Ismet! Stuffed to the gills we left for the car. Another 2.5 hours. By the way the seats were killing us .My left bum and back was burnt from the heat and we kept saying that he should turn it off please. He pointed to the front and said but it is off!!! Well we guessed it was broken. We are tough cookies and clenched our teeth. I felt like in the middle of august. I didn’t want to upset Ismet so i whispered to my husband please can you check the heaters for us? It was off, Ismet had ears like an Eagle or eyes? But he showed us that we had our own control over the heating in front of our seats!!! 😩 as soon as we dialed it down to zero we felt the relief!!! Then a Sign said Dubrovnik but he went left instead. It was dark by now. We asked why and he mumbled there were two checkpoints the normal way and only one on this shortcut. 😟😱 ring ring ring ring the bells were going again. The road just didn’t seem to end. All of the sudden he stopped. Opened the middle bar beside his seat and i thought now the gun comes out. But he only took his papers to get ready 😏. Took our passports and we stopped. They exchanged words which of course we didn’t understand and we went through! He didn’t give us back our documents and guess what? Yes! Ring ring ring 🤪 but only because we had just left bosnia and now needed to go into Croatia. So another policeman, another word exchange, we feared that they would ask us if he was really our friend and how we met him, what was his wife’s name etc. So we practiced being dead and dumb in the back. But we laughed so much we had to stop. The men were not amused!!! They let us through. The hotel is wonderful and new and fantastic and we got rooms with sea view and next to each other. So so happy. We waved off Ismet, best friends forever from now on. And had a stiff drink in a loud and cozy bar in the hotel. We felt extremely happy to be alive and in this wonderful place. Now bed and tomorrow another adventure waiting for us. Good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite 🥰

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Icmeler Lighthouse
Icmeler Lighthouse Restaurant
Icmeler Lighthouse




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ALPEN Gayrimenkul&Turizm ALPEN Gayrimenkul&Turizm
İçmeler Mahallesi
Icmeler, 48700

2022 Yılında kurulan firmamız Emlak Danışmanlığı ve Otel İşletmeciliği alanlarında faaliyet gösterir.

Osmangazi Sokak 24/1
Icmeler, 48000

Doğa manzaralı, denize 100 metre büyüleyici, doğal ışıklı 2+1 ve 1+1 günlük kiralık lüks daireler.

Private Villa Elban's Private Villa Elban's
Icmeler, 48720

Eden Garden Apartments Eden Garden Apartments
Icmeler, 48720

We would like to welcome you to Eden Garden

Baba Tuncay Apart Baba Tuncay Apart
Icmeler, 48720

Belmaris Apartments Belmaris Apartments
Ismet Inönü Caddesi No 144
Icmeler, 48720

Icmeler Mahallesi
Icmeler, 48720

Sutton home's Sutton home's
İçmeler Mahallesi, Turgut Reis Caddesi No: 7 Mabel Gayrimenkul İçmeler
Icmeler, 48000


Idas Duplex Apartment Idas Duplex Apartment
Inayet Kodak Caddesi 5A

* High Quality Duplex with Pool, whirlpool bath Bathroom,WIFI, Mountain Views Peaceful Location, 10 Mins Wa

115 Sokak
Icmeler, 48000

Sun Apart

Imperial apart icmeler Imperial apart icmeler
İçmeler Mahallesi, Kayabal Caddesi No:1/A
Icmeler, 48720

Imperial Apartments are the perfect base to explore Icmeler with 20 spacious rooms, pool area which

Icmeler, 48720