
Enrollment, visa and residence permit services are provided to state and private universities in Turkey and Europe.


We have given the acceptance letter to our Turkmenistan student from Düzce University. We wish him success in his education life.

Мы передали письмо о зачислении нашему студенту из Туркменистана из Университета Дюздже. Мы желаем ему успехов в его образовательной жизни.

لقد قدمنا خطاب القبول من جامعة دوزجة لطالبنا من تركمانستان. ونتمنى له التوفيق في حياته التعليمية.
حقق أحلامك الجامعية معنا !!!

Nous avons fourni la lettre d'acceptation de l'Université de Duzce à notre étudiant du Turkménistan. Nous lui souhaitons du succès dans sa vie éducative.
Réalisez vos rêves universitaires avec nous !!!

Whatsapp: +90539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
Facebook: Ali Coskar

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 05/07/2024

Our Azerbaijani and Iranian students received their acceptance letters for the Economics and Finance departments of Siirt University. We wish them success in their educational lives.

Make your university dreams come true with us

Nos étudiants azerbaïdjanais et iraniens ont reçu leurs lettres d'admission pour les départements d'économie et de finance de l'Université de Siirt. Nous leur souhaitons du succès dans leur vie éducative.

Réalisez vos rêves universitaires avec nous

Наши азербайджанские и иранские студенты получили письма о зачислении на факультеты экономики и финансов Сииртского университета. Мы желаем им успехов в их образовательной жизни.

Осуществите свои университетские мечты вместе с нами

WhatsApp: +905397675373
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 19/05/2024

Хотели бы вы учиться в государственных университетах Турции?
Инженерное дело, медицина, стоматология, бизнес, экономика, менеджмент туризма, туристическая ориентация, сестринское дело и т. д. Мы объявляем гарантию зачисления по многим предметам нашим уважаемым студентам. Учитесь в лучших государственных и элитных университетах Турции без необходимости обучения в Yos или Sat. ️️️
🛑 Квоты очень ограничены.
🛑 Нет стипендии
🛑 100% гарантия приема
По вопросам и комментариям обращайтесь к нам:
WhatsApp: +905397675373
Инстаграм: afcconsultancy
Электронная почта: [email protected]


Our client from Sierra Leone chose us for the Department of Human Resources Management at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences and was accepted to the university. We wish you success in your education life.
Make your dream of entering Turkish state universities come true with us.
Наш клиент из Сьерра-Леоне выбрал нас на кафедру управления персоналом Университета прикладных наук Сакарья и был принят в университет. Желаем вам успехов в вашей образовательной жизни.
Осуществите вместе с нами свою мечту о поступлении в турецкие государственные университеты.
Notre client de Sierra Leone nous a sélectionnés pour le département de gestion des ressources humaines de l'Université des sciences appliquées de Sakarya et a été accepté à l'université. Nous vous souhaitons du succès dans votre vie éducative.
Réalisez avec nous votre rêve de vous inscrire dans des universités publiques turques.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
[email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 05/04/2024

Would you like to study at Turkish state universities?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Study at Turkey's best state and elite universities without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 29/02/2024

Would you like to study engineering at Turkish state universities?
Engineering, medicine, business management, economics, media, etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many disciplines to our esteemed students. At the best Turkish public universities without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Seating is very limited
🛑 No scholarship opportunity
🛑 Master/PhD not available
For questions and registrations, please contact us by mail:
Or via direct whatsapp link:
00905397675373( Telegram)
Instagram: afcconsultancy
e-mail: [email protected]


Photos from afcconsultancy's post 26/01/2024

Would you like to study at Gumushane State University?
Engineering, business, economics, media, Tourism Management, Psychology etc. We announce to you, our valued students, the acceptance guarantee of many disciplines. At the best public universities in Turkey without the need for Yos and Sat. ️️️
🛑 Seating is very limited
🛑 No scholarship opportunities
🛑 Master's/PhD possible
For your questions and registrations, please contact us:
Via direct whatsapp link:
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]


Last opportunity to enroll in state universities in Turkey for the 2023-2024 academic year!
We provide official acceptance letters to Karabük University and Sakarya Applied Sciences Universities without any exams and with only high school diploma scores.
Contact us now to benefit from advantageous consultancy and annual training fees and to get detailed information!

whatsapp: +905397675373
İnstagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 11/10/2023

We gave the acceptance letters to our students from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from the Departments of Nursing and Sports Management at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences. We wish them success in their education life.

Мы вручили письма о зачислении нашим студентам из Казахстана и Кыргызстана факультетов сестринского дела и спортивного менеджмента Университета прикладных наук Сакарья. Желаем им успехов в образовательной жизни.

Nous avons présenté des lettres d'acceptation à nos étudiants du Kazakhstan et du Kirghizistan de la Faculté des sciences infirmières et de gestion du sport de l'Université des sciences appliquées de Sakarya. Nous leur souhaitons du succès dans leur vie éducative.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
[email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 13/09/2023

We gave acceptance letters to our students from Mali, Guinea, Ivory, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Mechanical Engineering and Nursing departments. We wish them success in their educational lives.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram. afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 26/08/2023

We gave acceptance letters to our Kazakh students studying at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Management. We wish you success in your education life.
Make your university dreams come true with us
Whatsapp: +905397675373
İnstagram: afcconsultancy


We gave the acceptance letter to our Kazakh student who preferred us for Kocaeli University Electrical Engineering departments. We wish you success in your education life.
WhatsApp: +905397675373
Instagram: consulting

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 08/08/2023

We gave the acceptance letters to our Kazakh and Kyrgyz students who chose us for Kocaeli University Architecture, Nursing, Tourism Guidance and Interior Architecture departments. We wish you success in your education life.
Whatsapp: +905397675373
İnstagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 21/07/2023

We have given the university's official acceptance letters for our students from Kazakhstan, Egypt and Burkino Faso to study at Bandırma On Yedi Eylül University Computer Engineering, Graphic Design and International Trade and Logistics departments.
We wish you success in your education life...
Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
[email protected]


Do you want to get a work visa from Poland?
- 1 year work visa
- 100% guaranteed invitation
Contact us for details
Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 11/07/2023

We gave the acceptance letters of our Kazakh students from Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Department of Nursing. We wish you success in your education life.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 06/07/2023

Would you like to study at Kocaeli State University?
Engineering, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Get education in Turkey's best state and elite universities with only high school diploma scores without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No Scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
Required documents
1. High school diploma or temporary graduation certificate (Turkish or English translation. Apostille will be made)
2. Transcript (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
3. Passport (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
4. 1 biometric photo
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 05/07/2023

Would you like to study at Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Get education in Turkey's best state and elite universities with only high school diploma scores without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No Scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
Required documents
1. High school diploma or temporary graduation certificate (Turkish or English translation. Apostille will be made)
2. Transcript (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
3. Passport (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
4. 1 biometric photo
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 01/07/2023

Would you like to study at Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Get education in Turkey's best state and elite universities with only high school diploma scores without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No Scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
Required documents
1. High school diploma or temporary graduation certificate (Turkish or English translation. Apostille will be made)
2. Transcript (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
3. Passport (Translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
4. 1 biometric photo
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 02/06/2023

Our enrollment in Polish, Macedonian and Turkish state universities continues.
Medical School
Political Science
Tourism management
Tourism Guidance
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and many more sections are waiting for you.
Complete your university dreams with us

İnsatagram: afcconsultancy
[email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 26/05/2023

We made an agreement with the universities of Warsova and Lodz in Poland. We can only register with a high school diploma score without an exam. Our work continues for you. You can contact us to study in Europe

WhatsApp : +90 539 767 53 73
E- mail: [email protected]
Instagram : afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 17/05/2023

We gave the acceptance letters of our Afghan students from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the Faculties of Human Sciences of Ardahan University. We wish you success in your education life.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 05/05/2023

We received acceptance letters from Sakarya University of Applied Sciences from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan students who preferred AFC CONSULTANCY. We express that we are always with them and wish them success in their education life.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
[email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 28/04/2023

As AFC Consulting, we have given the acceptance letters of our African students from Hitit University. We wish you success in your education life.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
[email protected]
[email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 14/04/2023

Would you like to study at Turkish state universities?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Get education in Turkey's best state and elite universities with only high school diploma points without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No Scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
Required documents
1. High school diploma or temporary graduation certificate (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
2. Transcript (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
3. Passport (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
4. 1 biometric photo
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsulting
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 12/04/2023

Would you like to study at Turkish state universities?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Get education in Turkey's best state and elite universities with only high school diploma points without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No Scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
🛑 Acceptance letter in 7 days
Required documents
1. High school diploma or temporary graduation certificate (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
2. Transcript (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
3. Passport (translated in Turkish or English. Apostille will be made)
4. 1 biometric photo
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsulting
Email: [email protected]


Would you like to study at Turkish state universities?
Engineering, medicine, dentistry, business, economics, Tourism Management, Tourism Guidance, Nursing etc. We announce the acceptance guarantee of many subjects to our esteemed students. Study at Turkey's best state and elite universities without the need for Yos or Sat. ️️️
🛑 Quotas are very limited.
🛑 No scholarship
🛑 100% Acceptance Guarantee
For questions and comments, please contact us:
Whatsapp : +905397675373
Instagram: afcconsultancy
Email: [email protected]

Photos from afcconsultancy's post 02/03/2023

We have published the acceptance letters of our Somali and Egyptian students to the Sociology and Economics departments of Gümüşhane University.
As AFC Consulting, we wish you success in their education life.
Мы опубликовали письмо о зачислении наших сомалийских и египетских студентов на факультеты социологии и экономики Университета Гумушане.
Как консультант AFC, мы желаем вам успехов в вашей образовательной жизни.
لقد نشرنا خطابات قبول طلابنا الصوماليين والمصريين في أقسام علم الاجتماع والاقتصاد بجامعة جوموشانه.
بصفتنا AFC Consulting ، نتمنى لكم التوفيق في حياتهم التعليمية.

Whatsapp: +90 539 767 53 73
İnstagram: afcconsultancy
ما نامه پذیرش دانشجویان سومالیایی و مصری خود را در گروه های جامعه شناسی و اقتصاد دانشگاه گموشان منتشر کرده ایم.
ما به عنوان مشاور AFC برای شما در زندگی آموزشی آرزوی موفقیت داریم.
Nous avons publié la lettre d'acceptation de nos étudiants somaliens et égyptiens dans les départements de sociologie et d'économie de l'Université de Gumushane.
En tant que consultant AFC, nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans votre vie educative.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Would you like to study at Izmır Demokrasi State university?Engineering, business, economics, Torurism Managements etc. ...
Would you like to study at Gumushane State University?Engineering, business, economics, media, Tourism Management, Psych...




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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