
晉弘科技股份有限公司 Medimaging Integrated Solution, Inc. Medimaging Integrated Solution, Inc.

(MiiS) is a technology company for hand-held medical imaging devices, particularly the diagnostic scope set including digital ophthalmoscope, digital dermoscope and digital otoscope, in the market of the health examination and healthcare service. Our innovative products and services are provided to improve the diagnostic efficiency and the friendly interaction between the doctor and patients by th




We sincerely invite you to attend the upcoming Taiwan International Medical and Healthcare Exhibition. At the exhibition, we will showcase MiiS' achievements in AI-powered smart healthcare.

"Edge Computing AI-DR" (DIB 100), is the very first combination of fundus image, AI and edge computing. The AI software assists non-ophthalmologists by identifying DR stages and lesions, this innovation improves diabetes health monitoring and management and helps to lower the risks of vision loss or blindness caused by DR.

"Smart Wound Care System" (MPD 100), a multi-sensing device integrates color camera, thermal camera and 3D camera to assess wound size, depth and tissue ratios of chronic skin injuries. AI wound care analysis system makes telehealth wound care not only possible, but also accessible and more accurate. It supports in timely diagnosis and treatment for telemedicine services, and shorten the time for healing wound.

"Optical Coherence Tomography" (ACT100) is the world's most lightweight and portable OCT, specifically designed to provide precise retinal layer analysis without requiring pupil dilation. This advanced technology delivers detailed imaging of the macula and optic disc, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including pediatric surgery, prone surgery, care for bedridden patients, and mobile medical services.

The exhibition will be held from June 20 to 22, 2024, at Nangang Exhibition Hall 2.
We look forward to welcoming you to the MiiS booth # P0620


MiiS will hold a product launch event on the stage of the Smart Medical Pavilion at the MEDICAL Taiwan on June 22, 2024, at 11:45 AM. We will introduce the following products:

1. Optical Coherence Tomography (ACT 100)
2. Horus Scope Diagnostic Set

We sincerely welcome your presence and guidance.
Welcome to visit our Booth at P0620.


1. 視網膜光學掃瞄儀 Optical Coherence Tomography (ACT 100)
2. 赫羅斯五官鏡 Horus Scope Diagnostic Set

也歡迎參訪晉弘科技攤位 。

#台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 #智慧醫療 #遠距醫療 #遠程醫療 #台灣醫療暨生技器材工業同業公會


We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to visit our booth at the upcoming MD&M West exhibition. Our booth, No. 953, will be showcasing high-resolution 1500x1500 Micro Camera Module (MCM), the world's smallest MCM. MiiS' patented encapsulation technology minimizing endoscope outer diameter, enlarging the working channel, and ensuring exceptional color uniformity and brightness performance. Furthermore, we will be showcasing our Single-Use Endoscope Total Solution, a seamless integration of Horus Single-Use Endoscope with a 14" Video System. MiiS’ MCM & Endoscope solutions perfectly fit in the requirement of endoscope applications.

As well as specializing in a range of Advanced Molding Technologies, including Insert Molding, Micro Injection Molding, Co-Injection Molding, Overmolding & Blow Molding. And provide One-Stop Shop from Design, Molding, Manufacture, Injection Molding to Assemblies, Module Assembly and Packages. Metal wire-cutting machine that serves dual purposes – not only for cutting molds but also for precision metal cutting applications, including the production of items like bone screws and bone plates.

We value your collaboration partnership and look forward to meeting you in California.

# Endoscope


We're overjoyed to share an exciting news and a heartfelt moment of triumph! MiiS' product, Endoscope Solutions, has been honored with the 2024 Taiwan Excellence. This recognition is not just an accolade; it's a celebration of dedication, passion, and the pursuit of excellence.
🌈 We extend our deepest gratitude to our incredible team whose intelligent work and creativity brought this vision to life.
📸 Join us in remembering the moment of the award ceremony through the snapshot. We thank our supporters for being an essential part of our journey. Cheers to innovation, quality, and the exciting adventures that lie ahead!

20231208- 2023傑出生技產業獎獲總統接見 11/12/2023

Exciting News: We are thrilled to announce that MiiS’ groundbreaking product- Single Use Nasopharyngoscope EES100 and Video System EVS100 has been honored with the 2023 Taiwan BIO Awards, and had the honor of a meeting with the President Tsai Ing-wen to celebrate this remarkable achievement.
This recognition underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of biotechnology. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated team whose hard work and ingenuity have made this accomplishment possible.

A special thank you to the President for the gracious meeting. We are excited about the future and remain dedicated to advancing innovation in the biotech field.

20231208- 2023傑出生技產業獎獲總統接見


🌐 A huge shoutout to BBC for amplifying MiiS’ story on a global scale. Watch the more detail story here: https://www.bbc.com/storyworks/future/beyond-silicon-shores-taiwan/the-legend-of-innovation. Join us in celebrating this remarkable achievement! 🚀


We are pleased to extend our invitation to you for , the world's premier medical technology fair from November 13th to 16th in Messe Düsseldorf Exhibition Grounds, Germany (Booth No. ). As a distinguished figure in the industry, we warmly invite you to join us as our esteemed guest and share your insights during our discussion sessions.

MiiS will present Single-Use Endoscope Total Solution, a seamless integration of the Horus Single-Use Nasopharyngoscope with a 14" Video System. It allows physicians to conduct instant screenings and electronic storage of patient records. It enhances the efficiency of patient care.

Furthermore, we will be showcasing our high-resolution 1500x1500 Micro Camera Module (MCM), the world's smallest MCM. MiiS' patented encapsulation technology minimizing the MCM's outer diameter, enlarging the working channel, and ensuring exceptional color uniformity and brightness performance. The solution perfectly fits in the requirement of endoscope applications you may have.

In addition, we launch the new compact otoscope EOC 700 with key features: Tympanic Membrane & Throat Inspection
Dual inspection modes of tympanic membrane and throat provide the best diagnostic experience for the doctors.

We sincerely invite you to visit our booth . Should you require further information, please feel free to contact us at any time to obtain the best pricing and service.

Photos from MiiS's post 04/09/2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

We cordially invite you to attend the upcoming , the premier global event to explore latest innovations and digital technologies.

MiiS is excited to announce the most Portable, Ultralight and Precise eye care total solutions. The Optical Coherence Tomography (ACT 100), MiiS’ newly own-developed OCT, not only it performs eye examinations without dilating the pupils, but also it analyzes macula, retina and optic disc and generates highest-resolution photos. The lightweight and affordable ACT 100 is skillfully designed to serve multiple applications by adopting chinrest, installing onto desk mount on medical cart or simply holding in hand. ACT 100 is the OCT you are looking for.

Experience Horus Scope the best hand-held eye care total solution from Anterior Lens (DEA 200) to Eye Fundus Camera (DEC 200). Horus Scope is designed for telemedicine which develops the concept of ‘Device to Device’. Collecting medial image and data of vital sign with Bluetooth in a few seconds and then integrating all data to device which highly improves the progress of operating. With Wi-Fi transmission to multi-platform, it increases medical efficiency, making case history completed, to reach precision medicine ideal, improve the medical environment, and re-duce costs associated with healthcare.

ESCRS 2023, the exhibition is going to be held from on 9/8-9/11 in the Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Centre (Vienna, Austria). We look forward to welcoming you to the MiiS booth .

Photos from MiiS's post 27/07/2023

年度盛會「2023 BIO Asia-Taiwan #亞洲生技大展」7月27日盛大開幕!於開幕典禮中,同步舉行頒獎典禮與產品發表,晉弘「赫羅斯拋棄式鼻咽內視鏡」獲頒 #2023傑出生技產業獎『 #年度產業創新獎』。7月27日至30日亞洲生技大展期間,晉弘將於 展位向國人展現百分百MIT的臺灣創新力!


「赫羅斯拋棄式鼻咽內視鏡」已通過美國FDA 510(k)審查、日本第三方認證機構COSMOS審核,核發第二類醫療器材許可,也取得臺灣TFDA第二類醫療器材許可證。


喜訊連連! 很榮幸參與貿協國際智慧醫療推廣活動!晉弘致力於遠距醫療器材與AI軟體開發,持續開創優質醫療產品,對全球智慧醫療有所貢獻! 展望未來,公司將與團隊一同努力,共同守護健康幸福的臺灣,並透過市場的拓展,將AI智慧醫療產品與創新醫療解決方案帶到世界各個需要的角落。

Good news again and again! MiiS is honored to participate in the "Taiwan's Healthcare Frontier: Digital and Remote Technologies" of TAITRA Global. MiiS is committed to develop medical equipment of telemedicine and AI software. MiiS constantly creates high-quality medical products! MiiS team looks ahead to work constantly to make people healthier and happier in Taiwan and bring AI smart medical products and innovative medical solutions to every corner of the world.

📍Taiwan's Healthcare Frontier: Digital and Remote Technologies | Taiwan Insight (MiiS Period: 0:11~0:13;5:07~6:40) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdUKVKiafQs




誠摯邀請您到我們的攤位 M434 參訪。若您需要進一步的資訊,歡迎隨時與我們連絡以取得最優惠價格及服務。

#亞洲生技大展 #傑出生技獎 #年度產業創新獎 #赫羅斯拋棄式鼻咽內視鏡


Dear Sir / Madam,

Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS) takes great pleasure to invite you to visit our demonstration at MD&M East 2023, Booth no. 1149. MiiS is an medical ODM manufacturer with a very innovative approach to provide best medical imaging solutions for customer needs.

We’ll be demonstrating high-resolution Micro Camera Module (MCM), the 1st smallest MCM in the World. MiIS’ patented encapsulation technology customizes LED light source surrounded the sensor to minimize MCM, outer diameter and enlarge working channel with great color uniformity and brightness performance. MiiS has implemented fully automated manufacturing lines to peel off wire jacket and solder onto sensor module and a line for insertion tube assembly all in a row.

Looking forward to seeing you in New York!

Photos from MiiS's post 14/04/2023

As Spring 2023 approaches, MiiS launches solutions designed for Digital Health and Digital Therapeutics at SAWC Spring 2023!
We look forward to connecting and innovating with telemedicine or homecare customers from dressing companies, long-term care facilities, ODMs, system integrators or distributors.
Per the study published in the Diabetes Care journal, evidence is increasingly pointing towards the ability to predict the successful healing of various types of wounds by observing changes in wound area during the first four weeks of treatment.
Smart Wound Management Platform efficiently provides a good connection between wound area changes and healing potential, which can be useful in identifying individuals who require additional wound care to ensure complete healing.

MiiS “Smart Wound Management Platform for Android and iOS devices” is the very first product in the world integrating color, thermal and 3D sensors for the wound caring application. The innovative characteristics are,
(1) 3D camera detects contour and calculates dimension/volume of wound areas. It decreases time spent comparing to traditional process, with scaled paper strips or ruled papers.
(2) Color camera records the skin status, such as granulating, sloughy or necrotic, and analyzes the proportion of each type. It sharply raises efficiency and analyzing accuracy.
(3) Thermal camera records temperature distribution around wound area to provide promising reference of blood velocity and recovery trends.
(4) Wi-Fi and video call functions deliver remote treatment of doctors in hospitals during home healthcare and also extend service range and improve efficiency.
(5) Recorded info. could be documented and sorted for a history of recovery and treatment.
(6) Bar code scanner and IC (smart) card reader smoothen the archiving and service flow.

AI判讀神隊友,北榮精準檢測眼疾有法寶? | 李加祈 | 遠見雜誌 13/04/2023


It is gratefully appreciated that a cross-sector partnership with the Hospital and its Medical Team brings collaboration between clinical medicine and AI technology to realize the Digital Diagnostics and Digital Therapeutics.
MiiS innovates the digital handheld fundus camera that equips leading-edge, AI assisted diagnostic capability to unroll the momentum of new medical technology!

◆ 本文出自遠見 2023 / 04 月號: AI判讀神隊友,北榮精準檢測眼疾有法寶?

AI判讀神隊友,北榮精準檢測眼疾有法寶? | 李加祈 | 遠見雜誌 台北榮總致力推動與ICT、光電產業合作,總是門庭若市的北榮眼科部,更是具體實踐的重要單位之一,希望藉由科技助攻,讓看診更有溫度。

Photos from MiiS's post 15/03/2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

We cordially invite you to attend the upcoming ARVO 2023, the premier global event for eye and vision research. This conference will bring together leading eye and vision researchers, clinicians, equipment suppliers and companies from around the world.

MiiS is excited to announce the most Portable, Ultralight and Precise OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), the ACT 100 to the world. ACT 100, MiiS’ newly own-developed OCT, not only it performs eye examinations without dilating the pupils, but also it analyzes macula, retina and optic disc and generates highest-resolution photos. The lightweight and affordable ACT 100 is skillfully designed to serve multiple applications by adopting chinrest, installing onto desk mount on medical cart or simply holding in hand. ACT 100 is the OCT you are looking for.

ARVO 2023 is going to be held from on April 23-26 in the New Orleans Convention Centre (New Orleans, LA). We look forward to welcoming you to the MiiS booth #1057.

Photos from MiiS's post 07/03/2023

Dear Sir / Madam,

As HIMSS 23 approaches, MiiS launches solutions designed for Digital Health and Digital Therapeutics at HIMSS 23!

We look forward to connecting and innovating with telemedicine or homecare customers from dressing companies, long-term care facilities, ODMs, system integrators or distributors.

MiiS “Smart Wound Care Platform for Android and iOS devices” is the very first product in the world integrating color, thermal and 3D sensors for the wound caring application. The innovative characteristics are,
(1) 3D camera detects contour and calculates dimension/volume of wound areas. It decreases time spent comparing to traditional process, with scaled paper strips or ruled papers.
(2) Color camera records the skin status, such as granulating, sloughy or necrotic, and analyzes the proportion of each type. It sharply raises efficiency and analyzing accuracy.
(3) Thermal camera records temperature distribution around wound area to provide promising reference of blood velocity and recovery trends.
(4) Wi-Fi and video call functions deliver remote treatment of doctors in hospitals during home healthcare and also extend service range and improve efficiency.
(5) Recorded info. could be documented and sorted for a history of recovery and treatment.
(6) Bar code scanner and IC (smart) card reader smoothen the archiving and service flow.

The edge computing based screening solution, "AI-assisted Diagnostic Device for Diabetic Retinopathy", is the very first innovation of analyzing fundus images by MiiS Digital Imaging Box (DIB 100), marking symptom locations, and is adopting user-centered design methodology for telemedicine services. It uses AI to assist non-ophthalmologists in their diagnosis and solve the problem of uneven distribution when lack of ophthalmologists. By identifying DR stages and lesions, this innovation improves diabetes health monitoring and management and helps to lower the risks of vision loss or blindness caused by DR.


MiiS AI-DR Software Enters Japanese Market

Today, the smart healthcare company, MiiS (ticker: 6796), announces that it has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Clairvo Technologies, a subsidiary which is responsible for digital healthcare businesses in Marubeni Group. According to the agreement, Clairvo will sell and market MiiS’ eye fundus camera with edge computing AI-based software(*1) in Japan. This is a major milestone for MiiS’ product to pe*****te the Japanese market and endorse Company’s commitment to explore the new markets.

Marubeni represents a large-scale, comprehensive trading company in Japan that manages products and provides value-added services across the board. Its subsidiary, Clairvo Technologies, has been developing most advanced technologies and excellent products to the healthcare industry in Japan and Asian countries. The collaboration between MiiS and Clairvo has been moving on in great progress for two years, and recently the AI-DR software has obtained approval by a registered certification body under Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices in Japan and received a Class II medical device certificate, making a significant progress for strategic partnership. Clairvo plans to sell the products to medical and long-term nursing care institutions.

In addition to the Japanese market, MiiS also aims to cultivate the Southeast Asian market. Several products are currently under registration for local licenses. MiiS is confidently hoping that through market expanding the market expansion, MiiS will bring advanced technology and products to every corner of the world.

About Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. and AI-DR software Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS)(ticker: 6796) is a global leading provider of smart healthcare solutions, focusing on three main markets: telemedicine (digital hand-held diagnostic scopes), digital medicine (AI medical image-assisted diagnosis software), and minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment (disposable endoscopes). MiiS is dedicated to developing innovative smart medical devices by combining core technologies of optics design for digital medical image with AI medical image-assisted diagnosis software, and providing innovative medical solutions. MiiS is based in Hsinchu, Taiwan and selling products either under its own brand, horus SCOPE, or CDMO service, reaching over 60 countries globally. For more information, please visit MiiS website: https://www.miis.com.tw.

(*1) This software is called AI-DR (Diabetic Retinopathy), which is the very first innovation of analyzing fundus images, providing real-time classification, staging, and symptom location of diabetic retinopathy developed in Taiwan. With a sensitivity of over 98% and a specificity of over 96%, its performance surpasses other products in the market and effectively assists doctors in understanding the severity of the condition and the location of retinal damage. It also helps non-ophthalmologists decide whether a patient needs to be referred to an ophthalmologist. Whether applied in well-equipped medical facilities or remote clinics, it enhances the early screening capability of diabetic retinopathy, improves the efficient allocation of medical resources, and assists in monitoring the control of diabetic retinopathy patients. In Japan, this software has not been approved to diagnose diabetic retinopathy.

📍 Marubeni Group press release https://www.marubeni.com/jp/news/2023/group/00009.html
📍 Clairvo Technologies Inc. press release https://www.clairvotech.com/news/Miis_release_0210.html


智慧醫療公司晉弘(6796)今日宣布與丸紅(Marubeni) 集團負責數位醫療保健事業的子公司Clairvo Technologies簽訂獨家銷售協議,依據此協議,Clairvo將於日本銷售晉弘的眼底攝影機搭配視網膜AI輔助診斷軟體,為晉弘產品進入日本市場的一大里程碑,也實現晉弘要開拓新市場的承諾。

丸紅為日本極具代表性的大型綜合商社,經營項目橫跨各種領域,旗下子公司Clairvo Technologies持續在為日本和亞洲其他地區的醫療保健行業提供最先進的優秀技術和產品,Clairvo與晉弘的合作已進行兩年,近期視網膜AI輔助診斷軟體通過日本認證機構審核並核發第二類醫療器材許可,讓雙方的合作開花結果,Clairvo預計將產品銷售至醫療及長照機構。



📍 丸紅集團 (Marubeni Group) 新聞稿 https://www.marubeni.com/jp/news/2023/group/00009.html
📍 Clairvo Technologies Inc. 新聞稿 https://www.clairvotech.com/news/Miis_release_0210.html


While APAO is coming on February 23-25 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MiiS is excited to announce the most compact, affordable and portable OCT(Optical Coherence Tomography), the ACT 100 to the world.

ACT 100, MiiS’ newly own-developed OCT, not only it performs eye examinations without dilating the pupils, but also it analyzes macula, retina and optic disc and generates highest-resolution photos.

The lightweight and affordable ACT 100 is skillfully designed to serve multiple applications by adopting chinrest, installing onto desk mount on medical cart or simply holding in hand. ACT 100 is the OCT you are looking for.

We sincerely look forward to welcoming your visit at Booth No. 7095

APAO於 2 月 23 日至 25 日在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行。晉弘科技預計將展示全世界最小、價格最實惠的手持式視網膜光學斷層掃描儀 (Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT)。

晉弘科技自行設計開發的手持式視網膜光學斷層掃描儀 (ACT 100),進行眼科檢查無需散瞳,就能夠高度解析分層視網膜,包括黃斑部和神經盤。

ACT 100 輕巧價優,手持式的靈活設計,可以滿足多種使用場景需求(如嬰幼兒、開刀俯臥/趴臥、臥床及巡診等):可搭配3軸自動定位功能下巴托架,進行全自動化快速拍攝;也能夠結合握把及腳踏開關,優化手持拍攝穩定度及便利性,同時,更可以安裝於醫療台車搭配旋轉式機械手臂,大幅提升精準與靈活度。全世界最輕量的可攜式主機,輕巧不佔空間。

誠摯邀請您到我們的攤位7095, Hall 7, Level 3參訪。若您需要進一步的資訊,歡迎隨時與我們連絡以取得最優惠價格及服務。

#亞太眼科學會大會 #晉弘 #視網膜光學斷層掃描儀




● 挑戰者盃身障兒童公益棒球賽Little League Challenger
● 晉弘贊助宣傳




狂賀!「糖尿病視網膜病變AI輔助診斷裝置」榮獲台灣精品獎 “金質獎” !
晉弘Horus Scope「糖尿病視網膜病變AI輔助診斷裝置」榮獲台灣精品金質獎! 感謝台灣精品專業國際評審團給予金獎肯定!

📍「糖尿病視網膜病變AI輔助診斷裝置」為全球唯一,可標註病徵,針對糖尿病進行二分類及五分期的輔助判定。結合可攜式眼底攝影機,將取得的眼底影像經由Digital Imaging Box (DIB 100) AI-DR進行邊緣運算篩檢後,協助非眼科醫師糖尿病眼部相關病變輔助判讀,改進糖尿病健康監測和管理,並有助於降低由 DR 引起的視力喪失或失明的風險。應用於眼科醫學常規檢查、健康普篩,或是遠距醫療,對病人達到及早診斷與治療的目的。
📍 台灣精品獎頒獎典禮影片連結 (晉弘授獎45:33~46:20;1:29:42~1:29:45): https://youtu.be/Qn04xeicwfo

Congratulations! The Taiwan Excellence Award "Gold Award"!
How amazing that Horus Scope “AI-assisted Diagnostic Device for Diabetic Retinopathy” wins Gold Award of the Taiwan Excellence Award. MiiS has been deeply involved in the research and development of innovative technologies since the Company was founded in 2010, and has won the Taiwan Excellence Award for 7 consecutive years and received 3 Gold Awards! Looking forward to creating more professional medical imaging solutions in the future, benefiting people and contributing to society!

📍 The edge computing based screening solution, "AI-assisted Diagnostic Device for Diabetic Retinopathy", is the very first innovation of analyzing fundus images by MiiS Digital Imaging Box (DIB 100), marking symptom locations, and is adopting user-centered design methodology for telemedicine services. It uses AI to assist non-ophthalmologists in their diagnosis and solve the problem of uneven distribution when lack of ophthalmologists. By identifying DR stages and lesions, this innovation improves diabetes health monitoring and management and helps to lower the risks of vision loss or blindness caused by DR. This honor is very precious because it creates added value of medical services through the integration of AI software and hardware device.
📍 2023 Taiwan Excellence Award Ceremony (MiiS-awarded Period: 45:33~46:20;1:29:42~1:29:45) : https://youtu.be/Qn04xeicwfo

新光醫院捐贈遠距醫療設備 賴清德帛琉見證 | 聯合新聞網 17/11/2022

與大家分享~晉弘赫羅斯手持式數位五官鏡組 (耳鏡、口腔鏡、皮膚鏡、數位眼前房攝影機含移動式下巴架) 榮幸參與「帛旅專案」,結合遠距醫療智慧平台,透過即時高解析影像,強化診療精準度,讓帛琉任何一個地方,達到遠距醫療、問診零距離之目的!期盼能增進帛琉民眾的健康福祉,促使臺帛國際友誼更加穩固,發揮Taiwan Can Help精神!


新光醫院捐贈遠距醫療設備 賴清德帛琉見證 | 聯合新聞網 副總統賴清德在帛琉的行程接近尾聲,今天前往帛琉國家醫院,見證新光醫院與帛琉共和國衛生部遠距醫療中心設備捐贈儀式,他致詞時...



【遠傳新創加速器 注入創新心動能】

#晉弘 #遠傳 #醫療零偏鄉 #網路取代馬路

Photos from MiiS's post 03/11/2022

晉弘科技深感榮幸,支持國際扶輪社 - 以行動來實現愛無國界的最大意義。隨著義診團隊的腳步,散播了愛的種子,不僅是撒在尼泊爾,也撒在每一位參與的夥伴心中,期望這份感動和愛能一直延續下去!

The volunteer clinic hosted by Rotary International in Nepal is ongoing. Due to the lack of local medical resources, many local people were thirsty for medical treatment and flocked to the free clinic to wait for treatment.
MiiS feels honored to support the volunteer clinic - Act to achieve the greatest meaning of love without borders. With the footsteps of the volunteer clinic team, the seeds of love have been spread, not only in Nepal, but also in the hearts of every partner. Hope this touching and love will continue forever!



晉弘科技誠摯邀請您參加2022 台灣醫療科技展,此展會將於台北南港展覽館一館4樓舉辦。

※ 展覽資訊
📍展場地址:台北南港展覽館一館4樓 - 科學園區主題館 (115台北市南港區經貿二路1號)
📍展出時間:12/1-3 (週四~週六) 10:00~18:00;12/4 (週日) 10:00~16:00

Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS) sincerely invites you to join us at 2022 Healthcare EXPO TAIWAN event.
The exhibition will take place at Hall 1, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from 12/1 to 12/4 and our booth no. is N705.
We will showcase our AI-enabled smart healthcare medical solutions. We are looking forward to meeting you!

📍 Exhibition Official Website: https://expo.taiwan-healthcare.org/en/index.php
📍 Venue: Hall 1, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center (No.1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan)
📍 Date: 12/1-12/3 (Thu.~Sat.) 10:00~18:00;12/4 (Sun.) 10:00~16:00
📍 Booth: N705

#台灣醫療科技展 #全國最大健康派對 #晉弘科技



※ 新聞來源:非凡新聞

Nepal is located in the Himalayas. Due to its remote location and inconvenient transportation, medical resources are very scarce. MiiS supports the volunteer clinic hosted by Rotary International in Nepal by donating the required hand-held ophthalmic devices. Not only can it help local residents, the tourists worldwide can also be benefited by this entire event. Let Taiwan's love spread out to the world and make the world a better place; let the world discover Taiwan through its advanced medical diplomacy experience!

#公益 #晉弘 #尼泊爾義診 #手持眼科裝置

Photos from 臺北榮民總醫院's post 30/09/2022

晉弘科技持續努力,不忘回饋。支持臺灣國際行動醫療團「太平洋友邦醫療合作計畫-諾魯醫療計畫」,捐贈horus SCOPE眼底鏡、五官鏡,協助國際友邦諾魯能透過智慧醫療科技,提升國家的醫療照護能量,體現醫療無國界的創業宗旨!


Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS) takes great pleasure to invite you to visit our demonstration during the 2022 MEDICAL JAPAN (Booth No. 8-19) & MEDICA GERMANY (Booth No. 17C16).

We hereby cordially invite you, a leading figure in this industry, as a distinguished guest to attend our event
and share your views in discussion sessions. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS) is so excited to be a part of the Medical Fair Asia 2022 event! We display the latest innovation products at booth . More than welcome to say Hi and share an experience with us. Looking forward to seeing you there!

晉弘 攻拋棄式內視鏡商機 - 工商時報 05/07/2022


晉弘科技開發的首款拋棄式鼻咽內視鏡產品,繼取得台灣衛福部食藥署 (TFDA) 第二類醫材許可證後,也通過美國食藥局 (FDA)510(k) 審查。可應用於持續增長的微創診療市場,解決重複消毒使用的內視鏡產生的交叉感染問題,在後疫情時代更受重視。晉弘掌握主要的微型鏡頭影像感測模組和封裝的關鍵技術,可滿足國際醫材大廠需求,進行各科別內視鏡的委託開發暨製造服務 (CDMO)。

MiiS Disposable ENT Nasopharyngoscope Receives U.S. FDA 510(k) Clearance

MiiS announced United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance for its first disposable nasopharyngoscope (EES 100), which has also obtained the Class II medical device license from Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) in May.

EES 100 is comprised of a flexible insertion tube with fully integrated LEDs and micro camera module and is used in minimally invasive procedures. Its micro camera module provides high resolution image that details features for diagnosis. EES 100 offers the benefit of reducing the risk of a postoperative infection caused by cross-contamination thus improving patient outcomes. As a single-use endoscope, there is also no re-sterilization process involved nor extra cost incurred.

晉弘 攻拋棄式內視鏡商機 - 工商時報 晉弘(6796)搶攻微創診療商機報喜,領先產業界開發首個拋棄式鼻咽內視鏡產品,繼5月獲台灣TFDA第二類醫材許可證後,近日再通過美國FDA 510(k)審查。總經理鄭竹明表示,該產品除主打自有品牌外,亦可提供鏡頭元件或成品CDMO....

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Videos (show all)

Horus Digital Otoscope DOC 100
Global branding spot light of Horus Scope
Horus+ Scope DEA 200
Horus ENT Scope Set
5MP Eye-fundus Camera- Horus DEC 200
Horus EOC 100



3F, No. 24-2, Industry E. Road IV, Hsinchu Science Park

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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