高雄洲際酒店-InterContinental Kaohsiung

高雄洲際酒店由IHG洲際酒店集團品牌直接經營管理,與遠雄集團亞灣豪邸THE ONE垂直共構。




🍝為了感謝爸爸的付出與辛勞,SEEDS大地義式餐廳將於 8 月 8 日至 8 月 11 日推出爸爸限定的特別優惠!無論爸爸喜歡單點、套餐或是自助餐,都可享受 #半價優惠!(飲品、酒類除外)🎉


來 SEEDS 大地義式餐廳,讓我們一起為您和父親創造更多珍貴的回憶。❤️

活動期間|2024 年 8 月 8 日至 2024 年 8 月 11 日

✨ Happy Father’s Day! ✨

🍝 To show our appreciation for all dads, SEEDS Italian Restaurant will be offering special Father's Day discounts from August 8th to August 11th! Whether your dad prefers à la carte, set meals, or buffets, dads can enjoy a 50% discount! (Excludes drinks and alcoholic beverages)🎉

📸Polaroid family photo is served to capture your memories with dad!

Come to SEEDS Italian Restaurant and create more precious memories with dad and family together.❤️

Event Date|August 8th, 2024 to August 11th, 2024
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/SEEDS

#義式餐廳 #父親節 #義式料理 #高雄洲際酒店

Photos from 高雄洲際酒店-InterContinental Kaohsiung's post 22/07/2024


🌴 探索南洋風味,享受味蕾的冒險!讓我們帶你踏上這場熱帶美食之旅!⛅️


🦐奶皇蝦:新加坡經典料理,嚴選新鮮虎蝦,口感 Q 彈脆爽。蝦的鮮甜與蛋奶的香濃完美融合,猶如味蕾在進行一場夢幻般的舞會,讓人回味無窮。



營業時間|午餐 11:30 - 14:30、下午茶 15:00 - 17:00、晚餐 17:30 - 21:30

📢New Menu Alert!
🌴 Explore the flavors of Southeast Asia and embark on a culinary adventure for your taste buds! ⛅️

💡Featured Items💡
🐽Crispy Pork Belly in Dark Soya Sauce: Prime pork belly paired with our chef's special sauce, infused with garlic and chili powder for an extra kick. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, with a perfect balance of savory and sweet flavors that burst on your palate. Enjoy it best with a chilled beer, refreshing and satisfying, even on the hottest summer days.

🦐Butter Prawns: A classic Singaporean dish featuring fresh tiger prawns, boasting a firm and succulent texture, enveloped in a rich egg and milk sauce. The sweet flavor of the prawns blends perfectly with the rich creaminess of the egg and milk, creating a dreamlike dance on the palate that leaves a lingering impression.

🍜Penang Prawn Mee: Fresh prawn heads sautéed with aromatic shallots and our chef’s special chili sauce, simmered to perfection to create a rich prawn broth. Each spoonful brings out layers of oceanic sweetness dancing on your tongue, balancing between delicious seafood and spicy flavors, offering an endless feast of flavors.

🍧Ais Kacang: hailed as Malaysia’s "national dessert." Adorned with green bean jelly, red beans, attap seeds, jackfruit, palm sugar, coconut milk, and pandan leaves, making this dessert a vibrant delight. It’s a must eat delight that cools you off the hot summer.

Opening Hours|Lunch 11:30 - 14:30、Afternoon Tea 15:00 - 17:00、Dinner 17:30 - 21:30
Day Off|Every Tuesday
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/HAWKER

#星馬美食 #蔬食 #幸福生活 #高雄美食 #南洋料理




📢僅在高雄洲際酒店中秋禮盒奢華版 - 港灣旅人行囊才有喔✨

這個中秋,帶著 #港灣旅人行囊 一起回家,與親朋好友共度團圓時光!🚂

早鳥預購|即日起至 2024 / 8 / 18 ,享 88 折早鳥優惠
取貨日期|2024 / 8 / 19 - 2024 / 9 / 17

🍂Formosa Ruby Red Oolong Sparkling Tea🥂

📍Using a unique, eco-friendly cold extraction process over 168 hours, the natural flavor of hand-picked Nantou Red Oolong is perfectly preserved. This Ruby Oolong Sparkling Tea combines the aroma of white peach and the refreshing floral scent of rose with fizzy bubbles, offering a smooth and cooling sensation.

📢 Exclusive only in the Harbor Voyager Trunk at the Intercontinental Kaohsiung✨

DM us with the “Mid-Autumn Gift Box" for more details.
This Mid-Autumn Festival, take the with you to home and enjoy reunion with family and friends! 🚂

Early Bird Pre-order|Now until 2024 / 8 / 18, enjoy 12% off
Pick-up Dates|2024 / 8 / 19 - 2024 / 9 / 17
Order Now|https://store.ickaohsiung.com/one/mooncake

#中秋月餅 #月餅送禮 #中秋節 #月餅預購 #氣泡茶 #茶 #紅玉 #烏龍 #高雄洲際酒店


🎉🌟 WA-RA 盛夏日本清酒氣泡祭:探索日本風情,體驗經典調酒的美妙融合 🌟🎉




趕快來 WA-RA,一同體驗這場味覺之旅。讓我們帶您飛越日本,感受最原汁原味的夏日清涼!🍹🇯🇵☀️

🍑 和歌山Bellini:水蜜桃風味
🍊 愛媛Aperol Spritz:蜜柑、橙風味
🍹 熊本Mojito:白草莓風味
🍇 山梨Yakult Sawa:葡萄風味
🍏 高知Sangria:柚子、青蘋果風味
🍓 枥木Mimosa:白草莓、柳橙風味

🥭 六本木之丘:芒果、茉莉綠茶風味
🍎 漫步十和田:蘋果、薑風味


活動期間|即日起 至 2024 年 8 月 每週五、週六

🎉🌟WARA Summer Sparkling Sake Fiesta: Explore Japanese elegance and experience the delightful fusion of classic cocktails🌟🎉

🇯🇵Inspired by specialties from various regions of Japan, each drink is a journey, and every sip is a culinary adventure. This summer, we take you across Japan to feel the unique charm from sweet peaches of Wakayama to the refreshing yuzu of Kochi.

Every sip makes you feel like you’re there in person, tingles your eager to want to travel to those places. This is not just a drinking fiesta, but a journey of exploration and discovery.

Come to WA-RA and join this culinary journey. Let us take you flying all over Japan and experience the most authentic coolness of summer! 🍹🇯🇵☀️

Featured Drinks:
🍑 Wakayama Bellini: Peach flavor
🍊 Ehime Aperol Spritz: Mikan, Orange flavor
🍹 Kumamoto Mojito: White Strawberry flavor
🍇 Yamanashi Yakult Sawa: Grape flavor
🍏 Kochi Sangria: Yuzu, Green Apple flavor
🍓 Tochigi Mimosa: White Strawberry, Orange flavor

Non-Alcoholic Delights:
🥭 Roppongi Hill: Mango, Jasmine Green Tea flavor
🍎 Strolling in Towada: Apple, Ginger flavor

Don’t miss out on this perfect summer escape! 🍷✨

Event Date|Every Friday and Saturday from Now to August
Choose any two drinks|NT$880
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/WA-RA

#日式餐廳 #夏日祭 #氣泡酒 #調酒愛好者 #高雄美食


Photos from 高雄洲際酒店-InterContinental Kaohsiung's post 15/07/2024

今天在高雄洲際酒店的總統套房內舉行了 分享會,將一系列酒店的環保舉措以及獲得認可的成就讓大家知道!💚

這次的分享會很榮幸邀請到多位貴賓共同見證這一重要時刻,包括高雄市政府觀光局副局長 孫春良先生、公益財團法人日本台灣交流協會高雄事務所副所長 是枝憲一郎先生、泰國貿易經濟辦事處處長 陳燦榮先生以及馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處高雄分處處長 崔瑞霞女士✨


Today, shared our to showcase a series of the hotel's environmental initiatives and recognized achievements! 💚

We were honoured to have special guests join us, including Mr. Sun Chun-Liang, Deputy Director of the Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government; Mr. Koreeda Kenichiro, Deputy Director General of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Kaohsiung Office; Mr. Nuthchyawach Sanguanchaiyakrit, Director of the Thailand Trade and Economic Office; and Ms. Atty. Ma. Karina B. Perida-Trayvilla, Director of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office Kaohsiung Extension Office🌟

Since the pre-opening, InterContinental Kaohsiung has been committed to environmental protection and sustainable development, aiming to reduce negative environmental impacts while providing a better accommodation experience for our guests. We look forward to working together with you towards a brighter and more sustainable future. 💖




✨迎接南台灣最鮮美的 #海鮮饗宴,無限量供應,讓你一口接一口,停不下來!

🦐 澳洲香蕉蝦 - 滑嫩多汁
🦀 澳洲玫瑰蟹 - 鮮甜肥美
🌊 爐烤鮑魚 - 鮮香四溢
🦞 焗烤龍蝦 - 奶香濃郁

🍹還有絕美的比索亮麗之星義大利經典氣泡酒 Bisol Belstar Prosecco,入口時,豐富細緻的氣泡帶來綿密口感,清爽的花果香完美襯托每一道海鮮料理的鮮味!


活動期間|2024 年 7 月 19 日和 2024 年 7 月 20 日

🏖️【SEEDS Italian Restaurant's Seafood Feast Awaits You】🏖️

✨Welcome to the freshest feast in Southern Taiwan, with unlimited servings that will keep you coming back for more!

🔹Limited-Time Highlights🔹
🦐 Australian Banana Prawns - Juicy and tender
🦀 Australian Brown Crab - Sweet and succulent
🌊 Roasted Abalone - Fragrant and flavorful
🦞 Baked Lobster - Rich and creamy

🍹We also have the exquisite Bisol Belstar Prosecco, with its unique flavor, acidity ,and fine bubbles that perfectly complements every seafood dish!

Come to SEEDS Earth Italian Restaurant and indulge in this top-notch seafood feast! 🎉

Event Date|July 19th, 2024 to July 20th, 2024
Price Per Person|NT$2,580+10%
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/SEEDS

#義式餐廳 #海島 #自助饗宴 #海鮮 #高雄洲際酒店


👨‍👧‍👦 父親節快樂!


Delicatesse 推出【焦糖海鹽夏威夷果仁慕斯 6吋】,是表達感謝的最佳禮物。❤️

以法式經典甜點「夏威夷果帕林內」搭配綿密的杏仁蛋糕體組成的內餡,被焦糖淋醬包覆 #香草卡士達慕斯 的外層包覆, #海鹽焦糖 #夏威夷豆 畫龍點睛的點綴 ,入口焦糖的微苦帶鹹伴隨後味的甘甜,如同品味人生一樣的豐富精彩。

✨奢華典雅風味,獻給偉大 #父親 甜蜜的享受。

📢 憑館內任一餐廳於 8 / 8 至 8 / 11 用餐的 inline 訂位成功通知,享 NT$1,188 優惠價 (需 3 天前預訂)

活動期間|即日起至 2024 年 8 月 8 日
蛋糕售價|原價 NT$1,488
早鳥優惠|即日起至 7 月 30 日 NT$1,188
取貨時間|2024 年 7 月 25 日至 2024 年 8 月 11 日

👨‍👧‍👦 Happy Father's Day!

”I am really glad to have you as my strongest backup when I feel down.” Let's appreciate Dad's hard work and treat their taste buds this holiday season.

Introducing our 🍰 [Sea Salt Caramel Macadamia Mousse 6”], the perfect way to say: "Thank you, Dad." ❤️

The filling consists of a classic French dessert combined with a fluffy almond cake base, wrapped in a caramel glaze and coated with a . With a finishing touch of . The bitterness and saltiness of the caramel with a buttery aftertaste, is an epitome of an wonderful life.

🍾This luxurious and elegant flavor is a sweet treat for the taste buds, dedicated to great fathers.🎉

Enjoy a special price of NT$1,188 with any successful inline reservation at our restaurants from 8/8 to 8/11. (Must book at least 3 days in advance)

Event Date|Starting today to August 8th, 2024
Price Per Cake|NT$1,488
Early bird|From Now to July 30th NT$1,188
Pick-up date|July 25th, 2024 to August 11th, 2024

#高雄甜點 #高雄餐廳 #父親節



🍃 HAWKER好客全新期間限定南洋風情蔬食饗宴來囉~ 🍃


🌟 主廚推薦 🌟
🥦 印度花椰咖哩配網狀煎餅:將南洋風味濃郁的花椰菜咖哩與酥脆中帶點椰奶香的網狀煎餅結合,椰香平衡咖哩豐厚的味道,形成獨特的風味和口感,是當地經典的傳統美食。

🏵️ 黃金南瓜豆腐:以鹹蛋的鹹香與香甜的南瓜醬融合為基底,搭配軟嫩煎豆腐,入口即化的鹹甜滋味讓人愛不釋手。

🥗 蔬食小吃拼盤:以天貝、杏鮑菇、甜椒、茄子組合而成的素沙嗲烤串,印度馬沙拉風味鮮蔬蛋、新加坡傳統街邊小吃涼薯小金球與金沙杏鮑菇,還有主廚特製梨型炸馬鈴薯佐薄荷酸奶醬,讓您在拼盤內享盡星馬美食。

🍹 熱帶雙重奏調酒:一款結合蜂蜜利口酒與君度橙酒的獨特調酒融合了鳳梨、百香果等熱帶水果風味。每一口都彷彿是一場熱帶風情的音樂表演,讓您的味蕾沉浸在果香多重奏中。尾韻帶來清新宜人口感,結合新加坡多元文化與繽紛色彩,彷彿一幅繁華都市的繽紛畫卷。


活動期間|即日起至 2024 年 7 月 31 日

☀️Summer’s Here! Come and Join Us!

Hawker Restaurant is introducing new and creative veggie delight with a twist of Southeast Asian flair. The menu features Chef's Special Vegetarian Snack Platter, Aloo Gobi with Roti Jal, Samosas, or fragrant vegetarian curry with Paratha, offering healthy dining options and appetizing flavors!

🌟 Chef's Recommendation 🌟
🥦 Aloo Gobi with Roti Jala: A rich cauliflower curry with South Asian flavors, paired with a crispy, coconut-scented pancake for a unique taste experience.
🏵️ Golden Tofu Shimeji Mushroom and Glazed Tofu: Soft pan-fried tofu in a savory salted egg and sweet pumpkin sauce, offering a melt-in-your-mouth delight.
🥗 Veggie Snack Platter: A mix of tempeh, king oyster mushroom, sweet pepper, and eggplant skewers, masala-flavored vegetable egg, jicama golden balls, golden sand king oyster mushrooms, and pear-shaped fried potatoes with mint yogurt sauce. A taste of Singaporean and Malaysian treats.
🍹 Tropical Duet: A blend of honey liqueur, Cointreau, pineapple, and passion fruit. Each sip is a tropical symphony, capturing the vibrant essence of Singapore.

Event Date|From today to July 31st, 2024
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/HAWKER

#星馬美食 #蔬食 #高雄美食


🍽️ 湛露 × 雅詩蘭黛重磅聯名推出中式套餐 —「黛」您重生 · 「露」水重恆 💫

湛露中餐廳主廚王欽正以 #雅詩蘭黛 白金系列其中一個元素 #頂級黑鑽松露 為靈感,協團隊一同獻上獨家限定套餐

套餐除了以 #食中鑽石黑松露 入菜外,亦有龍膽石斑、和牛頰及鮮鮑燉雞湯等頂級食材,讓您盡享食材風華!🌟







- #雅詩蘭黛白金奢活2件組 + #雅詩蘭黛護膚劵(總價值超過NT$7,800)

期間限定|2024 年 7 月 8 日至 2024 年 8 月 31 日

🍽️ Zhan Lu x Estée Lauder Exclusive Luxurious Set Menu 💫

Chef Nelson from Chinese Restaurant draws inspiration from the , featuring the premium , to bring you this exclusive set menu.

This set menu not only highlights dishes but also includes delicacies like , , and . Enjoy in the brilliance of premium ingredients! 🌟

✦ Menu Highlights ✦
🍈 Double-boiled Chicken Broth with Abalone and Honeydew Melon|
Whole live abalone and free-range chicken are simmered with honeydew melon, balancing the sweet melon with the rich savory broth. A refreshing, light soup perfect for summer, ensuring each sip leaves you craving more.

🦐 Wok-fried Shrimp and Fresh Scallop with Truffle Sauce|
Fresh prawns and scallops are stir-fried with truffle, blending land and sea flavours in perfect harmony through the chef's exquisite craftsmanship. Each bite is like a symphony in your mouth, truly mesmerising.

🥩 Port Braised Wagyu Beef Cheek with Aged Orange Peel, White Radish, and Tomato|
Wagyu beef cheeks are braised with aged tangerine peel, adding a subtle aged flavour. The tender beef and citrus notes create a perfect culinary union.

🐟 Steamed Giant Grouper with Salted Lemon and Lemongrass|
Sourced from Pingtung, giant grouper is steamed with salted lemon, enhancing the seafood flavour. Finished with hot oil, lemongrass, and scallions, this dish is a feast for your senses, both aromatic and flavourful.
🦀 Wok-fried Rice with Dried Scallop, Crab Meat, Egg White and Green Beans|
Scallop threads and egg white pearls are wok-fried with fresh vegetables and daily-picked fresh crab meat, creating a delicate garnish like pearls and jade in a jewellery box. A delightful burst of oceanic flavours in every bite.

✦ Special Offer ✦
Pre-order the Exclusive Luxurious Set Menu and receive a complimentary gift and SPA voucher for each set (value over NT$7,800.) Enjoy ageless luxury inside and out with us!

✦ Reservation Details ✦
・Minimum order of two sets
・Please reserve one day in advance

Event Date|July 8th, 2024 to August 31st, 2024
Price Per Person|NT$2,880+10%
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/ZHANLU

#湛露 #雅詩蘭黛

#高雄洲際酒店 #一泊二食 #飯店 #優惠 #飯店優惠 #高雄住宿優惠 #飯店推薦


✨尋找專屬於您的 #白金逆時奢活假期 ✈️

#雅詩蘭黛 透過獨家專利抗技術「𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘-𝐋𝐏™ 長壽肌因逆齡科」,精準啟動關鍵肌膚「長壽肌因」,在黃金修復期提振膚質,實現肌齡逆轉奇蹟。在享受 ME TIME 的時刻,能放鬆心情、療癒疲憊,重拾活力與光彩,迎接逆齡歲月的非凡旅程💖

🌟專案亮點|超過 NT$25,000的獨家尊享禮遇
- 雅詩蘭黛護膚SPA兌換券 x 2 (價值 NT$10,000)
- 湛露中餐廳 「黛」您重生.「露」水重恆 單人套餐 x 2 套 (價值 NT$5,760)
- 雅詩蘭黛白金系列 逆齡好禮(價值近 NT$9,800)

🌟 #湛露中餐廳 「黛」您重生.「露」水重恆套餐|
獨家限定套餐除了將「 #食中鑽石」 #黑松露 入菜外,亦有龍膽石斑、和牛頰及鮮鮑燉雞湯等頂級食材饗宴,讓您在住宿期間,從裡到外皆能享盡奢華。

訂房期間|即日起至 2024 / 8 / 28
入住期間|2024 / 7 / 8 - 2024 / 8 / 31



Seeking for your ✈️
Let’s experience the ultimate highlight of ageless beauty!

Discover the science and transformative power of Sirtivity-LP™, the patented technology of that reveal visible age reversal. Enjoy your ME TIME by relaxing, healing fatigue, and rejuvenating your energy and radiance. 💖

🌟 Highlights of【LuxuRetreat】Package|Exclusive privileges over NT$25,000
- Estée Lauder Facial Treatment Voucher x 2 (NT$10,000)
- Zhan Lu × Estée Lauder Set Menu x 2 sets (NT$5,760)
- Estée Lauder Re-Nutriv Gift Set (nearly NT$9,800)

🌟 Zhan Lu × Estée Lauder Set Menu
Our exclusive limited-time set menu features the "Diamond of the Kitchen" , alongside premium ingredients like , , and . Indulge in luxury from the inside out during your stay with us.

Booking Period|From now - 2024 / 8 / 28
Stay Period|2024 / 7 / 8 - 2024 / 8 / 31
Book Now|ic-kaohsiung.com/luxuretreat-f

Book now to enjoy your LuxuRetreat! ✨

For detailed terms and booking conditions, please refer to the InterContinental Kaohsiung official website.

#湛露 #雅詩蘭黛

#高雄洲際酒店 #一泊二食 #五星級飯店優惠 #高雄住宿優惠 #2024飯店一泊二食專案



高雄洲際酒店隆重呈現 #港灣月途線 ,敬邀您品味團圓的美好!

✦獨特風味|洲際行家主廚團隊攜手 一之鄉 ,匠心獻上創新風味月餅
✦豪華禮遇|掃描盒內 QR Code 即享高雄洲際酒店餐飲折扣,還可以參加抽獎,
有機會贏得 #高雄洲際酒店 #總統套房 住宿一晚等驚喜禮遇!
✧永續發展|兩款皆隨盒附贈以 Byredo 備品塑膠回收再製「洲際永續收納盒」

✦精選禮盒|經典版禮盒 港灣 月光物語/奢華版禮盒 港灣 旅人行囊
✦風味月餅|奶皇流心/黑糖麻糬鐵觀音/ XO酒香奶皇/椰奶斑斕
/客家八寶擂茶/紅心芭樂檸檬【港灣 旅人行囊限定】
✧港灣 旅人行囊限定|福爾摩沙紅玉烏龍氣泡飲🍾以無汙染技術冷萃 168 小時,

這個中秋,讓#港灣月途線 帶您回家,與親朋好友共度團圓時光!🚂

早鳥預購|即日起至 2024/8/18,預購付款尊享 88 折優惠
取貨日期|2024/8/19 - 2024/9/17

▌Win a Night at the InterContinental Kaohsiung Presidential Suite!

Harbor Moon Pathway, where mooncake aromas enchant the night! 🌕
InterContinental Kaohsiung presents the , inviting you to celebrate reunion

🥮 Highlights
• Unique Flavors: by chef team and E G SAIN
• Sustainable Packaging: Reusable gift box
• Luxury Perks: QR Code for dining discounts and a chance to win a stay at Kaohsiung
• Eco-friendly: Recycled Byredo plastic box

🥮 Contents
• Gift Boxes: Standard: Moonlit Harbor Tales / Luxury: Harbor Voyager Trunk
• Flavors: Custard Lava / Black Sugar Mochi Tieguanyin Tea / XO Liqueur Custard / Coconut Pandan / Hakka Lei Cha Mooncake / Red Guava and Lemon 【Exclusive to Harbor Voyager Trunk】
• Sustainable Storage Box: with Blue Ocean Fragrance Paper Soap
• Exclusive to Harbor Voyager Trunk: Formosa Ruby Red Oolong Sparkling Tea, brewed for 168 hours, with white peach and rose aromas and delicate bubbles

DM us with the “Mid-Autumn Gift Box" for more details.
This Mid-Autumn Festival, let the bring you home to reunion with family and friends! 🚂

Early Bird Pre-order|Now until 2024/8/18, enjoy 12% off
Pick-up Dates|2024/8/19-2024/9/17

#中秋月餅 #月餅送禮 #中秋節 #月餅預購 #高雄洲際酒店


▌ ♻️ 奢華新高度,環保新態度!♻️



洲際天然楠竹環保瓶單個售價 $299 元

▌ ♻️ Elevate Luxury, Embrace Sustainability! ♻️

Starting today, we are pleased to offer eco-friendly bamboo thermos in-room.
Join us on a sustainable journey and help reduce single-use plastic bottles.

Take home the natural bamboo thermos to extend your InterContinental experience into your daily routine. 🌱

Every small change contributes to a significant impact on our planet!
Let's work together to create a brighter tomorrow. 🌤️

Bamboo Thermos: $299/each.




盛夏來臨!規劃一場 #避暑之旅,品賞沁心調飲🍹、奢享 #泳池 中徹底放鬆的時光

訂房期間|即日起至 2024/7/3
入住期間|2024/6/25 至 2024/9/30
(如欲 7/3 前入住需至少前提五天預訂)


▌Don't miss out the limited-time Summer Sale!🏖️

Summer is here! Plan a , savor refreshing drinks 🍹, and indulge in complete relaxation by the .
Book now to enjoy up to 20% off the best flexible rates!

Booking Period|From now until 2024/7/3
Stay Period|2024/6/25 - 2024/9/30 (Book 5 days in advance)
Book Now|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/room

Enjoy the begining of summer with us now ! 🌴




在 #高雄港灣 登上航向皎潔月球的夢想列車, “港灣月途線”不僅僅是旅行,更是一段穿越時空的奇幻之旅!🕰️
在行駛的列車上品賞 #月餅 與輕盈的 #氣泡茶,感受中秋的深情與團圓的美好。🍵

高雄洲際酒店行家主廚團隊攜手一之鄉,精選多款風味月餅,獻上兩款中秋禮盒:標準版「港灣月光物語」(Moonlit Harbor Tales)和奢華版「港灣旅人行囊」(Harbor Voyager Trunk)即將上市,敬請期待!

Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars~

Are you ready to board the train through the “Harbor Moon Pathway” from Kaohsiung Harbor with us?
The "Harbor Moon Pathway" is more than just a journey, it's a magical voyage through time and space! 🕰️
Savor the and the aroma aboard the moving train and feel the deep affection and beauty of Mid-Autumn reunion. 🍵

InterContinental Kaohsiung selects a variety of flavor mooncakes, present two Mid-Autumn gift boxes: “Moonlit Harbor Tales” and “Harbor Voyager Trunk” are coming soon!

#中秋月餅 #月餅送禮 #中秋節 #月餅預購 #高雄洲際酒店


準備好做個 ,來個 #仲夏際遇 了嗎?

每筆訂單都有一次抽獎的機會,且保證有獎!獎品包括價值超過 1,000 元的各種精美禮品,最高更有價值超過 10,000 元的大獎等您來拿!


【仲夏際遇 Summer Dreamer 住房專案】
預訂期間|2024 年 6 月 15 日至 2024 年 9 月 5 日
入住期間|2024 年 6 月 23 日至 2024 年 9 月 12 日

住房優惠專案詳細內容條款或預訂,以高雄洲際酒店官方網站公告為主👉 ic-kaohsiung.com/SummerDreamer-zh-Hant

The passionate summer is here! 🌞🏖️
Are you ready to be a with us ?

This summer, stay at InterContinental Kaohsiung for an unforgettable vacation and a chance to win amazing prizes! 🎉
Each booking includes a guaranteed myster gift that valued over NT$1,000, and the greatest prize is worth more than NT$10,000!
The more you book, the more chance to win.

Book now and have a surprising summer vacation with us! 🌟

Book Period|June 15th, 2024 to September 5th, 2024
Stay Period|June 23th, 2024 to September 12th, 2024
Book Now|ic-kaohsiung.com/SummerDreamer

For detailed terms and booking conditions, please refer to the InterContinental Kaohsiung official website.
👉 ic-kaohsiung.com/SummerDreamer-en

#高雄洲際酒店 #高雄住宿優惠 #高雄飯店優惠


親愛的朋友,不論是要慶祝生日、見證愛情、或只是想為旅程增添一絲色彩,我們都將根據您的喜好與主題,打造專屬於您的驚喜氛圍! 🎉




Dear friends, whether it's celebrating a birthday, witnessing love, or simply adding a splash of color to your journey, we're here to create a bespoke surprise atmosphere just for you!🎉

At InterContinental Kaohsiung, every moment of yours is worth cherishing and celebrating!
Book now and let's create unforgettable memories together!🌟💖

*DM us with "In-room Decor" to start planning the extraordinary.

#客房佈置 #慶生 #高雄洲際酒店



Happy Dragon Boat Festival!✨



兩位主廚在 以精湛廚藝獻上別緻美饌

活動日期|2024 年 6 月 20 日
單人品賞|NT$4,880 + 10%

The culinary collaboration of our Japanese and Chinese Head Chefs returns!🌟
Savor the fusion of Kaiseki cuisine and Chinese delicacies at ,
complemented by five selected red, white wines, and sake. 🥂🍶
Immerse yourself in this unique summer feast of fine food and exquisite drinks.💞

Event Date|20 June 2024
Price for One|NT$ 4,880 + 10%

#日式餐廳 #高雄美食






單人品賞|NT$999 + 10%

Add a touch of brilliance to your midday meetings✨

presents a brand-new business lunch menu🍝
Choose from three distinct main courses, accompanied by soft pre-meal bread,
the chef's special soup, and exquisite beverages, while also enjoying the exclusive organic salad bar🥗🍞

Turn your business meeting into flavorful culinary feast!🌟

Price for One|NT$999 + 10%
Business Lunch|Not applicable during weekends and public holidays
Reserve now|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/SEEDS

#大地義式餐廳 #義式餐廳


Photos from 高雄洲際酒店-InterContinental Kaohsiung's post 03/06/2024


#湛露中餐廳 主廚王欽正以清爽、自然為核心概念,運用精湛手藝,結合沙薑、鹹檸檬、陳皮等嚴選食材巧妙入菜,匠心獻上夏季主廚推薦菜單!☀️


期間限定|2024 年 6 月 10 日起至 2024 年 8 月 12 日

Chef Wang from ChineseRestaurant creates a series of delicacies with refreshing and natural-flavored concept☀️ Combining chef’s masterful techniques and exclusive selected ingredients, crafting a special summer menu!✨

Fans' favorite dessert — Mango Pomelo Sago Pudding, is also making a limited-time return, don’t miss out! 🥰🥭

Limited Time Only | June 10, 2024, to August 12, 2024
Reserve Now | https://ic-kaohsiung.com/ZHANLU

#湛露 #楊枝甘露



想來點特別的 High Tea 嗎??🫖

洲際行家西點主廚團隊以 DIOR PRESTIGE 系列為概念




期間限定|即日起至 2024 年 6 月 30 日
雙人品賞|NT$1,680 + 10%
奢華升級|加價NT$500尊享粉紅氣泡酒 2 杯

Looking for a unique High Tea experience? 🫖

BL.T33 presents a rose-flavored afternoon tea inspired by the DIOR PRESTIGE series🌹

Enjoy "Rose Apple Tart," rose jam and apple filling are perfectly combined with an almond tart crust, creating a fragrant and delightful aroma🥧

"Rose-Flavored Chorizo Mousse" features rose-flavored spheres paired with rich Spanish chorizo mousse, blending freshness with bold flavors for a unique culinary experience🌟

Indulge in this French delight at InterContinental Kaohsiung💓

Limited Time Offer|From now until June 30, 2024
Price for Two|NT$1,680 + 10%
Luxurious Upgrade|Pay additional NT$500 to enjoy 2 glasses of Rosé Wine
Book Now|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/BLT33





期間限定|2024 年 6 月 1 日起至 2024 年 6 月 10 日
預訂專線|(07)339-0303 #5

The is just around the corner!
Delicatesse’s festive bread is making a grand return✨

Savor the uniquely shaped Bread with your family and friends, bringing a fresh twist to the traditional festivity. Add a touch of joy to your family reunion, creating cherished memories together! 💗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Limited Time Offer|from June 1st, 2024 to June 10th, 2024
Reservation Hotline|(07)339-0303 #5
(In-advanced Reservation is required)

#端午節 #粽子 #洲際烘焙坊




來自日本山梨縣、擁有超過150年歷史的 #武之井酒造



立即預訂 限定推出的 #花釀春饗 花酵母餐酒宴!🌟

活動日期|2024 年 5 月 29日
單人品賞|NT$4,580 + 10%

, with over 150 years of history, was originally a family-run sake brewery. It has been transformed by the current executive director, who leveraged his university studies and training to start producing flower yeast sake at the Shuzo.💐🍶

Sake brewed with flower yeast not only carries a delicate floral and fruity aroma but also showcases the unique flavors of different flower yeasts. This uniqueness has made flower yeast sake particularly popular among the younger generation.💗

Keen to explore more of flower yeast sake and taste it yourself? Book now for the Flower Yeast Sake Pairing Set Menu hosted by !🌟

Event Date|May 29, 2024
Price per Person|NT$4,580 + 10%
Reservation Link|https://ic-kaohsiung.com/WA-RA

#日式餐廳 #花酵母清酒 #高雄美食




#好客南洋餐廳 洲際行家主廚嚴選波士頓龍蝦、軟殼蟹等新鮮水產🦐
特製六月限定菜單 #峇峇娘惹海鮮饗樂 🦞✨

以沁涼飲品搭佐美味佳餚,如新加坡虎牌啤酒、好客限定特調 — 洲際檬虎

期間限定|2024 年 6 月 1 日起至 2024 年 6 月 30 日

Southeast Asia Summer Feast in the house! ☀️

The limited-time menu of including savour chef-selected fresh seafood such as Boston lobster and soft-shell crab, seasoned and cooked with unique Southeast Asian ingredients including torch ginger, palm sugar, and shrimp paste. 🦞

Complement these exquisite dishes with refreshing beverages like Singapore Tiger Beer, our signature cocktail – IC Tiger, and a non-alcoholic pomegranate sparkles. Each sip will transport you to a Southeast Asian summer.🍹✨

Limited Time Offer | June 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024
Book Now | https://ic-kaohsiung.com/HAWKER


Want your restaurant to be the top-listed Restaurant in Kaohsiung?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

▌品賞月餅還有機會贏得高雄洲際酒店總統套房?港灣月途線,星月餅香醉心間!🌕星光與海浪交織的港灣,月途線列車緩緩駛過。高雄洲際酒店隆重呈現 #港灣月途線 ,敬邀您品味團圓的美好!🥮最新亮點一次看!✦獨特風味|洲際行家主廚團隊攜手 一之鄉 ,匠...
準備好要迎接四年一度全球最大體育盛事了嗎?🌟BL.T33 大廳酒吧推出 #巴黎茶語 下午茶☕️各式鹹甜點裡都蘊含對體育盛事的期待和法國的夢幻快帶上您的親朋好友,一起來感受運動的魅力及勝利的滋味吧!🥇期間限定|2024/7/1 - 2024/...
▌不需親自飛往巴塞隆納,在高雄洲際就能體驗 #奧斯卡 指定頂級護膚SPA!🌟由 Natura Bissé 打造 99.99% 活氧頂奢空間,搭配 Natura Bissé #無齡緊膚系列,60 分鐘療程一次注入核心「三種類型膠原蛋白」,使肌...
💧 揭開豪華與永續的新篇章!💧高雄洲際酒店邀您體驗升級版客房,現已配備環保濾水系統!享受純淨水的同時,也在為地球環保出一份力 🌏✨同時,我們積極響應聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs):•SDG 6 淨水及衛生:致力為賓客提供純淨水源•SDG ...
在充滿繽紛色彩的驕傲六月🌈#洲際烘焙坊 推出經典彩虹蛋糕及可頌🥐🍰除了為生活增添色彩,更是要傳遞尊重多元與維護性別平等的理念同時,高雄洲際酒店也獻上獨家禮遇 — 凡持當日於酒店內消費之發票,即可享9折優惠! (不包含寄賣商品、手工巧克力、生...
您知道哪家酒店成為了亞洲奢華綠色酒店的新標杆嗎?🌍✨高雄洲際酒店榮獲 #旅遊界奧斯卡獎 【World Travel Awards 世界旅遊大獎】提名 2024年亞洲領先#綠色酒店 及 2024年亞洲領先 #豪華酒店 !感謝賓客們一直以來的支...
▌我們很榮幸地宣布高雄洲際酒店 入圍 #CondéNastTraveler 讀者之選大獎🥇被譽為 #旅遊獎最佳之最 的康泰納仕旅遊者雜誌讀者之選大獎,是全球旅遊業歷史最悠久且最負盛名的卓越榮譽邀請粉絲們將您的美好回憶及支持化作行動,立即透過...
#百萬積分超豪華大獎 的幸運得主究竟是誰?🌟 誠摯感謝貴賓積極參與為時半年之久的 #1MillionHappiness 住房專案贏得百萬積分可以在全球洲際酒店集團旗下逾6,000家酒店。於今日揭曉得獎名單,恭喜得獎的三位貴賓🎉敬祝一趟美好的...
#春季超限時優惠 房價75折回饋所有房型優惠低至75折,套房貴賓另享單向接駁禮遇,春日漫遊港灣三天兩夜,心悅旅程、盡享精彩! 預訂期間➤即日起至3/31入住期間➤即日起至6/30訂房專線➤07-339-1888 ※單向接駁禮遇僅限送達,恕不...
想成為 #百萬富翁 不用等 #刮刮樂!即日起凡訂房加價168元,入住即可獲得 #樂透卡,有機會獨得IHG One Rewards優悅會100萬點,實現翱遊洲際的環球之旅!期間限定➤即日起至2024年4月30日止更多獎項➤香港 #海景嘉福洲際...
想成為 #百萬富翁 不用等 #刮刮樂!即日起凡訂房加價168元,入住即可獲得 #樂透卡,有機會獨得IHG One Rewards優悅會100萬點,實現翱遊洲際的環球之旅!期間限定➤即日起至2024年4月30日止更多獎項➤香港 #海景嘉福洲際...
用餐還能抽獎?2024/2/23(五)晚間限定!主題活動之夜➤ #義起晚餐#免費招待 - 迎賓飲品、開胃前菜、義式甜點#現場抽獎 - 神秘大獎回饋#音樂演出 - 摩登小提琴熱情登場當日消費即贈 #餐飲折扣券主餐單點➤ NT$400+10% ...




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Kaohsiung, 800


漢來美食 漢來美食
Kaohsiung, 801


燒呼呼串燒屋 燒呼呼串燒屋
Kaohsiung, 820

°晚餐、宵夜、小酌、豪飲 好所在 °家庭聚會、公司聚餐 好地方 °北高雄唯一獨賣 Asahi 黑麥生啤酒 °室外位置可攜帶寵物一起用餐 °懶得出門可訂購 Uber eat 超方便

艾蜜莉優格霜淇淋 艾蜜莉優格霜淇淋
Kaohsiung, 81367

陽光泉源 輕食家 陽光泉源 輕食家
高雄市三民區金鼎路66號 , 高雄市
Kaohsiung, 80789

現烤鬆餅、熱壓吐司、咖啡、貝果三明治、飲品專賣店。 致力以無油、原型食材、身體零負擔及美味的商品為目標。

高雄原龍羊肉爐 - 鼎山店 高雄原龍羊肉爐 - 鼎山店
Kaohsiung, 807


Andy's Pizza Garden Andy's Pizza Garden
273 Yu Cheng Road
Kaohsiung, 813

樂加廚坊 The Plus 樂加廚坊 The Plus
Kaohsiung, 80054


洛斯特咖啡 洛斯特咖啡
Kaohsiung, 800

讓消費者安心享用高品質及最佳狀態產品、一直是洛斯特精品咖啡的宗旨。 我們專業於真正合理價格好咖啡的推廣。 也提供 專業咖啡敎學服務 餐飲業咖啡品質提昇計劃建議 歡迎加入我們。

漢王薑母鴨 漢王薑母鴨
Kaohsiung, 802


圓石禪飲 圓石禪飲
Kaohsiung, 800

2006年創立圓石禪飲,設立中央工廠,2018年開創全新型態~圓石tea bar,三大特色:1.茶霸機,2.冷萃冰滴壺,3.行動茶旅販賣機,不受時間和空間限制,提升營運坪效,堅持一種最原始的風味。