Cory's Kitchen 柯瑞的廚房 - Kaohsiung, Taiwan
High quality Western style sausages, burger patties, bacon, ham and other meat products. No Ractopamine! Additional 30 NT will be applied for COD.
While living in Taiwan, Cory missed authentic Western style sausages like he grew up with in Canada. This gave him the idea to produce sausages based on his German background and experience on the farm. Now you can also taste these delicious and healthy sausages, burger patties, bacon, ham, roast beef and other Western style meat products here in Taiwan!!!
是由加拿大籍的Cory所創立. 因為在台灣吃不到想念的家鄉味, 遂
昨天做了新一批的 ✅豬肉經典漢堡肉排。這批用的也是台灣的黑豬肉,想購買的朋友請動作快!
Updates about our product progress this week:
Made a new batch of ✅pork classic burger patties yesterday. This batch is also made with Taiwan black pork.
We are also open tomorrow. If you would like to get your shopping done on the weekend, come on over tomorrow!
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for June
Special working Saturday - 7/20
Other regular days-off: Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
Thanks to a dear customer for sharing the photo with us. She added some German Kassler ham bits in the pasta to increase the flavor. The kids just loved it!
早餐香腸 (豬腸衣) – 5條/370克/225元
墨西哥辣腸 – 1條/68元
牛肉經典漢堡肉排 (1片裝) – 85元 (共4包)
牛肉經典漢堡肉排 (3片裝) – 235元
BBQ漢堡肉排 (2片裝) – 175元
藍起司漢堡肉排 (1片裝) – 100元
We have some smaller-portioned packs for sale. Please PM us if you would like to get them. Thanks!
Breakfast Sausage (pork casing) – 5 sausages/370g/225nt
Mexican chorizo (1pc) – 68nt
4 packs x Beef classic burger patty (1pc) – 85nt
Beef classic patties (3pc) – 235nt
BBQ patties (2pc) – 175nt
Blue cheese burger patty (1pc) – 100nt
今天完成了新一批的 ✅藍起司漢堡肉排。明天下午計畫要做✅波蘭香腸,星期五下午計畫要做✅義式香腸。
Updates about our product progress this week:
Finished making a new batch of ✅blue cheese burger patties today. Plan on making a new batch of ✅fresh kielbasa tomorrow afternoon and ✅Italian sausage on Friday afternoon.
Come on over if you want to stock up!
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for June
Regular days-off: Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
這星期完成了新一批的 ✅煙燻培根、✅煙燻楓糖培根、✅德國煙燻里肌火腿 和久違的✅BBQ漢堡肉排。要補貨的朋友快點來吧!
Updates about our product progress this week:
Finished making a new batch of ✅smoked bacon, ✅smoked maple bacon, ✅German kassler ham and ✅BBQ burger patties this week. Come on over if you want to stock up!
這兩天完成了新一批的 ✅墨西哥辣腸絞肉 和✅牛肉經典漢堡肉排。要補貨的朋友快點來吧!
Updates about our product progress this week:
Just finished making a new batch of ✅loose Mexican chorizo and ✅beef classic burger patties the last 2 days. Come on over if you want to stock up!
昨天做了新一批的 ✅豬肉經典漢堡肉排。這批用的是台灣的黑豬肉,想購買的朋友請動作快喔!
Updates about our product progress this week:
Made a new batch of ✅pork classic burger patties yesterday. This batch is made with Taiwan black pork.
這幾天完成了新一批的 ✅早餐香腸絞肉 和✅德國煙燻里肌火腿。里肌火腿因為有餐廳訂了好幾公斤,所以只剩下7包。想購買的朋友請動作快喔!
Updates about our product progress this week:
Just finished making a new batch of ✅loose breakfast sausage and ✅Kassler ham the last couple days.
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for May
Regular days-off: Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays
Extra days-off: 5/4, 5/18 and 5/25.
Open from 11am to 4pm on May 31st (Fri).
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
新一批的 🍔漢堡麵包 和 🌭軟法熱狗麵包 到貨上架囉!
The new batch of 🍔burger buns and 🌭hotdog buns just arrived!
這幾天完成了新一批的 ✅英式香腸、✅煙燻牛肉和✅牛肉經典漢堡肉排。
Updates about our product progress this week:
Just finished making a new batch of ✅English banger, ✅pastrami and ✅beef classic burger patties the last couple days.
(Sold) 1 pack of beef patties has only 2 pieces and it's 160nt. Please 📨PM us if you would like this pack.
📣 明天(4/10,三)下午預計會🈶一批煙燻牛肉出爐。想要特定規格,例如要厚切的朋友,請在明天中午12點以前📨私訊跟我們說喔!
📣 We will have a new batch of pastrami ready tomorrow (Wed, 4/10) afternoon. If you have special requests, such as thick cuts, please 📨PM us before noon tomorrow.
(已售出) 前兩天做 🍔藍起司漢堡肉排 的時候,有一包只有3片 (280元) 的。想要購買的朋友,請再📨私訊我們喔!
(Sold) Got a pack of 🍔blue cheese patties that only has 3 pieces (280nt) while making the new batch a couple days ago. Please 📨PM us if you would like to purchase it. Thank you!
Can you guess what product was made today based on the photo below?
Can you also guess how heavy the chunk in the photo was? It all went into the product we made today... Yum!
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for April
Open from 11am to 4pm on Apr 5th (Fri, Tomb Sweeping Day).
Regular days-off: Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays
Extra days-off: 4/6 and 4/27.
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
這兩天剛做完了新一批的 墨西哥辣腸 和 墨西哥辣腸絞肉。要補貨的朋友快點來吧!
Just finished a new batch of Mexican chorizo and loose Mexican chorizo. Come on over if you want to stock up!
這幾天完成了新一批的 ✅德國煙燻里肌火腿、✅法式北非辣腸和✅義式香腸絞肉。
然後在肉商第N次調漲牛肉和羔羊肉的價格後,我算了一下成本,發現成本已經漲了差不多50%... 所以意思就是,我們的法式北非辣腸也被迫要漲價到每包440元了。
Updates about our product progress this week:
Just finished making a new batch of ✅German Kassler ham, ✅merguez and ✅loose Italian sausage meat the last couple days.
And I was informed by the meat suppliers for the increase prices of beef and lamb AGAIN! This means I unfortunately have to raise the price of merguez to 440nt/pack as the cost has gone up nearly 50%.
Got 2 extra fresh kielbasa while making the new batch a couple days ago. 2 sausages/pack/120nt. PM us if you would like to order.
今天剛烤了一批新的烤牛肉,明天 (3/7,四) 會做新一批的✅波蘭香腸,大約下午2點之後會做好。
A new batch of roast beef is made today and tomorrow's (Thu, 3/7) fresh product is ✅fresh kielbasa and they should be ready after 2pm.
Want some fresh sausages? You are more than welcome to come purchase with your own container tomorrow! You can also 📨PM us to reserve some. Purchase the fresh products with your own container, each serving is 1️⃣0️⃣nt off.
#手工香腸 #無添加 #豬肉香腸 #波蘭香腸 #左營美食 #好食材 #柯瑞的廚房
3🈷️份的時程,我想做點實驗性質的調整 - 想要在忙碌的食品/服務產業和家庭/私人生活之間有一點平衡。工作的時候認真工作,但該陪伴親友和感受生活時,也能好好的去生活。
因為星期日本來就是黑貓的休息日,無法發貨或是收貨,所以3🈷️份的固定店休日先調整為 星期日一二。
店面🈺業日的營業時間調整為 1️⃣1️⃣am-6️⃣pm。
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for March
For our schedule in March, I would like to do some experimental changes - just want to get some balance between the busy food/service industry and family/private life. Work hard when I work, but do spend quality time with family/friends and live life when I should.
Seeing Sunday is Black Cat's day-off and that we can't send out/receive orders, our regular days-off will be Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in March.
Storefront business hours will be 1️⃣1️⃣am-6️⃣pm.
If you need to shop at the store, but can't make 6pm, just PM me. I can either wait for you in the store or work around your time if possible.
Let's try this for 1 month first and see how it goes.
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
農曆春節放假前,剛做好一批新的 🥓煙燻楓糖培根。想補貨的朋友趕快來喔!
A. 牛肉經典漢堡肉排:1片/包 - 85元
B. 牛肉經典漢堡肉排:2片/包 - 160元
另外,明天 (2/22,四) 因臨時有事,營業時間調整為11am-4pm。造成不便,還請見諒。
A new batch of 🥓smoked maple bacon was made just right before CNY holidays. Come get them soon before they are all gone! And there are still 2 packs of burger patties available:
A. Beef classic patties:1pc/pack - 85nt
B. Beef classic patties:2pc/pack - 160nt
Also, our business hours for tomorrow (Thursday, 2/22) will be 11am-4pm due to some schedule conflicts.
A. 牛肉經典漢堡肉排:1片/包 - 85元
B. 牛肉經典漢堡肉排:2片/包 - 160元
C. BBQ漢堡肉排 (牛肉):3片/包 - 260元 (售)
D. 豬肉經典漢堡肉排:2片/包 - 145元 (售)
Made a few batches of burger patties in the last couple weeks, and got some extra pieces to sell. Please PM if you would like to order them.
A. Beef classic patties:1pc/pack - 85nt
B. Beef classic patties:2pc/pack - 160nt
C. BBQ patties (beef):3pc/pack - 260nt (Sold)
D. Pork classic patties:2pc/pack - 145nt (Sold)
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for February
Open from 11am to 5pm on Feb 3rd (Sat).
Regular days-off: Mondays and Tuesdays
Extra days-off: 2/9-2/16 for CNY and 2/25.
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
好吃的聖誕麵包 - 最後3個,85折出清!每個原價980元/750g,特價833元/個。
⚜️檸檬酒聖誕麵包 - 加入了以檸檬酒(Limoncello)為基底製作奶油內餡,口感濕潤柔軟,是義大利聖誕節必備甜食!喜歡檸檬酒的朋友不可錯過。
⚜️開心果聖誕麵包 – 以義大利經典的開心果奶油填餡。
Last 3 panettone, 15% off each!
Original price is 980nt/750g, now it's 833nt after the discount.
3 flavors - Arancia chocolate, limoncello and pistacchio.
📣Our business days/days-off schedule for January
Open from 11am to 5:30pm on January 13th (Sat).
Regular days-off: Mondays and Tuesdays
Extra days-off: 1/14 and 1/17-1/21. Just need some holiday time to relax and recharge.
#柯瑞的廚房 #手工香腸 #手工肉品 #培根 #煙燻培根 #漢堡肉排
Thanks for your patronage and support in 2023. Hope to see you again and often in 2024!
Happy New Year!
⚠️ 12/29 (五) 因台電進行線路設備更換工程,會影響附近區域的供電,所以我們當天的營業時間調整為 11am-2:30pm。不便之處請見諒。
⚠️ Friday, December 29th, Tai Power Company will be doing work in our area which will affect the power supply in the afternoon, so our business hours will be 11am-2:30pm on that day. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Is it normal that I feel like nibbling while slicing these 💯nice looking bacons?🤤
#煙燻培根 #手工培根
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Contact the business
Opening Hours
Wednesday | 11:00 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 11:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 11:00 - 18:00 |
Saturday | 11:00 - 18:00 |
Kaohsiung, 807
50年老字號|嚴選台灣豬|無防腐|古法純手工|獨創佳品 Line:@478ybzkl Tel:07-3425255 Add:高雄市三民區鼎強街127號 Open Time:8:00-20:00