JL STUDIO, Taichung Videos

Videos by JL STUDIO in Taichung. JL Studio want to share the traditional favors and cultures of Singapore translating them into a more modern and interesting way to inspire the taste buds and dining experience that evokes the senses.

【 JL Studio整修公告 】



Thank you very much for your support for the pass 5 years, due to renovation JL Studio will be close for the month of March, looking forward to welcome you with our new look at April.

* Online reservation opening time will be announcing shortly, thank you.

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【 JL Studio整修公告 】 謝謝大家長久以來的支持,為了提供各位貴賓更優質的用餐體驗,我們將於2022年3月份進行為期一個月的整修,期待4月以新的面貌與大家相見。 *避免整修延期,4月份訂位開放時間待定 Thank you very much for your support for the pass 5 years, due to renovation JL Studio will be close for the month of March, looking forward to welcome you with our new look at April. * Online reservation opening time will be announcing shortly, thank you.

〖Off Menu - Mume x JL Studio〗

JL Studio希望跟一路以來支持我們、喜愛我們的各位朋友分享一個心願! 地球的永續經營以及環保意識一直是我們發想的核心,我們邁出的每一步都是希望能給予地球更多的友善。我們一直希望有一天可以不再製造多餘的浪費只為了滿足我們私心的便利,每一個個體創造的小小善意最終都能匯集成一個巨大的良善。 因此我們希望大家可以理解 #我們不會再提供外帶以及打包的服務。 同時我們也期望能在一頓晚飯的時間、帶給您最好的一面,希望這一切努力成就的美好可以停留在您的記憶裡,而不是讓不新鮮的餐點成為回憶裡的瑕疵。 改善環境的舉動可以從自己開始,希望大家可以支持這個小小的願景! #jlstudio #jlstudiotw #loveearth #gogreen #改變環境從你我做起 #小舉動大影響 #🌎🌍🌏

What a great lunch service! Let's rock for dinner!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻 @restaurantlocavore • • • #restaurantlocavore #locavore #lcvr22 #golocalorgohome #jlstudiotw #jlstudio #modsin #modernsingaporean #projectkawan #firstservice #fun #secrettables #secretretreats

Getting ready for another great service tonight. Happy Wednesday to all!!! 為了今晚的客人做準備希望他們都能有一個美好的夜晚。祝大家小週末快樂!#jlstudiotw #jlstudio #modsin #modernsingaporefood #sgfood #taiwan #taiwanfood #taichung #secretretreats #secrettables #keepmovingforward #keeppushing

⚡️Earth Hour 關燈愛地球🌏 🕯️🕯️🕯️Earth Hour 關燈一小時的活動,減碳愛地球。🕯️🕯️🕯️ #jlstudiotw #jlstudio #earthhour #愛地球