
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from 夏姿陳-西門新光三越專櫃, Accessories, 中西區西門路一段658號, Tainan.


「當遠東的奇幻傳說,對應上西方的塔羅牌」,今年七夕情人節,SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿.陳 透過象徵東方七夕的四個神話傳說「比翼鳥、蝴蝶夢、連理枝、牛郎織女」與西方塔羅牌共譜七夕。在神秘氛圍籠罩下,在相對應的文化與世界之間,創造出愛、情和你我,妙曼迷離詮釋2024早秋一系列。

"When the fantastic legends of the Far East align with the tarot cards of the West" This Chinese Valentine's Day, SHIATZY CHEN through four Eastern legends—"A Pair Of Lovebirds, The Butterfly Lovers, The Love Tree, and Cowherd and Weaver Girl'—and Western tarot cards. Enveloped in a mysterious ambiance, love and romance are created between corresponding cultures and worlds, beautifully interpreting the SHIATZY CHEN 2024 Pre-Fall collection.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 25/07/2024

【 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024 七夕 西方塔羅解密東方神話】

「當遠東的奇幻傳說,對應上西方的塔羅牌」,今年七夕情人節,SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿.陳 透過象徵東方七夕的四個神話傳說「比翼鳥、蝴蝶夢、連理枝、牛郎織女」與西方塔羅牌共譜七夕。在神秘氛圍籠罩下,在相對應的文化與世界之間,創造出愛、情和你我,妙曼迷離詮釋2024早秋一系列。

"When the fantastic legends of the Far East align with the tarot cards of the West" This Chinese Valentine's Day, SHIATZY CHEN through four Eastern legends—"A Pair Of Lovebirds, The Butterfly Lovers, The Love Tree, and Cowherd and Weaver Girl'—and Western tarot cards. Enveloped in a mysterious ambiance, love and romance are created between corresponding cultures and worlds, beautifully interpreting the SHIATZY CHEN 2024 Pre-Fall collection.



回顧春夏之際,歌手 鄒序 身著2024春夏系列,中式立領款手工縫製玉石直條紋西裝,更顯文人靜謐奢華風範。

Reflecting on the Spring and Summer season, singer Hogan Zou dressed in SHIATZY CHEN SS2024 collection. The handcrafted jade-striped suit with a Chinese-style stand collar accentuated his serene and luxurious scholarly aura.



演員 姚淳耀 Yao Chun Yao 身著 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024秋冬系列,出席 2024 台北電影節典禮頒獎,一身低調閃耀緹花西裝,搭配領結上衣,一展迷人紳士魅力。

Actor Yao Chun Yao, dressed in SHIATZY CHEN AW2024 collection, attended the 2024 Taipei Film Festival awards ceremony. He showcased his charming gentlemanly allure in a subtly dazzling jacquard suit paired with a bow tie shirt.

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 30/06/2024

首次以歌手身份出席典禮的鳳小岳 Rhydian Vaughan,70年代、東西融合,正是詮釋另一面自我最貼切與理想的模樣,並展現他對一代搖滾傳奇David Bowie的景仰,在那個以華麗搖滾為核心的年代,David Bowie不僅影響樂壇,也引領了時尚潮流,將此深埋入此次服裝想像中,品牌以一襲金蔥毛料短西裝外套,內搭金屬紗線西裝背心為層次,以及同一布面高腰西裝喇叭褲,燈光下熠熠光輝;並透過版型剪裁,寫意出東方詩意下的搖滾精神,內斂且風華,最後縫以訂製專屬夏姿紅領標章,完成此篇章。

For Rhydian Vaughan, attending the ceremony as a singer for the first time, the fusion of East and West in the 1970s perfectly embodies another side of himself that aligns with his ideals. He also showcased his admiration for the rock legend David Bowie, who influenced not only the music scene but also led fashion trends during that era of glamorous rock. This influence was deeply embedded in the attire, featuring a golden curly short jacket made of wool fabric, layered with a metallic yarn waistcoat, and high-waisted bell-bottom trousers in the same fabric, shimmering under the lights. Through meticulous tailoring, the design captured a poetic Eastern interpretation of rock spirit, restrained yet elegant. The outfit was completed with a tailor-made SHIATZY CHEN emblem, marking the culmination of this chapter.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 30/06/2024

鳳小岳 Rhydian Vaughan入圍第35屆金曲獎《最佳新人獎》,當日典禮造型由 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 量身訂製,一針一線全手工縫製而成,內斂融合品牌經典的東方設計語彙與搖滾精神,形塑出當代不羈的摩登側寫。

Rhydian Vaughan attended the 35th Golden Melody Awards as a nominee for the Best New Artist Award. For the ceremony, he wore a tailor-made suit by SHIATZY CHEN, meticulously sewn by hand with every stitch. The design elegantly blends the brand's classic Oriental design elements with a rebellious rock spirit, creating a contemporary and unrestrained modern profile.




【 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 正式發佈 2024早秋系列之形象大片 】

形象大片中透過強烈的光影手法、乾淨冷冽的攝影風格,在一人分飾二角的造型與服裝疊加下,詮釋女性能夠擁有不同的面貌;同時投射在攝影語彙下,展現出繁簡交織、柔剛並存的新 SHIATZY CHEN 時代。

Pre-Fall 2024 campaign takes on a clean and crisp style with intense lighting techniques, featuring one person playing two roles with different styling and clothing layered, which further interprets the different aspects of women. The photographic techniques also reflect the new era of Shiatzy Chen, one which sees complexity and simplicity interwoven, being both gentle and firm at the same time.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 13/06/2024

【 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 正式發佈 2024早秋系列之形象大片 】

最新2024早秋系列《采帨》呈現著女性的輕盈、不羈與自由。設計總監 Shiatzy Chen 女士將清代后妃配戴之「綵帨」精神融入西方經典男士「領帶」之中,搖身變幻為率性的表象。早秋之際,將在現代俐落線條下,綻放起一場玫瑰詩雨。

The latest Pre-Fall 2024 collection "Libre" showcases women as airy, rebellious, and free. Ms. Shiatzy Chen, the Creative Director, has integrated the essence of the Qing Dynasty imperial consorts' "Caishui" with the classic Western men's "tie," transforming it into a symbol of effortless chic. The Oriental Cai Shui is met with the Western tie in Pre-Fall, where the poetic rain of roses blooms within the modern and sleek contour.



SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳為大提琴演奏者 歐陽娜娜 量身打造訂製禮服,靈感延續著2024春夏「蜃縷」主題,呼應BBCEarth藍色星球演奏會「世界海洋日」一題,一針一線的參針繡與打籽繡,將蜃龍綴於裙擺,淩空盤旋的躍然神態在裙擺流動間靈動如生,再次展現了工匠的高超技藝與細節的極致追求。

SHIATZY CHEN tailor-made for cellist Ouyang Nana, drawing inspiration from the SS2024 theme "MIRAGE". This design echoes the BBCEarth Blue Planet concert's "World Ocean Day" theme. The gown features meticulous stitching and embroidery, with dragons adorning the hem, creating a dynamic and lifelike effect as they appear to soar and hover. This masterpiece showcases the artisans' exceptional skill and meticulous attention to detail.

SS2024 collection collaborates with the French art workshop and artist


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 11/06/2024

SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳為大提琴演奏者 歐陽娜娜 量身打造訂製禮服,靈感延續著2024春夏「蜃縷」主題,呼應BBCEarth藍色星球演奏會「世界海洋日」一題,一針一線的參針繡與打籽繡,將蜃龍綴於裙擺,淩空盤旋的躍然神態在裙擺流動間靈動如生,再次展現了工匠的高超技藝與細節的極致追求。

SHIATZY CHEN tailor-made for cellist Ouyang Nana, drawing inspiration from the SS2024 theme "MIRAGE". This design echoes the BBCEarth Blue Planet concert's "World Ocean Day" theme. The gown features meticulous stitching and embroidery, with dragons adorning the hem, creating a dynamic and lifelike effect as they appear to soar and hover. This masterpiece showcases the artisans' exceptional skill and meticulous attention to detail.

SS2024 collection collaborates with the French art workshop and artist




On the occasion of festive, celebrating the beauty of the East with the theme of the classic jade hand, SHIATZY CHEN wishes everyone have peace and health on Dragon Boat Festival.



2024 春夏系列,設計總監 Shiatzy Chen 女士以「蜃縷」為題,借鑿東方海市蜃樓典故為靈感,在層層水波下,誕生著一神話角色―蜃龍,其四腳五爪躍然之貌,成為本系列神秘靈動的形象。

The layers of waves, under the beam of light, a dreamlike spectacle reveals. Along with the tide, they sway, expand, and contract. These extending sceneries float, so far yet so near, creating a magnificent and boundless illusion.

For the SS2024 Collection, Creative Director Ms. Shiatzy Chen drawing inspiration from the mythical scenes of the mirage city in Oriental tales. Rays beneath layers of rippling water, a mythical creature—MIRAGE—is born, with its four legs and five claws vividly depicted. This becomes the mysterious and dynamic symbol of the collection.




演員潘綱大 身著 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024春夏系列,出席第77屆坎城影展紅毯,一身手工縫製玉石條紋西裝,一展低調奢華風采。

Actor Pan Kang-Ta attended the red carpet of the 77th Cannes Film Festival dressed in SHIATZY CHEN SS2024 collection. Wearing a handcrafted jade-striped suit, he exuded an understated yet luxurious elegance.




而在時尚流行的這道長河上,夏姿依然震盪出屬於東方獨一無二的風格型態,在全新經典玉鐲提包(Sac de Jade)中,將帶來更加年輕、輕盈之形象。

Tracing back through history, jade has been the convergence of celestial and earthly energy, a precious stone saturated with millennia of Eastern history and culture. It embodies the spirit of "inherited" while being meticulously crafted by artisans who deeply understand and employ refined techniques. Carved from natural jade, it forms a smooth curve around the wrist like a jade bracelet, exuding a subtle charm akin to a hidden smile at the corner of a beauty's eyebrow.

Amidst the ever-evolving currents of fashion, SHIATZY CHEN still resonates with a distinctive neo-Chinese chic, unique along the stream of trends. In the brand-new classic Sac de Jade, a younger, more lightweight image is poised to emerge.


品牌好友 Ruby林心如 身著夏姿 SS2024系列出席活動,特殊的弧線剪裁襯衫式白洋裝,透過立體抓褶創造出的獨特輪廓,再展品排隊,散發著不失個性的優雅。

Brand Ambassador Ruby Lin wore the SS2024 collection to attend the event. Her outfit featured a special arc-cut white dress with a shirt-style design, accentuated by three-dimensional pleats that created a unique silhouette, exuding an elegant yet individualistic charm.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 13/05/2024

創作歌手 白安ANN 身著夏姿 SS2024系列,於香港PUNCH Live GIG 2024音樂會演出,一襲印花丹寧長洋裝,透過立體剪裁與刷破、印花效果,並在典雅立領結合下,展現東方個性之美。

Singer ANN dreessed in SHIATZY CHEN SS2024 collection during performance at the PUNCH Live GIG 2024 in Hong Kong. A denim dress adorned with prints, featuring intricate cuts, distressed details, and floral patterns. The combination of dimensional tailoring and elegant mandarin collar showcased the beauty of Eastern aesthetics.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 09/05/2024


「在藝術農場裡肥沃土地上,播下一粒漢麻種子,到一件優雅的服裝,開啟了這一次深刻的奇幻旅程。」Studio Sativa 91530 聯合創始人Victoire de Pourtalès說到。


"From seeding the h**p in the fertile soil of the art farm to producing an elegant piece of clothing, a profound and magical journey is initiated," says Victoire de Pourtalès, the co-founder of Studio Sativa 91530. In this adventure transcending fashion and art, a story on sustainable agriculture and our respect for the environment and art is shaped. The fusion of such elements again proves how innovation and sustainability born out of collaboration can produce work with profound impact.

#夏姿陳 **P



邁入數位時代,藝術的呈現形式更加多元化,本次亦攜手數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman 團隊,將漢麻合作系列的藝術與時尚靈感巧妙轉化,帶入到現今的數位時代,巧妙地模糊了有形工藝與數位領域之間的界限。

Moving into the digital era, art is expressed in ways that are even more diversified. In this collection, we are joined by the team of digital artist Amalie Gassman in transforming the art and fashion inspirations and bringing forward such collaboration into the modern digital era, wittily blurring the boundary between tangible craftsmanship and the digital world.

➤ 360° 探索蜃龍 濾鏡體驗
➤ 漢麻合作系列 完整介紹
https://www.shiatzychen.com/ #/runway/detail?id=22

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 08/05/2024



邁入數位時代,藝術的呈現形式更加多元化,本次亦攜手數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman 團隊,將漢麻合作系列的藝術與時尚靈感巧妙轉化,帶入到現今的數位時代。

Moving into the digital era, art is expressed in ways that are even more diversified. In this collection, we are joined by the team of digital artist Amalie Gassman in transforming the art and fashion inspirations and bringing forward such collaboration into the modern digital era, wittily blurring the boundary between tangible craftsmanship and the digital world.

➤ 360° 探索蜃龍 濾鏡體驗
➤ 漢麻合作系列 完整介紹
https://www.shiatzychen.com/ #/runway/detail?id=22

#夏姿陳 **P



邁入數位時代,藝術的呈現形式更加多元化,本次亦攜手數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman 團隊,將漢麻合作系列的藝術與時尚靈感巧妙轉化,帶入到現今的數位時代,巧妙地模糊了有形工藝與數位領域之間的界限。

Moving into the digital era, art is expressed in ways that are even more diversified. In this collection, we are joined by the team of digital artist Amalie Gassman in transforming the art and fashion inspirations and bringing forward such collaboration into the modern digital era, wittily blurring the boundary between tangible craftsmanship and the digital world.

➤ 360° 探索漢麻洋裝 濾鏡體驗
➤ 漢麻合作系列 完整介紹
https://www.shiatzychen.com/ #/runway/detail?id=22

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 08/05/2024



本次亦攜手數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman 團隊,將漢麻合作系列的藝術與時尚靈感巧妙轉化,帶入到現今的數位時代。

In SS2024, utilizing extensive gradient satin stitching, random stitching, and three-dimensional seed stitching techniques, the collection portrays the agile scales and dynamic movements of the mythical dragon.

Moving into the digital era, art is expressed in ways that are even more diversified. In this collection, we are joined by the team of digital artist Amalie Gassman in transforming the art and fashion inspirations and bringing forward such collaboration into the modern digital era.

➤ 360° 探索漢麻洋裝 濾鏡體驗
➤ 漢麻合作系列 完整介紹
https://www.shiatzychen.com/ #/runway/detail?id=22

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 02/05/2024

【當文化與東方工藝碰撞出的火花美學 The Craftsmanship of SHIATZY CHEN】



SS2024 collection draws inspiration from the rare Oriental treasure, "Blue and White Cloud Dragon Porcelain", featuring a palette of white-based celadon blue or vermilion peach colors to depict the majestic dragon motifs climbing on the porcelain, symbolizing the undulating waves of the sea. Utilizing extensive gradient satin stitching, random stitching, and three-dimensional seed stitching techniques, the collection portrays the agile scales and dynamic movements of the mythical dragon, showcasing meticulous research and skillful integration of Eastern culture.

Throughout the collection, Shiatzy Chen classic metallic thread embroidery and craftsmanship are applied onto translucent organza and sustainable h**p fabrics, enhancing the three-dimensional layers and fluidity of the designs.

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 25/04/2024

【SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 板橋大遠百專門店 盛大開幕】

夏姿.陳 SHIATZY CHEN 宣佈全新進駐板橋大遠百,為品牌開啟新北市首間據點。

特別邀請活動開幕嘉賓 李玉璽 Dino Lee示範2024春夏系列的渡假正裝風範傳遞最新一季的渡假氛圍,在明亮金色店裝間更加凸顯出夏姿現代文人氣質。


│ SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿 ⋅ 陳 板橋大遠百專門店資訊 │
➤ 營業時間 : 11:00~22:00
➤ 地址 : 新北市板橋區新站路28號2F

Shiatzy Chen announced its newest establishment in the Mega City Mall in Banqiao, marking the brand's first location in New Taipei City. The grand opening event invited special guest Dino Lee to showcase the resort chic style of SS2024 collection, capturing the latest season's vacation atmosphere. The bright golden store decor accentuates Shiatzy's modern literati aesthetic. Inside the store, the latest SS2024 collection is on display, offering a brighter, more fashionable, and spring-like Eastern luxury shopping experience.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 25/04/2024

【2024 春夏系列「藝術家合作系列」形象大片】

2024 春夏系列,一系列共推出15套淨白漢麻系列。運用著青瓷藍與胭脂桃色刺繡點綴出。而本次將鏡頭聚焦於自然、自由氛圍場景,相互輝映出在舒適自然狀態下瀰漫的靜謐之美。

本系列特別與法國藝術工坊@91530lemarais 與 藝術家 合作。

【SHIATZY CHEN SS24 H**P Collection Special Campaign】
The Spring/Summer 2024 Collection presents a series of 15 sets of h**p collection. The collection utilizes celadon blue and vermilion peach embroidery to embellish. In this campaign, the lens focuses on natural, free-atmosphere scenes, reflecting the serene beauty diffused in a comfortable natural state.

This collection collaborates with the French art workshop and artist .

#夏姿陳 **P



SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024春夏系列發布藝術合作系列,致敬自然永續

攜手 Studio Sativa 91530 聯合創始人 Victorie de Pourtalès、法國藝術家 Daniela Busarello,以及數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman,共同開啟一場無與倫比的創意對話,將可持續時尚、藝術和數位創新和諧交織出一幅美輪美奐的畫卷。

【When Art Converses with Nature】

SHIATZY CHEN SS2024 Art Collaboration Collection - Homage to Nature and Sustainability.

Joined by creative curator Victorie de Pourtalès, French artist Daniela Busarello, and digital artist Amalie Gassman, they engage in a creative dialogue that is incomparable, and weave sustainable fashion, art, and digital creation into an exquisite scroll as the essence of inspiration for this collection, the elegant and magnificent image of the sea dragon is dazzlingly beautiful, its appearance imminent, its claws vividly expressed demonstrating a translucent elegance.
The sustainability of nature is the most important task facing the world right now, and sustainable fashion is the mission and duty we hold dear at SHIATZY CHEN. This collection sees SHIATZY CHEN speaking up on this topic and paying homage to the form of art, this fusion of art, nature, and technology raises awareness to pay attention to the sustainable development of nature, and to think about the idea of nature and sustainability. "Art is a universal language," paintings by artist Daniela Busarello is transformed into the original pattern of the season, the fusion we see in the h**p collection further delves into the color schemes used in blue and white cloud dragon porcelain, employing colors such as white under vermilion peach or celadon blue, spritely reshaping the ultimate fusion of the cultures of the East and West while paying homage to nature.

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 18/04/2024


SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024春夏系列發布藝術合作系列,致敬自然永續

攜手 Studio Sativa 91530 聯合創始人 Victorie de Pourtalès、法國藝術家 Daniela Busarello,以及數位藝術家 Amalie Gassman,共同開啟一場無與倫比的創意對話,將可持續時尚、藝術和數位創新和諧交織出一幅美輪美奐的畫卷。


【When Art Converses with Nature】

SHIATZY CHEN SS2024 Art Collaboration Collection - Homage to Nature and Sustainability

Joined by creative curator Victorie de Pourtalès, French artist Daniela Busarello, and digital artist Amalie Gassman, they engage in a creative dialogue that is incomparable, and weave sustainable fashion, art, and digital creation into an exquisite scroll as the essence of inspiration for this collection, the elegant and magnificent image of the sea dragon is dazzlingly beautiful, its appearance imminent, its claws vividly expressed demonstrating a translucent elegance.

The sustainability of nature is the most important task facing the world right now, and sustainable fashion is the mission and duty we hold dear at SHIATZY CHEN. This collection sees SHIATZY CHEN speaking up on this topic and paying homage to the form of art, this fusion of art, nature, and technology raises awareness to pay attention to the sustainable development of nature, and to think about the idea of nature and sustainability. "Art is a universal language," paintings by artist Daniela Busarello is transformed into the original pattern of the season, the fusion we see in the h**p collection further delves into the color schemes used in blue and white cloud dragon porcelain, employing colors such as white under vermilion peach or celadon blue, spritely reshaping the ultimate fusion of the cultures of the East and West while paying homage to nature.

#夏姿陳 **P

Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 12/04/2024

【SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳 2024/2025 秋冬系列預覽 率先開展】

於三月初巴黎時裝週發表完畢的 SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿.陳 2024/2025秋冬系列,由台北成為率先開展城市,觀賞最新2024/25秋冬系列預覽會,透過18套展示陳列與18套動態走秀帶來精采亮點回顧,展區則利用墨的暈染漸變,進行一場落墨濃淡有序的情感對話。

Following its debut at PFW in March, SHIATZY CHEN AW 2024/2025 collection previews first in Taipei. Guests are invited to preview the latest 2024/25 Autumn/Winter collection, featuring 18 static displays and 18 dynamic runway presentations, showcasing highlights from the collection. The exhibition area is designed with gradients reminiscent of ink wash painting, facilitating an emotional dialogue through the orderly gradation of ink tones.



【SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳《 HER NAME IS ( ) 》母親節形象大片】

攝影快門深刻記錄著模特兒 自然的眉目裡,依然暢流著女孩的天真、女人的成熟、母親的關懷等不同眼神。


Through the lens, model 's natural gaze deeply captures the innocence of a girl, the maturity of a woman, and the care of a mother, flowing effortlessly.

Exploring the multiple perspectives and emotions of women, the photographs engage in a nuanced dialogue, paying homage to SHIATZY CHEN's steadfast brand spirit towards women's resilience.


Photos from SHIATZY CHEN's post 11/04/2024

【SHIATZY CHEN 夏姿・陳《 HER NAME IS ( ) 》母親節形象大片】


而本次特別邀請到模特兒 演繹,於擺動間,自然流露出生命的啟發與累積,同時與品牌精湛深厚的工藝相呼應,而她的名字也可以是―SHIATZY CHEN。

Depicting the various roles women play in life, embodying not only a wife, daughter, lover, healer, and dreamer simultaneously but also affirming the uniqueness of each woman as an individual.

For this special occasion, model was invited to portray these roles, effortlessly expressing the inspiration and accumulation of life with every movement. In harmony with the brand's exquisite craftsmanship, her name is ― SHIATZY CHEN.


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Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday 12:00 - 20:00
Friday 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
Sunday 12:00 - 20:00

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