台南英語吐司會 - Tainan Toastmasters Club
台南英語國際演講會(TNTC)是國際演講協會在台灣創立的第二個分會,於1960年創立,是一個致力保持美好傳統又充滿瘋狂創新的分會!歡迎來和我們一起交朋友 & 練英文。
▸ 時間 Time:
每個月第1和第3個禮拜四 晚上7點-9點
19:00-21:00 on every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
▸ 地點 Venue:
▸ 聚會內容:
Warm-up activities, prepared speeches, table topics/ impromptu speeches, evaluations, workshops, outings, etc.
Please read our pinned post for more information, thanks!
🎉 TNTC No. 769 例會邀請
英語演講訓練營 開訓啦 🎉
Sophia Liu、Coco Lin、Faye Chen
📌 了解演說技巧的價值
📌 如何準備自我介紹及示範演說
📌 即席演說訓練
📅 日期 Date: 2024/9/5
🕒 時間 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
📍 地點 Location: 畫廊咖啡 Museum Cafe
💲 來賓入場費 Guest Fee: $100
👉🏻 詳情請洽詢Line社群 Inquiry:
🎉 Hannah Cheng wins the 2nd place in World Championship of Public Speaking!!! 🎉
恭喜 Hannah Cheng 代表 D67地區(台灣) 於 國際演講會 世界演講大賽中取得優異成績!
Hannah 的演講題目是:Are you ready?
(影片請點此 https://youtu.be/BJ8eqvZS0eg?si=NwSBpIyA184oeMQ0 )
歡迎填單洽詢 😊
👉 https://forms.gle/ihB7daniwE16fQeVA
Hannah Cheng: 2nd place winner, 2024 World Championship of Public Speaking Toastmasters International 2024 World Championship of Public Speaking® second place winner, Hannah Cheng. Watch her speech "Are You Ready?"To learn more abou...
🚨 快訊! 🚨
鄭慧婷在準決賽中勇奪勝利,晉級2024世界年會國際演講比賽的決賽!🎉 她即將向世界冠軍寶座邁進!讓我們為她加油,期待她在決賽中再創佳績!🏆🌍
🚨 Breaking News! 🚨
Hannah Cheng just won the Semifinal and is advancing to the World Championship Contest at the Toastmasters 2024 International Speech Contest! 🎉 She’s one step closer to claiming the world champion title! Let’s cheer her on and wish her the best for the final round! 🏆🌍
《2024 TNTC Speechcraft 英語演講訓練營》
今年由前台灣區英語演講比賽冠軍Coco Lin主辦《Speechcraft英語演講訓練營》,針對想提升英語口語表達及溝通力的朋友開辦課程。
📍 Speechcraft演講訓練營資訊
- 日期:2024/9/5、9/19、10/3、10/17 (四)
- 時間:晚上 19:00 - 21:00
- 地點:畫廊咖啡
- 地址:台南市中西區府前路一段283號2樓
- 費用:8/31前報名繳費享早鳥價 2000元
(原價 2500元)
心動了嗎?歡迎填單洽詢 😊
👉 https://forms.gle/ihB7daniwE16fQeVA
或是加入TNTC LINE社群線上諮詢
👉 https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
▊ Speechcraft 9大核心課程
▊ Speechcraft 3大特色
📍 全英文且系統化的訓練
📍 現場演練及專人講評
📍 導師一對一回饋
▊ Speechcraft 2項專屬優惠
💝 全程參與將獲頒由 Toastmasters International 提供的結業證書。
💝 課程結束後如想加入台南英語演講會持續學習,可減免價值1000元的入會費。
#台南英語吐司會 #台南英語演講會 #演講訓練營 #英語學習 #溝通力 #領導力
Speechcraft演講訓練營讓你建立自信英語力 | 8/31前報名享優惠 台南英語演講會(Tainan Toastmasters Club, TNTC)即將推出《Speechcraft 英語演講訓練營》課程,使用全球公認的 Toastmasters International 國際演講會教材。 透過每月兩次、共四次的工作坊訓練課程,搭配資深會員講師教學、學員課堂實際演.....
👋 你的聲音,你的力量:無可阻擋的自信 ✨💪
😊 探索國際演講會的魅力 (第1集) 🎙️
👋 Your Voice, Your Power: Unstoppable Confidence ✨💪
😊 Discover the Magic of Toastmasters (Episode 1) 🎙️
《2024 TNTC Speechcraft 英語演講訓練營》
今年由前台灣區英語演講比賽冠軍Coco Lin主辦《Speechcraft英語演講訓練營》,招募對英語演說及表達有興趣的朋友成為學員。
📍 Speechcraft演講訓練營資訊
- 日期:2024/9/5、9/19、10/3、10/17 (四)
- 時間:晚上 19:00 - 21:00
- 地點:畫廊咖啡
- 地址:台南市中西區府前路一段283號2樓
- 費用:8/25前報名繳費享早鳥價 2000元
(原價 2500元)
📍 說明會資訊
- 日期:2024/8/15
- 時間:星期四晚上19:00 - 21:00
- 地點:畫廊咖啡
- 費用:來賓酌收100元入場費
心動了嗎?歡迎填單洽詢 😊
👉 https://forms.gle/ihB7daniwE16fQeVA
▊ 9 大課程內容
▊ 3 大課程特色
📍 全英文且系統化的訓練
📍 現場演練及專人講評
📍 導師一對一回饋
▊ 2 項專屬優惠
💝 全程參與將獲頒由 Toastmasters International 提供的結業證書。
💝 課程結束後如想加入台南英語演講會持續學習,可減免價值1000元的入會費。
#台南英語吐司會 #台南英語演講會 #演講訓練營 #英語學習 #溝通力 #領導力。
Speechcraft演講訓練營讓你建立自信英語力 | 歡迎報名8/15說明會 台南英語演講會(Tainan Toastmasters Club, TNTC)即將推出《Speechcraft 英語演講訓練營》課程,使用全球公認的 Toastmasters International 國際演講會教材。 透過每月兩次、共四次的工作坊訓練課程,搭配資深會員講師教學、學員課堂實際演.....
2024年第67區國際演講比賽冠軍 Hannah Cheng 獲得世界年會的準決賽資格,即將站在世界舞臺上發光發熱,讓我們一起為她加油、集氣!
Contest in 2024, Hannah Cheng, has earned a spot in the semifinals at the World Championship of Public Speaking. She is about to shine on the global stage. Let us all cheer for her and send our best wishes!
Have you been paying close attention to the Paris Olympics recently?
2024年第67區國際演講比賽冠軍 Hannah Cheng 獲得世界年會的準決賽資格,即將站在世界舞臺上發光發熱,讓我們一起為她加油、集氣!
The story of an Olympic athlete is one of relentless practice and unyielding courage. Behind every athlete standing on the Olympic stage lies countless hours of grueling training. They face challenges head-on, undeterred by obstacles, forging their path with sweat and tears. While others rest, they run; while others relax, they push their limits. Each failure becomes a stepping stone, each setback a chance to grow stronger.
No matter how daunting the challenges, steadfast determination and bravery will see us through. The spirit of Olympic athletes inspires us to embrace challenges in our own lives and strive for excellence. They are our role models, reminding us that dreams are not mere fantasies but goals achievable through persistent effort.
Let us draw inspiration from their dedication and face our personal arenas with the same fervor. In doing so, we can create our own moments of triumph and make our own mark on the world.
At Toastmasters International, there is a competition requiring participants to undergo countless hours of practice and refinement. This event brings together elite speakers from around the world, who shine brightly on stage under immense pressure.
The champion of the District 67 Toastmasters International Speech Contest in 2024, Hannah Cheng, has earned a spot in the semifinals at the World Championship of Public Speaking. She is about to shine on the global stage. Let us all cheer for her and send our best wishes!
《空中英語教室》創辦人、美籍宣教士彭蒙惠(Doris Marie Brougham)女士於8月6日安息主懷,享耆壽98歲。彭蒙惠在遺囑中特別交代:「把所有一切全捐出。」
Teresa Liang,會員們總是暱稱她為 Teresa Mom。
2013 年加入TNTC,先後擔任過分會Vice President Public Relations, President, Vice President Membership, Secretary, Treasurer(有些職位甚至擔任不止一次),以及Area Director、Division Director、D67 Finance Manager。
2017 年發起、創立新分會 Shan Hua Toastmasters Club(善化英語分會),爾後榮獲國際演講會會員最高榮譽「Distinguished Toastmasters 傑出會員(DTM)」。
歡迎瀏覽2024-2025 D67總會行事曆 (中英文),您將發現身為 國際演講會 第67地區會員一份子,就能夠參與、享有這麼多高品質的培訓。
🔔2024.7-2025.6行事曆 https://reurl.cc/RqM716
🎉 TNTC No. 767 例會邀請:認識台南傳統禮俗「做十六歲」 Get to know the coming of age ceremony in Tainan!🎉
你有聽過台南的「做十六歲」成年禮 嗎?歡迎參加本週四的台南英語演講會例會,主持人Coco將用英文跟大家介紹這個特別的禮俗,不要錯過囉!
Have you ever heard of Tainan's "Coming of Age" ceremony for sixteen-year-olds? You're invited to join us this Thursday for the TNTC meeting, where our host, Coco, will introduce this special tradition in English. Don't miss out!
📅 日期 Date: 2024/8/1
🕒 時間 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
📍 地點 Location: 畫廊咖啡 Museum Cafe
💲 來賓入場費 Guest Fee: $100
👉🏻 詳情請洽詢Line社群 Inquiry: https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
此外,我們安排了四位講者—除了第一次上台的新會員ChungLing Ko,還有兩位資深會友Leah Kao和Jay Cao的分享,以及前會員Raymond Lee的特別演說🎤
Additionally, we have four speakers lined up—new member ChungLing Ko will be giving their first speech, followed by seasoned members Leah Kao and Jay Cao, and a special presentation by former member, Raymond Lee.
我們誠摯地邀請您一同參與,明天見!See you tomorrow! 👏
#台南英語吐司會 #台南英語演講會 #英語學習 #溝通力 #領導力
🎉 TNTC No. 766 例會邀請:一起清涼過一夏 Join Us for an Unforgettable Summer!🎉
嗨!我們是 TNTC 台南英語演講會,這陣子真的熱得不得了🥵如果這禮拜四晚上你沒有其他計畫,歡迎來參加我們的例會,一起在舒適的空間避暑、聊聊天、聽演講吧!🌟
Hi there! We are TNTC. It’s been incredibly hot lately. If you don't have any plans this Thursday evening, we welcome you to join our regular meeting. Come and beat the heat in our comfortable venue, have a chat, and listen to some great speeches!
📅 日期 Date: 2024/7/4
🕒 時間 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
📍 地點 Location: 畫廊咖啡 Museum Cafe
💲 來賓入場費 Guest Fee: $100
👉🏻 詳情請洽詢Line社群 Inquiry: https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
這次例會的主題是Summer Break,大家暑假有安排什麼樣的出遊或放鬆行程呢?🏝️
This week's meeting theme is "Summer Break." What kind of trips or relaxation plans do you have for the summer?
此外,我們安排了三位講者—Amanda Chou、Winnie Chao和Kimmy Chang,她們將分別帶來自我介紹、紐西蘭旅遊和攻讀碩士班的心得,很令人期待對吧!🎤
Additionally, we have three speakers lined up—Amanda Chou, Winnie Chao, and Kimmy Chang, sharing their self-introduction, experience traveling in New Zealand, and insights on pursuing a master's degree. It's something to look forward to!
那我們就到時候見囉!See you then! 👏
#台南英語吐司會 #台南英語演講會 #英語學習 #溝通力 #領導力
Inaugural Speech by Faye Chen (2024-2025 Club President)
What was the reason that made you decide to join Toastmasters/TNTC?
Warm welcome from members? A touched speech?
Or just for fun?Killing time?
I was impressed by the meeting agenda when I met TNTC at the first time in 2021. That was so organized and everyone followed it very well.
I told myself, “These people and this organization must be amazing.”
After I joined TNTC and more activities host by area and division, I was surprised by those amazing senior members. They have great abilities, speak with passion; they are multitasking, patient, and willing to serve others.
How can they be so great?
I want to know, and I want to be like them.
As you all know, I was 2023-2024 VPE.
Now I am the president.
This is not a promotion. 🤣
These are different practices I have if I want to become a better me. The leadership role is a good reason for me to ask those great people to support and teach me more. Isn’t it? So, take this chance if it comes to you!
I’m so glad we are walking together--Doreen, Jomei, Leah, Tina, Winnie, Coco, and all members.
Let’s learn together; empower each other!
Thank you for your support during this coming year!
★ TNTC Regular Meeting No. 765 July 4 2024
# # Officers Discharge and Installation Ceremony
We extend our gratitude to all the distinguished guests, and members who attended. The ceremony was hosted by the outgoing K1 District Director, Sue Huang, witnessing a historic moment and successfully completing the ceremony.
During the ceremony, outgoing President Coco expressed her gratitude for the teamwork. Incoming President Faye expects great results and believes TNTC is fantastic. She looks forward to more members joining to learn and grow together. She encouraged officers to fulfill their roles diligently, participate actively in chapter activities, and gain valuable experience through hands-on learning.
TME Doreen, with her rich experience, explained why she chose "New Chapter" as the theme for tonight. Grammarian Leah explained her choice for the word of the day: "embark." Leah is a very dedicated Grammarian, always listening carefully to everyone's English throughout the meeting, identifying mispronunciations and grammatical errors, hoping that everyone not only has fun and enjoyment at the meetings but also improves and grows in their English skills.
The host of the Variety session is Winnie. She made thorough preparations in advance, asking everyone five questions to fill in the blanks before playing Bingo. She even prepared small gifts for the winning team. Truly a master of breaking the ice, she immediately warmed up the atmosphere.
Table Topics master, Katherine, prepared questions related to childhood memories and children's 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics) upbringing issues. Five members eagerly raised their hands to answer, creating a lively atmosphere.
Although TNTC does not have a budget for snacks, there was still a table full of treats during the break, thanks to the generous contributions of the members.
Six guests visited TNTC for the first time tonight. We hope they felt the friendliness of TNTC, and it would be even better if they become official members on their next visit.
The final regular meeting of the 2023-2024 term was successfully completed!
Recorded by Coco
Tainan Toastmasters Club
Regular Meeting
📅 日期 Date: 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month
🕒 時間 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
📍 地點 Location: 畫廊咖啡 Museum Cafe
💲 來賓入場費 Guest Fee: $100
👉🏻 詳情請洽詢Line社群 Inquiry: https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
★Celebrating Achievement: The Power of Collective Effort★
Farewell Speech by Coco Lin (2023-2024 TNTC Club President)
Last year I set a goal of 7 points for the Distinguished Club Program for my HPL project. Because of my life philosophy, the "Second Place Philosophy," I didn't want anyone to feel too pressured about joining TNTC. Today, I have good news to share: we scored 9 points in the DCP! Yay! Some members might not know what the DCP is. It is the standard used to evaluate whether a club is healthy. Scoring 9 points proves that although TNTC is already 64 years old, it is still strong and vibrant.
This honor is definitely not the work of just one person, but the result of the efforts of all members and officers. Because the DCP includes members giving speeches and completing Pathways, no matter which level you complete, you contribute points to the DCP. Even the renewal of old members and the new members are crucial to us.
Special thanks to EVP Faye for urging members to give speeches and painstakingly scheduling agendas, which keeps TNTC's meetings of high quality, attracting guests to decide to join TNTC. I believe, "When the flowers bloom, the butterflies come of their own accord." I sincerely thank every officer for their dedication and service. This is my dream team; please give them the warmest applause.
During this term, TNTC has added another Distinguished Toastmaster Member, Doreen. If Toastmasters were an educational program, Doreen would have earned a PhD. Our TNTC has several DTMs: Teresa, Leah, and me. I believe DTMs have some common personalities: Diligent, Trustworthy, and Modest. What do you think?
冠軍的產地In this April, TNTC had another champion. Faye won first place in the Chinese Table Topics contest. As I sat in the audience, I watched Faye confidently walk up to the stage with a smile, answering the question clearly and easily. I believe everyone in the audience was sure that Faye was the winner. During the award session, all the members from Division K were screaming and hugging excitedly. And I believe this moment will happen again next April because TNTC is where champions are made. One of you will become the next champion.
During my term as president, I learned one thing: it’s true that a change in position brings a change in mindset. If I were just a regular member, my goal would only be to complete Pathways, and the pressure wouldn’t be as great. But as president, I think about how I cannot let TNTC's long-standing reputation be ruined in my hands; the DCP absolutely cannot score zero points.
Today, I am very happy to finally present an excellent score at the last moment. Once again, I thank all the members and officers for their efforts. I believe that Faye is an outstanding leader, and she will surely continue to let TNTC shine. I also sincerely ask everyone to continue supporting the new officer team. Thank you!
2024-2025 Club Leadership Roles
Learn together, empower each other!!
🎉 誠摯地邀請您參與TNTC的年度大事 Join Us for a Special Event! 🎉
Tainan Toastmasters Club is excited to announce our upcoming Club Officer Discharge and Installation Ceremony will be held this Thursday!
📅 日期 Date: 2024/7/4
🕒 時間 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
📍 地點 Location: 畫廊咖啡 Museum Cafe
💲 來賓入場費 Guest Fee: $100
👉🏻 詳情請洽詢Line社群 Inquiry: https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
Let's come together to celebrate the achievements of our outgoing officers and welcome the new leaders who will guide us in the coming year.
在此誠摯地邀請Toastmasters的所有好朋友和來賓前來參與本週的例會,並給兩屆分會幹部團隊最大的支持與鼓勵! 🎤
This is a fantastic opportunity to show your support and be part of our vibrant community.
到時候見囉!See you there! 👏
🗓Date: 7月20日(六) 下午1:00-4:30
📍 Venue: 台南•成功大學 國際演講廳(光復校區)
💲 Fee: 分會會員免費參加
🙋🏻♂️詳情洽詢 Line Chat https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
TNTC Regular Meeting #764
Join us for the final installment of our special meetings at TNTC, all under the theme “We Are Toastmasters!”
Whether you attended the previous three meetings or not, you will find this one engaging and inspiring. If you enjoyed the earlier meetings, you will definitely want to be here.
Come and…
• Explore what “excellence,” the last of the Toastmasters’ core values, means.
• Listen to the keynote speech, “From Ordinary to Excellent,” by our senior member, Doreen Huang.
• Engage in a lively discussion during the variety session on whether religion and politics should be avoided as topics in Toastmasters’ meetings.
• Share your perspective on what “excellence” means during the table topics session. Can we all be on the path to pursuing excellence?
• Simply enjoy the welcoming atmosphere!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tainan Toastmasters Club台南英語演講會
Regular Meeting
🗓Date: 6/20
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
(1st & 3rd Thursday of every month)
📍 Venue: 畫廊咖啡Museum Cafe(台南市中西區府前路一段283號2樓)
💲 Guest Fee: $100 for non-member
🙋🏻♂️詳情洽詢 Line Chat https://bit.ly/ReceptionTNTC_Line
【5/26 行前通知】
用故事蛻變你的人生 | Toastmasters 國際演講會期待與您相見
📣2024/5/26(日)下午 1 ~ 5 點
📣成功大學 光復校區 國際會議廳 B1第一演講室 (請參考交通指引)
📣一般民眾入場費 50元,Toastmasters會員可免費參加
1) 為響應環保,請與會者自行攜帶水杯水瓶及環保餐具。
2) 演講室內禁止飲食。交誼空間備有茶點招待。
Can you imagine the benefits of being part of a non-profit mutual learning community for over a decade?
In today's society, focused on efficiency and profit, it may be surprising to imagine a group of people continuously contributing their knowledge and resources. However, these individuals are motivated by the guidance received from their mentors.
In , you will gain international educational resources and join the local speech practice club. The members serve and support each other. Every unique and fascinating life story is told and heard. Every potential leader will shine.
In May and June, Tainan Toastmasters plans four regular meetings on special topics. By featuring keynote speakers and engaging in activities, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and rewards of joining International Toastmasters.
If you wish to delve further into such a community, which core values “integrity, respect, service, and excellence,” you're welcome to experience it firsthand!
在《國際演講會Toastmasters International》,你可以得到國際化的教育資源、以及加入在地化的口說練習團體;透過會員彼此服務、支持,讓每一個獨特而精彩的生命故事被聽見、每一個潛在的領袖逐漸綻放光芒。
在5-6月,Tainan Toastmasters精心策劃4場例行會議,透過專題演講者的分享、以及有趣的活動,讓與會者能夠更加了解,成為《國際演講會》一員的好處與收穫。
Tainan Toastmasters Club台南英語演講會
Next Meeting
🗓Date: 6th June
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
*1st & 3rd Thursday of every month
📍 Venue: 畫廊咖啡Museum Cafe(台南市中西區府前路一段283號2樓)
💲 Guest Fee: $100
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Our Story
▸ 聚會內容:
Joke session, manual speech session, table topics session, evaluation session, etc.
▸ 時間 Time:
每個月第1和第3個禮拜四 晚上7點-9點
19:00-21:00 on every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
▸ 地點 Venue:
台南市中西區南門路4號 劍橋教師會館地下1樓
B1. No.4, Nanmen Rd., Tainan City
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Contact the organization
Opening Hours
19:00 - 21:00 |
Tainan, 70042
Tainan, 71443
大專青年營舉案辦30多年,帶給許多青年學子不同於以往的生活方式與態度,也帶來不一樣的歡笑與感動 我們希望藉由瑜珈的科學觀讓大家從心體驗一種真誠、快樂且健康的生活
60 Yi-Min Liao, Shanhua
Tainan, 74151
The World Vegetable Center, an international, nonprofit institute for vegetable research and development, helps farmers in developing countries grow vegetables safely to raise thei...
Tainan, 701
ICYE TAIWAN 為國際性非營利組織,透過與各接待國的交流計畫,藉由跨文化的學習與了解,促進文化交流與世界和平。
台南市北區北門路二段125號弘道大樓B 1
Tainan, 704
台南二中童軍團ANT小隊於中華民國七十三年五月十四日PM 01:20成立。 宗旨:刻苦、團結、榮譽 - 小隊代表色:藍色 - 稱呼:螞蟻小隊 或 藍螞蟻 -
Tainan, 704
二中童軍.如日中天.千秋萬載.一統江湖 以助人為快樂.以服務為責任.以究理為學問 成立日期:民國37年7月7日
Tainan, 710018
與愛童行。好給力 Love Guides, Strength Abides. 愛,如同一條條的黃色絲帶,串聯你我,編織出屬於孩子、家庭以及社會的「情感網絡」 在支持弱勢孩童,今年已邁入第18年,我們相信「教育能翻轉命運」,協助孩子重新找回內在力量 因此,第一線我們始終未曾缺席 💛
身為大學生的我們,在大學階段有什麼是我們能做到的事呢? 17sdgs的提倡已歷經多年,現今大眾的普遍認知應該要步入大眾都來行動的時候,讓我們一起從生活中發想、並從小小的行動開始響應吧!🤝🏻✨