Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉, Taipei Videos

Videos by Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉 in Taipei. 5 Star Luxurious Hotel in Taipei Free Wifi 24/7

送您去台南住一晚!吃好料還可以抽住宿!🎁即日起至3月31日,品嘗由台南遠東香格里拉的醉月樓許中賢主廚與台北遠東香格里拉的香宮廖晉輝主廚 攜手演繹「醉粵之享.雙廚聯奏」主廚套餐,即可獲得抽獎券乙張,有機會抽中台南遠東香格里拉尊榮客房雙人免費住宿一晚含兩客豐盛自助早餐。立即訂位:(02)7711-2080更多詳情: Enjoy a flavorful journey presented by Shangri-La Taipei Shang Palace Chef Liew & Tainan Shanghai Pavilion Chef Hsu "Four Hands Symphony" from now until 31 March. Indulge in the perfect fusion of Shanghainese and Cantonese flavors with a touch of local Taiwanese ingredients. Order set menu and join the lucky draw to win "Shangri-La Tainan One Night Stay at Deluxe Room with two breakfasts" voucher.Book now: (02)7711-2080More information:

Other Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉 videos

送您去台南住一晚!吃好料還可以抽住宿!🎁即日起至3月31日,品嘗由台南遠東香格里拉的醉月樓許中賢主廚與台北遠東香格里拉的香宮廖晉輝主廚 攜手演繹「醉粵之享.雙廚聯奏」主廚套餐,即可獲得抽獎券乙張,有機會抽中台南遠東香格里拉尊榮客房雙人免費住宿一晚含兩客豐盛自助早餐。立即訂位:(02)7711-2080更多詳情: Enjoy a flavorful journey presented by Shangri-La Taipei Shang Palace Chef Liew & Tainan Shanghai Pavilion Chef Hsu "Four Hands Symphony" from now until 31 March. Indulge in the perfect fusion of Shanghainese and Cantonese flavors with a touch of local Taiwanese ingredients. Order set menu and join the lucky draw to win "Shangri-La Tainan One Night Stay at Deluxe Room with two breakfasts" voucher.Book now: (02)7711-2080More information:

關上燈,看見星空,讓我們共同完成一件對地球很有意義的事情,關上不必要的電燈,與世界串聯。3月23日晚上8:30,為地球永續關燈,Earth Hour Taiwan 關燈一小時,與你一起讓世界變好。 Switch off. Give an hour for Earth, TogetherGreener ! #EarthHour2024 #為地球永續關燈

用花園系甜點 #綻放 迎接美好的春天🌸 茉莉花香乳酪蛋糕,搭配新鮮莓果,上層的香草香緹,每一口都是春天的甜美。🌈上桌時淋上溫熱的卡士達奶醬,白巧克力花瓣如花朵般緩緩綻放的景象,見證春暖花開的美妙瞬間🌺 Taste Spring with our floral dessert, Bloom 🌸 A jasmine cheesecake base filled with fresh berries, vanilla cream topping. And wait for the magic, as warm custard drizzles around the white chocolate petals, symbolizing the blossoming of Spring . Enjoy the season’s magic in every bite!

2024台北燈節 龍躍光城 即將登場🏮 #猜燈謎 #提燈籠 #逛燈會 今年台北燈節還有光雕結合互動體驗耶!快來台北玩一波 2024 Taipei Lantern Festival "Dragon Leaps into the City of Lights" is about to debut🏮This year's Taipei Lantern Festival will also feature light sculptures combined with interactive experiences. Don't miss out! #GuessLanternRiddles #CarryLanterns #StrollThroughLanternExhibits 更多消息 For more information:

開工日,是新的一頁,是新的起點。帶著積極的態度,將每一份努力轉化為成就感🚀🌞✨ Embrace the new page, the fresh start - it's a brand new workday! Let's kick off with a positive mindset, turning every effort into a sense of accomplishment💼🚀 #開工日 #加油 #WorkdayKickoff #EnergeticVibes #StriveHard #KeepPushingForward

新春如意!願農曆新年充滿愛與幸福,事事順心如意。 除夕夜,是我們家人共度幸福時光的重要時刻,還在回家的路上的香粉們特別注意行車安全喔🚗 明天大年初一上午11點30分,飯店將於大廳正門舉辦熱鬧歡欣的開年活動,象徵祥瑞的金龍舞動、鑼鼓獅陣,以及財神蒞臨,舞出富貴平安、招財進寶!歡迎香粉們與我們一起迎接新春的到來。鑼鼓獅陣和財神爺也將繞行各樓層餐廳,帶給用餐貴賓們祝福與慶賀! 祝福大家新年萬事如意,財源廣進,幸福滿滿!🌟🧧 Happy Chinese New Year to ALL!! On the New Year's Eve, as we gather with family, please ensure a safe journey home. A kind reminder, tomorrow at 11:30 AM, join us outside the hotel lobby to witness the auspicious Golden Dragon and lion dance with live drum performance. The festivities will continue in each restaurant, symbolizing prosperity and the welcoming of good fortune. Let's celebrate and usher in the Chinese New Year together!💖 #新年快樂 #金龍舞動 #招財進寶 #共襄盛舉 #HappyNewYear #DragonDance #ChineseNewYear #YearofDragon

這個時間就要到 #大廳茶軒 啦!每天下午 5 點到 7 點,歡享時光🍹 精選5款經典琴湯尼 #買一送一美好歡樂的夜晚,就從大廳茶軒開始!It’s Gin o’clock! Time to get together at #LobbyCourt! Every day from 5 to 7 pm, enjoy 5 classic Gin Tonic drinks with Buy-one-get-one-free offer! Unwind, relax and kick off your evening at Lobby Court 🤩#歡聚時光 #LobbyCourt #HappyHour #琴湯尼 #GinTonic #台北遠東香格里拉

週末放輕鬆,擁抱美麗的夜晚🌃! 點一杯喜愛的特調🍹佐台北繽紛夜色💫 身心瞬間都被療癒了 Unwind this weekend and embrace the beauty of the night✨ Take in the vibrant lights of the city and let the night vibes soothe your soul. Sip on your favorite cocktail and enjoy the breathtaking view of Taipei! 🍹 #雞尾酒時間 #週六夜 #台北夜景 #CocktailHour #HappyHour #DrinkwithaView #SaturdayNightVibes #TaipeiNightView #CityLights

讓我們為每一個專屬紀念日、每一個獨特的慶祝活動乾杯。 #從心尋覓香格里拉 迎接生活中最特別的場合,這裡是讓夢想成真的地方。✨ Let’s toast to every exquisite anniversary, every bespoke celebration. #FindYourShangriLa and get ready for life’s most special occasions, make your whimsical dreams come true. ✨ #香格里拉 #香格里拉酒店 #香格里拉會 #慶祝 #活動 #聚會 #尋找你的香格里拉禮服 #婚宴 #FindYourShangriLa #ShangriLa #ShangriLaHotels #ShangriLaCircle #SpecialOccasions #Celebrations #Events #Gatherings #FindYourShangriLaDress"

據英國研究指出:"台灣人最喜歡的吃到飽菜色是###料理"。 猜猜看遠東Cafe新主題會是什麼呢~~? 11月10日至1月4日,不容錯過的美食盛宴即將登場,敬請密切關注。 🍽️ 預約及詳情請洽:(02)7711-2080。 Guess what's gonna be the next gourmet theme for our Cafe at Far Eastern?🤔 Stay tuned! #ShangriLaTaipei #遠東CAFE自助餐廳 #飯店自助餐 #buffet

FindYourShangriLa Contest
分享即有機會獲得5天4夜的夢幻假期! 發揮您的創意,拍攝一張照片或錄製一段影片,分享一個充滿童趣或是一個充滿美好回憶的地方 #從心尋覓香格里拉 就有機會獲得香格里拉杜拜或東京五天四夜! 住宿含雙人機票! 馬上前往 Instagram @shangrilahotels上看看更多相關資訊吧 [FindYourShangriLa Contest] WIN & FLY to your dream holiday in @shangrila_dubai or @shangrila_tokyo for 5 Days & 4 Nights, inclusive of 2 round-trip flight tickets! With your accommodation and return air tickets covered, all you have to do is bring yourself and your loved ones. For a chance to win, simply take a creative photo or record a video of your personal Shangri-La, whether it is a fun-filled zone or a place full of wonderful memories for you and your loved ones, wherever you are in the world. Head over to our Instagram @shangrilahotels for more details! #FindYourShangriLa #ShangriLa #ShangriLaHotels #ShangriLaCircle #FindYourShangriLaContest #ShangriLaDubai #ShangriLaTokyo #ShangriLaTrain #Dubai #Tokyo #PlayTime #YoungAtHeart #Adventure #HolidayWithKids #FamilyFun #香格里拉 #香格里拉飯店 #杜拜 #東京

#你像茶碗蒸 如果是說我們 #ibuki 的北海道鱈場蟹黑松露茶碗蒸,那小編跟你保證,那絕對是個稱讚!一口滑嫩估溜的蒸蛋,充滿手剝鱈場蟹肉的細緻鮮甜,高湯裡散發黑松露的濃郁香氣!蒸蛋裡面還有鮮蝦、香菇等各式配料~😋每次吃完都讓人覺得超級滿足,蒸有料! Yum! Prepare your taste buds for this delicious steamed egg with Japanese Hokkaido king crab and black truffle sauce. Indulge in the delicate crab meat and the rich aroma of black truffle. Each bite brings satisfaction and fulfillment! 🤤#有料 #超滿足 #茶碗蒸 #Delicious #japanese #台北日料