Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉

Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉

5 Star Luxurious Hotel in Taipei
Free Wifi 24/7 A total of 14 function rooms ranging in sizes suit different customers' needs.

台北遠東香格里拉樓高43層,巍峨壯麗,是敦南大道知名的地標性建築,全館以免費有線及無線寬頻上網,獲得顧客的一致好評!飯店交通便利,距離台北世貿中心和國際會議中心只需5分鐘車程,到台北松山機場和桃園國際機場也分別只需15及45分鐘。典雅寬敞的客房,每房皆可欣賞台北市別具風味的景致,半數房間還能坐擁台北101世界級美景。飯店內有五間中西美食餐廳以及三間酒廊,提供國際級的飲饌享受!健身俱樂部設備一應俱全,包含健身房、三溫暖以及兩座戶外游泳池,其中一座為全年開放、景觀絕佳的頂樓(43F)溫水游泳池;位於40樓的Qi Shiseido Salon and Spa也以優質的產品和技術,提供全系列頂級芳療服務。飯店亦提供14間備有完善視聽設施的多功能宴會暨會議空間,是舉辦婚宴、會議及各式活動的絕佳場域。

Conveniently located 15 minutes from Taipei Shons

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 18/04/2024

#星有所屬 婚宴專案 讓您的婚禮如星光璀璨奪目🌟
訂席200位以上賓客,再加贈日本施舒雅SOCIE Spa 60分鐘雙人身體課程或38樓馬可波羅酒廊After Party新婚派對
婚禮小幫手專線 📞 (02) 7700-3032

Every wedding is like a star in the sky, unique and beautiful.
Make your special day shine like a star with our “You are my Star” Wedding Package. Inspired by romantic French cuisine, indulge in a 5-course Western menu paired with selected wines. Book for 200 guests and receive a complimentary 60-minute massage for two persons at SOCIE Spa or an after party at Marco Polo Lounge.
Let us make your wedding a dazzling event ✨
Learn more: Contact our wedding helpers now 📞 (02) 7700-3032.


🍷✨ 4月17日一起慶祝世界馬爾貝克日!✨🍇
🎉 4月17日至7月31日,加入我們一起慶祝世界馬爾貝克日,體驗這款美酒帶來的獨特魅力吧!

Celebrate World Malbec Day with us!
Experience the Argentina's national treasure - Malbec wine. Sip and savor the sophisticated violet fragrance and indulgent flavors at our restaurants and bars in Shangri-La Taipei.
Join us from 17 April to 31 July to celebrate World Malbec Day and discover the charm of Malbec wine!

#世界馬爾貝克日 #葡萄酒 #馬爾貝克

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 16/04/2024


The world-renowned travel magazine, Conde Nast Traveler 2024 readers’ choice awards is now open for voting!
Cast your vote for Shangri-La Far Eastern, Taipei and you may win a trip to the South Pole!
:// 💪 🤩

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 15/04/2024

🎁美麗時刻 母親節Spa專案,入住豪華閣尊榮客房,盡享豪華閣專屬早餐、下午茶及晚間歡樂時光,和媽咪共度難得的美好時光~
重頭戲就是帶媽咪體驗來自日本頂級的 SOCIE 日本施舒雅美容世界,讓身心靈跟著專業芳療師的帶領舒緩放鬆,忘卻平日的緊繃憂煩。

Let's plan a luxurious Mother's Day experience together! Learn more at
Mama's Retreat Spa Special 🎁
Book our Horizon Deluxe room from just TWD 9,400 per night! Enjoy breakfast, afternoon tea, and happy hour at exclusive Horizon Lounge while creating precious memories with your beloved mom. Unwind with a top-tier Japanese SOCIE Spa - a unique relaxation for body and mind. Express your deepest gratitude to mom this Mother's Day with a relaxing getaway!
☎️ For Reservations: (02)2376-3266
#母親節 #住房專案 #獨家禮遇 #奢華體驗 🎉😍🎆

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 14/04/2024

推薦香粉們位於內湖的 #新福本坑 及 #碧湖親山步道 極具魅力的踏青路線,不到半小時的路程,就能欣賞沿途自然美景與感受文化印記。春日盛開的花朵和翩翩起舞的蝴蝶伴隨,步道旁還有觀賞臺灣藍鵲的涼亭可以歇腿放鬆。
#旅程亮點 新福本坑,見證百年採礦歷史,而重建後的臺車與軌道,彷彿在述說著昔日的辛勤和汗水。

🌸Spring is the perfect time to explore nature!
🍃In Neihu District, Taipei, Xinfubenkeng and Bihu Trail make for a delightful hike. Appreciate the beautiful scenery and immerse yourself in cultural history in just half an hour. Blooming flowers and butterflies will be your company, along with a charming blue magpie gazing spot. Join us and uncover the beauty of Taipei. 🏞️

#台北文化小旅行 #新福本坑 #碧湖親山步道 #探索大自然 #感受人文歷史

Photo Credit @臺北市文化局-設計臺北 Design For Taipei

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 13/04/2024

#流光森林婚禮體驗日 幕後直擊
特別邀請來自美國紐約百老匯重量級 #神秘嘉賓 麥特‧辛格勒德克親臨現場,天籟般的聲線,讓大家沉浸在囍宴音樂劇的幸福組曲,感受到滿滿的祝福。🎤🎶🎵

What a magical and romantic day at the Shangri-La Ballroom!
We were honored to host a one-of-a-kind Wedding Fair, filled with love and joy. Our special guest, Broadway superstar Matt Shingledecker graced us with his incredible musical talents, making it an even more unforgettable experience for our soon-to-be newlyweds. Here's to many more love-filled celebrations at ! 💍💕

#婚禮體驗日 #浪漫愛情 #香格里拉宴會廳

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 12/04/2024

🍽️ #馬可波羅義大利餐廳 一邊欣賞高樓景觀一邊享用限定套餐,包含風味十足的「香煎北海道干貝佐伊比利火腿襯白花菜泥」、豐盛的海陸雙主菜「烤半隻波士頓龍蝦搭配美國肋眼牛排」等義式風味,送給品味獨具的時尚媽咪!
🍣 櫻花綻放母親節懷石料理套餐,結合海洋與大地精華的「手工山藥豆腐搭配北海道海膽佐松露芡汁」、豪華海陸主菜「日本鹿兒島和牛沙朗佐柚子黑胡椒醬」等和風美饌,適合懂生活的優雅媽咪!
🏮 #香宮 豪華粵式桌菜,品嚐招牌菜如「香宮脆皮烤鴨」、「雲林黑蒜燉花膠元貝菜膽雞湯」等養生佳餚,再加贈7吋蛋糕和氣泡酒,闔家同慶最歡樂!
🥢 #上海醉月樓 滬式傳情母親節套餐,品嚐溫潤滋補的「竹笙瑤柱海皇燴燕窩」、鮮嫩美味的「白焗奶油波士頓龍蝦」等,再送一盆植栽給樂活媽咪!
限定菜單僅於 4月27日至5月12日期間提供,趕快預約與母親的溫馨約會!
訂位專線:(02) 7711-2080

Mark your calendar for a special Mother's Day feast at Shangri-La Taipei's restaurants😋
🇮🇹 Marco Polo Italian Restaurant provides a romantic Italian-style dinner with a stunning city view.
🇯🇵 ibuki Japanese Restaurant offers a beautiful Sakura-themed kaiseki set to pamper your beloved mom.
🏮 Shang Palace serves delicious Cantonese table menu featuring siganture dishes with cake and sparkling wine, perfect for family gatherings.
🥢 Shanghai Pavalion presents a Shanghai-inspired set menu including healthy ingredients and premier seafood.
These exclusive menus are only available from 27 April to 12 May. To reserve a table, plesae call (02) 7711-2080

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 11/04/2024

海味珍品 #鮑魚花膠蟹肉粽、人氣第一 #烤鴨蛋黃粽、經典廣式 #裹蒸粽、贈禮首選 #五福粽、健康養生的 #香椿猴頭菇粽、 一吃上癮的 #蘑菇牛肉粽 和 冰涼Q彈的 #冰晶甜粽。
氣質優雅的 #香傳粽情禮袋 ,低調奢華風格 #海陸香粽禮袋 以及台北和台南遠東香格里拉聯名款的 #南北粽情禮袋
🔔 2024年5月12日前預購享早鳥85折!

To celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, our culinary team from Shang Palace carefully presents eleven flavors of rice dumplings for your enjoyment and three gift bags for you to send your festive blessings.
Order now via (02)7711-3510 and enjoy 15% off early-bird offer before 15 May 2024.
More details to come !Order on-line:

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 10/04/2024

🌟把握最後機會🌟別錯過本週六4/13 #流光森林婚禮體驗日
驚喜加碼!獨家邀請到國際級 #神秘嘉賓 親臨現場!
#搶先聆聽 來自美國紐約百老匯巨星麥特‧辛格勒德克(Matt Shingledecker) 的精彩表演,為您呈現 #囍宴音樂劇 世界巡迴台北首演精選曲目,除了獨家簽約滿額禮外,當天預訂婚宴還可獲贈《The Wedding Banquet囍宴音樂劇》台北場貴賓席兩張,價值8,200元!
立即點擊連結報名👉 ,讓台北遠東香格里拉為您打造如星光閃耀的夢幻婚禮!🌟

Don't miss your last opportunity to attend our spring this Saturday, 13 April!
Everything you need for your dream wedding, from gowns, suits, floral arrangement, wedding cookies, jewelry to photography, is all right here. You can also have a chance to taste the canape selection and exclusive cocktails for wedding reception.
What's more, we'll also have a special appearance by a ! Enjoy a preview of musical world tour with performances by Broadway super star Matt Shingledecker. Register now and you will receive two exclusive VIP tickets to the musical show in Taipei if you book your wedding with us.
Make your wedding sparkle like the stars! ✨

#婚禮體驗日 #流光森林 #神秘嘉賓 #囍宴音樂劇 #獨家優惠

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 09/04/2024

🍶喜歡清酒的香粉看這邊!相約在 ibuki日本料理餐廳,與李淼文主廚共度一場春季餐酒盛宴!🍶查看菜單:
限定清酒晚宴將於 4 月 18 日和 19 日晚上6點舉行,每位3,888元 +10%。限量席次,趕快撥打預訂專線📞 (02) 7711-2080

🍶Spring is the perfect time for 🇯🇵sake lovers to indulge in a special dining experience at ibuki Japanese restaurant. Join Chef Jimmy for a 7-course sake pairing feast featuring seasonal ingredients and five renowned sake breweries from Ehime Prefecture. Don't miss the chance to learn about each sake's unique flavors and stories from the sake masters.
Limited seats available on April 18 and 19 at 6pm for NT$3,888 +10% per person.
Book now at 📞(02) 7711-2080.

#日本料理 #台北日料 #清酒

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 08/04/2024

以鮮花裝飾的精緻花瓶造型的 #馨之女王 抹茶巧克力蛋糕;含5款莓果的 #藍寶石的獻禮 莓果巧克力蛋糕;清新優雅花環造型 #茉莉夫人 茉莉花風味蛋糕,或是暖心的 #紫薯芋您 紫薯芋頭蛋糕等,都為最愛的母親準備了一份甜蜜的驚喜。
🥳快來我們一樓的The Cake Room找到你想要的蛋糕吧!每款蛋糕1,580元起,請三天前預訂
預訂專線:(02) 7700-3155

Mother's Day is fast approaching! How about treating your mom with a sweet surprise?
Choose from our stunning Mother's Day cake collection inspired by art, fashion, sweetness, and warmth, all designed to honor the queens of our lives! 👩‍👧‍👦💗💐
Order a cake today, prices starting from $1580. Pre-order online, or call (02) 7700-3155. Find that perfect sweetness at The Cake Room! 🍰🥳

#台北遠東香格里拉 #母親節蛋糕 #甜蜜驚喜 #愛在每一口甜點裡



Live life in a special way, especially on important days 🎉✨
Adding rituals to ordinary days, surrounded by joy and happiness, and wish each day to be filled with radiant sunshine 🌞

#生活 #幸福 #希望 #儀式感

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 06/04/2024

#蔬菜之后 白蘆筍駕到✨
品嚐 #上海醉月樓 #馬可波羅義大利餐廳 和 #香宮 的限時美味,
體驗白蘆筍的優雅魅力 🍽️ 除營養豐富外,又因其稍縱即逝的產季與不可見陽光的特性,是這個季節的珍品!
訂位專線:(02) 7711-2080🌿

The white asparagus season is upon us!
Indulge in these fleeting delicacies at the perfect time of the year.
Enjoy the limited-time gourmet dishes at , , , and .🍽️Save your spot and savor the season's delicacy via (02) 7711-2080🌿

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 05/04/2024

今天就來點 #焦糖海鹽牛奶巧克力蛋糕

Our Caramel Sea Salt Milk Chocolate Cake is here to rescue your sweet tooth!
🎂🍫 The lush aroma of caramel, crunchy cookie foundation, coupled with the dark chocolate mousse, perfectly balance the sweetness and present a layered delight!
Let's give this soothing dessert a shot🙏

#安定心神 #甜點 #蛋糕

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 04/04/2024


𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲!
Bring your little ones for making your own cupcake, guests can enjoy the amenity when booking our "Fly High Enjoy the Ride" Family Room Pacakge🧁
Don't miss out this creative and memorable moment with your kids!



The earthquake this morning had us rattled in Taiwan, how is everyone holding up?
Everything is fine at Shangri-La Taipei, all our restaurants and bars are operating as normal. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 02/04/2024

日本施舒雅SPA,始於1950年,傳承自日本60餘年的專業手技,並融合日式茶道的「一期一會」服務精神🍵 位於繁忙市中心的台北遠東香格里拉40樓,靜謐的空間,每一撫,每一壓,打造獨一無二的體驗,追求身心靈的和諧與平衡🙏
預約專線 (02) 2377-3366

Love yourself, no need to wait for the right time 🌸
SOCIE Spa, established in 1950, inherited over 60 years of professional techniques from Japan, and infused with the spirit of "one phase, one meeting" from tea ceremony 🍵
Located on the 40th floor of Shangri-La Taipei in a bustling city, it's a sanctuary for your body and soul, striking a unique balance 🙏
What's more, hotel guests can enjoy 10% off, so book your special moment at the SOCIE Spa now. Call 02-2377-3366

#台北香格里拉 #身心紓壓 #自我寵愛

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 01/04/2024

跟著小編的腳步 吃起來!
遠東CAFE #夢饗地中海 感謝廣大香粉們熱烈好評回饋!
\ 夢饗地中海 / 美食活動看這邊🐠 🐠
沙拉區 #鷹嘴豆泥 皮塔餅 還有甜點區的 #翻轉蘋果塔

Follow us to the CAFE at Far Eastern! 🌊🥗🍴
We can't stop raving about the refreshing Mediterranean delicacies. Tangy and appetizing sauces make the dishes simply irresistible! Try our and at the salad section, followed by our mouthwatering for a perfect sweet ending.
🍴 Trust us, after one bite, you'll be hooked!
Reservation Hotline:(02)7711-2080
🍲 #地中海 #自助餐 MediterraneanHeaven 🤩

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 31/03/2024

【Dream Bar 春季美食篇】😋
在6F Dream Bar 不僅可以享受繽紛的花藝空間,香宮廖晉輝主廚將花草巧思入饌,帶給您全新的飲饌感官體驗!🍽️


This spring, Dream Bar presents a serise of new menu created by Chef Liew of Shang Palace bursting with floral-infused dishes and cocktails. This culinary experience will enchant your taste buds and awaken your senses! Just to highlight a few, Double-boiled abalone soup with figs, Barbecued honey spanish Iberico pork with osmanthus fragrance
Crispy white prawns with mango sauce, passion fruit and fresh carnation
Asparagus with truffle sauce and macadamia nut and deep fried chicken fillet with chili and organic rose.
Tag your foodie friends and book your table now to savor the essence of spring in every bite via (02)7711-2080

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 30/03/2024

除了現在正夯的海芋,竹子湖旁還有見證了稻米運輸的歷史的 #水車寮步道,

Shake off the week's exhaustion and let the wind carry it away! 🍃
Let's plan a weekend stroll at Zhuzihu!🌞 Here, you can not only admire the calla lilies but also explore the historic . Stretching just under 500 meters, this trail provides views of calla lily fields and vibrant hydrangeas in the summer, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely walk or sightseeing. 🌸

#文化小旅行 #週末慢遊 #竹子湖 #海芋花田 #台北遠東香格里拉

Photo Credit 臺北市政府觀光傳播局

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 29/03/2024

🌸 #春日繁花下午茶 賞心悅目的味蕾饗宴🌸🍵看更多:
#大廳茶軒 推出用櫻花、玫瑰、茉莉、薰衣草等各種花卉,創意製作出12款超可愛茶點,讓味蕾和心情,都在花香中翩翩起舞。

Escape the heat and indulge in a delightful afternoon tea time at 🌸🍵
Let the flavors and aromas of cherry blossom, rose, jasmine, and lavender take you on a savory journey.
Reserve now at (02)7711-2080, let your taste buds and mood dance in the floral fragrance.

#花香 #台北遠東香格里拉 #精緻茶點 #下午茶約會

Photo Credit|

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 28/03/2024

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🎉 Let's honor our beloved elders and create unique memories with love and blessings at Shangri-La Taipei🌟
Celebrate this special day with exquisite Chinese delicacies, traditional longevity peaches, unlimited drinks and more.
For reservations, please call (02)7700-3032
#壽宴 #相聚歡慶 #台北遠東香格里拉 🥂

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 27/03/2024

Stacy 豪華閣副理,一路從禮賓接待做起的她談到飯店工作,眼裡充滿了光,她最大的成就感來源是客人最真實的反饋,「客人開心,我就開心!」Stacy笑著說。
如果您也認識像Stacy一樣優秀的飯店服務人員,歡迎在Google或是Trip Advisor與我們分享您的香格里拉體驗,給予我們住房、餐飲、宴會寶貴的意見與鼓勵!🉐💯

🌟Meet Stacy, our passionate Horizon Club Assistant Manager!
Her journey began as a Club concierge and has now become a shining star in our team. She believes that our guests' happiness is what fuels her passion at work. From arrival to departure, Stacy ensures every process is meticulous. Her diligence and service enthusiasm have earned her countless positive reviews, making her a consistent winner of our 'Joyful Moments Employee Recognition Program'. With her heartfelt hospitality, Stacy strives to make each guest feel at home and like they've arrived at their own Shangri-La!
Keeping up with the excellency of our service, we invite you to share your valuable feedback on Google or Trip Advisor. Your encouragement and guidance keep us at par with leading hospitality providers. 🉐💯

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 26/03/2024


準新人們!別忘了報名4/13 #婚禮體驗日 ✨點擊連結🔗獨家優惠免費預約✨

Love and happiness are just around the corner!
Get ready to embark on the most romantic journey of your life and start a whole new chapter!

💖 To all soon-to-be-weds, don't forget to register for the on 4/13.
Click on the link to register now and get exclusive offers🔗

#我們結婚了 #請多多指教 #婚禮體驗日

Photo Credit|


#鳥語花香 以布朗尼、巧克力慕斯和翻糖製成栩栩如生的鳥巢,置身於花香鳥鳴之中
🐰還有超可愛的兩款杯子蛋糕🥕 倒頭栽的 #挖挖兔寶貝 🐰 活潑好動的在草叢中探險,巧克力磅蛋糕和鮮甜的藍莓果醬,讓人一口接一口。
胡蘿蔔造型的 #可愛小蘿蔔 🥕 香草磅蛋糕與覆盆子果醬的層層堆疊 即使是不喜歡胡蘿蔔的朋友,也會被它的酸甜口感所征服!

Rock your weekend with mouthwatering delicious and adorable desserts!
Try our - an exquisite mix of brownie, chocolate mousse and fondant in the shape of a bird's nest🌺🐦
🐰 And don't miss our cute cupcakes 🥕 with chocolate and blueberry, or with vanilla and raspberry
#復活節甜點 #甜蜜時光 #限定甜點


關上燈,看見星空,讓我們共同完成一件對地球很有意義的事情,關上不必要的電燈,與世界串聯。3月23日晚上8:30,為地球永續關燈,Earth Hour Taiwan 關燈一小時,與你一起讓世界變好。

Switch off. Give an hour for Earth, TogetherGreener !


Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 22/03/2024

今天就到 ibuki 日本料理🎏嚐嚐這道雲林白鰻魚牛蒡柳川鍋吧!

Stay warm and indulge in this delicious Taiwan Yunline White Eel Burdock Yanagawa Hotpot at ibuki Japanese restaurant! Let the rich and savory broth warm your soul and the tender ingredients nourish your body. 🎏🍲
#台北日料 #柳川鍋 #鰻魚

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 21/03/2024

無論是性別揭曉派對、收涎宴,還是抓周宴,台北遠東香格里拉 #香遇無敵寶貝都能完美符合您的需求👍

Celebrate every meaningful moment of growth with us! 🎉
Whether it's a gender reveal, baby shower, 100-day banquet or baby's first birthday, Shangri-La Taipei offers the perfect celebration options for you! 👍
Let us witness these precious milestones and create memories together!
#寶貝成長 #香格里拉 #香遇無敵寶貝

Photos from Shangri-La Taipei 台北遠東香格里拉's post 20/03/2024

🎉✨ 醉粵之享.雙廚聯奏 台北場接力開跑✨🎉
台南遠東香格里拉 Shangri-La Far Eastern Tainan獲得無數好評,即日起至3月31日將由台北遠東香格里拉 #香宮 接棒!查看菜單:
由台北香宮 #廖晉輝主廚 和台南醉月樓 #許忠賢主廚 聯手呈獻,結合了滬粵雙味的精髓,並融入了台灣本地的特色食材,為您帶來一場創新與傳統完美結合的美食之旅!
別錯過於活動期間,凡享用套餐即有機會抽中 #台南遠東香格里拉尊榮客房 雙人免費住宿一晚含兩客豐盛自助早餐。
立即訂位 (02)7711-2080 品味本季美食盛宴!

🎉✨ Four Hands Symphony – is Now Live in Taipei! 🎉✨
Join us and enjoy a flavorful journey presented by Shangri-La Taipei & Tainan Four Hands Symphony. Indulge in the perfect fusion of Shanghainese and Cantonese flavors with a touch of local Taiwanese ingredients.
What's more, seize the chance to win a complimentary stay at Shangri-La Tainan by ordering our set menu during the promotion from now to 31 March.
Call (02)7711-2080 now!

#醉粵之享雙廚聯奏 #台南醉月樓 #台北香宮 #滬粵雙味 #訂位開始 #美食饗宴 🍴🎊


用花園系甜點 #綻放 迎接美好的春天🌸

Taste Spring with our floral dessert, Bloom 🌸

A jasmine cheesecake base filled with fresh berries, vanilla cream topping. And wait for the magic, as warm custard drizzles around the white chocolate petals, symbolizing the blossoming of Spring . Enjoy the season’s magic in every bite!

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Our Story

Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei is the classic luxury hotel located in the heart of Taipei with panoramic views of the city featuring contemporary design with a blend of Western and Asian influences inspired by Song Dynasty. Offering authentic experiences to affluent individuals through impeccable creativity, local touches and genuine hospitality, the hotel has 420 guestrooms and is just 45 minutes from Taoyuan International Airport and 15 minutes from Taipei Songshan Airport. Various dining options from Cantonese, Shanghainese, Italian and Japanese to all-day dining buffet as well as unique lounges feature afternoon tea and creative cocktails with spectacular views and live performance. Recreation facilities include rooftop pool overlooking Taipei 101 while the Health Club offers fitness equipment, saunas and Qi Shiseido Salon and Spa provides aromatherapy treatments. For guests’ convenience, the hotel provides complimentary daily shuttle services to popular attractions and major business districts.

Videos (show all)

送您去台南住一晚!吃好料還可以抽住宿!🎁即日起至3月31日,品嘗由台南遠東香格里拉的醉月樓許中賢主廚與台北遠東香格里拉的香宮廖晉輝主廚 攜手演繹「醉粵之享.雙廚聯奏」主廚套餐,即可獲得抽獎券乙張,有機會抽中台南遠東香格里拉尊榮客房雙人免費住...
關上燈,看見星空,讓我們共同完成一件對地球很有意義的事情,關上不必要的電燈,與世界串聯。3月23日晚上8:30,為地球永續關燈,Earth Hour Taiwan 關燈一小時,與你一起讓世界變好。Switch off. Give an ho...
用花園系甜點 #綻放 迎接美好的春天🌸茉莉花香乳酪蛋糕,搭配新鮮莓果,上層的香草香緹,每一口都是春天的甜美。🌈上桌時淋上溫熱的卡士達奶醬,白巧克力花瓣如花朵般緩緩綻放的景象,見證春暖花開的美妙瞬間🌺Taste Spring with our...
2024台北燈節 龍躍光城 即將登場🏮#猜燈謎 #提燈籠 #逛燈會今年台北燈節還有光雕結合互動體驗耶!快來台北玩一波2024 Taipei Lantern Festival "Dragon Leaps into the City of Li...
開工日,是新的一頁,是新的起點。帶著積極的態度,將每一份努力轉化為成就感🚀🌞✨ Embrace the new page, the fresh start - it's a brand new workday! Let's kick off...
這個時間就要到 #大廳茶軒 啦!每天下午 5 點到 7 點,歡享時光🍹 精選5款經典琴湯尼 #買一送一美好歡樂的夜晚,就從大廳茶軒開始!It’s Gin o’clock! Time to get together at #LobbyCour...
讓我們為每一個專屬紀念日、每一個獨特的慶祝活動乾杯。#從心尋覓香格里拉 迎接生活中最特別的場合,這裡是讓夢想成真的地方。✨Let’s toast to every exquisite anniversary, every bespoke c...
據英國研究指出:"台灣人最喜歡的吃到飽菜色是XXX料理"。猜猜看遠東Cafe新主題會是什麼呢~~?11月10日至1月4日,不容錯過的美食盛宴即將登場,敬請密切關注。🍽️ 預約及詳情請洽:(02)7711-2080。Guess what's ...
FindYourShangriLa Contest
#你像茶碗蒸 如果是說我們 #ibuki 的北海道鱈場蟹黑松露茶碗蒸,那小編跟你保證,那絕對是個稱讚!一口滑嫩估溜的蒸蛋,充滿手剝鱈場蟹肉的細緻鮮甜,高湯裡散發黑松露的濃郁香氣!蒸蛋裡面還有鮮蝦、香菇等各式配料~😋每次吃完都讓人覺得超級滿足...





201 Tun Hwa South Road, Sec. 2 ( 台北市敦化南路二段201號)

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The official fan page of Ambience Hotel Taipei. Visit us online at

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Hotel | Dining | Buffet | Steak | Spa 台北花園大酒店為西區頂級商務觀光飯店,擁有241間挑高舒適的客房及中西薈萃多元化餐飲服務,以旅艋舺遊西門為飯店主題,交織出熱情及文化涵蘊。

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Toll Free: 0800-088-833

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Easy access. 7 min from MRT Nangang Exit 2A and TRA Nangang Station. 15 min from Airport bus stop. C

101Stay 101Stay


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Hotel Papa Whale是以工業風為主題的設計旅館,因鄰近西門町商圈,是您住得舒