Muzixiii Studio



| ASUS Adol 14 |

The ASUS Adol series is designed with young female users in mind, creating a comfortable and elegant tone in the product video. The visuals are filled with metallic gradients that shimmer, allowing Adol and her smart assistant to roam freely in a dreamy world full of futuristic vibes.

跟著愛朵和 a 豆一起穿梭在奇幻世界中❣️

ASUS Adol 系列主打年輕女性用戶,在產品影片中營造出舒適優雅的調性,畫面充滿帶有金屬光澤的漸變流光,讓愛朵和智能助手 a 豆在游走在充滿未來感的夢幻世界中。

Client | ASUS
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
3D Artist | 易鴻耀 Tom Yi、林弈廷 Lin Yiting、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、謝靜文 CHOCO、黃皓偉 Hao Wei Huang、陳智雍 Riva Chen
Compositing | 林弈廷 Lin Yiting、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai



✶ 平面設計師 Graphic Designer ✶
○ 具有實務平面設計經驗,良好的美感,在乎作品細節,對排版有高度敏銳度
○ 善於團隊合作溝通,也能獨立完成交付任務
○ 對品牌操作、視覺設計、形象企劃有極高的熱忱
○ 自律、負責且具備時間管理能力

✩ 加分項目:對於動畫製作有基礎認知;喜歡影像、且有興趣關注影像產業

① 信件主旨請註明【2024應徵職位_姓名】
② 最精選自信的作品集 / Showreel
③ 相關履歷,讓我們快速認識你
④ 來信請寄:[email protected]

期待與你/妳相見ヽ( ᐛ )ノ

Credit | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao


| AUO Touch Taiwan |

目子為 AUO 在 Touch Taiwan 的活動中打造全新形象片☄️

Featuring a bright atmosphere accented with glass materials, the video enhances the technological feel by using geometric shapes to construct the space. The brand colors are integrated into various scenes, demonstrating AUO's connection with diverse aspects of life.

明亮氛圍搭配玻璃材質點綴,提升科技感的同時,使用幾何造型建構空間,將品牌色融入不同場域,展現 AUO 與生活中的多元領域相互串聯。

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Creative | 謝宜家 Kea Xie
Storyboard Artist | 謝宜家 Kea Xie
3D Artist | 易鴻耀 Tom Yi、佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、林弈廷 Lin Yiting、謝宜家 Kea Xie、黃皓偉 Hao Wei Huang
Compositing | 林弈廷 Lin Yiting


| ASUS Vivobook S |

Use the Vivobook S as the performer in this presentation. Simplify the scene structure and objects to create a clean and bright space. Employ camera movements to showcase playfulness and highlight the small touches that the product brings to everyday life.

將 Vivobook S 本次的產品做為表演者,簡化場景結構及物件來打造乾淨明亮空間,以鏡頭運鏡來展現玩味,帶出產品觸動生活的小巧思⚡

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Storyboard Artist | 謝宜家 Kea Xie
3D Artist | 洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh、王柏淯 Mu Wang、易鴻耀 Tom Yi、佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、黃子洋 Nunu
Compositing | 洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh、王柏淯 Mu Wang、黃子洋 Nunu


| ASUS Vivobook Pro |

To complement the launch of the new Vivobook Pro, we have created a visual experience that integrates both creative and gaming elements within a studio setting. The imagery combines virtual and real-world effects, conveying a sense of professionalism while also showcasing a playful personality.

搭配本次 Vivobook Pro 全新產品,打造出工作室整合創作遊戲的視覺體驗,在畫面中以虛實整合的效果,傳達出專業之餘也可以帶有玩味個性✈️🕶️💫💫

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 駱厚安 Hoan Luo
3D Artist | 駱厚安 Hoan Luo、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、易鴻耀 Tom Yi
Compositing | 駱厚安 Hoan Luo、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai


| MSI Summit Series |

Follow Your Rhythm.

MSI's Business Series products enable people with diverse work and lifestyle patterns to fully enjoy their own rhythm and showcase different dynamics. The video portrays the most suitable usage scenarios for business elites, emphasizing seamless mobility and productivity unconstrained by the environment. These products can adapt to various settings, presenting different ways and paces of living.

MSI 商務系列產品讓擁有各式人們的工作與生活型態更盡情地享受自我節奏,展現不同律動,在影片中描繪最適合出商務菁英的使用模式,移動平凡、不受環境限制的生產力,能應付各種環境場合使用,呈現出不同生活的方式與步調。

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 陳智雍 Riva Chen
3D Artist | 陳智雍 Riva Chen、黃皓偉 Hao Wei Huang
Compositing | 陳智雍 Riva Chen、江美嫻 Ann Chiang


🔥🔥🔥 目子團隊夥伴招募中 🔥🔥🔥
持續成長中的目子正在尋找專案經理、創意企劃和特效設計的夥伴加入,有興趣的人快來讓我們認識你 .ᐟ.ᐟ

✶ 專案經理 Project Manager ✶
○ 具備專案規劃與管理能力,能有效協助內外部溝通協調。
○ 邏輯清楚,具備提案說明和簡報製作能力。
○ 能獨立完成專案作業,思緒靈活,冷靜處理突發事件。
○ 組織能力強,善於團隊合作與溝通。
○ 能釐清客戶需求,提出影像解決方案。
○ 具備2年以上專案經理職務經驗,擁有相關影像製作/設計經驗者優先。

✶ 創意企劃 Creative & Copywriter ✶
○ 熟悉創意產業,能發展初期創意並協助執行。
○ 具備提案能力,能將概念濃縮並以文字或口頭精確傳達,與團隊共同進行提案。
○ 擅長創意發想及文案撰寫、提案論述、影片腳本,能從品牌角度與目標受眾(TA)溝通。
○ 洞察消費者 insight,能與團隊分析並優化品牌專案。
○ 良好的溝通與合作能力,能與設計、動畫等視覺人員協同工作。
○ 至少1年以上創意企劃經驗,有廣告代理商或品牌端工作經驗者優先、有動畫與影像製作專案經驗者優先。

✶ VFX 特效設計師 VFX Artist ✶
○ 負責廣告、產品動畫等特效製作,對特效 CG 流程有一定概念。
○ 有責任感、團隊合作精神並具備獨立作業能力(如:基本的渲染、合成)。
○ 良好時間管理、解決問題能力。
○ 熟悉 C4D 或 Houdini 各類型特效模擬製作(火、爆破、流體、粒子、破碎等)。
○ 熟悉算圖引擎 Octane Render。
○ 一年以上動畫相關工作經驗。

🌠 投遞履歷必須包含以下訊息
① 信件主旨請註明【2024應徵職位_姓名】
② 最精選自信的作品集 / Showreel
③ 相關履歷,讓我們快速認識你
④ 來信請寄:[email protected]
⑤ 徵求期限:即日起至 2024 / 07 /12 止


Credit | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
Special thanks | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、黃子洋 Nunu Huang


| 𝘏𝘒𝘐𝘈 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯 🐲🐲🐲|

轟龍龍龍 ☄️🏝️
目子替香港機場製作的龍年動畫,穿越來到今天與我們共度端午節 🐉🎍🧨

Agency | 3JBK 叁沾百各
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist | 蔡承諺 Bal2z、謝靜文 CHOCO
Compositing | 蔡承諺 Bal2z、謝靜文 CHOCO


| ViewSonic LDM Series |

Expand Your Vision.

Showcase the interplay of light and shadow in a clear setting, highlighting the product with bright and pure colors. Use a simple and clean visual style to present the professional and sleek feel of the screen product, echoing the product's slogan—extending the audience's visual imagination.

以清晰的場景展示光影,藉由明亮純粹的色彩突出產品,簡約、乾淨的意象呈現出螢幕產品專業俐落的感覺,呼應產品 Slogan — 延伸出觀眾的視覺想像 👀✨

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Storyboard Artist | 鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、王柏淯 Mu Wang
3D Artist | 鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING、謝靜文 CHOCO、蔡承諺 Bal2z、黃子洋 Nunu、林弈廷 Lin Yiting、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、洪一太 Ted
Compositing | 鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING、林弈廷 Lin Yiting、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、洪一太 Ted

Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 05/06/2024

| TXOne Networks Mascot |

TXOne Networks, a subsidiary of Trend Micro, is a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions for cloud and enterprise networks, offering customers powerful advanced threat defense technologies.
Their three core principles—detection, prevention, and protection—are embodied by the regal griffin, symbolizing the ultimate in asset security. This ensures comprehensive, lifelong protection for assets, preventing and mitigating potential threats, and establishing TXOne Networks as a leader in industrial control system security.

TXOne Networks 趨勢科技為雲端及企業網路資安領導廠商,為客戶提供各種強大的進階威脅防禦技術。


Client | TXOne Networks
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee、曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Character Design | 謝宜家Ikea Xie、徐子恒 Heng Hsu、佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong
3D Model | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong
3D Rigging | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Compositing | 駱厚安 Hoan Luo、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、黃皓偉 Hao Huang、陳智雍 Riva Chen


| TXOne SKO Event Video |


機器人在 TXOne SKO Event 中帥氣登場 🤖💥⚡

In this video, the robot is showcased as the focal point, with facial lines emphasizing muscle contours and a neutral body shape. The overall design structure integrates transmission and pipeline elements, symbolizing the features of TXOne products and highlighting the main color tones. Lighting effects are used to set the overall atmosphere, while the stunning effects of breaking through the mirror represent venturing into new territories.

本次影片使用機器人作為表演重點,在臉部的線條設計強調面部肌肉,身形維持中性,整體造型的結構結合傳輸及管線,隱喻 TXOne 產品特性,並在其中帶出主色調,利用掃光的效果鋪陳整體氛圍,突破鏡面的震撼效果則象徵著跨越新領域。

Client|TXOne Networks
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Compositing | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang


| YangMingShan Exhibition Center 陽明山火山展示館 |


We appreciate the invitation from TechArt Group to collaborate on creating a brand new visual experience for the Yangmingshan Volcanic Exhibition Hall. Through 3D landscapes, we aim to showcase the grandeur of the Datun Volcano Group, combined with scientific research to illustrate the vitality of volcanoes. We invite audiences to step into an immersive space and explore the secrets beneath the volcano.

感謝天工開物邀請我們,一同為陽明山火山展示館製作沉浸劇場的全新影像,透過 3D 地景呈現大屯火山群壯闊的樣貌,並結合科學研究,展現火山的活耀,邀請觀眾進入沉浸式空間,感受在火山底下的秘密。

Client|國家實驗研究院 國家地震工程研究中心
Agency | 天工開物
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist | 劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、王柏淯 Mu Wang
Compositing | 劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien


| ASUS Chromebook CX5403 |

Using the tranquil clarity of still water as a foundation, coupled with the interplay of light and shadow, we infuse stability and professionalism into the product. Guided by the play of light, we showcase the harmonious blend of light and beauty, as well as the delicate, high-quality visual effects.


Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Storyboard Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、蔡承諺 Bal2z、謝靜文 CHOCO
3D Artist | 蔡承諺 Bal2z、謝靜文 CHOCO、洪一太 Ted
Compositing | 蔡承諺 Bal2z、謝靜文 CHOCO


| MSI Creator Series M16 |

In a realistic and clean, brightly lit designer workspace, tools and work windows of design software float in the air. The overall style differs from business-like or cute aesthetics, placing greater emphasis on creativity and design style, showcasing the unique characteristics of the product.


Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Storyboard Artist | 張鈞儀 Chloe Chang
3D Artist | 易鴻耀 Tom Yi、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh、張鈞儀 Chloe Chang
Compositing | 蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh、張鈞儀 Chloe Chang


| MSI Creator Series C16 |

In the MSI Creator Series video for the C16 product, we showcase a design architecture in a dark space, combined with AI, with brilliant colors emerging as the opening, demonstrating infinite imagination for the future. Following the opening guidance, the product performance display is combined with AI technology, cleverly integrated into the design. The ending is like an endless scroll painting, interpreting the integration and performance of AI in the product world, presenting a perfect and harmonious unity of wisdom.

在 MSI Creator Series 中的 C16 產品影片,我們以暗空間的設計建築,搭配 AI,以絢麗的色彩湧現作為開場,展現未來的無限想像,接續開場的引導,產品性能展演搭配AI技術,巧妙融合在設計中,結尾如同一幅永無止盡的畫卷,詮釋著AI在產品世界的融入與發揮,呈現出完美與智慧的和諧統一。

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Storyboard Artist | 田志奕 Travis Tien
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、王柏淯 Mu Wang、黃子洋 Nunu、林弈廷 Lin Yiting
Compositing | 劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Chengyu Zheng、田志奕 Travis Tien、王柏淯 Mu Wang、黃子洋 Nunu


| Mixc Love |

《Mixc Love》短片以瑰麗的巴黎市容為背景,女主角優雅穿梭在錯落的地鐵人群中。時鐘的指針搖曳,揭開期待的序幕。愛情悄然開始。這是一段用拼貼手法打造的浪漫愛情敘事。

In the collage of romantic Paris, the short film "Mixc Love" unfolds against the magnificent cityscape. The female protagonist gracefully weaves through the scattered crowd in the subway. The clock's hands sway, heralding the beginning of anticipation. Love quietly commences. This is a romantically crafted love narrative using the technique of collage.

Client | 华润
Agency | HKNC 撚雀
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee、曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
2D Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
Motion | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家 Kea Xie


| ASUS Marshmellow Keyboard KW100 |



Client | ASUS
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、林弈廷 Lin Yiting、易鴻耀 Tom Yi
Compositing | 林弈廷 Lin Yiting、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、張鈞儀 Chungyi Chang


特級廚師Chef Dragon 與大家賀新年🧑‍🍳🐲🧧



Character design | Kea Xie, Heng Hsu
Art design & Styleframe | Heng Hsu
Animation | Kea Xie
Voice actor | Oka Weng
Typography | Ballo Yao

Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 08/02/2024


目子2023 年度尾牙
Magic! 拇指華茲的傳承



Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 31/01/2024

2O24 小龍POWER 🐉ˏ₍⸜̠̇⸝̠̇₎ˎ ̀⁽⸌̠̇⸍̠̇⁾ ́

充滿 POWER 的小龍,帶著小籠包與他的能量從蒸籠裡緩緩上升💪🏻
( ᐟ╹ᐠ ) 旅途中請服用小籠包補充能量 ( ᐟ╹ᐠ )

🧧 雙色紅包 | 粉粉橘橘的紅包充滿年輕活力 ✺◟( •..• )◞✺
💐 香氛吊卡 | 帶有清晨淡淡的泥土花香,寵物友善的香味小卡 ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
✨ 銀箔貼紙 | 讓人不得不注意到他的小龍閃亮貼紙組合 .˳·˖✶
詳細抽獎方式請見Instagramˎˊ-── 🐲

誠意滿滿,祝福大家龍年充滿 POWER 順利順心🌠💙!

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
Design | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
Printing | 華創印刷
Photograph | ShaoJou Huang

Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 29/01/2024

ⓖⓞⓓⓟⓞⓓ ⓑⓡⓞⓒⓗⓤⓡⓔ

紀錄著 godpod 發展的手冊悄悄出現在生活周遭 ◌⑅⃝*॰ॱ✍


持續 follow godpod 接下來的線下活動,就有機會拿到實體手冊👊🏻

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
Design | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong

Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 26/01/2024

ⓖⓞⓓⓟⓞⓓ ⓕⓘⓖⓤⓡⓔ

godpod以全新樣貌登場 —— 實體公仔 ʕ•̫͡• ʔ•̫͡•ཻʕ•̫͡•ʔ•͓͡•ʔ₊˚

我們從信仰出發,將線上NFT逐漸發展至實體公仔,以各種樣貌讓大家找到不同信仰的形式 🧘🏻‍♂️🌟
在 TCCF 創作者年會中首次推出展覽限定包裝,以可愛的盒裝包裝收藏了每一隻小神明,為信仰注入了更加生動的樣貌,可以實際擁有小神明的日子即將到來!━☆゚.*・。゚

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Character Design | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家 Kea Xie
Packaging Design | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
3D Character Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong
Composition | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
Animation | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang


| 2024 CES reels |

又到了一年一度的消費電子展(a.k.a CES ) 今年度我們製作了漂亮的12隻寶寶也在上面龍重登場!

2024 𝗖𝗘𝗦 參與專案一覽
MSI - Creator M14 A13V - Tech meets Aesthetic
MSI - Creator M16 HX C14V - Tech meets Aesthetic
MSI - Creator 16 AI Studio A1V - Infinite Creativity with AI
MSI - Creator Z17 HX Studio A14V - Tech meets AestheticMSI | Summit E13 AI Evo A1M - Determined to Succeed
MSI - Summit E16 AI Studio A1V - Determined to SucceedMSI | Pulse 16 AI C1V - Pulsating Power
MSI - Pulse 17 AI C1V - Pulsating PowerASUS | Vivobook Pro 15 OLED (N6506) | TUF Gaming F16 | 2024
ASUS - TUF Gaming A15 | 2024
ASUS - TUF Gaming A16 | 2024
Video Editor | 黃皓偉 Hao Wei Huang
Graphic | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu


| ▚ TCCF Innovations ▟▝ |

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦?

很榮幸有機會受邀參加 TCCF 創意內容大會,這一次我們以「你的信仰是甚麼呢?」為主軸,延伸出 godpod 宇宙,展示一路從 NFT 逐漸發展成獨特 IP 的過程,邀請觀眾一同進入探索,現場也首次曝光實體公仔!藉由多種樣態呈現讓觀眾能夠體驗到全新的信仰形式,期待未來用不同樣貌與大家相見✴!

Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Composition | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Sound | 翁可芳 Oka Weng
Ideas | 姚舒釩 Ballo Yao、翁可芳 Oka Weng

Photos from Muzixiii Studio's post 04/01/2024

We've done some cool stuff ✨

Creative/2D graphic | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、姚舒釩 Ballo Yao
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong
Compositing | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang


| LOL 12th Anniversary |


2023 marks the 12th anniversary of the launch of League of Legends. In the conceptual video celebrating this milestone, we were responsible for the scenario scenes featuring Teemo and the 2v2 arena hero showdown. Employing a vibrant and trendy art style with high color saturation, we aimed to showcase the interactions between game characters. While bringing players closer to the world of League of Legends, the video also provides a glimpse into a fresh gameplay mode.


Client | Riot
Creative Agency | SPES神鴉社鼓
Creative Director | Ever Song
Art Director / Concept Art | Hyper Ye
Art Design | Lucy Tao
Project Management | Lanny Liang , Susu Zhang
Motion designer | Yuu
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee、曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai 、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Zheng Cheng Yu、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh
Compositing | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai 、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING、鄭丞佑 Zheng Cheng Yu、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、洪一太 Ted、葉沛瑾 Peichin Yeh
Background 2D Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu
Cel Animator | 謝宜家 Kea Xie


| HKIA Anniversary |


This time, we collaborated with 3JBK to create a vibrant scene, progressing through the infinitely expansive corridors. As flowers and plants sway, welcoming passengers to a brand new journey, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong International Airport with adorable and colorful 3D artistic visuals, complemented by birthday cakes that reflect the unique characteristics of the venue.

這一次我們和 3JBK 叁沾百各合作,建構出充滿生機的場景,在無限遼闊的長廊中前進,隨著花草搖曳、迎接旅客一趟全新旅程,藉由可愛繽紛的3D美術視覺,搭配結合場域特色的生日蛋糕,一同慶祝香港機場25週年 🎂🎊

Agency | 3JBK 叁沾百各
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Art Director |白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist | 田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING、蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai
Compositing | 蔡宜家 Ikea Tsai、田志奕 Travis Tien、劉尉廷 THEING


| ROG Swift OLED |


In this video, we showcase the charm and performance of the product through a clean and concise visual tone, complemented by a layout design featuring motion graphics to effectively segment the screens. Let's immerse ourselves in the visual realm of the ROG Swift OLED.

這次影片中,我們以簡潔俐落的視覺美術,搭配Motion Graphic分割畫面的排版設計,將產品的魅力及效能最直接的展現。一起來欣賞並沉浸在 ROG Swift OLED 的高畫質視界中吧 👀🎮

Client | ASUS
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee、曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 謝宜家Ikea Xie
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、易鴻耀 Tom Yi、謝宜家Kea Xie、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、林奕廷 Yiting Ling、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、白宗穎 Zongying Bai
Motion Graphic | 謝宜家Kea Xie
Compositing | 謝宜家Kea Xie、江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Ideas | 謝宜家Kea Xie、徐子恒 Heng Hsu、陳智雍 Riva Chen、黃皓偉 Hao Wei Huang、駱厚安 Hoan Luo


| ASUS Chromebook Plus CX3402 |


Leveraging the key values of ASUS products for enhanced mobility, we have chosen to construct the artistic universe of this product video around geometric forms. Through unrestrained shapes that permeate the entire video, we aim to dynamically reassemble performance and scenarios adaptable to various settings.

利用ASUS本次產品的Key Value便捷機動性,我們選擇以幾何形體去架構此次產品影片的美術世界觀,藉由不受限制的形體貫穿整部影片,在過程中重新組構適應各場景的性能與情境。
Client | ASUS
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee、曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Creative | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家Kea Xie
Storyboard Artist | 徐子恒 Heng Hsu、謝宜家 Kea Xie
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、易鴻耀 Tom Yi、謝宜家 Kea Xie、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、江美嫻 Ann Chiang、徐子恒 Heng Hsu、林奕廷 Yiting Ling
Compositing | 駱厚安 Hoan Luo、林奕廷 Yiting Ling


| MSI Pulse B13V |


一起來欣賞 MSI Pulse的頂級效能,以及機器人先生的武術秀💥🔥🤖

Client | MSI
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 張鈞儀 Chungyi Chang
KV | 劉奕宏 Solar Liu、易鴻耀 Tom Yi、陳彥勛 Michael Chen
3D Artist | 林弈廷 YITING LIN、易鴻耀 Tom Yi
Compositing | 林弈廷 YITING LIN

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Videos (show all)

| ASUS Adol 14 |The ASUS Adol series is designed with young female users in mind, creating a comfortable and elegant ton...
| AUO Touch Taiwan |目子為 AUO 在 Touch Taiwan 的活動中打造全新形象片☄️Featuring a bright atmosphere accented with glass materials, the...
| MSI Summit Series |Follow Your Rhythm.MSI's Business Series products enable people with diverse work and lifestyle pat...
🔥🔥🔥 目子團隊夥伴招募中 🔥🔥🔥
#c4d #3danimation #animation #motion #cinema4d #muzixiistudio #muzixiii
| ViewSonic LDM Series |
| YangMingShan Exhibition Center 陽明山火山展示館 |#muzixiiistudio#新案上線We appreciate the invitation from TechArt Group to collab...
| ASUS Chromebook CX5403 |Using the tranquil clarity of still water as a foundation, coupled with the interplay of light...
| MSI Creator Series M16 |In a realistic and clean, brightly lit designer workspace, tools and work windows of design so...
| MSI Creator Series C16 |In the MSI Creator Series video for the C16 product, we showcase a design architecture in a da...
| Mixc Love |《Mixc Love》短片以瑰麗的巴黎市容為背景,女主角優雅穿梭在錯落的地鐵人群中。時鐘的指針搖曳,揭開期待的序幕。愛情悄然開始。這是一段用拼貼手法打造的浪漫愛情敘事。In the collage of roman...
| ASUS Marshmellow Keyboard KW100 |#muzixiiistudio#新案上線在本次的產品形象影片中,使用活潑、輕盈的質感,搭配大色塊的簡潔俐落、時尚的調性,在輕快的節奏中呈現鍵盤有如棉花糖般的輕巧又柔軟的特...




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