Akuzamu youth of love

This is the Kingdom of the Love of God, and our purpose is to unleash the love of God to the world.

The desire to establish a strong Youth Ministry is not a simple question of creating structures and processes for developing young people, it is a matter that addresses the basic nature of human life cycle involving dependence, independence, and interdependence. We all start at dependence levels where we actually depend on others for our survival, through the work of others in us we grow into inde


Mwezi wa baraka sana.

Be very happy, because half a year has arrived, now we have a sensational new month of JUNE which will take us all the way to the end of the year. It will be a month of Angelic Visitation. The Bible says in Luke 1:26 “Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth.” As we begin this month, the same angel that was sent to Mary will be sent to you to deliver good news that will change your entire life. This good news from heaven will bless you a lot because it will wash away all your tears of sadness and give you the joy and peace of God beyond all comprehension. God who loves you and cares for you will cover you with His presence that will guide you in the great fields of endless success. The same grace of the Lord that was given to Mariam, may it bless you beyond your ability to think. I wish you a happy new month full of hope

Uwe na furaha kuu, kwasababu nusu mwaka umewadia, sasa tuna mwezi mpya unaosisimua wa JUNI ambao utatuchukua hadi mwisho wa mwaka. Utakuwa mwezi wa Kutembelewa na Malaika. Katika Luka 1:26 Biblia inasema, "Mwezi wa sita, malaika Gabrieli alitumwa na Mungu kwenda mpaka mji wa Galilaya, jina lake Nazareti." Tunapoanza mwezi huu wa sita, malaika yule yule aliyetumwa kwa Mary, atatumwa kwako kuja kukupatia habari njema ambayo itabadilisha kabisa maisha yako yote. Ujumbe huu mzuri kutoka mbinguni utakubariki sana, maana utafuta machozi yako yote ya huzuni na kukupatia furaha na amani ya Mungu ipitayo ufahamu wote. Mungu akupendaye na kukujali atakufunika na uwepo Wake ambao utakuongoza katika nyanja kuu za mafanikio yasiyo na mwisho. Neema ile ile ya Bwana aliyokuwa nayo Mariam, ikubariki kupita uwezo wako wa kufikiri. Nakutakia mwezi mpya mwema wenye matumaini tele.


Tunapokea baba ubarikiwe sana.

Heavenly Father, as we continue to pray today, we surrender our plans and dreams into Your loving hands. We acknowledge that your ways are not our ways, and your thoughts are not our thoughts. Lead us on a straight path, aligning our steps with Your will. May our lives be a faithful testimony of your love. Beloved Father, we place our trust in Your perfect plans for our lives. Grant us the grace to put you first in all areas of our lives, knowing that when we seek you, you will provide for our every need. Help us surrender our own desires and align our hearts with Your purpose. And finally beloved, let’s ask the Lord to increase our faith so that we may believe that “His way is perfect;” (Psalms 18:30 NKJV).

Baba wa Mbinguni, tunapoendelea na maombi yetu leo tunasalimisha mipango yetu na ndoto zetu kwenye mikono yako yenye upendo. Tunakubali kwamba njia zako sio njia zetu, na mawazo yako sio mawazo yetu. Utuongoze kwenye njia iliyonyooka, ukilinganisha hatua zetu na mapenzi yako. Maisha yetu na yawe ushuhuda wa uaminifu wa upendo wako. Baba mpendwa, tunaweka tumaini letu katika mipango yako mikamilifu katika maisha yetu. Utujalie neema ya kukuweka wewe wa kwanza katika nyanja zote za maisha yetu, tukijua kwamba tunapokutafuta utatupatia mahitaji yetu yote. Tusaidie kusalimisha matamanio yetu wenyewe na kuoanisha mioyo yetu na kusudi lako. Mwisho wapendwa, tumwombe Bwana atuongezee imani, ili tuweze kuamini kwamba ”Mungu, njia yake ni kamilifu ,” (Zaburi 18:30).


Powerful indeed

Life is unpredictable. There are ups and downs along the way. Many of us want to trust God when times are good, but when times are bad, we doubt His promises. Life can be going along smoothly for a season. Your job or business is doing well. Your family is enjoyable. Your goals, finances and health seem bright. Then, all of a sudden, life takes a dive. Someone very close gets sick or dies. You lose your business or job. You separate with your spouse. A family member or a best friend betrays you, etc. But even in those tragic circumstances, God is still present and is making Himself known to you. Walking closely with the Holy Spirit will enable you to do perfect will of God that will remind you you’re not alone. God is not distant. He is with you in good times and in difficulties. His love is trustworthy and is making a way for you. Therefore, when you pray to the Lord say, “Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” (Psalms‬ ‭143‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Maisha hayatabiriki. Kuna kupanda na kushuka njiani. Wengi wetu tunataka kumwamini Mungu nyakati zinapokuwa nzuri, lakini nyakati zinapokuwa mbaya tunatilia shaka ahadi zake. Maisha yanaweza kwenda vizuri kwa msimu. Kazi au biashara yako inaendelea vizuri. Familia yako ina furaha. Malengo yako, fedha, afya vinaenda vizuri. Mara, ghafla, maisha yanaanza kupiga mbizi. Mtu wa karibu sana anaugua au kufa. Unapoteza biashara ama kazi yako. Unatengana na mwenza wako. Mwanafamilia au rafiki mpenzi anakusaliti, n.k. Lakini hata katika hali hiyo mbaya Mungu bado yupo na anajitambulisha kwako. Kutembea kwa ukaribu na Roho Mtakatifu kutakuwezesha kufanya mapenzi kamili ya Mungu ambayo yatakukumbusha kuwa hauko peke yako. Mungu hayuko mbali. Yu pamoja nawe katika nyakati nzuri na katika shida. Upendo wake ni wa kuaminika na unatengeneza njia kwa ajili yako. Kwa hiyo, unapomwomba Bwana sema, “Unifundishe kuyatenda mapenzi yako, Kwa maana ndiwe Mungu wangu;” (Zaburi 143:10)


Maneno yenye hekima ya juu sana baba.

Life is unpredictable. There are ups and downs along the way. Many of us want to trust God when times are good, but when times are bad, we doubt His promises. Life can be going along smoothly for a season. Your job or business is doing well. Your family is enjoyable. Your goals, finances and health seem bright. Then, all of a sudden, life takes a dive. Someone very close gets sick or dies. You lose your business or job. You separate with your spouse. A family member or a best friend betrays you, etc. But even in those tragic circumstances, God is still present and is making Himself known to you. Walking closely with the Holy Spirit will enable you to do perfect will of God that will remind you you’re not alone. God is not distant. He is with you in good times and in difficulties. His love is trustworthy and is making a way for you. Therefore, when you pray to the Lord say, “Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” (Psalms‬ ‭143‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Maisha hayatabiriki. Kuna kupanda na kushuka njiani. Wengi wetu tunataka kumwamini Mungu nyakati zinapokuwa nzuri, lakini nyakati zinapokuwa mbaya tunatilia shaka ahadi zake. Maisha yanaweza kwenda vizuri kwa msimu. Kazi au biashara yako inaendelea vizuri. Familia yako ina furaha. Malengo yako, fedha, afya vinaenda vizuri. Mara, ghafla, maisha yanaanza kupiga mbizi. Mtu wa karibu sana anaugua au kufa. Unapoteza biashara ama kazi yako. Unatengana na mwenza wako. Mwanafamilia au rafiki mpenzi anakusaliti, n.k. Lakini hata katika hali hiyo mbaya Mungu bado yupo na anajitambulisha kwako. Kutembea kwa ukaribu na Roho Mtakatifu kutakuwezesha kufanya mapenzi kamili ya Mungu ambayo yatakukumbusha kuwa hauko peke yako. Mungu hayuko mbali. Yu pamoja nawe katika nyakati nzuri na katika shida. Upendo wake ni wa kuaminika na unatengeneza njia kwa ajili yako. Kwa hiyo, unapomwomba Bwana sema, “Unifundishe kuyatenda mapenzi yako, Kwa maana ndiwe Mungu wangu;” (Zaburi 143:10)


Neno lenye pumzi ya Mungu hakika

To be a true success in life, you must walk in divine love and do the perfect will of God. When you take that bold step, you’re living the life of Christ on earth. Things such as houses, cars, a good job, business, money, etc, they’re not the blessing, but the effect of the blessing. Blessing is an unseen force that causes glory of God to be seen and manifest in your life. The Holy Spirit is inside you to teach you how to activate His blessings in your life, until those around you are overwhelmed by the results upon your life. “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it,” (Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

Kuwa mfanikiwa wa kweli maishani, ni lazima utembee katka upendo wa Kiungu na kufanya mapenzi kamili ya Mungu. Unapopiga hatua hiyo ya ujasiri unakuwa ukiyaishi maisha ya kristo duniani. Vitu k**a nyumba, magari, kazi, biashara nzuri, fedha, n.k., sio baraka, bali ni matokeo ya baraka. Baraka ni nguvu isiyoonekana ambayo inasababisha utukufu wa Mungu uonekane na kudhihirika katika maisha yako. Roho Mtakatifu yu ndani yako kukufundisha namna ya kuziamsha baraka zake kuwa dhahiri katika maisha yako mpaka wanaokuzunguka washangazwe na matokeo yake. Maana, “Baraka ya BWANA hutajirisha, Wala hachanganyi huzuni nayo,” (Mithali 10:22).


Ameen baba

Jesus has given us the same authority that He had to dispense good things. Therefore, we can pronounce healing and blessings for others in the Name of Jesus. He's sent us as bearers of His Gospel to unveil the Father's heart of love and compassion to the nations of the world. Therefore, as children of God, not only are we the recipient of God's blessings, we’ve also become the dispenser of His goodness and love. This is our job, our ministry, and our lives. Jesus has given us the authority to do it. He's endowed us with the gift; the ability to reveal and manifest the will of our Heavenly Father. “So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good,” (1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬ ‭NIV‬‬).

Yesu alitupatia mamlaka aliyokuwa nayo yeye ya kugawa vitu vizuri. Kwa hiyo tunaweza kutangaza uponyaji na Baraka kwa wengine katika Jina la Yesu. Alitutuma sisi k**a wabebaji wa injili kudhihirisha moyo wa Baba wenye upendo na huruma kwa mataifa ya ulimwengu. Kwa hiyo, K**a watoto wa Mungu, sisi sio tu kwamba ni washirika wa Baraka za Mungu, pia tumefanyika kuwa wagawaji wa wema na upendo wake. Hi ni kazi yetu, huduma yetu na maisha yetu. Bwana Yesu alitupatia mamlaka ya kufanya hayo. Pia alitupatia karama na uwezo wa kudhihirisha na kuweka wazi mapenzi ya Baba yetu wa mbinguni. “Basi wao wateswao kwa mapenzi ya Mungu na wamwekee amana roho zao, katika kutenda mema, k**a kwa Muumba mwaminifu,” (1 Petro 4:19)


Word full.of knowledge of God.

Understand that as a child of God you’ve been called to a life of unending miracles, triumph, and success. You’ve supernatural ability to do exploits because you’re filled with the Holy Spirit. Failure, defeat, and down-life shouldn’t be part of your life. It’s your set time to do the impossible. All you need is to walk in love and do the will of God. The word of God in 1 John 2:17 encourages us by saying, “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”

Fahamu kwamba k**a mtoto wa Mungu umeitwa katika maisha ya miujiza isiyokuwa na mwisho wa ushindi na mafanikio. Una uwezo wa ajabu wa kufanya matendo ya ujasiri, kwasababu umejazwa Roho Mtakatifu. Kutofaulu, kushindwa na maisha duni hayapaswi kuwa sehemu ya maisha yako. Ni wakati wako uliowekwa wa kufanya yasiyowezekana. Unachohitaji ni kutembea katika upendo na kufanya mapenzi ya Mungu. Neno la Mungu katika 1 Yohana 2:17 linatutia moyo kwa kusema, “Na dunia inapita, pamoja na tamaa zake, bali yeye afanyaye mapenzi ya Mungu adumu hata milele.”


Powerful daddy thank you

As Christians we're called to walk in love like Christ, still we continue to make silly mistakes. In short we haven’t "arrived" yet, we keep on limping. But God uses our imperfections to help us "grow up" in faith. We have a problem dealing with something which is called “flesh." Our flesh pulls us toward sin and away from the crown of the upward inspiration. But we're not supposed to look back and despair. If we do, we'll get burdened down under the weight of past memories full of failure. For this reason, Paul exerted an all-out effort in order to forget his own past shortfalls by saying in Phillipians 3:13 ”Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Today, he calls upon all believers to follow his footsteps. Because when we remember the past, we're turned into a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife.

K**a Wakristo tumeitwa kutembea katika upendo k**a Kristo, bado tunaendelea kufanya makosa ya kijinga. Kwa kifupi "hatujafika" bado, tunaendelea kuchechemea. Lakini, Mungu anatumia kutokamilika kwetu kutusaidia “kukua” katika imani. Tuna tatizo kushughulika na kitu kinachoitwa "mwili." Miili yetu hutuvuta kuelekea dhambini na mbali na taji la uvuvio wa juu. Lakini hatupaswi kuangalia nyuma na kukata tamaa. Tunapofanya hivyo, tutaelemewa na uzito wa kumbukumbu za nyuma zilizojaa kushindwa. Kwa sababu hii, Paulo alitumia juhudi zote ili kusahau mapungufu yake mwenyewe ya nyuma kwa kusema katika Wafilipi 3:13 ”Ndugu, sijidhanii nafsi yangu kwamba nimekwisha kushika; ila natenda neno moja tu; nikiyasahau yaliyo nyuma, nikiyachuchumilia yaliyo mbele.” Leo, anawaomba waumini wote kufuata nyayo zake. Kwasababu tunapokumbuka yaliyopita, tunageuzwa kuwa nguzo ya chumvi k**a mke wa Lutu.


Word on marble.

This is the month of doing God’s will, so make quality decisions today to let God’s Word dominate you. “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves,” (James‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬). Have definite times when you listen to God’s Word and study the scriptures voraciously. Have definite times of meditation when you ruminate on the Word and speak it until it soaks deeply into you. Sickness, poverty, curses, failure, and everything that comes from devil will not find place in your life!

Huu ni mwezi wa kufanya mapenzi ya Mungu, hivyo, fanyeni maamuzi sahihi leo ya kuacha Neno la Mungu liwatawale. “Iweni watendaji wa neno, wala si wasikiaji tu, hali mkijidanganya nafsi zenu,” (Yakobo 1:22). Muwe na muda wa kutosha wakati mnaposikiliza Neno la Mungu na mjifunze maandiko kwa bidii. Muwe na muda wa kutosha wa kutafakari wakati mnapolichambua Neno na mliseme mpaka lizame kabisa ndani yenu. Magonjwa, umasikini, kushindwa, laana na kila kitu kinachotoka kwa shetani havitapata nafasi katika maisha yenu.


Neno la hekima

Many of God’s people have developed a wrong perception of God. When negative things happen to them, they think God is inflicting punishment on them for their wrongdoing. Some Christians assume their misfortunes is God’s punishment for their disobedience. God is the loving Father, He will never use the devil’s tools — decease, sickness, accidents, pain or financial misery — to keep His children on track. His rod of correction is His Word! “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,” (2 Timothy 3:16). Open your heart to do the will of God through His Word today, let it correct you and change you and others.

Watu wengi wa Mungu wana mtazamo usiofaa juu ya Mungu. Mambo mabaya yanapowatokea, wanafikiri Mungu anawaadhibu kwa makosa yao. Baadhi ya wakristo wengine hudhani misiba yao ni adhabu ya Mungu kwa kutomtii kwao. Mungu ni Baba mwenye upendo, hawezi kamwe kutumia zana za shetani — maradhi, magonjwa, ajali, maumivu, au matatizo ya kiuchumi — ili kuwaweka watoto wake katika njia muafaka. Fimbo Yake ya marekibisho ni Neno Lake. “Kila andiko, lenye nguvu ya Mungu, lafaa kwa mafundisho, na kwa kuwaonya watu makosa yao, na kwa kuwaongoza, na kwa kuwaadibisha katika haki,” ( 2 Timotheo 3:16 ). Fungua moyo wako kufanya mapenzi ya Mungu kupitia Neno Lake leo, acha likurekebishe na kukubadilisha wewe na wengine.


Neno lenye pumzi ya Mungu .

”And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him,” I John 4:16. Abiding in God, and God in you can only be done through love. Never could you have found God without love, and you cannot stay in Him without His love. A life without God’s love is worthless to Him. If you don’t abide in His love, then you are nothing to Him and are good only to be cast into the eternal fire. Great and wonderful are His promises, but they will not work for you without His love, for God does not work without love. Even His judgment is just, because He judges with love. Love + Joy + Peace = Jesus.

”Nasi tumelifahamu pendo alilo nalo Mungu kwetu sisi, na kuliamini. Mungu ni upendo, naye akaaye katika pendo, hukaa ndani ya Mungu, na Mungu hukaa ndani yake,” 1 Yohana 4:16. Kukaa ndani ya Mungu, na Mungu ndani yako kunawezekana tu kupitia upendo. Kamwe usingeweza kumpata Mungu bila upendo, na huwezi kukaa ndani Yake bila upendo wake. Maisha bila upendo wa Mungu hayana thamani kwa Mungu. Usipodumu katika upendo Wake, basi wewe si kitu Kwake na unafaa tu kutupwa katika moto wa milele. Ahadi za Mungu ni kuu na za ajabu, lakini hazitafanya kazi kwako bila ya upendo Wake, maana Mungu hafanyi kazi bila ya upendo. Hata hukumu Yake ni ya haki, kwasababu uhukumu kwa upendo. Upendo + Furaha + Amani = Yesu.


Neno la hekima baba.

Happy New Month!
May is the month of doing “GOD’S WILL.” If you’re really going to be faithful this month by doing His will, all your expectations will be met. Every lost opportunity and lost territory shall be reclaimed. You shall get double for every lost glory. No more struggling as you will be blessed with endless anointing. Your life will attract favour, goodness and kindness. The grace of God will abound upon your life and you shall radiate with His glory. All your efforts will be crowned with astounding success. When you look around, you will only see love, joy and peace surrounding you. So beloved, in this month ”do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” (Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

Mei ni mwezi wa kufanya “MAPENZI YA MUNGU.” Ikiwa kweli utakuwa mwaminifu mwezi huu na kufanya mapenzi Yake, matarajio yako yote yatatimizwa. Kila fursa iliyopotea na eneo lililopotea litarejeshwa. Utapata maradufu kwa kila utukufu uliopotea. Hakuna kuhangaika tena kwani utabarikiwa na upako usio na mwisho. Maisha yako yatavutia kibali, wema na fadhili. Neema ya Mungu itakuwa nyingi juu ya maisha yako na utang'aa kwa utukufu wake. Juhudi zako zote zitatawaliwa na mafanikio ya kushangaza. Unapotazama pande zote, utaona tu upendo, furaha na amani vimekuzunguka. Basi wapendwa, mwezi huu ”Wala msiifuatishe namna ya dunia hii; bali mgeuzwe kwa kufanywa upya nia zenu, mpate kujua hakika mapenzi ya Mungu yaliyo mema, ya kumpendeza, na ukamilifu,” (Warumi 12:2).


We are blessed.

The only way that can make us do the will of God as required, is to stop walking in the flesh and start walking in the spirit daily. When you walk in the spirit you cannot be distracted by the things you see in the physical world. In the physical world, you will see your enemies who will deny you pleasure, you will meet desperate people who will pull you back. You will walk in fear instead of walking in faith, you will walk in hatred instead of walking in love. Your downfall will be inevitable. The Word of the Lord today says in Galatians 5:16, "Walk in the Spirit, and you will never fulfill the desires of the flesh

Njia pekee inayoweza kutufanya tufanye mapenzi ya Mungu inavyotakiwa, ni kuacha kutembea katika mwili na kuanza kutembea katika roho kila siku. Unapotembea katika roho huwezi kukengeushwa na mambo unayayaona katika ulimwengu wa mwili. Katika ulimwengu wa mwili, utawaona adui zako ambao watakunyima raha, utakutana na watu waliokwisha kata tamaa ambao watakurudisha nyuma. Utatembea katika hofu badala ya kutembea katika imani, utatembea katika chuki badala ya kutembea katika upendo. Anguko lako litakuwa haliwezi kuepukika. Neno la Bwana leo linasema katika Wagalatia 5:16, “Enendeni kwa Roho, wala hamtazitimiza kamwe tamaa za mwili.”


Ameeen and ameen baba

On this Month of May, we are called to reflect on the profound nature of God's will in our lives. Our finite human minds cannot comprehend the vastness of God's ways, but through our faith and love to Him, we can align our will with His will. The book of Jeremiah 29:11, the Lord promise us by proclaiming the goodness of His thoughts by saying, ”For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.“
‭‭This verse serves as a beacon of hope for our future, assuring us that God's will is rooted in His eternal love for us.

Katika Mwezi huu wa Mei, tunaalikwa kutafakari juu ya asili ya kina ya mapenzi ya Mungu katika maisha yetu. Akili zetu za kibinadamu zenye kikomo haziwezi kufahamu ukuu wa njia za Mungu, lakini kupitia imani na upendo wetu Kwake, tunaweza kupatanisha mapenzi yetu na mapenzi yake. Kitabu cha Yeremia 29:11, Bwana anatuahidi kwa kutangaza wema wa mawazo yake kwa kusema, ”Maana nayajua mawazo ninayowawazia ninyi, asema BWANA, ni mawazo ya amani wala si mabaya, kuwapa ninyi tumaini siku zenu za mwisho.“ Mstari huu unatumika k**a mwanga wa tumaini kwa maisha yetu yajayo, ukituhakikishia kwamba mapenzi ya Mungu yanatokana na upendo wake wa milele kwetu.


Haleluyaa and ameen

Happy New Month!
May is the month of doing “GOD’S WILL.” If you’re really going to be faithful this month by doing His will, all your expectations will be met. Every lost opportunity and lost territory shall be reclaimed. You shall get double for every lost glory. No more struggling as you will be blessed with endless anointing. Your life will attract favour, goodness and kindness. The grace of God will abound upon your life and you shall radiate with His glory. All your efforts will be crowned with astounding success. When you look around, you will only see love, joy and peace surrounding you. So beloved, in this month ”do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” (Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

Mei ni mwezi wa kufanya “MAPENZI YA MUNGU.” Ikiwa kweli utakuwa mwaminifu mwezi huu na kufanya mapenzi Yake, matarajio yako yote yatatimizwa. Kila fursa iliyopotea na eneo lililopotea litarejeshwa. Utapata maradufu kwa kila utukufu uliopotea. Hakuna kuhangaika tena kwani utabarikiwa na upako usio na mwisho. Maisha yako yatavutia kibali, wema na fadhili. Neema ya Mungu itakuwa nyingi juu ya maisha yako na utang'aa kwa utukufu wake. Juhudi zako zote zitatawaliwa na mafanikio ya kushangaza. Unapotazama pande zote, utaona tu upendo, furaha na amani vimekuzunguka. Basi wapendwa, mwezi huu ”Wala msiifuatishe namna ya dunia hii; bali mgeuzwe kwa kufanywa upya nia zenu, mpate kujua hakika mapenzi ya Mungu yaliyo mema, ya kumpendeza, na ukamilifu,” (Warumi 12:2).


1 John 2:14
[14]I have written to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one. Do Not Love the World

DATE :1St MAY 2024



Well said moG, bless you

As a new month draws to a close, let’s appreciate God for guiding us and showing us His great love. Let’s appreciate the joy and comfort He gave us this month. He has been kind to our families, works, business, ministries and all our activities. We’ve survived all these 30 days because of His mercy and kindness. And as we’re heading into another new month of doing His will, let's pray for wisdom, strength and unity so that we may change our future perspective and accomplish all we are called to do. ”Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is,” (Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

Mwezi mpya unapokaribia kuisha tumshukuru Mungu kwa kutuongoza na kutuonyesha upendo mkuu. Hebu tuthamini furaha na faraja Aliyotupa mwezi huu. Amekuwa mkarimu kwa familia zetu, kazi, biashara, huduma na shughuli zetu zote. Tumesalimika siku hizi zote 30 kwa sababu ya rehema na fadhili zake. Na tunapoelekea katika mwezi mwingine wa kufanya mapenzi Yake, tuombe hekima, nguvu na umoja, ili tuweze kubadilisha mtazamo wetu wa siku zijazo na kutimiza yote tuliyoitiwa kufanya. Kwa hiyo, “msiwe wajinga, bali mfahamu ni nini yaliyo mapenzi ya Bwana,” (Waefeso 5:17).


Ameen baba asante

Greatness before God isn’t meant for everybody, it’s just for few chosen ones. These are times God, in His infinite wisdom, may tell you to do something that seems absolutely impossible to human ability. His intention is not to frustrate you but to demarcate you from this world. As you follow God’s leading and do His Word, you’ll discover that those that run with you become fewer; your friends gradually decrease while you are on your way to the top, because, there’re things that God will ask you to do that nobody else can understand. Never hesitate to follow through on His instructions because in due season you shall reap if you don’t lose heart. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

Ukuu haukukusudiwa kwa kila mtu, ni kwa wateule wachache tu. Hizi ni nyakati ambazo Mungu katika hekima yake isiyo na mwisho, anaweza akakwambia ufanye jambo ambalo linaonekana kuwa haliwezekani kabisa kwa uwezo wa kibinadamu. Kusudi lake sio kukukatisha tamaa bali kukutenga kutoka katika ulimwengu huu. Unapofuata maelekezo ya Mungu na kufanya Neno lake, utagundua kuwa wale ambao unaongozana nao wanakuwa wachache; marafiki zako watapungua wakati unaelekea kileleni, kwasababu kuna mambo ambayo Mungu atakuambia uyafanye ambayo hakuna mtu mwingine yeyote atakayeweza kuelewa. Usisite kufuata maagizo Yake kwasababu Utavuna kwa wakati wake, usipozimia roho. “Kwa maana waitwao ni wengi, bali wateule ni wachache,” (Mathayo 22:14) -


Word on marble.

As you worship God in spirit and truth, you’re ever renewed, your vision is ever expanding, and your life forever moves forward. In Him, you’re on the journey of ever-increasing glory; you never have to think about staying strong, finishing strong, or hoping that you’ll fulfill your divine destiny; no, rather, you’re just fulfilled and glorified in Him, and He in you; because He’s your glory, your success, and your vitality! And all you have to do is to know Him more and love Him more! Therefore, learn to worship and sing praises and thanksgiving to God, even in the midst of your insurmountable challenges, and as you do this, the power of God will move in your behalf, and you'll have a mighty deliverance and encounter great miracles that will turn your life into an instrument of God's love . ”For all things were created by him, and all things exist through him and for him. To God be the glory forever! Amen,” (Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭36‬ ‭GNT‬‬).

Unapomuabudu Mungu katika roho na kweli, unafanywa upya siku zote, maono yako yanapanuka na maisha yako yanasonga mbele. Ndani Yake, uko katika safari ya utukufu unaoongezeka siku zote; hupaswi kamwe kufikiria juu ya kutimiza hatma yako ya Kiungu; hapana, badala yake, unatimilishwa na kutukuzwa ndani Yake, na Yeye ndani yako; kwasababu Yeye ni utukufu wako, mafanikio yako na uhai wako! Hivyo unachotakiwa kufanya ni kumjua zaidi na kumpenda zaidi! Kwa hiyo, jifunze kuabudu na kuimba sifa na shukrani kwa Mungu, hata katikati ya changamoto zisizotatulika, na unapofanya hivyo, nguvu ya Mungu itafanya kazi kwa niaba yako, na utapata ukombozi wa nguvu na kukumbana na miujiza mikuu ambayo itageuza maisha yako kuwa chombo cha upendo wa Mungu. ”Kwa kuwa vitu vyote vyatoka kwake, viko kwa uweza wake, tena vinarejea kwake. Utukufu una yeye milele. Amina,” Warumi 11:36).


Haleluyaaaa and ameen

In the early days of the church, the believers prayed and asked the Lord to stretch forth His hand to heal and perform miracles, evidently, this was the prayer of babies. God didn’t part the heavens and stretch out His hand to perform the miracles they were asking for. Rather, He filled them with the Holy Spirit, and the Bible says, “through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch." (Act 5:12). This lets us know that as children of God, we’re God’s outstretched arm of salvation, and healing to a hurting world. God loves through our hearts, He looks through our eyes and touches through our hands. So, if you want to receive your healing through God’s touch, don’t miss our vigil service that will start at 7:00 PM today.

Katika siku za mwanzo za kanisa la kwanza, waumini walisali na kumuomba Bwana anyoshe mkono wake kuponya na kufanya miujiza, inavyoonekana, haya yalikuwa ni maombi ya watoto wachanga. Mungu hakufungua mbingu na kunyosha mkono Wake kufanya miujiza waliyoomba. Badala yake, aliwajaza Roho Mtakatifu, na Biblia inasema, “Na kwa mikono ya mitume zikafanyika ishara na maajabu mengi katika watu; nao wote walikuwako kwa nia moja katika ukumbi wa Sulemani;”(Mdo 5:12). Hii inatujulisha kwamba k**a watoto wa Mungu, sisi ni mkono wa Mungu wa wokovu na uponyaji ulioinuliwa kwenye ulimwengu unaoumizwa. Mungu hupenda kupitia mioyo yetu, huangalia kupitia macho yetu, na hugusa kupitia mikono yetu. Hivyo, k**a ungependa kupokea uponyaji wako kuptia mguso wa Mungu, usikose kwenye ibada yetu ya mkesha itakayoanza saa 1 usiku leo.


That's our word daddy, bless you.

O God of love and mercy, we come before you during this week of prayer, with our hearts filled with grief as we see the devastation of our world. We pray that your presence would be felt by those who are grieving because of persecution. We pray for wisdom and safety for those who are responding to the people in need and the many challenges left in the wake of unpredictable circumstances. We pray for your church, that it may be a witness to your compassion and care for women and children who suffer because of lack of love. Father, you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. “For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You In a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters They shall not come near him,” (Psalms ‭32:6‬ ‭NKJV‬).

Ewe Mungu wa upendo na rehema, tunakuja mbele zako wakati huu wa wiki hii ya maombi, na mioyo yetu iliyojaa huzuni tunapoangalia uharibifu wa ulimwengu wetu. Tunaomba kwamba uwepo wako uweze kuwagusa wale wanaoomboleza kwasababu ya mateso. Tunaomba hekima na usalama kwa wale walioitikia kwa ajili ya watu wenye uhitaji na changamoto nyingi zinazojitokeza kutokana na hali zisizotabirika. Tunaliombea kanisa lako, kwamba liwe shuhuda wa huruma yako kwa wanawake na watoto wanaoteseka kwasababu ya kukosa upendo. Baba, wewe ni kimbilio letu na ngome yetu, msaada ulioko wakati wa shida. “Kwa hiyo kila mtu mtauwa Akuombe wakati unapopatikana. Hakika maji makuu yafurikapo, Hayatamfikia yeye.” (Zaburi 32:6).

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