
Premium IT-outstaffing provider with offices in Poland, Ukraine, and Portugal. But hey, we're not a typical employer and service provider.

Welcome to 28software - a Premium IT-outstaffing provider with offices in Poland, Ukraine, and Portugal. At 28-software, we're all about connecting top-quality IT-experts with the innovative companies worldwide. We're here to make work exciting, fulfilling, and downright awesome! We take the time to understand the needs, preferences, and goals of both candidates and our partners. By carefully matc

Photos from 28software's post 07/11/2023

Last Thursday, on November 2nd, our team in Kyiv had a fantastic time at 'Small Talks', an event held in the unique innovative Tech Hub UNIT.City, in Kyiv! As proud residents of this dynamic ecosystem, 28software were thrilled to be a part of such an inspiring gathering.

It's been a while since we've had our usual meetups, and a lot has changed at 28software during this time. We've grown, faced new challenges, and found exciting opportunities. And that event was a great chance to catch up and make new connections!

Check out some of the amazing moments we captured! 📸


Gamescom 2023 was an absolute blast! With 320,000 visitors from over 100 countries, a sprawling 230,000 square meters of exhibition space, and 33 pavilions and group stands from 26 countries, it's truly an epic experience. No chance of being bored here – it's all about excitement!

We connected with awesome people, from fellow pros to industry pioneers. The ideas and stories we exchanged were seriously inspiring.

The real excitement lies in our future prospects. If reports hold true, the mobile gaming industry is set to reach an astounding $272 billion by 2030. It's taking the lead in the gaming sector, thanks to its innovative approach and cost-effective nature. In 2022, it already secured an impressive 61% of the market share, and we're seeing the same trend continue in 2023. 📱🎮

Now, armed with these fresh insights, we're ready to bring cool new strategies to the table for gaming companies. Our Gamescom adventure confirmed what we've always believed – IT outstaffing and gaming are a perfect match, and we're here for the ride!

Can't wait for our next shot at an event like Gamescom. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead! 🚀


🇺🇦 Honoring the Spirit of Liberty: Ukraine's Independence Day!

To all Ukrainians around the world – Happy Independence Day! Amid the ongoing war, Ukraine's Independence Day carries significant weight. It reflects the strong spirit of the Ukrainian people – we stay true to our country's freedom! In the face of challenges, this day becomes a symbol of unity and resilience.

On this special day, let's take a moment to honor those who have made sacrifices and those who continue to protect and preserve Ukraine's hard-fought independence. The dedication and bravery of Ukrainians are now inspiring the entire world.

Happy Independence Day, Ukraine! Your never-give-up attitude spreads hope and strength across the globe.

Слава Україні! 💛💙

Photos from 28software's post 23/08/2023

Hey gamers and tech enthusiasts!

Our Founder and CEO, Michael Antonovych, along with our Chief People Officer, Natalia Anenko, have touched down at Gamescom 2023 in Cologne! 🎉🕹️

If you're also here, let's connect! Whether it is discussing the future of gaming technology or sharing insights about the changing job market in the industry, we're excited to chat and exchange ideas.

Looking forward to saying hello! 👋 😊

Photos from 28software's post 08/08/2023

Get ready to meet the heart and soul of our Kyiv operations – Iryna Omelchenko! 👋 🌟

She's the real superstar behind the scenes, who is taking care of all remote teams, and making sure everything runs smoothly at 28software!

Whether it's onboarding new team members, managing vacation and sick days, organizing travel arrangements, keeping our tech gear in check, or making sure our office happy hours are full of yummy treats – Iryna got it all covered!

She is our go-to guru that keeps our teams rocking even from miles away as they work their magic for companies abroad.

Keep shining, Iryna! We’re happy to have you on our team! ✨ 🙌

IT-outstaffing: High-Quality Expertise without Breaking the Bank - 28Software 26/07/2023

IT-Outstaffing: High-Quality Expertise without Breaking the Bank

1. The Best Countries for the Optimal Price-Quality Ratio.
2. How Much You Can Save on IT Developers’ Labor Costs.
3. The Level of Expertise You Can Expect.

Get all the answers in our recent blog at the following link: https://28.software/high-quality-expertise-without-breaking-the-bank

IT-outstaffing: High-Quality Expertise without Breaking the Bank - 28Software Today Poland, Ukraine, and Portugal are one of the best european hotspots for getting exceptional IT resources that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Main Points: 1. Save up to 80% on Expert Salaries 2. Get Access to Prime Skill Hubs 3. The Winning Formula for Success In today’s highly competitiv...

Photos from 28software's post 10/07/2023

📸 Our Memorable Birthday Celebration! 🎉

Dear all,

We want to invite you to check out the amazing pictures from our recent company's birthday party. It was such a fun event, and we captured some really cool moments that we'd love to share with all of you. 🥳✨

Here's to many more extraordinary moments together! 🙏❤️


4 years of Connecting Potential with Opportunity 🎉

Hello everyone!

We are happy to share some incredible news with you! We have just reached an incredible milestone – our 4th birthday! 🎂✨

But that’s not all. We're absolutely thrilled to present our brand-new website, https://28.software 🌍 - just unpacked and ready to go! It's elegant, it's stylish. It brings together 4 years of our knowledge and experience. It is a one-stop destination, packed with valuable information that's easy to navigate.

So check it out and overall – don't hesitate to reach us out! We'd love to chat about how we can help you rock the tech scene. 🤘 🔥


Talk to us today in Jerusalem at 2023 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit!
We will be sharing about our unique expertise in team building know-how across numerous Eastern Europe locations.


Happy Independence Day to Poland🇮🇩
We value our friendly relations, which are built on mutual respect and effective cooperation. We have the opportunity to develop our business in such a wonderful country, and we also really appreciate the support. We wish you prosperity🤍

З Днем Незалежності Польщі!🇮🇩
Ми шануємо наші доброзичливі відносини, які побудовані на взаємній повазі та дієвій співпраці. Маємо можливість розвивати свій бізнес у такій чудовій країні, а також дуже цінуємо підтримку. Бажаємо процвітання🤍

Photos from 28software's post 03/11/2022

WebSummit in Lisbon is in full swing...
Europe's largest technical conference brings 71,033 attendees (42 percent women), 160 countries and 2,296 startups!
«We have the opportunity to be in an amazing environment where all tech lovers gather to share knowledge and learn about new market trends! This is such an incredible opportunity to learn that our service is in high demand among startups” - says Michael Antonovych, CEO of 28software.

WebSummit у Лісабоні в самому розпалі...
Найбільша в Європі технічна конференція збирає 71 033 учасників (42 відсотки жінок), 160 країн і 2 296 стартапів!
«Ми маємо можливість опинитися в дивовижному середовищі, де всі любителі технологій збираються, щоб поділитися знаннями та дізнатися про нові тенденції ринку! Це така неймовірна можливість дізнатися, що наш сервіс користується попитом серед стартаперів», - говорить Михайло Антонович, СЕО 28software.

Photos from 28software's post 01/11/2022

Trick or treat👻
Grasp our Halloween atmosphere. Such cool costumes from our teams🎃

Ласощі чи капощі👻
Відчуйте нашу атмосферу Хелловіну. Такі круті костюми від наших тімок🎃


Our management is getting ready to bring the best «Engineering Teams Hosting Expertise» from Ukraine and Poland to in Lisbon this year. Expecting great meetings🇺🇦🇵🇱

Наш менеджмент готується представити найкращий досвід з хостингу інженерних команд в Україні та Польщі на у Лісабоні цього року. Очікуємо на чудові зустрічі🇺🇦🇵🇱


Today, Ukraine celebrates Defender's Day!
Each of us every day stubbornly does his work, each on his front, and where he can do everything in his power to bring us all closer to VICTORY!
congratulate everyone on the Day of Defender of Ukraine💙💛

Сьогодні Україна святкує день Захисника!
І так, кожен з нас, кожен день наполегливо робить свою роботу, кожен на своєму фронті, і там, де він може зробити все, що в його силах для наближення всіх нас до ПЕРЕМОГИ!
Команда вітає з Днем Захисника та Захисниць України💙💛


Ідеальний робочий процес виглядає так. З квітами, кавою та продуктивними людьми навколо💻
Такий теплий та затишний наш офіс у Варшаві🤍
Вриваємось в останній робочий день і насолоджуватись вихідними🍂🌾

An ideal working process looks like this. With flowers, coffee and productive people around💻
Our office in Warsaw is so warm and cozy .
Let's break into the last working day and enjoy the weekend🍂🌾


We taste apples with honey and celebrate Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year✨
We wish a good year for everybody!

Смакуємо яблучка з медом та святкуємо Рош ха-Шана - Єврейський Новий Рік✨

Photos from 28software's post 21/09/2022

Autumn in da our office🍁🍂
In between zoom calls and millions of work tasks♟
And the only thing keeping us warm is an opportunity to work on exciting projects together with the best professionals out there.

Осінь в нашому офісі🍁🍂
У проміжку між zoom колами та мільйонами робочих задач♟
І єдине, що нас зігріває - це можливість працювати над захоплюючими проєктами разом із найкращими професіоналами.


Yesterday we celebrated Programmer's day in such a friendly atmosphere in our offices in Kyiv and Warsaw🤍
Drinks, delicious cupcakes and soulful conversations made this evening incredibly cool☺️
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for giving us this opportunity, and in return, don't forget to donate 💙💛

Вчора в такій дружній атмосфері ми святкували День програміста в наших офісах у Києві та Варшаві🤍
Напої, смачні капкейки та душевні розмови зробили цей вечір неймовірно крутим☺️
Дякуємо ЗСУ за те, що маємо таку можливість, а ви натомість не забувайте донатити💙💛


Hustle and bustle of Big office.
We are pets-friendly to the fingertips!🐶🐱
We fill space with love🤍

Метушня великого офісу.
Ми pets-friendly до кінчиків пальців!🐶🐱
Наповнюємо простір любов'ю🤍


A little conversation outdoors won't hurt anyone. Especially when new ideas for solving problems appear during them💻

Трішки розмов на свіжому повітрі нікому не завадить. Особливо, коли під час них з'являються нові ідеї для вирішення задач💻


Україна - місце нарождення 28software💙💛 Ми пишаємось тим, що кожного дня наші фахівці докладають надзвичайних зусиль, щоб допомогти тим, хто воює за нашу свободу🕊
Бажаємо країні процвітання, розвитку та мирного неба над головою.
Ми впевнені, що справедливість, свобода та Україна переможуть. І 28software неодмінно зробить свій внесок у відбудову країни та її економіки.
З Днем Незалежності!💙💛

Ukraine is the birthplace of 28software💙💛
We are proud that every day our specialists make an effort to help those who fight for our freedom🕊
We wish the country prosperity, development and a peaceful sky above our head.
We are sure that justice, freedom and Ukraine will win.
28software will certainly be contributing to the reconstruction of the country and the economy.
Happy Independence Day!💙💛

Photos from 28software's post 16/08/2022

Engaging in sports activities releases endorphins that give a lot of energy to the body. That is why we do yoga several times a week🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏼
And also we have ability to make our brain a much more productive🌱


Today is Friday, which means the end of a hard working week and the opportunity to have a battle in the game Injustice 2🎮
Have a nice weekend friends :)
And we continue to have fun😉


28sofware's heart lives here🤍
This is where we grew up as an incredibly cool and progressive company. And we don't think to stop there!
We are located in the innovation park UNIT.City, where every corner is saturated with new ideas and creativity.
Where a cozy office, aromatic coffee and each other's smiles are waiting for us every morning😉
Where in between work tasks we do yoga and play tennis. What else do we need to be productive?
Let's get inspired together🌞

Technical Recruiter - 28software 10/02/2021

Нас еще даже не 50 человек, а в нашем рекрутинг pipeline уже 30+ вакансий в интереснейших проектах.

Technical Recruiter - 28software Inviting experienced Technical Recruiter to join our Kyiv office on a full-time basis to help us continue growing world-class R&D teams. Responsibilities: Manage full-cycle recruiting processes, ensuring a smooth and positive candidate experience. Partner with our Customers to hire key roles for our...

Animator - Job Description 24/04/2020

Animation Artist with hands-on Spine experience is invited to join amazing studio developing awesome social games

Ping us for more details!


Animator - Job Description 28SOFTWARE is focused on creating high-quality and immersive entertainment in the Social Gaming and iGaming verticals across mobile, VR/AR and other interactive platforms of the future. We are pushing new interactive entertainment mediums up to its limits with new products and new ways of intera...

VP of Sales - Job Description 21/04/2020

Looking for VP of Sales to join us full time on extremely interesting terms :)


VP of Sales - Job Description 28SOFTWARE is focused on creating high-quality and immersive solutions in various business verticals across mobile, cloud and other interactive platforms of the future. We are pushing new architecture up to its limits with new products and new ways of interactions between businesses. Currently...

Senior Backend Java Developer 03/12/2019

Senior Java Backend developer is invited to join team of technology Ninjas and get hands on developing online engagement platform that offers product agnostic, brand centric, marketing / engagement engine to control gamification channels for game platforms. Mode details here: https://jobs.dou.ua/companies/28software/vacancies/109626/

Senior Backend Java Developer 3-5 years’ experience in server side development (Java / Scala) Experience with Spring/Hibernate - Must Experience with Maven/Gradle - Must Experience in one of NoSQL data stores like Redis, Mongo, Elasticsearch, etc. - Must Fluent spoken English

Senior Fullstack Wordpress Developer - Job Description 14/11/2019

Launching new and exciting project. Now hiring Wordpress professionals hashtag hashtag hashtag


Senior Fullstack Wordpress Developer - Job Description 28SOFTWARE is focused on creating high-quality and immersive solutions in various business verticals across mobile, cloud and other interactive platforms of the future. We are pushing new architecture up to its limits with new products and new ways of interactions between businesses.. Currentl...


We are visiting 1st ever Gamegrove Mastermind conference in Kyiv 🙂 Had awesome meetings with guys from Amazon Game Studios LucidGaming and Google. More to come... ;)

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