

Experienced in beauty healthy lifestyle


Fact: it's easier to do sports when you have a coach who motivates and helps you do exercises correctly


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day should be approximately 1:1:4. You can remember the correct proportions with a simple trick: imagine a plate divided into three identical parts. Two of them are occupied by carbohydrates, and the third is equally divided by proteins and fats.


Metabolism, otherwise called metabolism, is a series of chemical processes that are interconnected and inherent in all living organisms without exception, metabolism combines all the chemical reactions of the body. They occur continuously and include catabolism - the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for energy and "building materials" - and anabolism, that is, the creation of cells or the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. They occur continuously and include catabolism - the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for energy and "building materials" - and anabolism, that is, the creation of cells or the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Those. anabolism is when energy is created and stored, and catabolism is when energy is released. All this is controlled by the endocrine system - the system responsible for many processes in our body, the growth of cells and tissues, the restoration of reproductive function and mood regulation.



Old Kyiv