Mariya bomba
mariya bomba
In 1994, Verizon received $2.1 billion in tax breaks in Pennsylvania to wire every house with 45Mbps by 2015. Half of all households were to be wired by 2004. When deadlines weren't met Verizon kept the money. The same thing happened in New York.
In 1996, the Argentine branch of Coca Cola announced they would give away free tickets to a Ramones concert in exchange for ten bottle caps. Massively underestimating the band’s appeal in Argentina, Coca-Cola didn’t have enough tickets available, resulting in riots and looting.
Strong odors, such as cologne and perfume, may cause a person's blood vessels to swell and dilate and, in turn, stimulate the nervous system in the brain associated with head pain causing headaches and migraines.
The rate of lung cancer is lower in Japan than in the US despite a higher percentage of smokers in Japan. This is known as Japanese Smoking paradox
A famous philosopher and former child prodigy, Saul Kripke, turned down a teaching post at Harvard because his mother said that he should, "finish high school and college first."
A card-counter named Bill Benter developed an algorithm for betting on Hong Kong horse races that earned him nearly a billion dollars.
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