Migration Services-Eurocash

Migration Services-Eurocash

We are a leading legal company, based in Ukraine, Lviv, founded to help people to get fast and legal work and study permits in Europe.

Our company specializes in a wide spectrum of migration services in many countries of Europe.


Якщо Ви підпадаєте під дію Директиви Європейського Регламенту про тимчасовий захист, Ви маєте право подати заяву для отримання дозволу на проживання в службу імміграції та натуралізації (IND)🇳🇱

Таким чином, Ви отримаєте наклейку у паспорті від IND (стікер)

📍Що вказано на стікері?
1. Номер вашого паспорта
2. Причина вашого перебування у Нідерландах
3. Трудові права.
На наклейці зазначено, що вам дозволено працювати за наймом у Нідерландах;
4. Термін дії вашої наклейки.

📍Які права надає стікер?

🔸Проживання. Ви можете жити в Нідерландах, дійсна ваша наклейка. (Зараз стікер можна отримати до березня 2024 року включно)

❗️Якщо Ви проситимете захист в іншій країні Європейського Союзу, тоді ваш захист у Нідерландах закінчиться.

💼Робота. Ви можете легально працювати та отримати довгостроковий контракт.

🌍Подорожі. Ви можете подоподувати Європою. Вам знадобиться дійсний закордонний паспорт. Ви також можете поїхати до України.

Залишились запитання❓
Чекаємо у діректі ✉️

Photos from Migration Services-Eurocash's post 12/01/2023

Завжди раді Вашим знімкам🇳🇱🤩

Досі не визначились з планами на зиму?❄️
Чекаємо у діректі📩


Розповідаємо про правила перетину кордону та які предмети можна ввозити до України🇺🇦

📍Через «зелений» коридор можна перевозити речі, які НЕ підлягають митному оподаткуванню й декларуванню.

🔹Персональні речі товари, які коштують не більше 500 євро та важать до 50 кг
🔹Продукти не для продажу, які коштують до 200 євро
🔹Готівка (як гривні, так і іноземну валюту) загальною сумою до 10 тисяч євро; .
🔹Ліки (окрім наркотичних і психотропних речовин) у визначеній законодавством кількості: не більше 5 пакувань кожного препарату на одну особу.

📍Скориставшись «червоним митним коридором дозволено перевозити речі, які потрібно письмово задекларувати:

🔺товари, які потребують дозвільних документів;
🔺валютні й культурні цінності,
🔺цінні папери й платіжні документи;
🔺препарати, які містять наркотичні, психотропні речовини чи прекурсори;
товари дорожчі за 500 євро та важчі за 50 кг

Зверніть увагу❗️
Податки нараховуються із розрахунку вартості товарів, для чого вам слід пред'явити митнику товарні чеки, ярлики та інші наявні документи.
Якщо такі документи у вас відсутні, митники будуть вимушені визначити митну вартість товарів на підставі цін на ідентичні або схожі товари



Працівник у кафе на березі Балтійського моря🌊

Старт роботи:березень❗️

⁃ 18-45 років
⁃ дівчата та хлопці
⁃ німецька мова на рівні А2+

⁃ приготування сендвічів, картоплі
⁃ робота на касі
⁃ обслуговування гостей

12,5 євро/год

⁃ 173 год/місяць
⁃ позмінний графік

⁃ надається, комфортні умови, 2-4 особі в кімнаті
⁃ 200 євро/ місяць

Пишіть у дірект або ставте +, щоб забронювати вакансію📩



❗️Вакансія для хлопців з готовими Fiktionsbescheinigung чи Aufenthaltstitel

Комісіонер на склад📦

🔹тільки чоловіки
🔹вік - 18-50 років
🔹володіння іноземними мовами не вимагається

12,93 євро/брутто година + бонусна система

Також додатково:
⁃ + 25% нічні зміни
⁃ + 50% у неділю
⁃ + 100% свята

⏰Система з 3-х змін (6-14/14-22/22-6)

🔹проживання за окрему плату (300 євро) + Anmeldung включено
🔹житло знаходиться за 2 км від складу

Зацікавила вакансія?
Тоді пишіть нам у дірект або ставте ➕ у коментарях📩



Кельн, Менхенгладбах, Хільдесхайм

Працевлаштування за офіційним контрактом

Працівник на фабрику Coca-Cola🥤

• жінки/чоловіки;
• англійська А2 або розмовна німецька.

• сортування пляшок по кольору
• робота на конвеєрі

• 13 є/год брутто;
• в святкові дні і нічний час оплачується додатково(+50%) .

📍Графік роботи:
• від 152 год/місяць;
• є 2 зміни (6-14 / 14-22).

🏘️Житло. При потребі надається. 10-13 євро/доба.

Щоб отримати детальнішу інформацію, пишіть у дірект📩


Have you caught yourself thinking what exactly is holding you back from going to work in Europe? 🤔

MYTH 1: It is impossible to work without knowledge of the language.
✅Similar myths about working abroad are spread by those who have never been there. Naturally, communication will require at least a minimum level of the country's language, but it is not at all necessary to know it for work. 99% of our vacancies do not require knowledge of a foreign language.

MYTH 2: It's dangerous.
✅In fact, you can feel even more secure abroad than in our country.

MYTH 3: Hard labor awaits abroad.
✅If you are looking for a job where nothing needs to be done, then the problem is that it does not exist. Of course, the difficulty depends on the vacancy, but you should understand that you need to be responsible and hardworking. Each employer correctly evaluates the capabilities of employees, so there will definitely not be a wild overstrain. But you also need to understand that with poor-quality work performance, constant delays, shirking, any employer will not want to cooperate with such an employee.

MYTH 4: Living and working conditions are terrible.
✅Some people believe that foreigners in other countries are only hired for low-grade jobs with terrible conditions. They argue that if the work was normal, then it would be better to hire local residents. But in reality, this is not the case. And this does not mean at all that the salary will be low, and the living conditions will be bad. Employers are also interested in making the employee like everything, and therefore tells about the conditions in advance.

MYTH 5: There are only job vacancies abroad.
✅Not at all - true professionals in their field are appreciated all over the world, and therefore employers willingly hire people from other countries.

Still have questions? Write to us📩


What to bring from the Czech Republic?

✔️ Souvenirs
We recommend buying souvenirs at the Havel market, where you can find everything from magnets to handmade goods.

🧇 Products: Kolonada waffles, Mozart sweets, Hermelin cheese - these are the top products that everyone brings from the Czech Republic.

🥨 National food: Pardubice gingerbread, Karlovy Vary plate, trdelnik, strudel.

🍾 Alcohol: Becherovka, Slivovice, various beers from Gambrinus to Radegast.

💄Cosmetics, the most popular Czech brands: Dermacol, Manufaktura, RYOR, Alverde.

🎁 Original gifts: a collection of Czech pencils Koh-i-Noor, a toy of the Czech mole Krtek, board games - PRŠÍ cards.

What would you like to bring from the Czech Republic or add to this list?

Still have questions? Write to us📩


Benefits of working in Poland

It is developing at a rapid pace: there is now a large building in Poland, international companies are increasingly opening their enterprises, factories, offices. Thousands of new vacancies appear every day.

✔️Working conditions
It is on Polish vacancies that employers very often provide free accommodation, they also provide transportation to work, and sometimes free meals.

🏷 Prices
The currency in Poland is Zloty. It is not as expensive as the euro 💶 Prices are among the lowest in Europe, especially for food and clothing.

🛒 Products
Continuation to prices: in Poland there are high quality and affordable products. They are cheaper in many countries, but their quality is much higher.

🌎Territorial proximity
It is not difficult to get to Poland: there are a huge number of carriers, dozens of bus routes leave every day (there are fewer trains and planes at the moment, but only due to quarantine). Tickets are cheaper than to other countries, and the trip is not long ✈️

The Polish language is quite easy. Words are easily memorized already at work, thus adaptation is faster.

Still have questions? Write to us📩


What is the secret of low-cost airlines and what affects the ticket price?

Low-cost airlines are low-cost airlines that offer extremely low air fares in exchange for canceling most of the traditional passenger services.

Do you know what affects the price of such a ticket?

✔️ Lack of luxury. A low-cost airline is only a means of transport - they don't give food, they don't give out a blanket with a pillow for the duration of the flight, and they don't show a movie☝🏼 You can take only a small bag for free. Seat selection is also available for a fee.

✔️ The fleet usually consists of brand-new, wholesale-purchased aircraft ✈️, most of them are of the same model, which makes maintenance cheaper, but for pilots, mechanics, etc. you don't have to learn to work with different models.

✔️ Airports not always conveniently located

✔️ The flight time is not always convenient, the plane should perform as many flights as possible and spend less time on the ground

✔️ Tickets are sold online so as not to spend money on sales offices and additional salaries. employees.

Still have questions? Write to us📩


Car or smartphone, what to choose?🤔

Sometimes the prices for cars in Poland are quite ridiculous. It is quite possible to find a car for $ 500, which is comparable to the cost of a modern mid-range smartphone.

🚗 Of course, the technical condition of such a car leaves much to be desired, but if, for example, you are in Poland and you need a car for a short time that will help you in your work, then it will pay off very quickly.

On average, an inexpensive used car, which in Poland costs $ 1000-1500, is sold in other countries for $ 3000-4000. Therefore, buying this or a higher class car in Poland can save your money two to three times 💸

We recommend that you take the car for diagnostics before buying, where you will be told about its technical condition ⚙️

The names of the most famous Polish sites for finding and buying used cars:
• Otomoto is the most popular
• AutoAuto
• MotoPoland
• Auto-m
• Moto Gratka
• Autoscout24

Still have questions? Write to us📩


In Europe, the concept of "brutto" and "net" wages is widespread. What does this mean? 👇🏻

💸Brutto is a salary without deducting all taxes and other obligatory monthly payments - the so-called "dirty" salary.

💰 Net salary means net salary that you will receive in your hands.

❗️Specify it while choosing work program.

In various contracts, invitations from employers and other documents, the brutto amount most often appears.

If you want to calculate your brutto to net salary, there are special tax and salary calculators on the Internet 📲

Still have questions? Write to us📩


Czech grocery basket 🇨🇿

We have compiled a list of some products from different categories. Save to bookmarks!

Lemons 1 kg - from 25 CZK
Apples 1 kg - from 35 CZK
Bananas 1 kg - from 22 CZK

Cucumbers 1 kg - from 9 CZK
Bell pepper 1 kg - from 27 CZK
Tomatoes 1 kg - from 20 CZK
Carrots 1 kg - from 30 CZK
Cabbage 1 kg - from 13 CZK
Potatoes 1 kg - from 19 CZK

🥛Dairy products:
Milk 3,2% 1l - from 15 CZK
Cottage cheese 250 gr - from 16 CZK
Sour cream 33% 200 gr - from 18 CZK

🍖🥚 Meat and eggs:
Eggs 10 pcs - from 22 CZK
Pork 1 kg - from 90 CZK
Beef 1 kg - from 140 CZK
Chicken 1 kg - from 44 CZK

🍞 Bread, pastries:
Bread 1000 gr - from 25 CZK
Baguettes 120 gr - from 7 CZK

💧Water, juice:
Mineral water 1.5 l - from 10 CZK
Fruit juices 1 l - from 25 CZK

Pasta 500 gr - from 17 CZK
Cookies 150 gr - from 15 CZK
Black tea bags 100 gr - from 10 CZK
Coffee 250 gr - from 55 CZK
Сhocolate 100 gr - from 19 CZK

☝🏻 In Europe, promotions are held in supermarkets every day and you can buy products even cheaper.

Still have questions? Write to us📩


❌ DO NOT HOPE to "slip through" with an advantage: "Yes, no one will pay attention to an extra couple of kilos."

Do not slip through, they will return. And you will either pay unthinkable money for the overweight, or frantically repackage things from a suitcase into carry-on luggage and put on heavy clothes on yourself. In the meantime, your back will be drilled with the glances of people in the registration queue.

❌ DO NOT JOKE with airport staff.

It would seem obvious that the security service will not appreciate the humor about the bomb in the luggage. But from year to year, dozens of joke lovers are arrested in different countries.

❌ DO NOT soothe yourself with alcohol.

People have invented valerian for a long time.

Drinking alcohol on the plane and before the flight is not respecting your body. It’s not easy for him in the flight. If you think that alcohol will relieve stress before the flight, then the opposite is true: it will cause increased anxiety, and then lead to dehydration, lethargy and other unpleasant consequences.

☝🏻 And you may not be put on the plane!


Take into account the traffic in the city and traffic jams, calculate the time correctly. We advise you to leave for 2, sometimes even 3 hours, if it is a large metropolis, where you can stand in traffic for hours during the day.

Still have questions? Write to us📩


Useful sites for living in Poland 🇵🇱

Save the list of sites that will make your life easier.

🔍 ZnanyLekarz.pl - search for private doctors with reviews, prices, addresses and free dates. You can also look for a medical doctor.

🔍 Jakdojade - will tell you how and for how much to get to any part of the city, the schedule of all city transport.

🔍 Ceneo - a navigator in the world of shopping, will tell you where and for how much you can find the necessary product reviews about stores.

🔍 Allegro, Olx - message boards, here you can buy anything you want!

🔍 SuperPharm - a large selection of medicines, vitamins and pharmacy cosmetics, there are often promotions.

🔍 Qpony - coupons and discounts for shops and cafes.

🔍 Pyszne.pl, Uber eats, Wolt - everything for ordering food.

🔍 Otomoto - to buy

Still have questions? Write to us📩


Forgot to put an entry / exit stamp when crossing the border?
Always pay attention to this without leaving the border. A border control stamp with the date and place of border crossing must be affixed to your passport office 📘

This happens extremely rarely and in our memory, our clients have not come across this, but save to always have information with you!

✔️ When traveling, try to save your tickets for a while, you never know it will come in handy.

As in the case if the passport is not stamped, when crossing the border, provide evidence to the border guard officer about your entry and stay in the country. This can be, for example, boarding passes for a bus.

Be careful😌

Message us for more useful info.


THREE documents that cannot be left when crossing the border❗️

Save the list so you don't forget anything:
✅ Work permit / invitation from the employer;
✅ Insurance policy.

Recheck everything a hundred times, because in our practice many times the client did not check and forgot his passport, having arrived at the airport. Don't do that! 🙅

You do not need to take other documents, but if you feel calmer, take them with you if you wish.😌

Still have questions? Write to us in Direct 📩


Student Life in Ukraine
🏠Most students live on campus (some rent apartments). Hostel fees usually do not go higher than USD 50 (converted) per month. Campuses have all the facilities for safe and comfort stay which include libraries, hospitals, gyms, conference and concert halls, laboratories and other training facilities, security, etc.

🗂Universities provide students with books and relevant studying materials. Libraries with computer rooms are also immensely available. Virtually all the universities have sports teams, which compete in various disciplines with their peers from other institutions.

🏆The most popular sport is no doubt football⚽️. Beside it there are lot's type of sport you can take part in.

🙋‍♀️Participating in numerous students organizations usually takes a lot of time, but if you perform well, the university administration offers you some flexibility in attendance.

Student life in Ukraine is noticeably cheaper than life in other European countries. Depending on a city and lifestyle, average monthly budget may vary from € 150 to € 300 ($200 -$400). To get an idea of the costs for various things, here are some examples.

💰Jeans of a good quality will cost € 15-40 ($ 20-60), entrance to the night club €3-10 ($ 5-$13), a cinema ticket € 2-5 ($ 3-$7), meal at a fast food restaurant € 3-5 ($ 4–$7), vegetables and fruits € 0.7-2 ($1- $3) per kilo, train ticket inside the country €5-12 ($10 - $25).

Welcome to Ukraine😉🇺🇦

Message us📩


What is forbidden to take with you on the plane?🚫

By purchasing a ticket with luggage, you can take a suitcase weighing no more than 20 kg and hand luggage no more than 8 kg (approximate weight).

👉🏻Sharp objects: knives, scissors, corkscrews and tweezers.
👉🏻Matches and lighters.
👉🏻Lithium-ion batteries with a capacity greater than 100 Wh (watt-hours).

❗️RESTRICTIONS applied to the amount of LIQUID:
💧 Liquids in carry-on baggage can only be carried in containers of no more than 100 ml.
💧It can be transported in a transparent, resealable plastic bag, which itself should not exceed a capacity of 1 liter (approximately 20cm x 20cm).
💧 Each passenger can take only one such pack of liquids. Liquids that do not fit in resealable bags must be packed in checked baggage.

Allowed to be carried in checked baggage. The maximum volume per passenger is 5 liters in original sealed bottles. It is forbidden to transport alcoholic beverages, the strength of which is more than 70%.
Allowed only in carry-on baggage. Use during flight is prohibited.
📌 HAIR SPRAY aerosol
Allowed to carry in checked baggage, maximum size 0.5 liters.

Have an easy flight!✈️

Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: http://eurocashagency.com/actualmigration


How to be in touch in Poland? 📲

You should not worry, because Polish SIM-cards can be bought in airports or on border.

But just in case, we will tell you where to get it already in Poland.

🏪You can buy a SIM card not only in the salons of a telecom operator. You can also find it in Żabka, Ruch stores, at the Poczta Polska post office and even at gas stations. SIM card cost from PLN 5-9

❗️To activate the card, it must be registered, for this you need a passport.

The most popular mobile operators are Play, Orange, T-mobile, Plus, Lycamobile. All operators offer two types of conditions:

👉Abonament - the conclusion of a contract for a specified period.
👉Na kartę - prepaid, you can refuse services at any time.

The first option is more profitable if you immediately buy a phone with a SIM card.

❕But if you have just arrived in Poland, we advise you to buy a SIM card NA KARTĘ. A starter package will cost about 5 zł. Depending on the operator, the first 7 days a bonus is provided - free internet and calls.

Share your emotions comfortable to any part of the world😉

Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: http://eurocashagency.com/actualmigration


What should be done before going to work abroad? 👇

📃 Documents. Collect all your passports, insurance policy, make a few copies, scan and upload to your phone just in case (film, google documents, dropbox, etc.).

💡Take a charged power bank, a well-working phone on the road to always be in touch with your loved ones and your personal manager.

🏥Doctors. It is necessary to bypass dentists, therapists and solve all the exciting problems. Working abroad, you will not have time for this, and it will be significantly more expensive.

📲 Download the necessary applications that will come in handy on the road and life in another country (google maps, language applications, etc.).

💼Make sure you have everything you need ready. For example, such personal items, home clothes, lenses, a first aid kit with medicines, chargers, and the like. Running around the shops to buy them at the last moment is so-so pleasure.

And the main things you should not to forget are good mood and calm😌

Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: http://eurocashagency.com/actualmigration


Lost your passport abroad: what to do?

Instructions for execution👇🏻
✔️ Calm down and take a sedative! 😅
✔️Go to the police station. You will need:
🔸Submit a statement about the loss or theft of your passport;
🔸to receive a certified photocopy of the protocol and take care of it like the apple of your eye (without it, you will not be issued a temporary exit permit)
🔸 find out about the contacts and address of the nearest consulate of Ukraine, embassy or diplomatic mission;

🏛Next stop is the embassy. What is there to do:
🔸 fill out an application form to obtain a temporary permit to return to Ukraine;
🔸 you receive your “ticket” home - a return permit, which provides for leaving the country within 15-30 days from the date of receipt.

🏡 Restoration of documents upon arrival home. You have 3 days to contact the immigration office. They will exchange a temporary certificate for a new passport! ️

Before the trip, make copies of all documents and upload them to your Google disk or other storage, as well as write down the contacts of the embassy of the desired country - look for them on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

But better be careful😉

Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: https://lnkd.in/g8GV2id


Why should you work in Poland?

❗️Poland joined the club of 25 the most developed economies in the world according to FTSE Russell and ranks 8th as the best country for female workers. There is one of the highest rates of English as a second language in the world and there are a lot of job for multilinguals.

Let´s discover in details:
📍Located in the Heart of Europe
Poland is in a great location in Europe. From here you can easily go visit your friends and relatives abroad or go on a weekend away in many nearby destinations without spending too much money and time travelling.
📍Great International Community
Poland has a developed market and one of the most dynamic economies in the world. It has the sixth largest economy by GDP (PPP) in the EU. Many big global companies choose Poland for investments and opening their international hubs, welcoming candidates from all over the world.
📍No Language Barrier
The job market in Poland is very attractive for multilinguals. Polish people speak English at a very high level as their second language.
📍Low Cost of Living
In comparison to other European countries, Poland is a relatively cheap place to live, including the prices depend on the city. The cost of living in Poland is 40% lower than it is in the UK, so even if the salary may not look as high as in other Northern European countries, you still get a great deal!
📍Great Health Care
Poland's healthcare system is based on an all-inclusive insurance system. Health care is delivered through a publicly funded health care system called the Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, which is free for all the working residents and their families.
📍Activities for every taste
Poland has a rich cultural and entertainment life with a variety of different types of music, movies, visual arts and theatre. There are around 280 arts festivals taking places in different cities across the country.

Hurry up and open Poland for you!🇵🇱
Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: http://eurocashagency.com/actualmigration


There are NO days off in the Czech Republic

This view is quite common.
The fact is that in the Czech Republic it is not customary to combine holidays with weekends (if the holiday is Thursday, then Friday is a working day). Here is a list of the main ones for which the weekend is laid:

🔸 January 1 - Day of the restoration of the independent Czech state.
🔸April-May (dates float) - Rest 4 days: Good Friday Sat Easter Easter Monday.
🔸 May 1 - Labor Day.
🔸8 May - Victory Day.
🔸5 July - Day of the Slavic Saints Cyril and Methodius.
🔸6 July - Burning Day of Jan Hus.
🔸 September 28 - Day of Czech Statehood.
🔸 October 28 - Day of the emergence of the independent Czechoslovak Republic.
🔸17 November - Day of Struggle for Freedom and Democracy.
🔸 December 24 - Christmas Eve.
🔸 December 25-26 - Christmas.

☝️ Consider this when visiting the Czech Republic. It's better not to go to Christmas itself - from December 24 to December 26, everything is closed - even grocery stores!

🌷 It's great to come for Easter in April. Easter markets are lining up, everywhere the festive theme is like at Christmas.

With our company support you can move to Czech Republic whenever you want😉

Our cooperation links:
📞WhatsApp: +380636866391
📧E-mail: [email protected]
💻Website: http://eurocashagency.com/actualmigration

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‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
‼️Пиши + в коментарях, якщо шукаєш вакансію у Європі🙌#роботавнімеччині #вакансіявнімеччинні #роботазакородоном #роботадл...
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Law firm Idealist Law firm Idealist
Сахарова, 42, офіс 414
Lviv, 79013

▫️юристи бізнесу та громадян// без складних слів// зайвих процесів// затягнутих справ🕊️

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