Samaritan Iniciatives for Vulnerable
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Police Children School Kibuli
Women, children, youth, disabled and elderly, on economic, education, rights and leadership.
In the simplest terms, localization means empowering local populations — responders, program participants, and the surrounding impacted communities — to lead and deliver humanitarian aid.1 It is an open-ended, transformational process that results in a shift to individual communities.
When we give charity, we don't just give money, we share compassion, love & most importantly humanity!
On CharityDay, support SIV emergency relief operations
Yesterday, on the 30th of August, 2023, a ceremony was held at the Kabaka compound in Lubiri Gorund to commemorate and celebrate World Youth Day.
It was organized by the Ugandan government, UNHCR, IRC, NRC, AHA, community leaders, Host community, local NGOs, Band, Media, and it was a great I really liked the atmosphere and the beauty of the participants, and politeness thank you to all the leaders,
Difficulté à dormir, sommeil agité,
Difficulté à se concentrer;
Angoisses, palpitations, ruminations,
État d’alerte, détresse psychologique, dépression…
Font partie des nombreux symptômes post-traumatiques.
Boris Cyrulnik a aidé des milliers de personnes à devenir résilients pour retrouver une vie normale.
Après s’être reconstruit suite à une enfance traumatisée où il a échappé aux rafles et vu ses parents déportés,
Il est devenu psychiatre, psychanalyste et neuropsychiatre pour comprendre le processus de résilience.
Il a créé une masterclass pour aider les personnes qui ont subi des traumatismes et les aider à retrouver une vie normale.
Dans cette masterclass vous allez savoir :
👉 Comment retrouver la confiance en soi après un traumatisme,
👉 Quels outils et exercices pratiquer pour arrêter de ressasser le passé et reprendre goût à la vie,
👉 Comment se libérer du passé, vivre l’instant présent et construire son futur grâce à la résilience,
👉 Comment sécuriser l’éducation des enfants et les préparer à affronter le monde moderne,
👉 Comment être résilient au quotidien,
👉 Quelles sont les 3 règles pour surmonter ses souffrances et donner un sens à sa vie.
Il y a une vie après les chocs traumatiques et cette masterclass est faite pour vous aider à redécouvrir le goût du bonheur.
Refugee world day celebration
Cataring class
Support young Refugees
Skilling and impowering Refugees
Single mother and young mother
We thank God for this meeting 🙏
Well plan the activities
We must protect the most vulnerable Refugees
Today I had a session on trauma healing then a client told me that she need a toxicman then I was like do you know the meaning of that word ? 😭
Let's me tell you about that ward
It was a greater meet please !
toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas. To do this, they act in ways that don't present them in the best light and usually upset others along the way.
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Kampala, 34514-KAMPALA
Kazo international community volunteering program (KICVOP) is an organization located on the outskirt
Kampala, <
The St. Nicholas Uganda Children's Fund provides for the education, health, and welfare of Ugandan children, teens, and young adults.
Plot 1420, Ntensibe Road, Kitintale
Kampala, 256
YSU offers educational, health, and life skills opportunity to young people in Uganda through sport.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT HUB: Plot 60 Mbogo Road, Kiwatule, P. O Box 29185, Kampala (Uganda). │ REGIONAL OFFICE: Plot 3 Buyobo Close, Mbale City, P. O Box 1760, Mbale (Uganda)
Kampala, 0414
Allied Youth Initiative is a youth-led nonprofit dedicated to health equity, gender justice and sustainable livelihoods, with emphasized focus on adolescent girls & young women (AG...
P. O BOX 30811
Kampala, 00256
Another Life International has a vision to see Individuals, Families and Communities empowered
Kampala, 10302
ACJPS is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation working to monitor and promote respect for human rights and legal reform in Sudan
Kampala, 6305
PSD is a Non-Profit Organisation that has been formed by a group of Women lawyers and Human Rights Activists committed to advancing Social Justice and Development of the youth and ...
Light Empowerment Foundation is a community based Non government Organization in Uganda that is here to bring Real Change to vulnerable communities .
We exist to promote and inspire active participation and independent living to persons with disabilities through therapy, advocacy, research and other services.