KTR 94.1 FM

It is a media company in the local community.



Once upon a time a beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse.
One morning she ran to her mother and say to her " mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but I am afraid Law of the land will hold me responsible, can you please help me mother?"
The mother answered:
- Yes my daughter I can help you, but, there is a little task attached.
The daughter asked "what task? I am willing and ready to assume any task attached in order to get him out"
OK, said the mother,
1..You will have to make peace with him, so that no one will suspect you when he is dead.
2.. You will have to beautify yourself in order to look young and attractive to him
3.. You have to take good care of him and be very nice and appreciative to him
4.. You have to be patient, loving and less jealous, have more listening ears, be more respectful and obedient
5. Spend your money for him and don’t get angry even when he did not give you money for whatever
6. Don’t raise your voice against but encourage Peace and love so that you will never be suspected when he must have died.
Can you do all of that?
Asked the mother.
Yes i can. She replied
OK, said the mother.
Take this powder and pour a bit in his every day meal, it will slowly kill him.
After 30 days the lady came back to her mother and said.
Mother, I have no intention of killing my husband again. As of now I have grown to love him because he has completely changed, he is now a very sweet husband than I ever imagined.
What can i do to stop the poison from killing him?
Please help me mother.
She pleaded in a sorrowful tone.
The mother answered;
Do not worry my daughter. What I gave you the other day was just Tumeric Powder. It will never kill him.
In reality, you were the poison that was slowly killing your husband with tension and dispassion.
It was when you started loving, honouring and cherishing him, you saved him


I recently picked my wife's phone to make a call, because had a low battery. She comfortably handed me the phone. Upon receiving the phone I saw an unread message from what I later found out was aguy since My wife had saved his name with a lady's name.

I wasn't going to open it but because of the nature of the message, I was forced to read the entire conversation. The unread message on her screen was {I will do anything for you sweetie}.
I know a woman can send that message but my instincts were telling me to confirm the gender from their chat.

They had a long history chat. And calls. I discovered something that shocked me.
It was from their interactions last year when my daughter was born.

When my wife was in the labor ward, I was leading a presentation for our company.
In fact, when my wife forwarded the picture of my daughter to me on WhatsApp, was about to give a speech at the meeting. I was so excited, i had to announce to everyone l had a daughter. I used FORWARDED because she originally had uploaded the picture to this man and captioned it, {Our baby girl).

I took my phone to scroll to see the time she forwarded and found out My daughter’s name that we now call her was suggested in their chat by this man.

I feel so embarrassed, ashamed and betrayed.
I don’t what to do next💔💔💔😭😭😭
Please advise me😩😩🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Bunge Tower has 27 floors with 330 offices, 26 committee rooms, a restaurant, a gym and underground parking with a tunnel connecting the building to parliament.


Bumula MP Wanami Wamboka has presented a notice of motion to the speaker of national assembly seeking removal of Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi. Wamboka has collected 110 MPs in support of the impeachment of the minister.



My dad swore to marry me because I looked exactly like my mother. He attempted many times to eat me but I always refuse, and he'll stop since he never plan to ra.pe me.

My mom died in the operation room, few minutes before I was delivered. Since then my dad has been the one taking care of me.

My birth name was Barisitom, but when I was nine years old. My resemblance with my mom began to show. So my dad changed my name to “Victoria", that is the name of my mom.

I was really happy when ever my father addresses me as “Victoria my always wife". My dad, will keep praising me and calling me sweet names when ever I do anything right.

When I got 18, my dad request I leave my room to sleep in his. We both sleep in the same room and bath in the same bathroom. sometimes my dad will request to bath with me, and he'll play some foul play with me.

I wasn't okay to sleep with him or bath with him anymore because of the odd plays. I took the courage to take my complaints to my dad. But my dad is a sweet talker, so he made me believe there is nothing wrong for us to bath together.

I was in class one day when miss Uju, our health teacher, explained that it was wrong for our dads to bath us or with us at this stage of our life.

What auntie Uju said at the class really got me worried, so I decided to tell my dad once again...

when I got home, my dad has already arranged a special dinner for me and him. But this time I wasn't ready for his sweet words.

I called him ' “Dad Thier is something I really want us to talk about " I requested.

“ Victoria my always wife, you know daddy will always want to discuss anything you want with him".

“Dad my teacher said it's wrong for me to bath with you, Especially at this my age ".

Immediately my dad stood up in anger “ I don't ever want to hear that from you again, no one is taking you from me...... even death".

Your comment



1. Don't just accept every prophesy spoken over you, your spouse or children. Test the spirit

2. Every morning speak a blessing over your spouse and your children

3. Find out the generational struggles, strongholds and troubles your parents and grandparents faced and those of your spouse; and reject them and cancel them

4. Speak to the kind of family, marriage you will become. Prophesy into your future

5. Find key Bible verses to anchor your family on as a couple. Do you have a verse that you claim as a couple?

6. Don't just pray for food and journey mercies. Make your prayer life richer, there is so much to pray for

7. Interact with your spouse and children and know their daily state. How will you pray effective prayers for them if you don't know their day to day living?

8. Don't use the same tongue that prays for your family to insult or speak negativity to your family. Be consistent in what you say to and about your family, even in moments of anger

9. Find plaques to hang on the wall, computer wallpapers and phone screensavers that are in line with your prayer for your family; display them as a constant reminder

10. Ask God "What is your message for us as family? Where should we go?". God is willing to lead you, if you want to be led



You have probably wondered why music doesn't play in banks. This is because money fears noise. I have never seen billionaires in clubs where music is playing with deafening volume. They sit in clubs with low jazz music as they discuss business deals.
Whenever you see people dancing and sweating profusely to high volume music, just know that money is very absent there except for the owner of the club. When you see someone bragging about how rich they are, showing off their belongings, just know that money is soon divorcing them for money fears noise. Money is introverted.
Whenever a family begins to fight, money begins to grow wings. All of a sudden, there will be disappointments, diseases that will demand hospital bills, and other devourers that will siphon the money from the family.
If you want to create a conducive atmosphere for money, just maintain peace, and money will reside there. A troubled man is very unlucky. Avoid unnecessary arguments and passing of blame if you want financial favor to locate you.
They say money talks....But smart money listens.



Most times when a marriage is in trouble , people tend to see their house Marriage as a mistake rather than seeing the mistakes they are making in their marriage. At this point they regret marrying their wife or husband, begin to think of a new partner, imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marriage without issues.

Some even divorce or remarry and later wish they had remained with their first Spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse. This is because the first marriage was not a mistake, and the mistake has not been discovered yet.

So you can remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marriage until you discover the mistakes you are making in your marriage and correct them.

So divorce or separation is not a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marriage.

When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but change the tyre and move on.

When we have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.

When a bulb blows out in the room we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb and light up the room.

When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.

So when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead of changing the attitude that is creating the problem.

Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages and enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire and cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage. The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage by paying the necessary price and that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour. It is said, “The way you make your bed is the way you will lie on it”.

Your marriage is as good or as sweet as you make it. Some couples, because of the negative things they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being responsible. Some even say many bad things about their spouse, even calling him or her names; some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.

It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake, but you are the mistake.

Your habit is the mistake
Your character is the mistake
Your manner, anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity and lovelessness are the mistakes.

Talking about bitterness. Some still dream of a marriage with their ex seeing your spouse as a stumbling block. Wake up to the smell of coffee. Be content with your spouse. That behavior is your mistake.

So get up now and build your marriage because it is not a mistake.
Divorce or separation are never options.


My Husband suggested that we should be more stable financially before we make Babies & l agreed with him.

6yrs down the line, l started complaining to him that it's high time we welcome our Babies.

He said just a little patience, so instead of arguing with him, l stopped using my pills.

Along the line, he noticed & complained bitterly that l want to destroy his long time plan for us.

He said the money in the joint account is for our Babies, that we will soon get to his target.

Few weeks after, on my way from the office, l visited my In-laws to give them some foodstuffs, on my way out, my husband's younger Sister decided to see me off to the car & told me that we needed to talk but not here & l must not tell her Brother.

What my Sister in-law told me, was like a movie to me, that my husband has three Children with his Childhood lover & they are relocating out of the Country soon.

She said she was so sorry that she can't hide it anymore because of my Kindness towards the family.

After hearing everything, l prayed for d.eath but it never came.

I decided to take a day off from work, to search the house, if l can get any documents to confirm what she told me.

My People, it is true, l found all the documents l needed in the store not in our room.....😭🙆🙆Oh my God!

I took all of it, international passports with visas, even money (My money).

Now, he is looking for it & he can't ask me.

At this stage, l am tired, l don't even know what to do next 😭😭😭😭. I need your advise on what to do next. Tear the visas and passport and raise absolute hell in this house that he can never forget? The joint account, empty it first?
Please advice me😭🙏 outside there people are going through a lot please advice her in any way.



When some Women turn 40 or 50 years, something major shifts in their personality.

They become bolder, more rebellious, more religious, more focused, more opinionated and more emphatic about what they want.

Don’t be surprised when a previously obedient and submissive Woman on turning 40/50 changes completely.
Most especially when she had given birth to Children.

At this age, she may not go with the flow anymore, she may begin to ask some questions :
- Is s*x food?
- Query some of your instructions
- Even the way you behave.

She will also become more outspoken and will not be afraid to speak her mind.

If care is not taken, you may have to do for yourself :
- Dry cleaning
- Preparing food to eat
Because it might take her more time before she responds to your request.

There is something definitely special about turning 40/50 for Women.

If she has never challenged or questioned your instructions, get ready to be shocked by her boldness and confrontational attitude.

The only way to avoid total breakdown of Peace and Harmony in the home is for Men to become fair, objective and reasonable in their approaches to issues at home and/or at work.

Men should bear in mind that at this age, Women also harbour lots of regrets about the decisions they have made in life so far ... Their Husbands may be one of them!

A woman at this age is a better Judge of character and will evaluate a Man using very different & weird parameters.

Men must start on time to prepare for this phase in the lives of their Wives/Partners/Bosses/Subordinates.

What you put in is what you get!
If you have treated her fairly, then you don’t have anything to worry about.

She will begin to appreciate you better if for any reason she didn’t do so in the past.

On the contrary if you haven’t been nice to her, fasten your seatbelt, the ride is about to get pretty bumpy.

A Woman doesn’t forget those who hurt her, and by her actions and utterances you will know that she is out to show you that she is no longer that little girl you married..

For young men, It might help to learn these early in life.



1:A man who doesn't want to raise another man's child but goes ahead to marry a woman who already has a child, and tells her to leave the child at her parents home, instead of simply marrying a woman without a child..
2:A man who marries a woman who has a degree or a diploma and tells her to quït job so she can stay home and take care of children,if you needed a house wife why not marrying a grade 2 drop out than k!lling someone's dreams and career...
3:A man who is a drūñkard and marries a church girl and makes her life a living hëll.. instead why not just marrying a fellow drūñkard so they can drink themselves,than strëssing someone...
4:A man who Imprēgnātēs a woman and dēñied the prëgnänçy but comes back later to seek responsibility after the child is born and after the woman has strügglëd to raise the child,if the child was not yours when he was still in the w0mb how does he suddenly become yours when he is born??
Women be alert of this...... 👌👆💯✅



Girls at the age of 18-24 years always attract serious men who are fully ready to marry them, but at this age most of our girls/sisters never wish to hear anything about marriage.
1. I'm too young for that.
2. Who cares about marriage.
3. I'm focused on my books.
4. I want to gather some money first.
5. Marriage is full of problems.
These are some of few statements ladies talk of at their youth age.
But these girls will be having serious & series of s*x relationship with small boys of their age, because at that age, they always have high rate of boys, guys and men coming for them, but they will prefer to choose those boys rather than the real men who want to marry them. They are still young to marry right, but they are not young to have s*x with boys.
No problem, God is watching you.

At age of 25-27, parents will start asking them the following questions;
1. How far?
2. Don't you have any one yet ?
3. Are you not planning to get married ?
4. Are you seeing that all your mates are getting married ?
5. Don't you know you are getting old?
But mind you, parents only see the outside of their daughters, not knowing there is nothing left inside.
With all these questions by her own parents, she will now be thinking and asking herself things like: My mates are marrying,
1. Does it mean am old enough to marry?
2. Hmmm, how should I go about it?
3. My boyfriends are not serious about asking my hand in marriage.
4. They are not even ready to marry yet.
5. Well, God knows the best. I believe in God.
See oooh...!, she has started putting her blame on God. "God's time is the best" OK, I agree for argument sake.
At age 27-30 they now start looking for men to marry not boys to have s*x and play with again.
They will start looking for serious relationship that will lead to marriage, but unfortunately, at this age of 27-30 not all men will be asking their hand in marriage.
You will see them forcing themselves to marry a man who don't want to marry them. Please we beg you, leave us alone.
No single man at age 27-30 will like to marry a lady of 30-35. Now you hear the sisters say age does not matter.
My sister, it matters a lot.
Imagine buying a rotten tomato for $10 and your friend buys a fresh one for $7. Yes, that's how it feels like in marriage too.
Remember you rejected men because you think you were too young. What makes you think your old age does not matter to us?
That's why some men go back to their villages to find young girl to marry when the city ones are not serious about marriage and those that are serious happen to be old for them.

At age 30-35, her friends will ask her:
1. Why are you not married yet by this age of yours?
2. Is it not getting too late for you ?
You will hear her asking you some silly questions like...
1. Are you God?
2. Or do you want to marry me?
3. Is it a crime to be single at 30 or 35?
4. Did I see a man willing to marry me but I refused?
5. God knows the best for everyone please.
At age 30-35 they will start praying like never before, moving from one church to another. If she's a Muslim, she will start praying night prayers, fasting and dressing modestly.
If you ask her for dating, she would burst out to say:
1. My brother, I'm not like them.
2. Am looking for a serious man, a husband not dating.
3. If you truly love me go and see my parents for marriage.
4. I can't do anything with you without my parents concern.
Dear parents, they have started knowing your worth. When she was 18-24, she was doing everything without considering you as parents.
You don't expect a young man of 27-30 to marry you of 30-35 as his house wife when there are younger pretty girls out there.
Even if he chooses to ignore your age and marry you, his family and friends will discriminate you.
Men that will be interested to marry you will be of 45 yrs and above and mind you, those men are married with kids except you wanna be second or third wife.
Everything in life has its own season and time.
There's no lady at age 30-35 seeking for marriage who haven't been approached during 18-24. But by then, they were busily jumping from clubs/parties to hotel rooms looking for FUN not MARRIAGE.

Not everything is about prayer. God who created you has made a plan for you. But when you change the plan or miss the road, please don't disturb the peace of God. Because, He will be busy planning for your younger sister.
Think about this when you have time.

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 16/04/2024

Brother Big Rodger, be strong, God will always stand with you in this trying moment. It's not easy though 😭😭😭😭


Elgon FM breakfast show host and station manager Elgon Radio 95.4 FM Roger Barashaki's daughter Shakaina dies in Mulago National Referral Hospital. Our condolences to our colleague and brother. Take heart in this trying moment. We shall miss her and her jokes forever. Rest in Peace angel😭😭😭😭


Heavenly Father, our creator, our reedemer, our helper, You are our awesome God, we now come to You at this particular precious morning, as we say thank You for free gift of life You have granted us. Lord our God we pray for Your manifestation on this day, that You may touch each and everyone this morning. Lord bless the work of our hands as we prepare to start this day.

We know it's not for our energy that we are alife today but it's for Your will that we are breathing today Lord. We ask for forgiveness for where we have gone across Your ways Lord. We call upon Your favor that exceeds human understanding to be upon us this season.

Dear Lord help us to see the remaining days ahead of us this year Lord. Dear Lord we pray for the sick this morning, May Your healing cover them today Lord. Those with sorrow Lord may You grant them happiness King of Kings.

Thank You Lord because You've promised that You are going to answer our prayers Lord, we worship You Father, we glorify You because You are worthy to be given all the honour Lord. We thank You because You are going to manifest Your hand in our lives,

Whatever we have not prayed we call upon Your Angels to pray for us secretly, it through Jesus Christ I do pray, believe and trust. Amen🙏🙏


DJ Mark enjoying the vipe on Kapchorwa Trinity Radio, follow up


Big shout-out to my newest top fans!

Chemutai Nashirah, Chebet Dona, Joseline Chemutai, Fildaus Cherotich, Musau Oscar

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 04/01/2023

Hello hope you are doing well my dear friends.
Today's results in girl's football tournament at Boma Ground;
1. CMNI Vs Chema Young 7-0 Keziah (3) Shanam aka Jesus (2) Charity (1) Alisma (1)
2. Budadiri Vs Kapchorwa Muslim High 6-0 Muduwa Peace (3) Nabuduwa Phiona (1) Nabugwere Nahia (1) Nabinyo Medrine (1)

Tomorrow's match;
1. Lifelong Kapkoch Vs Toronto at 9:00am
2. Kaptanya Vs Mikween at 11:00am
3. Kapkwata Vs CMNI at 2:00pm
4. All Saints Vs Budadiri at 4:00pm

Success to the teams playing. We hope for the best. Sorry for the changes made its for the sake of our players. Good luck to every team. Come witness this big play girls showing their talents in the Galla of its own kind.


Just a reminder.

went to Genesis hotel through Exodus road.
On the way, I saw Leviticus recording the Numbers of people at Deuteronomy, while Joshua was waiting at the Beautiful gate for Judges to see Ruth calling loudly "Samuel, Samuel".
At a stage, the first and second Kings of Chronicles were coming to visit Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for the misfortune of Job their brother.
They started singing Psalms and teaching children Proverbs concerning Ecclesiates and Songs of Solomon.
This coincided with the period that Isaiah was engaged in Jeremiah's Lamentations together with Ezekiel and Daniel their friends.
By that time, Amos and Obadiah were not around.
Three days later, Hosea, Joel and Jonah travelled in the same ship with Micah and Nahum to Jerusalem.
Habakkuk then visited Zephaniah who introduced him to Haggai a friend of Zechariah whose cousin is Malachi.
Immediately after the tradition, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John got involved in Acts of the Romans who were behaving like the 1st Corinthians group because the 2nd Corithians group were always at loggerheads with the Galatians.
At that time too they realized that the Ephesians and Philippians were close to the Colossians, suggested the first Thessalonians visit and that on their second Thessalonians visit they should first of all see the first and second of Timothy brothers who had gone to the house of Titus to teach Philemon his younger brother how to read and write in Hebrew.
On hearing this James asked Peter twice to explain to him how the three Johns have disclosed to Jude the Revelations of this journey.
And those are all the books of the Bible....
Dont enjoy alone forward/Tag/ SHARE to fellow Christians.


Check on this



Big shout-out to my newest top fans!

Sikoria Hazard Jackson, Mas Yergga, Siwa Brians Kissa, Chelangat Priscilla

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 02/01/2023

Happy Birthday manager, may you live long to fulfill your dreams. Live to blow a thousand candles. Happy Birthday 🎂

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 02/01/2023

Are you ready for the challenge? Back to school girl's football Galla starting on 3rd Jan 2023. Show interest for this great competition. Sironko District Local Government has not been left out. They will popping to Kapchorwa today for the competition. Don't miss the great opportunity to show up your talent and how best you can play. Contact Community Media Network International (CMNI) Office, located at Central Division headquarters. Let's show love to our girls. Great thanks to our sponsors, Research Triangle Consortium - Uganda, Youth Councillor Kween District Hon. Victor Huru, Joshua Cheptegei Development Foundation and many others organized by Community Media Network International. All matches will be played at Boma Ground Kapchorwa. Mzee James wi be showing his 21km run strength in his 52 years. Who's ready for the challenge him?

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 27/12/2022


Just in

An accident has just happened this evening
Along Mbale Soroti highway Claiming the lives of 3 on the spot...
The rest left in severe injuries involving a my car registration number *UBD 525Y* and a scania truck of registration number *UBK 741W*

More details to follow..


It's very good to pray before going to sleep to ask God for your guidance and protection against bad dreams, evils, and bad omens.

Talking with God every day using this prayer could give you a peaceful night full of encouraging dreams and visions.

Dear Lord, I come to your presence this night. I call upon your power and spirit to come and stay with me. I'm tired of frightening and terrifying dreams every day. Dreams of collapsing instead of succeeding my God. I ask for your help from this juncture. Send me all angels of war to combat these weird dreams, Lord.

My creator, I need good dreams. Dreams of encouragement, prosperity, harmony, and love. I need your protection from all the harms, and confusions. Protect me from dangerous creatures. Those which fly or move should never reach me.

Protect my friends and everyone who trusts in you. Bless us with a nice night full of empowering dreams. When I wake up tomorrow, I will praise you Almighty God.

I pray and believe. Amen.

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 25/12/2022

Thanks to Hon. Phyllis for showing love and compassion to the sick. Grateful to have such a mother. God will continue to bless you



We’ve had a year of major twists and turns; of optimism and despair; of great personal and national losses; of great and indelible pain; but also moments of joy, jubilation, and of some rare achievements.

Christmas is a time of reflection on all these. It’s a time to reflect on our values, desires, affections and traditions. We reflect on the boundless love of God that is symbolised by the birth of Christ.

It’s through such a reflection that we can meaningfully interpret the state of our country today and respond to it appropriately.

Many in our country will be having nothing to eat this Christmas; many are jobless and without hope for any job; many are in agony from illnesses they can’t get remedies for; many have no shelter or clean water; many are out of school, even when there is UPE & USE; and Makerere remains closed.

This Christmas should challenge us to reflect on this state of affairs. I’ll be soon sharing some views on what we ought to do in 2017 to get our country back on her rails. Let’s commit ourselves to dealing with the pain and suffering of our compatriots.

May this Christmas sparkle with love, joy, revival and goodwill that flow out of God’s presence!
Merry Xmas!!

Photos from KTR 94.1 FM's post 24/12/2022

According to Luke 2,10-11, 11-4, He says "the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord"...Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

Lord God, our mighty Father, you have sent us a Savior, who was born to bring great joy to all people around the world. We glorify Your powerful name, we pray.

O Lord, give the world the peace that alone You can give, the peace that wells up in everyone hearts, and let Your favor rest on us so that we may hold out under our sufferings on the this earth. Father, me and alot of people around the world need your loving and merciful help to remain inwardly steadfast until everyone can be reached by the message, "we shall be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ". Amen.

According to Romans 10:9, He says "If you declare with your mouth that 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved".

Mighty Father, I and my family thank You for everyday blessings and benefits, we thank You for making us to be alive to enjoy what You have stored up for us in all these days and years, and we also thank You for the opportunity to serve Your holy name and to be a partaker of the joy of belonging to You. Thank You, Lord.

Today, I pray that the angels on duty shall watch in this house be multiplied, and I decree and pray that the light of God shall replace the darkness in this neighborhood, in Jesus name. Amen.

Today, the power in the blood of Jesus shall break the power of any avenger of blood operating in me and my family life.

Today, mighty Father shall destroy any power of darkness that has come to steal, kill or destroy anyone or anything in my family, in Jesus name. Amen.

Today, the voice of the blood of Jesus shall speak out loud on me and my family behalf everywhere and anywhere evil is been determined against us in Jesus name. Amen.

Today, I and my family get out of the queue of those waiting for their miracles and we join the queue of those giving testimonies. And "as surely as God visited Sarah because He promised", He shall visited me and my family this morning and all shall laugh with us in Jesus name. Amen.

Today, I and my family receive one of its kind miracles that will make us give one of its kind testimonies. And for the remaining days of this year, I and my family will only testify and rejoice in our God, in Jesus name. Amen.

Mighty Father, I and my family thank You for such a time like this and for all answered prayer. Today, "It is our turn to Testify", in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

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