Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services

Deeply Rooted, in partnership with Soul Full Collective, offers 1:1 in-person & telehealth therapy for adults.

Specializes in treating ✨eating disorders/disordered eating ✨body image ✨relationship challenges ✨attachment, codependency✨LGBTQ+ population


Eating disorders look different on everyone and they affect everyone, not just young women.

Men and older adults can also struggle with them, driven by complex psychological factors, not vanity.

Book a Free 15 Minute Intro Call at (805) 864-1387 or email [email protected] to get your questions answered and see if we're a good fit.

Photos from Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services's post 07/11/2024

Creating an inclusive family space is crucial 🌈

1. Practice active listening and open communication.

2. Educate yourself on LGBTQ+ issues.

3. Encourage honest dialogue and respect differences.

It may bring up hard or conflicting feelings when your loved one comes out. It's important to be mindful of what you say in those moments and most importantly seek support for yourself too.

Let's make every family member feel valued! 🌟 Share your experiences below. +

🌟 Curious about working together? Schedule a free 15 minute intro call at (805) 864-1387 or email [email protected] to learn more!


Integrated therapy can offer compassionate support for overcoming eating disorders 🌟

Through personalized care, you gain tools to respect your body and practice intuitive eating. 💚

Embrace your journey of self-acceptance and body neutrality. We're in this together.


🌟 Dealing with Food Guilt 🌟

Feeling guilty for not finishing all your food, even when you're not hungry anymore 🍽️😔?

It's okay to leave food on your plate. Whether it's because your appetite changed, you're full, or you simply didn't enjoy the meal as much as you thought you would, it's important to listen to your body's signals. 💬❤️

Feeling guilty about leaving food is understandable. Food guilt can often come from:

🛒Being reminded of those who may not have enough to eat

🛒Having been raised with the 'finish everything on your plate’ rule

🛒When the food somebody eats mediates their mood or comfortability sitting in their bodies

🛒It is a food that somebody is rarely “allowed” by themselves or parents

🛒Food scarcity or a home with a fear of food scarcity potentially 1st or 2nd generation immigrant families an/or families in low ses

However, forcing yourself to eat past fullness isn't the solution.
Some practical, creative ideas might be to consider saving leftovers for later or finding creative ways to repurpose them 🔄🍲

🗯️For some, these feelings are more complex and require being open to explore new ways of coping, and uncover the beliefs linking your worth to how much food you do or don’t eat.

👇Share any other reasons you experience or ones you hear of that contribute to food guilt

If you or somebody you know is struggling with food guilt, consider seeking professional support. I am reachable at


🌟 Let's Talk About Mental Health 🌟

Today, I want to open up a conversation about something that's incredibly important but often overlooked: mental health. 🧠💬

It's okay not to be okay. We all have our ups and downs, moments of strength, and moments of struggle. But it's vital that we create a space where talking about our mental health isn't taboo, but encouraged and supported. 💖

Remember, you are not alone. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, or any other mental health challenge, there are people who care about you and resources available to help. Don't hesitate to reach out and seek support. 🤝

Let's prioritize our mental well-being, break the stigma, and foster a culture of understanding and compassion. Together, we can make a difference. 💪


🌟 Finding peace starts with taking that first step. 🌟

Struggling with eating disorders, LGBTQ+ concerns, codependency, women's issues, or relationship challenges? You're not alone. The team and myself at SoulfulCollective offer compassionate therapy, both in-person and through telehealth, providing support wherever you are.

✨ Remember you get to choose a therapist that is right for you. You deserve the very best so go through the checklist to help identify what you do and don't want!

✨ Empowerment and healing await as we navigate these paths together. Reach out today and let's start your journey toward healing and self-discovery. 🌈💖

Photos from Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services's post 11/18/2021

Dieting or pseudo-dieting is bad for you and there’s solid science to back that up.

But when you’ve pretty much spent your whole life on a diet or pseudo-diet, up, it’s tough to break the habit.
Learning how to recognize and reject diet culture (in all its subtle guises) will help you break the diet cycle.


Dieting is like a seesaw…


What goes up must come down


Restrictive food choices will work …. For a period of time.
But deprivation will eventually peak


When it does, over indulgence, cravings, the “F its” go up as deprivation comes down.


Until the overindulgence peaks when you feel guilty, bad about your body, beat yourself up over your health etc.


And restriction and deprivation are back on the rise.


The only way to stop the seesaw is to get off….


That's why I help women get 👏 off 👏 the 👏 seesaw 👏 where life can be smooth, confidence is embodied and health is sustainable.


Book a discovery call today at no cost to learn how to get👏 off 👏 the 👏 seesaw👏.


I didn’t have to stare in the mirror at my outfit for the day saying to myself “oh. god.”


Having to get dressed for the day can really be hard especially when you feel bad about your body. It makes worse those dreaded Monday mornings when you have to depart from the pajamas and comfy T’s you got to snuggle up in for the weekend.


So what then? You go on accepting that it’s just going to feel bad every morning? Or you dedicate yourself to a new, rigid, restrictive diet to try and feel better?


These are usually the only two options people think they have!


To tell you the truth, I thought so too! I felt like I either restricted and over exercised to fix the insecurity I felt or I would have to live in the drowning hopelessness.


Then I found out that I actually had the manuscript for the exact right “diet” for my body the whole time!


It wasn’t written up by someone who didn't live in my body either. Nor somebody who didn’t know how my activities, work, hectic life changed moment by moment hence calculating exactly the intake I needed.


Truth is, I was born with it. That manuscript is read to me, by my body, every single moment with the exact right information. But I was taught not to listen!


My path to learning how to reconnect and understand the way my body communicated with me in our special language taught me how to depart from my comfy pajamas as an intuitive, strong, woman.

Book a call to leave insecurity and body shame behind for good


When people ask me “What’s the #1 thing that changed your life?” my heart does this thing that feels like a smile and a sigh.

My answer: I decided to tune in to the wisdom of my body, to honor her rather than shame her, to fuel her by her terms and not my rules, to love her as the vessel of my soul rather than try to form her into something she didn’t want to be. It’s when I chose me, my wholeness, my wellness over the standards and expectations of my world.

I’d love to here what changed yours 😊👇


No, you don’t need to keep those old pants in your closet for inspiration.


I totally understand why you want to. In the end it can hurt you more. How it happened for me and most women I have worked with ---


You want to lose weight because you have those jeans from 5 years ago sitting up at the top of the closet for when you shrink back down.


You see them sitting there each morning when you get dressed for work as a reminder that today you must do better, be better, to get one step closer to wearing them again.


With shame put on, you close the closet and set out for your day.

You make the kids breakfast trying to have your coffee and resist a bite of those pancakes because you have those perfect old pants in the closet.


The coffee pushes you through lunch only having a small snack or a salad. You pat yourself on the back, good job you think.


You sit at your desk daydreaming about the chocolate in the kitchen. Your stomach rumbles but thats okay you tell yourself I had that salad.


Part of you knows that you should be eating and the other part remembers the goal.
Part of you yearns for that chocolate and the other part says just a few hours more.
Part of you feels its not worth it and part of you desperately wants to feel good and confident.


By the time you get home, you open the door and quickly scrummage for the chocolate you’ve been dreaming about for the last few hours.


The first bite is heaven. And so are the next few.


Until the shame that you got dressed with this morning taps you on the shoulder and says, good luck getting back to those pants now.


And you go to bed feeling hopeless, sad, insecure. Waking up the next morning to open the closet doors and remember once again those feelings of insecurity and shame.


There is hope. Not hope that starts your day with shame or ends in insecurity.
Real hope. Real hope that creates real and lasting change.


Women are encouraged to be non existent

Talking with my roommate the other morning we were recalling how affected we both were as young girls whose bodies developed and thus the size of our clothes changed.

I remember I had cried and felt so shameful the day I grew out of a size 0 as a child. My goal for years after that was to get back to a size 0.

That's what peers were wearing, That's what the people on tv were wearing. Thats what friends were wearing.

I thought to myself, who am I if I'm not the "thin" one?

Being anything above a zero was inadequate. It meant I was too big. Taking up too much space.

As I learned that my body structure was my body structure no matter what, that no amount of weight loss would change my bone structure I would give myself some leeway...

I could be a 2.

Most of the time, the stores didn't even carry over a 6 in stock. How sad is that.

Now as someone who no longer cares, I have clothes in all different sizes because every thing fits different!

But what strikes me is that our girls want to be a zero. Why we have clothing sized 0 or 00 is beyond me. That only exists for women.

And the message is,
"Be small. Take up as little space in the world as you can. Be nothingness. Be zero. "

I recognize that I've lived with thin privilege and my experience of this differs from girls who grew up in bigger bodies.

This size "0" messaging affects girls of all sizes. The pressures to take up little space hit us all. Both consciously and subconsciously.

Comment "take up space" if you got the messaging to make yourself small (with your voice and/or with your body)


What if you could feel good in your skin, accept your body, be healthy, and eat right for your body without dieting or restricting yourself of what you want? Comment 😊 if you relate, thats the life you want

Timeline photos 08/31/2021

Living body conscious is painful! -

Timeline photos 08/30/2021

They make money by making you feel inadequate! -



❗️Whether we like it or not this generation (not unlike many before it) are being raised by diet culture messages that tell them they aren’t enough, that they need to meet some expectation to me worthy.
❗️ With social media at its peak influence, these kids can’t escape pictures and videos promoting extremely dangerous diets, body checking, judgement etc.

❗️You are there biggest influence. You are the one they look up to, are listening to (whether you are talking to them or not)

I remember listening to the adults in my life shame their bodies, starting all the new diets, hiding their body in the summer time. It stuck with me. It wasn’t something they pushed onto me. But consciously and unconsciously I absorbed those messages too.

‼️Here’s the thing, “do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work! To protect you kids from these messages YOU need to model it! You need to EMBODY what you want for them.


Enjoy your cake like Joey! This little dude is almost three years old and he teaches me things every day! He teaches me to that you can't forget to be playful, what it means to be present, and to live from a place of love. Watching him eat his birthday cupcake so happily (although he also eats sticks and grass with the same quality smile haha!) I couldn't help but smile. He enjoys his food and not for a moment does he ever stop to doubt his body. He just listens to it! I remembered the times that I would cry over cake, the birthdays and events I missed because I was so lost inside myself and wouldn't be around the food, how one bite of cake back then would spin me in panic and obsessions that followed me for days, all the lies I used to tell because of it all, all the fear. It makes me sad to think back on that time in my life full of so much fear, depression and anxiety. But I smile because today I get to show up just like Joey and eat food because it's yummy and it fuels my body without doubt. You can do it too!

You don't need to waste years and years like I did struggling to recover the way treatment has been set up for years. I will be hosting a training on how to utilize a revolutionary new way to find food freedom this Thursday 5PM PST On Facebook LIVE. If you're ready to set yourself free you have got to learn about this!


❗️Are you struggling with obsessive thoughts about food weight or body image? ❗️Do you battle internally between wanting to recover and following through? ❗️Do you feel hopeless?
I did too! In this webinar I will be sharing with you what helped me recover AND what I wish somebody told me when I was struggling so I didn’t have to struggle so long. Then I will teach you how to make this happen for yourself! If you’re ready to recover, to have a life that is bigger than your body, the food, the obsessive thoughts and the inner turmoil then I highly encourage you to join me Thursday July 29th at 5PM PST 💜💜💜

Photos from Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services's post 07/17/2021

Boundaries are hard but essential. People can have feelings about your boundaries and you can still have them. Having boundaries let’s you have the space to take care of yourself so that you can show up in relationship and in the world as your highest self. Choose you!

Photos from Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services's post 07/16/2021

This little dude went swimming in the river for the first time! He is a fur ball that reminds me to love more, play more, cuddle more and enjoy more. Thank goodness that ESA animals exist! Do you have a pet that helps you? Tell me all about yours!

Timeline photos 07/07/2021

Take care of yourself so you have the energy and motivation to choose recovery even when its hard

Photos from Deeply Rooted Wellness Center - Therapy Services's post 06/30/2021

Trapped in an eating disorder to living a full & free life traveling with my best pup…

As you may know, over the last few years I have battled and recovered from an eating disorder that made my life very small. I have thought about doing a webinar on how I recovered when I was told I would always live having to manage the eating disorder thoughts. Would you be interested? If so please complete this quick survey!


We all need to remember our child side and have some fun! It’s just as important to be in the moment and find joy as it is to sit down, talk about and tune into your feelings. Find fun today!


Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday! I wanted to pop on to spread the word about the life coaching I offer. As a student of psychology and somebody who has overcame many of my own social and emotional battles, I am showing up as a source for compassion, a space for you to be seen and heard and help you to build your toolbox of life, social and interpersonal relationship skills. Please reach out if you're struggling in any area of your life, whether it be to me, a trusted friend of family member, significant other or mental health professional. Reaching out takes courage and the ability to reach out is a huge predictor of lasting positive change/growth! Feel free to contact me at (805)864-1387 or PM me

Transcript of "Men need to talk about their sexual abuse | Seth Shelley | TEDxUNBC" 09/06/2020

I watched a TedTalk today by an incredibly brave man who has opened up in the most vulnerable way to talk about his experience being a boy who was sexually abused. I took many important things he said to heart. One of which is about how we need to challenge the stigma and create truly safe spaces for people to come and share. Men are so often dismissed or left out of the conversations around surviving sexual abuse. And its time that male survivors are heard to, that all survivors are heard.
"So often, their identity is simply replaced with their context. Some misconceptions come from the family or community that we grow up in. Some misconceptions come from someone who wishes us harm. Some misconceptions come from someone trying to sell us a product, much like young women believing they need whatever that product is in order to be thin and have self-worth. But misconceptions steal from our stories and they rob from our identities."

Transcript of "Men need to talk about their sexual abuse | Seth Shelley | TEDxUNBC" TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Pastor Seth Shelley takes us on an emotional and at times difficult journey about male sexual violence. He brings forward his own story of sexual assault to ask men to open up about their personal stories too. Graduating from Summit Pacific Bible College in 2012 wi...


"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." ~ Aristotle

Psychology of why we love taking selfies 09/06/2020

How many selfies are on your phone right now? It might be time to ask yourself why you take selfies. Some self inquiry could be:
Why do I care about how others think of me?
How much do I care what others think of me?
How much of what I do is with intention to make a specific impression on others?
If others don't see me the way I hope; what am I telling myself that means?

Psychology of why we love taking selfies How many photos of you are on your phone right now? These days, humans take almost 1 trillion photos a year. To put that into...

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Videos (show all)

PARENT’S GUIDE TO EATING DISORDERS This can be a very triggering time for individuals struggling with eating disorders. ...
Self care will always look different. Ive learned that sometimes my self care means some much needed "me time" and somet...




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