Capital District Family Chiropractic, Albany, NY Videos

Videos by Capital District Family Chiropractic in Albany. Capital District Family Chiropractic is a family practice specializing in gentle chiropractic care for the whole family.

If you’re ready to find the missing link to your child’s low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠

In this informative video, Dr. Rhiannon Clauss gives us the link that we’ve all been missing when it comes to your child’s care… and that’s the role the nervous system plays in autism and low muscle tone! 💪

At Capital District Family Chiropractic, our Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors are dedicated to helping children with autism thrive. 🎉 We use cutting-edge Neurological INSiGHT Scans and customized care plans to identify and address the root causes of low muscle tone and developmental delays.

Don’t wait another day to start seeing real, lasting improvements in your child’s strength, coordination, and overall well-being. Click the link in our bio to schedule your child’s Neurological INSiGHT Scans and learn how our unique approach can make all the difference for your family. ♥️

Want to see the whole video? Check out our YouTube channel in our bio! 🔗

#pxdocs #lowmuscletone #autism
#albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Other Capital District Family Chiropractic videos

If you’re ready to find the missing link to your child’s low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠 In this informative video, Dr. Rhiannon Clauss gives us the link that we’ve all been missing when it comes to your child’s care… and that’s the role the nervous system plays in autism and low muscle tone! 💪 At Capital District Family Chiropractic, our Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors are dedicated to helping children with autism thrive. 🎉 We use cutting-edge Neurological INSiGHT Scans and customized care plans to identify and address the root causes of low muscle tone and developmental delays. Don’t wait another day to start seeing real, lasting improvements in your child’s strength, coordination, and overall well-being. Click the link in our bio to schedule your child’s Neurological INSiGHT Scans and learn how our unique approach can make all the difference for your family. ♥️ Want to see the whole video? Check out our YouTube channel in our bio! 🔗 #pxdocs #lowmuscletone #autism #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

If you're ready to find the missing link to your child's low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠 In this informative video, Dr. Rhiannon Clauss gives us the link that we’ve all been missing when it comes to your child’s care… and that’s the role the nervous system plays in autism and low muscle tone! 💪 At Capital District Family Chiropractic, our Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors are dedicated to helping children with autism thrive. 🎉 We use cutting-edge Neurological INSiGHT Scans and customized care plans to identify and address the root causes of low muscle tone and developmental delays. Don't wait another day to start seeing real, lasting improvements in your child's strength, coordination, and overall well-being. Click the link below to schedule your child’s Neurological INSiGHT Scans and learn how our unique approach can make all the difference for your family. ♥️ #pxdocs #lowmuscletone #autism #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

💞Decoding Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Calming The Perfect Storm for Kids Experiencing ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, Autism, Anxiety, & More. An intimate in-person workshop for parents of children struggling with neurodevelopmental, learning, or behavior challenges, this paradigm shifting workshop will equip you with HOPE, HELP, & ANSWERS💕💕… ...And a clear path & plan that has changed the lives of so many families over the last 10+ years.🎉It’s time to discover the safe, effective & drug-free options that consistently improve the quality of life, health, behavior, and learning abilities of kiddos all over the world. In a world where we are seeing a dramatic rise in Autism and that 1 in 50 children are affected, nearly 40% of kids and teens experience an anxiety disorder. And ADHD, ADD, OCD, and SPD are more common than ever. We need REAL answers & solutions that truly change lives more than ever before. 🙌 If this is something you’ve been searching for, reserve your seat for this in person workshop today so that you can get the hope, help, & answers that can help change everything! 👏 Come join us while we discover why parents, providers, & educators have been celebrating this breakthrough approach presented at this workshop. Who Should Attend The Perfect Storm: ● Parents who have children who have received a diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, SPD ● Parents who are worried about their child’s growth, development, mood, focus, sleep, eating, overall wellness and performance at home and school ● Family members who help care for children who are struggling ● Providers and educators wanting to deepen their understanding of neurological growth and development, especially with sensory and spectrum cases Click the link in our bio to register for our Perfect Storm workshops between both offices! 🔗🌪️

While various factors contribute to chronic constipation, such as poor nutrition and excessive toxins, many families are already making positive changes in these areas. However, some are plateauing or not seeing results! Watch this informative video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss as they reveal why this may be the case! 🧠 At Capital District Family Chiropractic we love to help families find answers to their chronic constipation concerns before turning to heavy medications with potentially harmful side effects. As always, we are here for you to provide hope, answers, and help in any way we can! ♥️ #pxdocs #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

While most everyone will look to the stomach or digestive system 💩for the root cause of colic, often it’s found even deeper – within the nervous system and its control and coordination of digestive motility, absorption, and elimination. 🧠 When tension and subluxation build up along the neurospinal system, a colic baby will often arch their back and crane their neck 😬 trying to release or dissipate that tension themselves. When this occurs, it is an almost sure sign that the root cause of their discomfort is neurospinal discomfort and tension, not merely digestive dysfunction. If you are feeling exhausted and emotionally drained after weeks + months of sleepless nights and trying to soothe a crying, distressed baby, please know that you are not alone and our team is here to help! 🙌 If you're ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby's colic, watch this video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss and then click the link below or in our bio for our next steps. Let us help you and your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don't spend another exhausting night wondering if there's hope – DM us if you have any questions! Our team is ready to help! ♥️ #pxdocs #gassybaby #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

While most everyone will look to the stomach or digestive system 💩for the root cause of colic, often it’s found even deeper – within the nervous system and its control and coordination of digestive motility, absorption, and elimination. 🧠 When tension and subluxation build up along the neurospinal system, a colic baby will often arch their back and crane their neck 😬 trying to release or dissipate that tension themselves. When this occurs, it is an almost sure sign that the root cause of their discomfort is neurospinal discomfort and tension, not merely digestive dysfunction. If you are feeling exhausted and emotionally drained after weeks + months of sleepless nights and trying to soothe a crying, distressed baby, please know that you are not alone and our team is here to help! 🙌 If you’re ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby’s colic, watch this video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss and then click the link below or in our bio for our next steps. Let us help you and your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don’t spend another exhausting night wondering if there’s hope – DM us if you have any questions! Our team is ready to help! ♥️ Want to check out the whole video? Click the link in our bio to check out our YouTube channel! 🔗 #pxdocs #gassybaby #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Are you looking for Hope, Answers, and Drug-Free Help for your entire family? This podcast will blow you away with inspiring stories, groundbreaking science, and incredible interviews with fellow parents and leading pediatric + family health experts. Each episode will leave you more empowered and with practical, real life action steps to help your children heal, build resilience, and reach their full potential! #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny #experiencemiraclespodcast

If you’re wondering how your child’s so dysregulated, or overstimulated, watch this wildly informative video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss! We have the technology to see exactly what’s going on within their nervous system to find the root cause of dysregulation! Schedule your Neurological INSiGHT Scans at Capital District Family Chiropractic if you're ready to help your child break free from the cycle of chronic health issues and unlock their full potential! Want to learn more?? Click the link in our bio! Our team is always ready to help you and your family! ♥️ #pxdocs #adhd #nervoussystemhealth #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Inflammation is the ROOT of all disease” – but is that really true? Chronic inflammation affects not just the gut and immune system but also the brain and nervous system, 🧠contributing to conditions like Autism, ADHD, and anxiety. In this wildly informative video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss you will see how there is more than just inflammation causing chronic illness in our children today! 😣 For more information, visit the link in our bio or DM us! Our team is always ready to help you and your family! ♥️ 👉 #pxdocs #inflammation #microbiome #gutbrain #vagusnerve #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

If your child struggles with sensory overload, you know the daily challenges all too well. Meltdowns, anxiety, and feeling isolated – it's overwhelming for the whole family. But what if we told you there's hope? In this video, Dr. Rhiannon Clauss talks through the hidden root causes behind sensory overload and how to find the neurological stress within your child’s brain and body so that they can start to function at their best! For more information on sensory overload, visit the link in our bio! Our team is always ready to help! ♥️ #pxdocs #SPD #sensoryprocessingdisorder #selfregulation #overstimulated #anxietyinkids #adhd #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Are you a parent of a child struggling with chronic neurological issues like Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and Epilepsy? Have you been searching for answers and explanations, only to be left feeling frustrated and hopeless? 🔍😩 Well, we’ve got exciting news 🚨we know you’re going to love – a brand new Podcast made just for moms + dads who have been left disappointed by the traditional medical system 🏥 and are still searching for hope, answers, and drug-free solutions not found anywhere else! Every single day we sit down with parents who feel like they’ve been entirely dismissed and ignored by their pediatrician and the traditional medical system, only to watch their children NOT simply “grow out of” early life challenges and concerns like colic, constipation, chronic ear infections, and missed milestones. 😞 They move on and become their own family’s advocates, taking on every diet change, biomedical, and natural health 🌱intervention they can find – hoping something will work and bring relief to their family’s health struggles and suffering. Well parents, if you feel like you’ve tried nearly everything under the sun ☀️and still haven’t seen the results you’re looking for, you’ve got to check out The Experience Miracles Podcast ✨🎙️w/ host Dr. Tony Ebel! Simply click the link below or in our bio, and be ready to be inspired + informed like never before! #pxdocs #healthpodcasts #wellnesspodcast #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

In this video, Dr. Rhiannon shares the story of why she became a chiropractor! AND now why our awesome docs choose to help so many other families! To learn more about our awesome team, visit the link in our bio! ♥️ #pxdocs #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

If there’s one thing you’ll never catch us doing here at Capital District Family Chiropractic, it’s telling parents that they only have one choice when it comes to their child’s health. Instead, we talk about a sequence of healing and how the nervous system is the foundation of it all, especially when struggling with anxiety. Watch this video from our patient care advocate, Antanaja, as they break down the science behind anxiety and how medication doesn’t have to be the only answer! Click the link in our bio for more info! ♥️ #pxdocs #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

What if we told you that experts have found a connection between the overuse of technology and teen anxiety? Are you concerned about the impact of excessive screen time on your teen’s mental health and development? 🧠 If you've noticed your child struggling with anxiety, depression, or behavioral issues, and you suspect that their phone or tablet might be playing a role, then this video from our patient care advocate, Antanaja, is for you! 👏 Visit the link in our bio to read more about teen anxiety and how we can help! ♥️ #pxdocs #teenanxiety #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

If you've been told to "wait and see" or that your child will simply "grow out of" their developmental challenges, but your mom gut is telling you something more is going on, trust that instinct. 👏 You know your child best, and you deserve a healthcare provider who listens to your concerns and digs deeper to find answers. At Capital District Family Chiropractic, we specialize in providing personalized, neurologically-focused care for children of all ages and abilities. 🧠 To learn more about how we can support your child's developmental milestones, watch this video from our patient care advocate, Antanaja, and click the link in our bio to schedule your child’s neurological scans. Together, we can help your child thrive! ♥️ #pxdocs #crawlingtips #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

If your child has been struggling with gross motor delays and you feel like you've tried everything without lasting results, it's time to look deeper and find out if subluxation, excessive sympathetic tone, and things like the lasting effects of birth trauma could still be at play! 👏 To find out how your child’s gross motor function is doing down to the very core, watch this video from our care advocate, Antanaja, and visit the link in our bio to learn more about the Neurological INSiGHT Scans! 📊 Once we have those scans, we can create a truly customized and fully tailored adjusting care plan, made just for your child – and finally get them past that plateau or stuck point and back on track with their gross motor development! 💪 #pxdocs #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

We all need to prioritize our health more - but with a cheat code that is quick, lasting, AND actually identifies the root cause. Seriously, dads, we know you are busy! This is one of the awesome reasons why we use Neurological INSiGHT Scans! 📊 They help us identify what we need to prioritize in your care plan and then we can be efficient with your appointment times I’m to get you home to those you love most! 👏 Watch this video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss as she goes through stress management tips for dads and how it starts with the nervous system! 🧠 Click the link in our bio to schedule your initial consultation and Neurological Scans at Capital District Family Chiropractic! Let's work together to help you become the superhero you're meant to be – for your family and for YOU. 🙌 👉 #pxdocs #fathersday #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Okay dads, so maybe we’re not getting you another round of golf…. But we promise this is better!! 😏 Dads who get adjusted report better sleep, more energy, way less pain and tension, and better stress management – making life a whole heckuva lot easier to keep up with! It’s finally your time to get started at Capital District Family Chiropractic and join your fam in all the nervous system health and healing action!!! Make sure to click the link in our bio to learn more about health hacks for dads and how we can help! 👏 #pxdocs #fathersday #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

Are you one of the 55% of Americans who experience high stress daily? Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and constantly on edge? You're not alone. When your sympathetic nervous system, 🧠 responsible for the "fight or flight" response, becomes overstimulated, it can lead to a host of issues like digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and mood imbalances. This persistent activation tells your brain and body to stay in emergency mode, even when there's no real danger. ❌ Over time, this can result in chronic conditions and a decreased quality of life. But there's hope! By understanding the root cause of nervous system dysfunction, you have the ability to restore balance and be more adaptable and resilient than ever. Schedule your Neurological INSiGHT Scan at Capital District Family Chiropractic and let’s pinpoint where your stress is coming from together! Click the link in our bio to read more and discover proven techniques to calm your overactive nervous system! 👏 👉 #pxdocs #chronicstress #adrenalfatigue #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion #wiltonny

At Capital District Family Chiropractic, many of our ADHD patients take medication breaks over the summer. At first, this can sound like it would be foreign and stressful! BUT, we have seen many improvements with the kids in our office who choose to do this! And here’s why! ⬇️ At Capital District Family Chiropractic, we specialize in ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. We do this by focusing on the nervous system! The nervous system is in charge of “fight or flight” and “rest, digest, and regulate.” If your child is having a hard time focusing and regulating between the “gas pedal” and “brake pedal,” it’s the nervous system that we need to look into in order to find the root cause of ADHD symptoms! Our goal is to help the nervous system 🧠 adapt and regulate, so that your child doesn’t have to be stuck on the gas 24/7! Dr. Rhiannon is trained to identify and address the root causes of your child's symptoms, so they can thrive both in and out of the classroom… and be ready to have the best summer, full of pool parties and sunshine!! 🏖️ Click the link in our bio or comment “ADHD” for more info on how you can get your child started today! AND, let us know if you ever need anything! Our team is here to help! ♥️ #pxdocs #drugholiday #medicationholiday #stimulantmedication #dopamineaddiction #vyvanse #adderall #adhdwithoutmeds #albany #albanyny #cdfchiro #saratogasprings #cdfc #capitaldistrictfamilychiropractic #capitaldistrict #capitalregion