Capital District Family Chiropractic

Capital District Family Chiropractic is a family practice specializing in gentle chiropractic care for the whole family.

Gentle, effective neurologically-focused Chiropractic care for the whole family, with a specialty in pregnancy and pediatrics. Dr. Rhiannon has extensive training in the nervous system's role in spectrum and sensory disorders.


Summer is supposed to be a time of fun, relaxation, and enjoying all sorts of events like going to the beach, taking in parades and carnivals, and going on vacation. 🏖️ But for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder, it can be a season full of stress and difficulty. From hypersensitivity to certain sounds and textures to constantly seeking out intense sensory input, SPD can affect every aspect of a child's development. 😥
Sensory Processing Disorder affects a staggering 1 in 6 children, with numbers continually rising. 😵‍💫 Despite this prevalence, healthcare providers frequently overlook or misunderstand SPD. When the sensory nerve pathways INTO the brain and nervous system are altered and interfered with, the brain 🧠 and nervous system then receive “bad information” – and in turn that leads to poor decision making or interpretation – and finally bad or inappropriate actions + outputs as a result of this bad information and improper processing or interpretation of the sensory information. It's time to get an INSiGHT scan and look into your child's nervous system if you notice them struggling with:
❌ Oversensitivity to Touch, Types of Clothing, Sounds, Smells Lights, and Trying New Foods
❌ Seeking Sensory Input
❌ Avoiding Sensory Input
❌ Difficulty with Fine Motor Skills
❌ Difficulty with Gross Motor Skills
❌ Balance and Coordination Issues
❌ Poor Body or Spatial Awareness
❌ Overwhelmed in Crowded Places
❌ Difficulty Transitioning Between Activities
❌ Emotional Outbursts
❌ Difficulty Self-Calming
❌ Hyperactivity or Inactivity
❌ Difficulty Sleeping
❌ Poor Attention Span
❌ Repetitive Behaviors
Comment 'SPD' if any of these sounds like your child so our team can reach out with action steps you can take this summer to set them up for their best school year yet!!


Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 08/02/2024

Happy Friday CDFC tribe! In the past couple of weeks, we have had some snake sleepovers in our office! 🐍💤 Our sweet kiddos let their toy snakes sleepover in our office so they can have fun with the staff and they go back with them when they come in for their adjustment the next day! 😁 Which animal/reptile should sleepover next? 🤔

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 08/01/2024

Sensory Processing Disorder really does affect the whole family. 😣 It stops kids from enjoying the little things like a new outfit all the way to making memories at Disney World. 🎪 So many families are constantly searching for answers and being told to try many therapies and diet changes. Although all of those things are amazing, the system can become even more overwhelming, which is why we have to get down to the root cause of SPD. In most cases, we see that SPD comes from a dysregulated nervous system that is struggling to perceive, analyze, and process the sensory input the way the brain was designed to.

For more information on the next steps to take, comment SPD so our team can share some science and action steps with you! ♥️

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 08/01/2024

If you have a kiddo with sensory processing struggles, then you know that awful feeling of having to walk out of restaurants and stores because the noise and commotion are just too much for them….or wanting to enjoy those precious family experiences that quickly get canceled. 😫
This was the case with Miss Arianna before she started receiving regular Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care. Her sensory processing challenges started to consume her quality of life both outside and inside the home. Vacuums, blow dryers, blenders…you name it, those basic noises turned into big anxiety, tantrums, and overwhelm. 😰
Arianna’s nervous system was so stressed on the inside that her brain and body had a much harder time processing any outside senses- loud noises, social settings, sometimes food, and touch. It’s like having an inaccurate volume gauge that turns up the volume 🔊 of those senses to an extremely high level. Too high for anyone to respond calmly.
So it was time to turn the volume down and get Miss Arianna feeling like her best self. 💪🏻 When she started receiving regular care, her nervous system started to calm and regulate so much better. Mom said she could tell chiropractic was working when they were finally able to be around louder noises & it did not result in a meltdown. A drastic change in her everyday life. ❤️
Over the years, Arianna has continued to get adjusted to help her be more adaptable and resilient. Though there have been new challenges and stressors that have come about, chiropractic has helped her adapt the very best that she can. Mom says her family and friends close to them have noticed a big difference in her. 👏🏼
She’s growing into the bright, creative, and full-of-life girl that she was designed to be - and sensory processing disorder is not going to hold her back. Way to go Arianna!


🧩 Autism and low muscle tone – a connection that's often overlooked, but incredibly important to understand. It is estimated that 50% of children with ASD have low tone, compared to much lower rates in the general pediatric population. This points to an important connection between hypotonia and autism.

As parents, we want answers when our children struggle with physical challenges like poor coordination, delayed milestones, and difficulty with daily tasks. But what if there's a deeper, neurological link we're missing? 🤔

The nervous system controls motor development and coordination via nerves that signal our muscles to move and hold positions. When the nervous system is not working properly, it impairs motor tone, leading to low muscle tone. Here are some signs your child may be struggling with low muscle tone:

❌ Poor posture

❌ Difficulty maintaining upright head control

❌ Delayed ability to lift head up

❌ General muscle weakness with fatiguing quickly

❌ Fluctuating muscle tone that varies throughout the day

❌ Delays in rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking independently

❌ Challenges with fine motor skills

❌ Poor control of oral motor muscles

❌ Difficulty integrating both sides of the body together

For more information and the hope, answers, and help you've been searching for, head to the and send us a DM! We'd love to answer any questions you may have!



If you're ready to find the missing link to your child's low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠

In this informative video, Dr. Rhiannon Clauss gives us the link that we’ve all been missing when it comes to your child’s care… and that’s the role the nervous system plays in autism and low muscle tone! 💪

At Capital District Family Chiropractic, our Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors are dedicated to helping children with autism thrive. 🎉 We use cutting-edge Neurological INSiGHT Scans and customized care plans to identify and address the root causes of low muscle tone and developmental delays.

Don't wait another day to start seeing real, lasting improvements in your child's strength, coordination, and overall well-being. Click the link below to schedule your child’s Neurological INSiGHT Scans and learn how our unique approach can make all the difference for your family. ♥️

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/29/2024

Before chiropractic care, Aarav was struggling with poor body coordination and speech. 🗣️ He had difficulty using his words appropriately and consistently for communication.
Mom also said, “It used to be very challenging to work with Aarav. I used to get tired as he lacked focus and was always in constant motion.”
Being the incredible family that they are, they sought out all of the best therapies for him. While he was making good progress, they still felt like he was capable of so much more. So they searched and found pediatric chiropractic. 🎉
Chiropractic helped calm, coordinate, and regulate his nervous system 🧠 so that he could better integrate what he was working on in his therapies- setting him up for some amazing success! 👏
Mom said she knew chiropractic was working when he started showing tremendous improvement in his therapies. 🤩
She says, “He was able to focus and learn new skills in a short time. He excelled at all his goals in ABA therapy. His BCBA and Occupational therapists were curious to know about the techniques I was using at home. They were shocked that the changes were due to chiropractic because they weren’t familiar with neurologically-focused care. Friends and family saw a huge difference in his behavior and use of language. I could clearly see that the care plan was working for him.”
As he continued care, mom says:
“We are happy to see many positive changes in our son. He is using words and sentences to communicate his needs effectively. He has shown a tremendous improvement in the use of communicative and receptive language. He has a better understanding of where his body is in space. He is more settled and calm in unfamiliar places. He is able to focus well during the table time activities. 🎉
At the beginning of the care plan, he could hardly sit in one place for a minute. Now he is able to draw, write, and color for more than 20 minutes. He keeps receiving praise for his fine motor skills too. We thank the entire family at PX Docs for all the timely help and support.” 💙


While various factors contribute to chronic constipation, such as poor nutrition and excessive toxins, many families are already making positive changes in these areas. However, some are plateauing or not seeing results! Watch this informative video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss as they reveal why this may be the case! 🧠

At Capital District Family Chiropractic we love to help families find answers to their chronic constipation concerns before turning to heavy medications with potentially harmful side effects. As always, we are here for you to provide hope, answers, and help in any way we can! ♥️

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/25/2024

Read what this amazing momma has to say about Shelby’s struggle with extreme constipation! 😩
“Shelby was not p**ping on her own. We got to the point where she would only p**p when we did her 1x a week suppository. We had to take this approach since she ended up in the emergency room when she didn’t p**p for almost 3 weeks… She hated them and wouldn’t lay on her back without hysterically crying.
We knew this wasn’t good since her body was relying on it but we were worried she would go weeks again. When we were hitting the 1 week mark she would start puking and wouldn’t eat. I had IUGR when pregnant with Shelby and she was born small and her not p**ping affected her eating drastically so she wasn’t growing enough.
She would get extremely irritable and was so fussy. Her tummy was constantly hurting. Our lives were stressful and overwhelming to say the least at this time. Knowing your child is in pain and nothing we were doing would help was too much to handle.
We felt like we were in this never-ending cycle and going nowhere. We tried every doctor and nothing worked. I came across PX Docs on Instagram and they had just posted about constipation. I thought why not give it a shot?
A little over a week into her care plan, she p**ped on her own. We were sooo happy! We were told it could take a bit of time and she responded very quick. It was amazing! From that point on I knew this was the answer. I truly don’t know what we would do without PX Docs, they changed our family's life for the better especially Shelby’s of course. Shelby is finally thriving and showing her sweet side we knew was there but was hidden by her constant discomfort.” 💙

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/25/2024

At Capital District Family Chiropractic we talk a lot about p**p! But most importantly, what causes our children to be constipated, and what we can do to help! 👏 If your child is still struggling even after trying nutritional changes, supplements, probiotics, and over-the-counter medications, 💊 it's time to consider the role of neurology. 🧠

For more information on how a stressed and stuck nervous system can interfere with the signaling between the brain and the gut, visit the link in our bio! Or feel free to contact our office! We are always here to help! 🎉


Is your baby constantly crying, and you feel like you've tried everything to soothe them? Sleepless nights, endless crying, and a feeling of helplessness – if you're a parent of a colicky baby, you know this struggle all too well. 😭 You're not alone! Colic affects 1 in 4 babies, leaving parents exhausted and desperate for answers. 😴
Recent studies suggest a link between colic and neurological dysfunction, triggered by factors like maternal stress, birth trauma, and gut imbalance. 🧠 Once that sympathetic dominance sets in for your baby, they struggle with basic health functions like sleeping, eating, and p**ping which can lead to being constantly uncomfortable. 😣
Our doctors are specially trained to help identify the neurological factors behind colic and gently restore your baby's nervous system balance and function. This means their sleeping, eating, and p**ping comes back into balance and your once inconsolable baby becomes your happy baby!! We hear they are “such a happy baby now” from parents all the time and we want you to be saying the same thing about your precious little babe!
Don't let colic steal another precious moment with your little one. 💔 Click the link in our bio to learn more about the science behind colic and learn how our specialized care at Capital District Family Chiropractic can help your baby find drug-free relief.



While most everyone will look to the stomach or digestive system 💩for the root cause of colic, often it’s found even deeper – within the nervous system and its control and coordination of digestive motility, absorption, and elimination. 🧠

When tension and subluxation build up along the neurospinal system, a colic baby will often arch their back and crane their neck 😬 trying to release or dissipate that tension themselves. When this occurs, it is an almost sure sign that the root cause of their discomfort is neurospinal discomfort and tension, not merely digestive dysfunction.

If you are feeling exhausted and emotionally drained after weeks + months of sleepless nights and trying to soothe a crying, distressed baby, please know that you are not alone and our team is here to help! 🙌

If you're ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby's colic, watch this video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss and then click the link below or in our bio for our next steps. Let us help you and your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don't spend another exhausting night wondering if there's hope – DM us if you have any questions! Our team is ready to help! ♥️


We would like to give a huge happy birthday to our Scan Tech Patient Care Advocate, Kolleen! Kolleen has been with us at Capital District Family Chiropractic since May of 2024 and is full of vibrancy, cheer, and is always down for dancing! 💃🎶🥳

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/22/2024

Just another case of “It’s common but not normal!” 😭 Colic isn’t normal but has been normalized in our culture today! So mama, trust your gut! If you feel like there’s more to your child’s symptoms than “they’ll just grow out of it” you’ve found the right place! Colic means that a baby is uncomfortable, wound up, and has stress within their nervous system. 🧠

At Capital District Family Chiropractic we have non-invasive technology that can pinpoint the stress so that our doctors know exactly where your baby’s nervous system needs some help unwinding! For more information, visit the link in our bio, or feel free to DM us! ♥️

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/22/2024

Babies are designed to eat, sleep, and p**p comfortably- and when that’s not happening life is HARD. Not only for the little one but for the entire family. 😞
For Victoria, that was just the way life started. Mom said, “She was constantly gassy, fussy, having trouble p**ping. Never happy.” She had major reflux and just never seemed comfortable.
Mom said it was a HUGE challenge because it seemed like nothing was working. And if something did work, it was only temporary. They tried gripe water, massage, and just about everything else you could think of. ❌ But, then they got a recommendation from a trusted pediatrician to try Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic and that’s when mom decided to give it a chance.
The birth process can be very stressful on a delicate developing nervous system (which is the controller of all things eat, sleep, and p**p). And for Victoria, her neurological scans showed just that: An overwhelmed, stressed-out brain and body that was getting in the way of her developing comfortably. 👎🏻
Mom said when she saw the scans she was shocked, but at the same time understanding what was causing her struggles and why the scans looked that way.
Once she started receiving gentle, nervous system calming adjustments: Victoria (and the entire family) reached some really big victories!! 🎉
Mom said now, she is “so happy and THRIVING!” No more major gas, reflux, or discomfort. She laughs and plays so nicely (seriously is there anything better than baby laughs!? 🥹) and she is able to move around with no problem.
Yayy Victoria! To hear that you are “such a happy baby now” is just the way you were meant to be. Can’t wait to see what you do in life little one! 🚀


Understanding your child's nervous system can be crucial for their overall well-being. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is part of the autonomic nervous system that controls the body's 'fight or flight' response. This system gets activated during stressful situations, helping the body to react quickly.

👉 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬: It increases heart rate, redirects blood flow to muscles, and releases adrenaline. This prepares the body to either confront or flee from danger.

👉 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Beyond emergencies, the SNS helps regulate everyday bodily functions such as maintaining blood pressure and body temperature.

👉 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: An overactive SNS can lead to anxiety, hyperactivity, and difficulty concentrating. Children need to have balanced nervous system activity for optimal emotional and behavioral health.

👉 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡: Chronic activation of the SNS can affect a child's physical health, leading to issues like digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and weakened immune response.

As Pediatric Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, our expertise is the autonomic nervous system, and we are always focusing on the sympathetic nervous system, its functions, and its impact on developing children. By understanding and supporting your child's sympathetic nervous system, you can help them manage stress better and improve their overall health. For more detailed information, please visit the 🔗 in bio.



Happy Friday CDFC Tribe! 🔥 We have been getting some crazy weather lately! ☀️🌧️⚡️🌪️ We want to make sure that you are all safe (and hydrated!) during these hot summer months! 😎 We will see you on Monday! 😁

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/18/2024

At Capital District Family Chiropractic we totally understand what it’s like to have kids who are stuck in fight or flight mode. From digestive struggles to sleep disturbances, and everything in between! It’s hard to figure out where it’s all coming from, especially when the traditional pediatrician tells us to just “wait and see” or that they will for sure “grow out of it” someday! But what if they don’t?? 🤷 What if they grow into some other challenge instead?!

This is why it is so important to find the root cause of what’s causing our child to be stuck in fight or flight! At Capital District Family Chiropractic we have the technology to pinpoint where exactly this stress is stuck on and what we can do next! Visit the link in our bio to learn more about sympathetic dominance and how our team can help! ♥️

Photos from Capital District Family Chiropractic's post 07/18/2024

Read how this momma feels like she finally ‘has her son back!’ 🥹
“Henri was struggling with a variety of concerns including severe full body eczema, emotional dysregulation, difficulty with transitions, verbal mimicking, and self-inflicted hitting, biting, head banging, and gagging. These challenges made it incredibly difficult to navigate everyday tasks let alone have him attend and engage in school.
My husband and I felt helpless and overwhelmed with how best to support Henri. At first, hearing about his increased challenges at school, we felt largely to blame.
Henri was evaluated by Early Intervention and received observations at school by a social worker, yet we were left without any recommendations on how to better support him and these challenges.
I finally felt validation and relief when first seeing Henri’s scans. They mirrored my own, showing a “gas pedal” response. This was when I experienced a shift in feeling like I had answers for these concerns, a way to address them, AND a team to help! To put it simply, I felt hope.
We realized chiropractic was working for us when we started to hear from Henri’s teachers that they noticed significant improvements in his behavior at school. When asked how his day went, it shifted to “he actually had a great day!” We had noticed similar significant changes at home and got to see more of the sweet, goofy, joyful Henri!
There has been an absence of any of the hitting, biting, head banging, and gagging behaviors since being adjusted consistently for a few months.
Today, Henri is a healthy, happy, growing, almost three-year-old boy who asks to go to the chiropractor! He loves school, learning, and socializing, and has developed meaningful relationships with his teachers and peers alike. Since calming down his CNS, we have been able to witness his speech progress significantly, he is better able to manage transitions, express strong emotions, self-soothe, and even see more of his empathic side come out in helping his peers cope. Overall, we feel like we have our son back! “ ❤️


If you’re wondering how your child’s so dysregulated, or overstimulated, watch this wildly informative video from Dr. Rhiannon Clauss! We have the technology to see exactly what’s going on within their nervous system to find the root cause of dysregulation! Schedule your Neurological INSiGHT Scans at Capital District Family Chiropractic if you're ready to help your child break free from the cycle of chronic health issues and unlock their full potential!

Want to learn more?? Click the link in our bio! Our team is always ready to help you and your family! ♥️


On Friday, August 23rd at 12:00 pm, join Dr. Rhiannon in our SARATOGA office for our informational Perfect Storm workshop!

💞Decoding Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Calming The Perfect Storm for Kids Experiencing ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, Autism, Anxiety, & More.

An intimate in-person workshop for parents of children struggling with neurodevelopmental, learning, or behavior challenges, this paradigm shifting workshop will equip you with HOPE, HELP, & ANSWERS💕💕…
..And a clear path & plan that has changed the lives of so many families over the last 10+ years.🎉It’s time to discover the safe, effective & drug-free options that consistently improve the quality of life, health, behavior, and learning abilities of kiddos all over the world.

In a world where we are seeing a dramatic rise in Autism and that 1 in 50 children are affected, nearly 40% of kids and teens experience an anxiety disorder. And ADHD, ADD, OCD, and SPD are more common than ever.

We need REAL answers & solutions that truly change lives more than ever before. 🙌

If this is something you’ve been searching for, reserve your seat for this in person workshop today so that you can get the hope, help, & answers that can help change everything! 👏

Come join us while we discover why parents, providers, & educators have been celebrating this breakthrough approach presented at this workshop.

Who Should Attend The Perfect Storm:

● Parents who have children who have received a diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, SPD

● Parents who are worried about their child's growth, development, mood, focus, sleep, eating, overall wellness and performance at home and school

● Family members who help care for children who are struggling

● Providers and educators wanting to deepen their understanding of neurological growth and development, especially with sensory and spectrum cases

Register for this free workshop on Eventbrite! 👉


Are you tired of chasing symptoms and feeling like you're never getting to the bottom of your health issues? That you've tried so many changes to your family's lifestyle and all it's gotten you is extra stress trying to add in so many different things? You're not alone. Millions of people struggle with symptoms like digestive problems, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and mood imbalances. 😣
At Capital District Family Chiropractic, we refer to Nervous System Dysregulation as the often-overlooked culprit behind a wide range of health challenges. From inflammation to gut problems to sensory overload to mood swings, it can be emotionally draining to feel like you're left putting things all together on your own. 😭
The nervous system controls and coordinates every major system of the body. When it becomes dysregulated and out of balance, it immediately begins to shut down and alter things like gut function and gross motor coordination, and it also massively interferes with immune system function and inflammation. 🤧
If your child struggles with sleep, gut, immune, sensory, and behavior issues – learning to help them better regulate their nervous system 🧠 and restoring function to the vagus nerve may be the missing link you’ve been up late at night searching for!
So maybe it’s time to stop chasing symptoms and trying a new medication or a new supplement for each and every issue. Instead, let’s help you address “everything at once” by getting your child’s nervous system regulation and function back in order so that they can truly heal “from the inside out” and get back on track with their health and well-being! 👏
For so many families Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, like we specialize in here at Capital District Family Chiropractic, has given their family so many benefits. Give us a call today to schedule your nervous system scans!! ♥️ (518) 599-0067.



On Thursday, August 25th at 7:00 pm, join Dr. Rhiannon in our ALBANY office for our informational Perfect Storm workshop!

💞Decoding Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Calming The Perfect Storm for Kids Experiencing ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, Autism, Anxiety, & More.

An intimate in-person workshop for parents of children struggling with neurodevelopmental, learning, or behavior challenges, this paradigm shifting workshop will equip you with HOPE, HELP, & ANSWERS💕💕…
..And a clear path & plan that has changed the lives of so many families over the last 10+ years.🎉It’s time to discover the safe, effective & drug-free options that consistently improve the quality of life, health, behavior, and learning abilities of kiddos all over the world.

In a world where we are seeing a dramatic rise in Autism and that 1 in 50 children are affected, nearly 40% of kids and teens experience an anxiety disorder. And ADHD, ADD, OCD, and SPD are more common than ever.

We need REAL answers & solutions that truly change lives more than ever before. 🙌

If this is something you’ve been searching for, reserve your seat for this in person workshop today so that you can get the hope, help, & answers that can help change everything! 👏

Come join us while we discover why parents, providers, & educators have been celebrating this breakthrough approach presented at this workshop.

Who Should Attend The Perfect Storm:

● Parents who have children who have received a diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, SPD

● Parents who are worried about their child's growth, development, mood, focus, sleep, eating, overall wellness and performance at home and school

● Family members who help care for children who are struggling

● Providers and educators wanting to deepen their understanding of neurological growth and development, especially with sensory and spectrum cases

Register for this free workshop on Eventbrite! 👉

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

If you’re ready to find the missing link to your child’s low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠In this infor...
If you're ready to find the missing link to your child's low muscle tone, it’s time to look at neurology! 🧠In this infor...
💞Decoding Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Calming The Perfect Storm for Kids Experiencing ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, Au...
While various factors contribute to chronic constipation, such as poor nutrition and excessive toxins, many families are...
While most everyone will look to the stomach or digestive system 💩for the root cause of colic, often it’s found even dee...
While most everyone will look to the stomach or digestive system 💩for the root cause of colic, often it’s found even dee...
Are you looking for Hope, Answers, and Drug-Free Help for your entire family? This podcast will blow you away with inspi...
If you’re wondering how your child’s so dysregulated, or overstimulated, watch this wildly informative video from Dr. Rh...
Inflammation is the ROOT of all disease” – but is that really true? Chronic inflammation affects not just the gut and im...
If your child struggles with sensory overload, you know the daily challenges all too well. Meltdowns, anxiety, and feeli...
Are you a parent of a child struggling with chronic neurological issues like Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, ...
In this video, Dr. Rhiannon shares the story of why she became a chiropractor! AND now why our awesome docs choose to he...




40 Colvin Avenue Suite 100
Albany, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 1:30pm
4pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 7:30am - 11:30am
1:30pm - 6:30pm

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