Old Town Herbal, Albuquerque, NM Videos

Videos by Old Town Herbal in Albuquerque. Bulk herbs, teas, clays & resins; local and handmade body care, salves, lotions, incense

I usually post sound off, but the bustling background of cheerful voices is the total @downtowngrowers market vibe today. Enjoying our spot surrounded by park goers and our other awesome vendor neighbors @durdejerky @pawsitivelyappetizing @metal_the_brand @lustfordeadoddities @marisalcdebaca

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Other Old Town Herbal videos

I usually post sound off, but the bustling background of cheerful voices is the total @downtowngrowers market vibe today. Enjoying our spot surrounded by park goers and our other awesome vendor neighbors @durdejerky @pawsitivelyappetizing @metal_the_brand @lustfordeadoddities @marisalcdebaca

Just showin' off our sweet store bbs basking in the sunlight of the golden hour 😚 Admiring our bodacious wall of herbs alongside all the beauties from our local makers. I spy... @there_be_mountains, @glitteralchemyabq, @queenofthemeadowskincare, @_concreterose__, @eastsideremedios, @chelle_summer, @beldamia, @wildcardgoods, @flying_m_co, @lilianarondon8

We're here at the Albuquerque Downtown Growers' Market! 🥬 8 a.m. to noon at Robinson Park representing our in-house herbals products and teas from OTH & deliciousness from Tiny Grocer ABQ We found this video on Downtown Grower's website and wanted to share. It's from the Before Times but it gives such a lovely texture to what the market is all about – community! connection! local food & local makers! As you probably know, that's our ethos, too. It's what compelled us to open up Old Town Herbal in 2019 and tiny grocer abq in the middle of 2020 (!), it's what has kept our businesses thriving and customers returning despite the unknowableness of the last year, and it's what continues to facilitate our miraculously, beautiful expansion (more to share on that excitement in due time! 🦋) Plus, with all those summery leaves popping, watching this is like looking into the future at the gorgeous season and possibilities awaiting us...