The 410 Bridge

The 410 Bridge

We work hand-in-hand with people in Kenya and Guatemala living in extreme poverty.


✨Every chance we get, we want to empower and lift up people to recognize that God has given them giftings and skills to move their communities forward to a better and more self-sustaining place.

Sponsoring a community, whether for $18, $23, $35, or more a month, allows for this to happen.

Learn more here:

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 09/06/2024

Exciting progress is happening in Mugaa community!

The construction of a second 3-classroom block is well underway, bringing the school closer to having enough space to host Junior High School students. The foundation is complete, and the walls are going up, all thanks to the incredible efforts of the local community.

They came together to gather stones for the foundation and level the site, showing the power of unity in creating a brighter future for their children. Stay tuned for more updates as this new classroom block takes shape! 🧱🏫

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 09/05/2024

REPOST “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬

So thankful that I had the opportunity to serve on my second mission trip this past week! It was so beautiful to see not only God’s love for me, but the endless love He has for His people and children. Leaving this community I’m filled with so much love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal 5:22-23) This trip humbled me in so many ways and was full of answered prayers. Seeing God show up in more ways than I could have imagined, reminds me all over again why I choose to make Him Lord of my life even through hard times. Grateful for another amazing experience of serving my Savior and His people.

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15❤️

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 09/04/2024

Meet Filogonio Figueroa, a father of three from Las Lomas, Huehuetenango. Faced with economic hardships and lack of employment, Filogonio once considered migrating to the U.S. But when 410 Bridge arrived in his community, he joined the leadership council and everything began to change.

“The work that 410 Bridge has done in my community has blessed my life,” Filogonio shares. His son, who had serious speech and learning difficulties, struggled in school for years. But through 410 Bridge’s program for children with special needs, everything changed. With the right therapies, his son passed first grade and is now in second grade, communicating better every day.

Filogonio also joined the Foundation for Farming training program and hasn’t missed a session. He now has a small organic vegetable plot, feeding his family and selling produce in his community. “The F4F training has taught me to produce in a better way, as a family, and to see the opportunities to generate income. Now, instead of buying at the market, we sell what we produce. I’m even thinking about investing my money, something I never imagined before.”

“With my small production, we also bless others by sharing what we grow. I’m happy with what we’ve achieved, and the idea of migrating has disappeared.”

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 09/03/2024

there are so many things i could say about my time in kenya. the lessons i learned, conversations i had, and the people i met all changed me for the better. the community and people in kenya were filled with so much joy! it was so easy to feel their love for Jesus and for us! i learned that God can work through us, regardless of our situation, and i was reminded the importance of seeing joy in all circumstances! i am beyond grateful for this team and the family they have become. we endured absolute chaos together and there is no group of people i would rather almost get stranded in africa with. i have a newfound love and joy that can only come from the Lord and i couldn’t be more thankful. God is good, all the time! all the time, God is good!


"There is a close link between the vegetation of each region and the differentiation and distribution of its wildlife. The highland rainforests support a variety of large mammals, dominated by elephants and rhinoceroses, although both species have been reduced significantly because of poaching and deforestation.

Bushbuck, colobus monkeys, and, occasionally, galagos are also found. The bamboo zone contains varieties of duiker and some species of birds.

Highland predators include lions, leopards, and wildcats. The most-prolific animal populations are found in the extensive grasslands between the forest zone and lower areas, principally varieties of ungulates, such as the hartebeest, wildebeest (gnu), zebra, and gazelle. Others include the waterbuck, impala, eland, warthog, and buffalo.

These are preyed on by lions, spotted hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, and wild dogs. Without the interference of the forest, birdlife is much richer there, and lakes and rivers are inhabited by swarms of fish and occasionally by hippopotamuses and crocodiles.

In the thornbushes and thickets of the arid regions are elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, leopards, giraffes, gerenuk, impalas, dik-diks, and various kinds of kudu; suni antelope, buffalo, and elephants are found in the coastal forest.

Hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and many varieties of fish are found in the large rivers, while the coastal waters contain abundant marine life, including butterfly fish, angelfish, rock cod, barracuda, and spiny lobsters." -Excerpt from the Britannica

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 09/02/2024

The second BST training in the Ulu community recently kicked off, with 37 eager trainees joining the class, and more expected throughout the week. 🙌

This marks the community's second BST training, and the impact from previous sessions has already been incredible, with many inspiring success stories emerging.

As this one-month training continues, we ask for prayers for God’s protection over the trainees and trainers. May this training bring lasting economic, social, and spiritual benefits to everyone involved and to the entire community.


Pray for your sponsor child🙏❤️⁠

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 08/31/2024

REPOST Thank you LORD for bringing me back to Guatemala. I love seeing you work through these communities. The joy and resilience of the people here are a testament to your grace and love. Each day, I am reminded of the strength and unity that can be found in faith and community. It’s heartwarming to see the smiles on the children’s faces and the gratitude in the eyes of the adults. I am truly blessed to be a part of this journey and to witness firsthand the positive changes happening here.

1 Peter 4:10 NIV

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”


Let's Talk Child Sponsorship in Mutirithia 🌍✨

Your sponsorship will guarantee that the child you sponsor is enrolled in school and has access to a quality education. It also addresses your sponsored child’s physical needs, through health monitoring and feeding programs when needed.

Most importantly, your sponsorship gives your child the opportunity to learn about Jesus and be encouraged through our discipleship programming.❤️

With hundreds of children around the world, we need passionate sponsors looking to make a real difference in a child's life!

For only $39 a month, we will connect you directly with a child living in a 410 Bridge community.

Find a child to sponsor today -

A Summer Trip to Ndibai, Kenya – The 410 Bridge 08/30/2024

"This was my first visit to Ndibai, and it was truly inspiring to see the tangible impact of the programs that have been implemented over the years. From Business Start-Up Training (BST) and Foundations for Farming (F4F) to the Living Seed program, Leadership Development trainings, and school sustainability initiatives, the transformation was evident in every corner of the community.

One of the highlights of my trip was meeting Richard. Richard exudes a quiet confidence—think of E. F. Hutton; when he speaks, people listen. After participating in our farming training in 2022, Richard has transformed the way he farms.

When asked what he appreciated most about the training, he listed several things:"

A Summer Trip to Ndibai, Kenya – The 410 Bridge In July, I had the privilege of leading a Kenya Open team, and I’d love to share some of the experiences that left a lasting impact on me. Our team was a diverse group of 12 people from five U.S. states and Toronto, Canada, with five of us being repeat trip participants. It was a wonderful mix of ...

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 08/29/2024

Kamaku Primary School in Ulu has taken a giant leap forward, and we couldn’t be prouder to share the news!

The school now boasts three new classrooms, complete with proper desks, chairs, and electricity, replacing the old makeshift structures.

On this special day, the entire community came together to celebrate this achievement with a vibrant ceremony filled with dance and praises to God. 🎉🏫

Photos from Chick-fil-A Morrison Road's post 08/29/2024

An amazing update from Ulu, Kenya!

Kamaku Primary School in Ulu has taken a giant leap forward, and we couldn’t be prouder to share the news! The school now boasts three new classrooms, complete with proper desks, chairs, and electricity, replacing the old makeshift structures.

On this special day, the entire community came together to celebrate this achievement with a vibrant ceremony filled with dance and praises to God. It was a day of joy, unity, and hope for the future. 🎉🏫


Meet Yanira Rodriguez Monzon, a resilient wife and mother from Rancho Viejo, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. In 2022, due to economic hardships and lack of opportunities, Yanira and her family attempted to migrate to the U.S., only to be deported back with nothing.

Faced with a difficult restart, Yanira discovered 410 Bridge savings groups through a friend. A year later, she’s found spiritual and economic growth by participating. With her savings, Yanira built a small store and now sells medicine in her community, where she serves as a nurse.

“The 410 Bridge savings group has been a blessing in my life. With God’s help, I’m creating a better future for my family.”


✨"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 08/21/2024

Beadwork Brilliance! 💎

June was a month of creativity and skill-building for our BST and F4F trainees in Mugaa and Tumutumu Communities. Participants learned the intricate art of beadwork, opening doors to new business ventures and boosting their household incomes.

We’re excited to see the beautiful creations that will come from this training!

Back-to-School Support: Empowering Scholars Around the World – The 410 Bridge 08/20/2024

"It’s That Time of Year Again

The start of a new school year is always a mix of excitement and challenge. For parents, it means getting everything ready—purchasing school supplies, organizing schedules, and ensuring their children are prepared to learn and grow. It’s a hectic time, filled with trips to the store, labeling supplies, and making sure everything is just right.

But while this can be overwhelming for many of us, imagine how much more difficult it can be in other parts of the world. In places like Kenya or Guatemala, families face even greater challenges.

Basic school supplies, which we often take for granted, can be incredibly hard to come by."

Continue reading our latest blog ---->

Back-to-School Support: Empowering Scholars Around the World – The 410 Bridge The start of a new school year is always a mix of excitement and challenge. For parents, it means getting everything ready—purchasing school supplies, organizing schedules, and ensuring their children are prepared to learn and grow. It's a hectic time, filled with trips to the store, labeling supp...


🌍We are always happy to see visitors in our 410 communities in Kenya!

Mission Possible: Five Ways to Fundraise for Your Mission Trip – The 410 Bridge 08/17/2024

"Five Ways to Fundraise for Your Mission Trip

Fundraising is difficult. There’s no doubt about it. Even though it can be awkward and time-consuming, it is totally worth it!

Don’t let fundraising stand in the way of you and a trip to participate in what God is doing around the world. Instead, see it as a way to bring people into the global story of how God is working.

1. Sell Something
2. Take on a Side Hustle
3. Host Events
4......Learn more here--->

Mission Possible: Five Ways to Fundraise for Your Mission Trip – The 410 Bridge The most difficult part of preparing for a mission trip usually isn't learning a new language or adapting to a different culture. The hardest part is fundraising. This doesn't have to be a scary and unpleasant. Here are five ways to put the fun in fundraising.

Paris 2024 athletics: All results, as Kenya's Emmanuel Wanyonyi claims gold in men’s 800m thriller 08/16/2024

More Olympic news but this time it's about Kenya 🌍

"Emmanuel Wanyonyi won gold in the Paris 2024 men’s 800m at the Stade de France on Saturday, 10 August.

The Kenyan came home in 1:41.19, the third fastest time ever, just 0.2 seconds behind Kenyan legend David Rudisha's World Record of 1:40.91 from London 2012."

Continue reading -

Paris 2024 athletics: All results, as Kenya's Emmanuel Wanyonyi claims gold in men’s 800m thriller The athlete from Kenya takes the Olympic title, with Marco Arop winning silver and Djamel Sedjati claiming bronze.

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 08/16/2024

Leading with Integrity 🌟

We just wrapped up our 1st Annual Leadership Council Conference in Kenya, where 49 leaders from 7 of our Kenyan communities gathered for three days of learning and collaboration. The theme was ‘Leading with Integrity,’ and it was inspiring to see how our leaders are committed to making a difference in their communities.

Together, we’re building a brighter future in Kenya!


🎒📚 The start of a new school year can be a hectic time for parents—gathering supplies, preparing for new routines, and ensuring everything is in place for their kids to succeed. But while it’s challenging here, imagine how much harder it can be in places like Kenya, where resources are scarce and access to basic school supplies is limited. 🌍

Through our child sponsorship program, we’re stepping in to support families and scholars in communities around the world, ensuring they have the tools, supplies, and opportunities they need to thrive in their education. Your support can make all the difference in a child's life this school year.

Let’s come together to make this a year of hope and opportunity for students everywhere. Comment "SPONSOR" below to get started!

Gymnast-turned-shooter Adriana Ruano wins Guatemala's first Olympic gold 08/14/2024

Still thinking about the Olympics? Same.

Especially about the Olympians from Guatemala who competed this year!

"History was made in the women's trap event at the 2024 Paris Olympics after Guatemala's Adriana Ruano won gold in the event, marking the first time the country has won gold in any sport at the Olympics."

Check it out!

Gymnast-turned-shooter Adriana Ruano wins Guatemala's first Olympic gold A spinal injury ended Adriana Ruano’s Olympic dream as a gymnast. She came back as a shooter and won Guatemala’s first Olympic gold medal.


🌍Get to know Kenya's climate!

There are mild temperatures in Kenya. Oftentimes, it can turn cooler in rainy conditions or in the evening. You may consider bringing a lightweight jacket and/or rain boots or shoes for walking.

Please keep in mind the “rains” of East Africa. The first rain falls between late April to early June, which is known as “long rains”.

The second rainy season, which is known as “short rains” lasts a few weeks in November and December.🌧️

Photos from The 410 Bridge's post 08/13/2024

Soap-Making for Success! 🧼

This June, 113 trainees from Mugaa and Tumutumu Communities participated in our specialized training, learning how to make bar and detergent soaps. This newfound skill is set to spark small industries, improve livelihoods, and contribute to better household incomes.

A cleaner future is on the horizon!

Photos from Chick-fil-A Chantilly Air and Space's post 08/12/2024

Awesome team!! Thank you for being such a wonderful partner!

Welcome Our New Team Member, John Fosdick! – The 410 Bridge 08/12/2024

We are thrilled to welcome John Fosdick as our new Senior Relationship Officer! 🎉

With decades of experience in fundraising and a passion for making a difference, John is ready to bring fresh energy and innovative ideas to the 410 Bridge mission.

John has a rich background in cause-marketing and advocating for Christian organizations. As a valued supporter, your contributions will be more impactful than ever with John's expertise on board.

Join us in welcoming John to the 410 Bridge team! Together, we can achieve even greater things. 🙌

Get to know more about John and his expertise here---->

Welcome Our New Team Member, John Fosdick! – The 410 Bridge We are thrilled to announce a fantastic addition to our 410 Bridge team - John Fosdick as our new Senior Relationship Officer! With a wealth of experience in fundraising and a passion for making a difference, John is set to bring fresh energy and innovative ideas to our mission. John Fosdick is a se...

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✨Every chance we get, we want to empower and lift up people to recognize that God has given them giftings and skills to ...
REPOST @bcioglobalx TAMALES TAMALES#guatemala #tamales #ranchoviejo
Let's Talk Child Sponsorship in Mutirithia 🌍✨Your sponsorship will guarantee that the child you sponsor is enrolled in s...
An amazing update from Ulu, Kenya! Kamaku Primary School in Ulu has taken a giant leap forward, and we couldn’t be proud...
In a world where careers come and go, and the hustle never seems to end, there’s something truly special about making a ...
🎒📚 The start of a new school year can be a hectic time for parents—gathering supplies, preparing for new routines, and e...
🌍Let's talk Chapati! A beloved traditional food from Kenya!#Kenya #410Bridge
REPOST @makinghomehere My favorite part is when Maria says, “WHAT?!” 😂 It is so special learning about each other’s cult...
REPOST @makinghomehere We were so honored to be invited into the home of a Maasai woman to learn more about her upbringi...
Say Hello to Alice Mumbi in Kenya 🌍#kenya #410bridge
REPOST @makinghomehere We think the right age is NOW 😉 Every stage of parenting has parts that make traveling easier and...
REPOST @makinghomehere The way the mama at the end laughs when she thinks I’m reaching back to boost her too 😂We have LO...


3955 Marconi Drive, Suite 205
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