Chiro Now of Arvada

$30- adjustments, first time, every time.


Someone got an upgrade.

Leg Length Discrepancy - Chiro Now of Arvada 05/13/2022

Leg Length Discrepancy - Chiro Now of Arvada

Leg Length Discrepancy - Chiro Now of Arvada Leg Length Discrepancy Arvada Chiropractor If you've been looking for a leg length discrepancy chiropractor in Arvada to help you fix or extend the height discrepancy between your legs, whether it's a minor or major difference, you've come to the right place. It's time to resume your normal routine!...


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Knee Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada 05/06/2022

Knee Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada

Knee Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada Our knee pain Arvada chiropractor Dr. Robert Lizak Chiro Now of Arvada uses a range of approaches, including manipulation or adjustment of the problematic area


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Ankle and Foot Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada 04/29/2022

Ankle and Foot Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada

Ankle and Foot Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada Every year, millions of people suffer from ankle and foot pain. Please walk into Chiro Now of Arvada as soon as possible. No appointment is needed!


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The Hamstring Muscles (Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris)

Three muscles make up the muscle group known as the Hamstrings located on the back of the thigh. They are Biceps Femoris Longus, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus. Let's talk about them individually and what actions they perform together.

*Biceps Femoris Longus* has two heads (the ‘bi’ in biceps meaning two); the long and short heads. The long head of the Biceps Femoris begins on the medial facet of the Ischial Tuberosity (The long head of this muscle attaches near the hip joint on the area of the pelvis that we sit on, more commonly known as the sits bones).

It flexes the knee and extends the hip. Imagine how the leg moves when kicking a ball. When the leg pulls back in its swing, the long head of the biceps femoris is activated. It also assists in lateral rotation of the thigh when the hip is extended, and the knee bent. (lateral rotation is when the limb moves away from the center of the body)

The short head begins much lower. It attaches to the femur at the lateral lip of the inferior third of the linea aspera and the supracondylar line. (the area of the thigh bone that has a roughened surface upon which four different muscles attach, including the short head of the biceps femoris. This muscle connects on the lower outside of one ridge and at the top of the other). The short head works in bending the knee and laterally rotating the lower leg when the knee is slightly bent.

The two heads combine as the biceps femoris tendon and attach to the lateral aspect of the fibular head. (the upper outer edge of the fibula- the smaller bone of the lower leg- where the knee joint exists.)

*Semitendinosus* shares the origin of the long head of the Biceps Femoris Longus at the medial facet of the Ischial Tuberosity. It attaches to the front of the inner leg just below the knee joint at the Pes Anserinus of the tibia. The Pes Anserinus is the conjoined tendons of three thigh muscles; the semitendinosus, the gracilis, and the sartorius.

The gracilis is an inner thigh muscle that assists in hip adduction, knee flexion and internal rotation. (an example of adduction is to move the knees closer together. An example of internal rotation of the knee would be turning a bent knee towards the center of the body)

We’ll be covering the Sartorius more fully in our Pinterest stretching series at later this week. Check it out for more info!

The Pes Anserinus is worth mentioning because the bursa (a small fluid-filled sac whose purpose is to cushion between bone and soft tissues like muscles, skin, and tendons) is notorious for becoming inflamed after repeated usage. This injury is more common in women but can occur in those who routinely pivot, move side to side, kick, or squat.

Because of its attachment points, Semitendinosus is a prime mover and has a postural role in stabilizing the pelvic girdle. This vital third of the hamstrings is integral for extension and internal rotation of the thigh and flexion and internal rotation of the leg.

*Semimembranosus* originates on the superolateral impression of the ischial tuberosity. As the biceps femoris and semitendinosus are more towards the middle, this origin is more to the side and closer to the hip joint. It attaches to the medial condyle of the tibia (the inner edge of the top of the larger bone of the lower leg where the femur and tibia form the knee joint).

Semimembranosus helps straighten the hip joint. It also flexes and medially rotates the hip and knee by affecting the femur or tibia when in action.

*The Hamstrings* work together to flex the knee and extend the hip. Because of their dual purpose, they are considered biarticular (moving two joints). These muscles share a common innervation on the tibial branch of the sciatic nerve.

The word hamstring originates from Old English with a Germanic base. Ham or hom means ‘hollow,’ and the Germanic base means ‘crooked.’ String refers to the tendons, hence hamstrings being the muscles that end in the hollow of the knee, wrapping with tendons around the knee joint.

Hamstring injuries are common in sports, especially those that involve a lot of kicking and sprinting. Of the three, Biceps Femoris is the most likely to be injured, followed by Semitendinosus. Semimembranosus injury is rare.

When these muscles are seriously injured, it will feel like a sudden, sharp pain or a popping sensation in the back of the thigh. Tenderness, swelling, and bruising are also common. There will likely be difficulty walking, standing, and sitting. Work with your primary care doctor to determine the extent of the injury before starting any physical therapy or stretching routines.

As it heals, you may feel knots or bumps in the back of the leg and experience muscle stiffness. Physical therapy, massage, and chiropractic sessions will help ease the stiffness and realign your pelvis to regain your range of motion and return to your activities.

*A few quick suggestions before you start stretching:

-Take a few deep breaths before you get started.
-Remember to breathe as you stretch– don’t hold your breath.
-Before you get started, take a moment to assess your current range of motion. You can track the differences in pain levels and movement before and after your session.
-Always move slowly into and out of a stretch.
-It is also a good idea to discuss starting a stretching routine with your primary care physician before building your stretching practice.


Best walk in chiropractor near me Arvada Chiropractor


The Psoas Muscles (Major and Minor)

Psoas Major and Minor are muscles that start in the lower abdomen that attach to the pelvis and the upper leg. But not everyone has a Psoas Minor muscle, and most of us will never know if we have this inconstant muscle. It can be found in less than half of the population!

Psoas Major begins on the lumbar spine at vertebrae T12 to L1-L4 superficially, where it overlays the lumbar plexus. (on the lower spinal column where the mid back ends and the lower back starts. It rests on top of the nerve bundle that provides sensation to the lower back and upper rear leg) The deeper aspect begins along L1-L5 (this part of the muscle starts along the lower back exclusively and runs deeper in the body). It then converges as a long tendon with fibers of the Iliacus muscle in the pelvis (known as the Iliopsoas) and inserts onto the lesser trochanter of the femur (a bony protrusion just under the hip joint).

This muscle controls the torso and thigh movement at the hip and laterally flexes the torso (bending from side to side). Psoas Major is a postural muscle, meaning that it helps maintain our posture by creating the curve in our lower spine by pulling the lumbar (lower back) vertebrae both forward and down. The curve in our lower spine is necessary because it bears and transfers the weight of our upper bodies and allows us to stand, sit, and walk upright.

Here’s some info for those lucky few who have a Psoas Minor muscle. It is a slim muscle that starts along the vertebrae of T12 and L1 (on the lower spinal column where the mid back ends and the lower back start) and inserts onto the Iliopubic Eminence (where the inner bowl of the pelvis and the front of the pelvis merge).
It is not considered part of the combined muscles of the Iliacus and Psoas as they integrate into the Iliopsoas muscle complex. Instead, it sits in front of the Psoas Major.

You might never know if you have one or not, as this inconstant muscle has been replaced by a thin ligament or a general broadening of the combined Iliopsoas muscle that runs in through the inner hip area. It is a weaker muscle and assists Psoas Major in its movements- flexion (bending) of the torso and the forward bending of the lumbar spine.

Psoas pain feels centered in the lower back, groin, and hips when injured and is especially painful when lifting the legs. Typically, it is painful when sitting down, getting up, and standing completely upright. This injury can take 6-8 weeks to heal completely, and it greatly benefits from physical therapies like massage, trigger point release, chiropractic adjustment, focused stretching, and an exercise routine.

*A few quick suggestions before you start stretching:

-Take a few deep breaths before you get started.
-Remember to breathe as you stretch– don’t hold your breath.
-Before you get started, take a moment to assess your current range of motion. You can track the differences in pain levels and movement before and after your session.
-Always move slowly into and out of a stretch.
-It is also a good idea to discuss starting a stretching routine with your primary care physician before building your stretching practice.


Inexpensive professional Arvada Chiropractor

Best walk in chiropractor - Chiro Now of Arvada 04/18/2022

"We share your concern that patients attain optimum health and well-being by combining conservative chiropractic care with an integrated approach to total health and well-being at Dr. Robert Lizak’s practice."

Best walk in chiropractor - Chiro Now of Arvada We are the best walk in chiropractor near me in Arvada, treating back pain, neck pain, & sciatica. Chiro Now of Arvada restores and maintains your healthy body!


The Piriformis Muscle

The Piriformis is flat and pear-shaped (wider at one end). It is one of the six external rotators of the hip (moving away from the center of the body). It is deep in the gluteal region of the hip and thigh. It attaches to the sacrum (tailbone area) and ilium (the back of the pelvis where the buttock muscles attach) and connects at the greater trochanter of the femur (the bony ridge at the top of the thigh bone).

It stabilizes the hip and allows us to rotate our pelvis to put all of our weight on one leg, such as in movements like walking. The sciatic nerve runs alongside and through the piriformis muscle.

When the muscle becomes tight, it can constrict the sciatic nerve and cause tenderness in the buttock and radiating pain down the leg. This muscular constriction and pain are referred to as Piriformis Syndrome. It can be caused by everyday activities like sitting for long periods, running, walking, or climbing stairs. Piriformis tension also affects gait, as the sacrum (tail bone) tends to twist itself out of alignment. Misalignment can affect other joints in a cascading fashion.

Nicknamed ‘fat wallet syndrome,’ Piriformis Syndrome is common in men who keep their wallets in their back pockets. This habit of wallet storage causes the pelvis to sit at an angle and further compresses the muscles and nerves in the area. Proper seated posture is essential to keep the pelvis and sacrum aligned.

Piriformis Syndrome is often confused for Sciatica, which occurs from spinal dysfunction like spinal stenosis or herniated discs. Work with your doctor to diagnose what is causing your sciatic pain and develop a treatment regimen.

If you've been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome, fear not! Because it is a muscle constriction, it can be relieved with chiropractic realignment of the pelvis and legs, massage, physical therapy, stretching, and targeted exercise.

**The following video has excellent techniques for stretching the piriformis muscle. The final stretch can be adjusted for additional effectiveness. Sit on the edge of the chair when performing this stretch to more profoundly impact this muscle’s tension.**

*A few quick suggestions before you start stretching:

-Take a few deep breaths before you get started.
-Remember to breathe as you stretch– don’t hold your breath.
-Before you get started, take a moment to assess your current range of motion. You can track the differences in pain levels and movement before and after your session.
-Always move slowly into and out of a stretch.

It is also a good idea to discuss starting a stretching routine with your primary care physician before building your stretching practice.

Arvada Chiropractic - Chiro Now of Arvada 04/15/2022

Arvada Chiropractic - Chiro Now of Arvada

Arvada Chiropractic - Chiro Now of Arvada Chiro Now Walk-In Arvada Chiropractic care. No hidden upsells or agenda except your pain-free life. Serving Arvada, Westminster, Wheat Ridge and Broomfield


Headache Relief Arvada Chiropractor

CDC warns of 'large, ongoing' meningitis outbreak in Florida among gay and bisexual men 04/11/2022

CDC warns of 'large, ongoing' meningitis outbreak in Florida among gay and bisexual men The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention issued a warning about a meningitis outbreak in Florida among gay and bisexual men.


Look! It matches!


A couple more “Cone on” challengers.


Arvada Chiropractic Back Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada


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Timeline photos 04/04/2022

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Arvada Chiropractic Neck Pain - Chiro Now of Arvada


Not a recommended stretching routine.


Pectoral stretches (all three parts)

Pectoralis Muscles Major and Minor are some of the main muscles used when moving our arms.

Pec. Major (upper left) has three main attachment areas- on the front of the arm, at the collar bone, on the sternum, and along the top seven ribs.

Because of its size, Pec Major is defined as having three main parts; the clavicular (collar bone), the sternocostal (where the true ribs and the sternum connect), and the abdominal (it attaches to the re**us sheath, the tendon sheath that covers the Re**us Abdominus and Pyrimidalis muscles).

It’s one of the main muscles in adduction (moving the arm across the body), anteversion, and retroversion of the shoulder (raising the arm forwards and backward). It also lifts the upper body and rotates the upper arm outwards.

Pec. Minor (lower right) attaches at the coracoid process of the scapula (a part of the shoulder blade that rests just below the collar bone) and onto ribs 3, 4, and 5. It is responsible for stabilization, depression (lowering), abduction, or protraction (moving away from the body's center). It also helps with internal rotation (with the elbow at 90 degrees, you can internally rotate your arm by moving your hand towards your body) and downward rotation of the scapula (lowering of the arm).

When these muscles are injured, you’re likely to feel pain in the chest or the front of the armpit. You might have pain breathing or feel a tearing sensation when you injure the muscles. These injuries can take as little as a few days or a couple of months to heal, depending on the severity. While you recover, work with your chiropractor and the rest of your medical team on starting a stretching regimen that will help keep your muscles healthy and relaxed.

*A few quick suggestions before you start stretching:

-Take a few deep breaths before you get started.
-Remember to breathe as you stretch– don’t hold your breath.
-Before you get started, take a moment to assess your current range of motion. You can track the differences in pain levels and movement before and after your session.
-Always move slowly into and out of a stretch.
-It is also a good idea to discuss starting a stretching routine with your primary care physician before building your stretching practice.

Estiramientos Pectorales (Las tres partes)
Los músculos pectorales mayores y menores son los principales músculos utilizados al mover nuestros brazos.

El pectoral mayor (arriba a la izquierda) tiene tres áreas de unión principales: en el brazo delantero, en la clavícula, en el esternón y a lo largo de las siete costillas de arriba.

Debido a su tamaño, el pectoral mayor se define por tener tres partes principales; la clavicular (hueso de cuello), el esternocostal (donde las costillas verdaderas se conectan al esternón) y el abdominal (se adhiere a la vaina re**al, la vaina tendinosa que cubre los músculos Re**us Abdominis y Pyramidalis).

Es uno de los principales músculos de la adicción (mover los brazos a través del cuerpo), la anteversion, y la retroversión del hombro (elevar el brazo hacia adelante y hacia atrás). También levanta la parte superior del cuerpo y gira la parte superior del brazo hacia afuera.

El pectoral menor (inferior derecho) se une al proceso coracoide de escápula (una parte del omóplato que descansa justo debajo de la clavícula) y a las costillas 3, 4 y 5. Es responsable de la estabilización, de la depresion (disminucion) la abducción o la protracción (alejarse de l centro del cuerpo). También ayuda con la rotación interna (con el codo a 90 grados, puede girar internamente su brazo moviendo la mano hacia su cuerpo) y la rotación hacia abajo de la escápula (bajar el brazo).

Cuando estos músculos se lesionan, es probable que sienta dolor en el pecho o en la parte delantera de la axila. Es posible que tenga dolor al respirar o sienta una sensación de desgarre cuando se lesionó los músculos. Estas lesiones pueden tardar tan solo unos pocos días o un par de meses en sanar, dependiendo de la gravedad. Mientras se recupera, trabaje con su quiropráctico y el resto de su equipo médico para comenzar un régimen de estiramiento que le ayudará a mantener sus músculos sanos y relajados.

*Algunas sugerencias rápidas antes de que empiece a estirar sus músculos:

-Tome algunos respiros profundos antes de comenzar.
-Recuerde respirar mientras se estira - no sostenga la respiración
-Antes de comenzar, tome unos momentos para evaluar su rango de movimiento actual. Usted puede tomar nota de las diferencias en los niveles de dolor y movimiento antes y después de la sesión.
-Siempre muévase lentamente dentro y fuera de un estiramiento.
-También es una buena idea discutir comenzar una rutina de estiramiento con su médico antes de comenzar su práctica de estiramiento.


Stretching Series: Re**us Abdominis

The Re**us Abdominis is a muscle that stretches from the 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs to an area on the front of the pelvis known as the p***s. There are two of them, and they’re separated by a long piece of connective tissue called the linea alba. We know them better as the ‘six-pack muscles,’ but some people can develop eight distinct sections!

Its primary function is to move the area of the body between the ribs and pelvis.

There are a few main differences between abdominal muscle strain and hernia.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, hernias are “a condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it (often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall).”

On the other hand, an abdominal muscle strain is an injury typically caused by overuse where the muscle is overstretched or tears. It can feel stiff or sore, and there could be bruising as well as muscle cramps. They heal over time and with plenty of rest.

Recovering from an abdominal strain should include a stretching regimen that warms up the muscles without overworking them.

We recommend that you always work with your physician on determining what kind of injury you have before beginning your chiropractic or stretching regimen.

*A few quick suggestions before you start stretching:
-Take a few deep breaths before you get started.
-Remember to breathe as you stretch– don’t hold your breath.
-Before you get started, take a moment to assess your current range of motion. You can track the differences in pain levels and movement before and after your session.
-Always move slowly into and out of a stretch.
-It is also a good idea to discuss starting a stretching routine with your primary care physician before building your stretching practice.

Recto Abdominal

El Recto Abdominal es un músculo que se extiende desde la quinta, sexta, y séptima costilla a un área en frente del pelvis conocida como P***s. Hay dos de ellos, y están separados por un largo trazo de tejido conectivo llamado línea alba. Los conocemos mejor como los músculos “del paquete de seis” ¡Pere algunas personas pueden desarrollar ocho secciones distintas!

Su función principal es mover el área del cuerpo entre las costillas y la pelvis.

Hay algunas diferencias entre un desgarre muscular abdominal, y una hernia.

Según el Diccionario Oxford, las hernias son “una condición en la que parte de un órgano se desplaza y sobresale a través de la pared de la cavidad que lo contiene (a menudo involucrando el intestino en un punto débil de la pared abdominal)”.

Por otro lado, un desgarre muscular abdominal es una lesión típicamente causada por el uso excesivo donde el músculo está sobrecargado o se desgarra. Puede sentirse rígido, y podria haber moretones, así como calambres musculares. Se curan con el tiempo y con mucho descanso.

Recuperarse de un desgarre abdominal debe incluir un régimen de estiramiento que caliente a los músculos sin sobrecargarlos.

Le recomendamos que siempre trabaje con su médico para determinar qué tipo de lesión tiene antes de comenzar su régimen quiropráctico o de estiramiento.

*Algunas sugerencias rápidas antes de que empiece a estirar sus músculos:
-Tome algunos respiros profundos antes de comenzar.
-Recuerde respirar mientras se estira - no sostenga la respiración
-Antes de comenzar, tome unos momentos para evaluar su rango de movimiento actual. Usted puede tomar nota de las diferencias en los niveles de dolor y movimiento antes y después de la sesión.
-Siempre muévase lentamente dentro y fuera de un estiramiento.
-También es una buena idea discutir comenzar una rutina de estiramiento con su médico antes de comenzar su práctica de estiramiento.

Photos from Chiro Now of Arvada's post 02/07/2022

Two more taking the “cone on” challenge.


Today our prices for adjustments went up to $30-. Children 10 and under are still just $10-. Hope to see you soon.

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Arvada, CO

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