Sthira Sukham Yoga, Ashburn, VA Videos

Videos by Sthira Sukham Yoga in Ashburn. Sthira Sukham Yoga is an Ashburn, Virginia Hatha Yoga studio offering various styles of Hatha Yoga

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ This month we'll take a look at Hakini Mudra, named after the Hindu goddess Hakini who is connected to Ajna Chakra, our seat of intuition.

Other Sthira Sukham Yoga videos

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ This month we'll take a look at Hakini Mudra, named after the Hindu goddess Hakini who is connected to Ajna Chakra, our seat of intuition.

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Patient Patience is a virtue that nurtures growth. Trust the timing of your life and allow things to unfold naturally. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmPatient

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ Comments from our community πŸ—£"I have had such a wonderful experience with Sthira Sukham Yoga starting back with virtual classes during the pandemic and continuing to their recent studio opening. I would highly recommend it to anyone! I have tested many studios in the area but the atmosphere and setting of this studio is my favorite - just walking in feels relaxing. I’ve taken classes with Kate and multiple other instructors and would recommend them all. I’m so excited to have Sthira Sukham in the neighborhood!"

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Curious Curiosity is the gateway to knowledge. Let your inquisitive nature lead you to new discoveries, insights and joys! #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmCurious

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Connected You are an integral part of the universe. Be open to the connection that you share with all living beings and the world around you. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmConnected

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Balanced Strive for balance in all things. Focus on harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit, so that you can experience a more peaceful state of equilibrium. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmBalanced

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Empowered Empowerment comes from within. Recognize your strength, and use it to carve your own path. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmEmpowered

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Adventurous Life is an adventure waiting to be explored. Embrace the thrill of the unknown and discover new horizons. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAm Adventurous

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ Join Susan Quilty for her inspiring and interactive workshop, Exploring Energy: Pranayama & Chakras on Saturday, June 29th at 2pm. Topics will include an overview of the 7 main chakras (energy centers), basic functions of the autonomic nervous system, and aspects of polyvagal theory. You'll learn several pranayama techniques (breathing practices) designed to calm, stimulate, and balance your energy. Plus you'll explore visualization through guided meditation and vibrational energy through simple chanting. Click herr to learn more and snag your spot:

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Compassionate Compassion begins with yourself. Shower yourself with kindness, and it will naturally extend to others. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmCompassionate

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ This month’s practice is Seetkari Pranayam, also known as Hissing Breath because of the hissing sound you inadvertently make while doing it. The practice is designed to cool the body and balance the nervous system, and is great tool as we head into the warmer months of summer.

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Grounded Like the roots of a mighty tree, stay grounded in your values and beliefs. They will anchor you through the storms of life. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmGrounded

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Joyful Joy is not a destination but a state of being. Choose joy in every moment, and let it infuse your life with light and laughter. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmJoyful

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Inspiring Your life is a testament to resilience and courage. Share your story in hopes that it will inspire others to pursue their dreams. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #iaminspiringmillions

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Unique Celebrate your uniqueness, and know that you bring a special light to the world that no one else can. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmUnique

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Confident Stand tall in your truth. Your confidence is a beacon of light, guiding you through the darkest of nights. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmConfident

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Open Let yourself be open to new experiences, open to change, open to love. Embrace the unknown and let it enrich your journey. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmOpen

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Creative You are a wellspring of ideas and inspiration. Let your creativity flow freely, painting the world with the colors of your imagination. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmCreative

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Peaceful In the stillness of your heart, there lies a reservoir of peace. Tap into it, and let that tranquility wash over you, even amidst the chaos. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #iampeacefullyuncommon

β˜€οΈπŸŒ™ (inhale) I am (exhale) Resilient Thank of life’s challenges as stepping stones β€” with each step, you grow stronger, more capable, and more ready to face whatever comes your way. #sthirasukhamyogastudio #comfortablesteadyyoga #sthirasukhamyogaashburn #ashburnyoga #yoga #knowyourself #hathayogastudio #hathayoga #IAmResilient