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Hims founder offers jobs to anti-Israel protesters, hails their 'moral courage' 05/03/2024

I have never called for a boycott of a company in America. The Terrorist sympathizers on college campuses support genocide. Hamas and Hezbollah have, for decades, held parades with children dressed in toy su***de vests calling for the death of Jews and the United States. Jewish people may be their target today, but Christians, LGBTQ, Gypsies, and God only knows who will follow. Now a company is openly encouraging these terrorist supporters to keep doing what they are doing. PLEASE SHARE THIS! We as a nation of consumers have the power of the purse and can financially stop this company if every person using their product stops asap for the next three months. Here's a link to the article.

Hims founder offers jobs to anti-Israel protesters, hails their 'moral courage' Hims & Hers CEO Andrew Dudum said in a social media post that anti-Israel campus protesters are making a difference and that his company and others will hire them.


International Medical Science Liaison Day, on March 27th, recognizes the vital role Medical Science Liaisons (MSL) play in the success of a company.

Since being first established by Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in 1967, MSLs have become increasingly important to the companies’ success that employs them. According to the MSL Society website, “Today, MSLs are scientific experts to internal colleagues at their companies; they help to ensure that the drug or product they support are utilized effectively by physicians, and serve as scientific peers and resources within the medical community.”

👩‍🔬 Show pride in your profession.
📲 Share The International MSL Day logo on social media.
📸 Take a photo where you are showing off your MSL pride!
💻 Share your story of how you became an MSL.
❤️ Share why you love the MSL career.
📖 To learn more about how to get involved, visit:
📲 Give a shout-out to an MSL you know who is dedicated to the job. Use
to share on social media.

International MSL Day Logo-Background_300x250 - BlueIn 2020, The Medical Science Liaison Society established International Medical Science Liaison Day to raise awareness of the importance of the MSL role in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and other companies that employ them. Their role ultimately improves patients’ lives.

International Day For Achievers 03/24/2023


Today, March 24th, International Day for Achievers Day is celebrated globally. This day honors and acknowledges those who have made significant contributions in their chosen fields. Today is the day to pay homage to the innovators, doctors🧑‍⚕️, scientists👩‍🔬, professors👨‍🏫, politicians🧑‍⚖️, activists🧔‍♀️, or artists👩‍🎤 without whose achievements and service, the world would be a much more difficult place to live in.

Contrary to popular belief, International Day for Achievers is not just a day to honor celebrities and the influential. Rather, it’s a day to pay tribute to the relatively-unknown achievers who have been impactful and inspiring in their communities. These achievers may be environmentalists, scientists, politicians, teachers, social workers, civil servants, and many others who have used their intelligence, courage, selflessness, and creativity to make the world a better place. Even outstanding students may be honored, too.

On this day, anyone — regardless of their age, gender, social status, level of education, or race — who has undertaken any innovative or unique feat in any sphere of life may be presented a medal, certificate, prize, or any other award to celebrate their efforts, and also inspire others to go the extra mile.

Significantly, International Day for Achievers does not only celebrate the achievers or geniuses, it also serves as a day to reward them tangibly, especially through cash prizes. Also, it serves as a medium to tell the world that good causes are worth pursuing. Even when it seems as if nobody notices, noble deeds are worth celebrating, and the kind, courageous ones deserve to be honored.

To learn more about this day, please click here:

International Day For Achievers It’s International Day for Achievers! Who are achievers, and why does this day celebrate them? Click to find out!



International Talk Like William Shatner Day is celebrated on March 22nd to pay tribute to the famous Canadian actor — William Shatner. Shatner gained worldwide recognition due to his role in the cult sci-fi 👽series, “Star Trek.”🛸 Shatner is appreciated for his unique dialogue delivery and performance and is often imitated by his fans. Hence, the day has become a perfect opportunity to pay a tribute to the memorable performances of the actor. Watch your favorite episodes starring the actor and enjoy the nostalgia on this day.

Impressionists had been paying tribute to the actor William Shatner for years. Finally, however, an official day was observed in 2009. Maurice LaMarche, a famous Shatner impressionist, posted a video clip on YouTube and declared March 22 as International Talk like William Shatner Day. In the video, LaMarche gave the viewers a tutorial on how Shatner can be imitated and pronounced several words in the actor’s iconic style. The video went viral since LaMarche already has a large fan following from his roles in “Futurama,” “The Simpsons,” “Pinky and the Brain,” “Frozen,” and more.

Similarly, Doug VanHorn had the same idea, and he created a page idolizing William Shatner’s impressions. After a short feud, both LaMarche and VanHorn decided to join forces. They came up with International Talk Like William Shatner Day. From thereon, we celebrate the day every year!

Shatner is also an author, producer, director, screenwriter, commercial 👩‍🚀astronaut, and musician🎸. The role that has gained him an eternal fan following is his portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the Star Trek franchise. He also starred in the first seven Star Trek movies and co-wrote several novels set in the Star Trek universe. Apart from Star Trek, Shatner also played a police👮‍♂️ sergeant in “T. J. Hooker” and moved on to host the reality-based television series “Rescue 911.” Recently, he has ventured into the unknown as the host of "The UnXplained". It is a television show about history, where they 'explore subjects that have mystified mankind for centuries"!
Photo Credit: DepositPhotos



Traditionally, we celebrate the first day of spring on March 21, but astronomers 👩‍💼and calendar 📆manufacturers alike now say that the spring season starts on March 20th, in all time zones in North America. Spring coincides with the Vernal Equimox, whic means that the daily sunshine is 12 hours long. Sunlight🌞 will incrementally increase until the first day of Summer.

The vernal equinox marks the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator. This is the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator, from south to north. The vernal equinox happens on March 19, 20, or 21 every year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, this same event marks the beginning of fall. Meteorologists mark the spring from March 1 through May 31st.

In 2020, spring arrived a little earlier due to it being a leap year. On Leap Day, there’s a short math lesson regarding the Gregorian calendar. To keep our calendar following the seasons so that spring happens when flowers🌷 grow and winter arrives when snow❄️ falls, an additional day was figured into years divisible by the number four. This caused the 2020 spring to occur earlier than any living human being alive had ever seen. Before 2020, the earliest spring on record took place in 1896.

☀️ Get ready for longer days and increased sunshine.
🏡 Tune up the lawnmower. More sunshine means the grass will be growing.
⛺️ Spend some time outside.
🌻 Plan your garden or start planting.
🎊 Host a spring party with lots of bright, fresh foods.
📱 Use to post on social media.

Human beings have been following the sun and creating a calendar based on seasons since the beginning of time.



Unless you’ve been living under the Blarney Stone 🪨you already know that March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. Also affectionately known as St. Paddy’s Day or St. Patty’s Day, it’s the one day each year that everyone and anyone can call themselves Irish – if not by birthright, then in spirit. If you have been living under the Blarney Stone, lucky you! We bet you can share a thing or two about how a religious feast day commemorating the famed Irish patron saint who brought Christianity to Ireland ended up being a day celebrated almost globally, usually involving copious amounts of green beer and whisky shooters.

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in more countries around the world than any other single-day national festival, largely due to America’s enthusiasm for what many consider a holiday, although it is not an official holiday in America.

Parades are the heartbeat of St. Patrick Day festivities in America. This is not surprising, since the first parade held in St. Patrick’s honor took place in America, not Ireland, in 1601 in what is now St. Augustine, Florida. And the first actual St. Patrick’s Day parade also took place in America, in 1737, although it was pretty much just a stroll down the middle of a street in Boston by a few Irish Protestants to honor the patron saint of their motherland.

The first St. Patrick’s 🍀Day parade in New York City was held in 1762, 14 years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and was organized by Irish troops serving in British colonies. Today the world’s biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebration is the annual parade in New York City, where more than two million spectators line the parade route, all claiming to be Irish, at least for the day.



We celebrate World Contact Day on March 15TH every year. The day brings all alien life enthusiasts together to attempt to contact extraterrestrial beings.

It is fascinating to see how many Unidentified Flying Objects🛸 (U.F.O.s) humans have reportedly found on Earth! People claim to see them every minute of the day! But, it is not just about flying objects. There are strange and interesting things such as crop circles, unusual signals, and fossils that show the possibility of life outside earth. So, whether E.T. managed to phone home or not, World Contact Day is a fun day to learn all about alien encounters.

World Contact Day has been celebrated for the last 68 years on March 15th. It was initiated by The International Flying Saucer Bureau (I.F.S.B.) which was founded by Albert K. Bender, in 1952. Later, the founder revealed a strange yet interesting story. Apparently, three men in black😎 visited him at his house, and they communicated with him telepathically. He felt like he was being transported. Bender also reported having a second visit from three floating figures in shadows. They told him they had captured humans from earth to disguise themselves to have a human form on earth for their visits.

In the summer of 1953, Bender made a series of findings revealing the truth about U.F.O. stories, which he planned to publish in October of that year. Later in October, before publishing his discoveries, once again, he reported a visit by three men in black, who threatened him not to publish his findings of extraterrestrial life. In November 1953, he shut down the Bureau with a caution note to alien life enthusiasts.

On this day, in 1953, members of the Bureau were asked to send a peaceful telepathic note to aliens in outer space. The aliens asked for a friendly, peaceful, and mutual relationship with humans on earth and asked them to help ignorant people realize there is extraterrestrial life. In 2013, it was extended for a whole week, with a final attempt to have a massive connection on March 22. Even though the I.F.S.B. no longer exists, E.T. enthusiasts from all over the globe still celebrate World Contact Day.


National Good Samaritan Day on March 13th recognizes the unselfish actions of those who provide help when needed. The day is also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day and celebrates kindness in all its forms.

The term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the side of the road. The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and clothed him but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.

The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers. The act of a Good Samaritan can be large or small. Something as simple as a phone call to as inconvenient as stopping to help change a tire are all acts of a good Samaritan.

🔹 Make an effort to help someone who is
struggling or having a problem.
🔹 Make a commitment to developing a habit
of kindness and awareness of others.
🔹 Volunteer. Offer your valuable skills to
others in times of need. Do you enjoy
sports or have mad math skills? Your
ability to mentor youth may change
someone’s life for the better.
🔹 Use to post on social

Our research found this day honors the death of Catherine “Kitty” Genovese, who was murdered near her home on March 13, 1964, in New York City. That night, if one Good Samaritan had stepped forward, Miss Genovese would have lived. Something interrupted her killer twice that night, each interruption witnessed by neighbors or passersby. Still, no one called the police. One person called after his third and successful attempt, but too late for Miss Genovese. We have been unable to identify the creator of this national day.


National Women’s History Month in March annually encourages us to honor the women who came before us and fought for equality among all races and genders.

“Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.” -Mahatma Gandhi

While America is full of influential women today, hundreds of women came before them, paving the way. Women’s History Month serves as a way to not only remember them but keep carrying their torch onward. There’s still work to do. During the month, International Women’s Day also celebrates the achievements of women from the past and present.

🔹In the 1800s, Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and women’s rights activist who was born into slavery and escaped with her infant daughter. She later became known for her “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech regarding racial inequalities in the year 1851 at an Ohio Women’s Rights Convention.
🔹Louisa May Alcott worked in the mid-1800s to support her family and their financial difficulties, while she was just a young girl. She wrote one of the most famous novels in American history, “Little Women.”
🔹Susan B. Anthony played a massive role in the women’s suffrage movement in 1878 when she and her friends presented an amendment to Congress that, if passed, would give women the right to vote. In 1920 it was ratified as the 19th amendment.
In the mid-1900s, Marguerite Higgins was a reporter and war correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune during WWII, The Korean War, and the Vietnam War. She was the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for Foreign Correspondence.
🔹Coretta Scott King played a crucial role in keeping alive the legacy of her husband, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., after his death. She started the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in 1968 after he was assassinated.
🔹Rosa Parks was one of the most famous, influential women of the civil rights movement. In 1955, she refused to give up her seat in the “colored section” of a bus to a white man and got charged with civil disobedience. Today, she’s widely known as the “mother of the freedom movement.”
🔹Sandra Day O’Connor is the only woman on this list who is still alive today. She is a lawyer, a celebrated judge, and was the first female justice on the Supreme Court from 1981-2006
The list goes on, and we could have you reading about strong, brave, powerful, and influential women for hours. These women and thousands more played prominent roles in getting women to where they are today.

Take the time to learn more about women’s history this month. If you do, chances are it’ll help you truly understand and appreciate the strength and determination of women across the country over hundreds of years. Use # NationalWomen’s HistoryMonth or to post on social media and show the world how you are celebrating! If you’re a teacher or professor, take some time this month to teach your students about women’s history. To this day, some people still don’t fully understand the leaps and bounds women have made in the United States.


International Women’s Day on March 8th each year celebrates the social, economic, and political achievements of women around the world. The day also brings international awareness to gender parity. According to the World Economic Forum, global gender equality is estimated to be achieved by 2133.

Gender equality is equal access to the same rights and opportunities regardless of gender. These rights and opportunities include:

🩺 Healthcare
👩‍🎓 Education
👩‍🏫 Employment / economic gain
💲 Pay
👮 Protection under the law
👩‍⚖️ Right to vote
👩‍🦱 Free from violence
👩‍🚀 Striving for Change
👩‍✈️ Holding Political Office

Just over 100 years ago, only .2 % of the United States Congress consisted of women. Actually, the 65th Congress was comprised of a single woman. In 1916, Montana elected Republican Jeannette Rankin as the first Congresswoman🔹 to hold a federal office. Fast forward to the year 2020 and women hold 23.7% of the U.S. Congressional seats. While that might seem like progress, according to United Nations statistics, the U.S. percentage matches exactly the worldwide average for women in political office.

In many parts of the world, women are less likely to own land, a business, or attend school. Education alone is a powerful tool leading to financial independence for women. Their children reap the rewards, often for generations to come. Additionally, when the women of a community prosper, so does the community. Educated women and girls are more likely to educate their offspring. They also have a better understanding of healthcare and their rights.

Equal Pay:
According to the United Nations, more than half of the world’s poorest people are women. International Women’s Day strives to bring economic power to women who are not allowed to work for pay or work for low wages. And despite strides in industrialized countries, there is still work to do there, too.

Around the world, organizations, communities, and individuals organize events focused on the mission of gender parity, celebrating the achievements of women worldwide and education.

🔹Attend a lecture, seminar, or festival.
🔹Organize an event.
🔹Speak or perform at a local fundraiser.
🔹Participate in a march for women’s equal rights.
🔹Learn about the women who paved the way for many of the rights and freedoms
we have today.
🔹Become involved in your local, state, or national political system.
🔹Invite others to join you, including other women, sons, brothers, sisters, and
🔹Share your job skills at a local career fair.
🔹Celebrate all month long. It is also National Women’s History Month.
🔹Use when posting on Social Media.

International Women’s Day origins can be traced back to the early 1900s when women became more politically active. They took an invested and vocal role in steering their course toward voting rights, fair pay, improved working conditions, and representation under the law.


National Report General Service Administration (GSA) Fraud Day!

National Report General Service Administration (GSA) Farud Day takes place annually on March 6 in the U.S.

This day draws the public’s attention to the amount of fraud committed against the G.S.A. government program. It also emphasizes the need for whistleblowers🗣 and educates the people on how to claim a substantial reward for reporting G.S.A. fraud.

About 10% of the U.S. government spending is lost due to fraud, summing up to $350 billion annually. G.S.A. import fraud is difficult to detect by the G.S.A., creating a need for whistleblowers. “Joel Hesch,” a former U.S. Department of Justice Attorney, started this holiday for the same purpose.

The U.S. Congress amended the False Claims Act in 1986 to encourage whistleblowers to come forward with allegations of fraud. The False Claims Act, also called the “Lincoln Law,” is an American federal law that holds people and organizations responsible for defrauding government programs. Whistleblower provisions in 2009 and 2010 further improved the False Claims Act. On July 21, 2010, Congress established the Whistleblower Program to provide monetary incentives to people who come forward and disclose probable violations of federal securities laws to the S.E.C.

“Joel Hesch,” a whistleblower attorney who spent over 15 years working in the Department of Justice whistleblower reward office, created National Report GSA Fraud Day in 2018. He established the day to help stamp out fraud. In a short but detailed video, he spoke about the holiday, its purpose, and how to celebrate the event. Hesch also created his law firm devoted to helping whistleblowers get the government result they deserve. Hesch has written two free e-books to aid the public with information on how to help eliminate fraud. One book addresses typical Medicare fraud schemes, while the other lectures about fraud against the military, homeland security, and other agencies and teaches people how to report these types of fraud.

Whistleblowers helped the U.S. government recover $2.2 billion in settlements and judgments in legal litigation against the government for fraud and false claims.


National Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March each year focuses attention on employees in all industries. Employers across the country in business and organizations plan employee recognition and celebrations. Employee achievement and contributions are honored.

Employees are one of a company’s greatest assets. Recognition and appreciation are known as some of the key motivational factors in the workplace. An employer may show their gratitude for an employee’s efforts and contributions to the company’s goals in a variety of ways. Many organizations include employee appreciation as part of their business structure. It shows how much they value their employees and keeps morale high in the workplace. Employers who express employee appreciation tend to increase employee job satisfaction as well.

While showing your employees how much you appreciate them, ask them how they like to be thanked. Employers might find a consensus of three or four ways that might best serve your industry overall. It might also save some head-scratching too. Did you go over budget on an ice cream sundae bar last year when your team prefers discounted services to the local chiropractor? In the spirit of enthusiasm, consider the nature of your business and how your employees celebrate, too.

While employees’ personalities differ, most employees are goal-driven people. Earning an award, a thank you, or recognition motivates them to reach even higher goals to the benefit of any business or organization.

🧑‍⚕️ Show your employees that you value them.
👩‍🏭 Be Flexible – Flexibility goes a long way in this virtual reality world. If possible
within your industry, allowing a little flexibility can reap huge benefits when you
need last-minute work done.
📝 A Thank You Note – Believe it or not, many employees appreciate a heartfelt,
hand-written thank you more than a slap on the back or a last-minute e-mail.
👫 Team Effort Celebration – If the team pulled together and made it happen,
reward them with an office pizza party, casual dress day, or even close the office
early so they can spend some well-earned time with family.
🗣 Get Caught – Ensure the employee hears you telling someone else you thought
they did a great job.
❤️ Create a Culture of Encouragement – Employees who expand their horizons
bring new skills to your workforce and will encourage others to do so, too. Praise
their achievements and encourage others to pursue their goals.
🕰 Share your favorite way to be appreciated. Answer those employee surveys so
your employer can take action to improve the workplace.
🖥 If you have employees, be sure to show them some appreciation and use to
to post on social media.

In 1995, Bob Nelson, a founding Recognition Professional International board member, and his publishing company, Workman Publishing, created National Employee Appreciation Day.


March 1st was made for National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day. Ah, peanut butter. One day is not enough to recognize peanut butter. The goober has been paired, blended, and added with many tasty results!

The creamy, nutty goodness known as peanut butter is so amazingly delicious that when we pair it with creamy and dreamy chocolate, we almost have bacon.

We digress. Another great love is peanut butter ice cream. Blended smooth with a few chopped nuts and a drizzle of peanut butter syrup is a peanut butter lover’s dream come true.

The slang term for peanut butter in World War II was “monkey butter.”

A monkey 🐒visited the lab at Kellogg’s one day and dipped his banana🍌 in a jar of peanut butter, and he’s been ape over the combination ever since. Actually, banana slices with peanut butter sandwiched between them and dipped in chocolate make a terrific snack.

Peanut butter and bananas were a combination even fit for a king. Elvis Presley loved a peanut butter and banana sandwich or two.

Then peanut butter got its passport and traveled the world. It paired up with some shrimp🍤 and got a little saucy. The result is a Thai peanut butter shrimp that is so yummy it had to be true love.❤️

Things heated up a little when peanut butter jumped into the stew pot to sweat it out with a spring chick seasoned with some cayenne. African Chicken🐔 Peanut Stew tastes better than ever.

One of the best times peanut butter has ever had is with marshmallows🫙. Fudge enjoys a satisfying dessert status to be envied.

Fun Peanut Butter Facts:
🥜 It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.
🥜 C.H. Sumner first sold peanut butter in the United States at the Universal
Exposition in St. Louis. He sold $705.11 of the “new treat” at his concession
🥜 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was introduced to America in 1928.
🥜 The oldest operating manufacturer and seller of peanut butter has been selling
peanut butter since 1898.
🥜 Mr. Ed TV’s used peanut butter as a secret ingredient to get a horse talking.
🥜 Americans spend almost $800 million a year on peanut butter.

How to Celebrate National Peanut Butter Lovers Day....Tell us your favorite way to eat peanut butter. As for my family, my sons always liked mixing it with their vanilla ice cream!

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