Ifrn, Atlanta, GA Videos

Videos by Ifrn in Atlanta. The Indigo Foundation is grounded in creating environments that breed economic empowerment for women

Hey, Beloved Black Girl.
You are not defined by barriers. 🖤

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Hey, Beloved Black Girl. You are not defined by barriers. 🖤

Her, Beloved Black Girl. You carry a unique identity.

Hey, Beloved Black Girl. You are amazing.

Clinicals - Note to Self 💡 1. Show up to clinical on time, with a desire to learn. * 2. Ask questions, nah for real. Don't let your student credentials dissuade you from learning. This is prime time. * 3. Make connections. Let the manager know who you are and that you are interested in coming to their unit post-graduation. And be sincere. * 4. Hot tip - have one student bring the drug guide, one student bring h&p assessment book, one student bring the care plans book. That way no one person is carrying #allthethings. * 5. Keep an eye on your stethoscope; people go for that 5-finger discount. * 6. Smile! You are deserving. You belong. If you need a reminder, dm me. I got you! #newnurse #clinical #college #nursingstudent #ifrn #nurse #lifelonglearning #postgrad #nursebooks #worksmarter #littmann

3 Ways to Focus as a Nursing Student💡 #1. Write a to-do list It's easier to focus when you break down a large task into smaller, more concise steps. Before you sit down, spend a few minutes creating a plan. Or better yet, do it the night before. That way you can hit the ground running in tbe morning. * #2. Set a timer. Tight deadlines help you focus better. I use the timer on my phone in increments. Once it alarms I take a 5-15 minute break. Work hard and focus 100%; then take a much-needed break before starting another session. * #3. Turn up the music! Some people find that turning on music helps them focus better. It drowns out the noise, especially if you're living in a dorm, and keeps your mind going on the task at hand. YouTube has music that's designed to help you concentrate. Try out different music that best fit YOU. Everyone is different and what may help others may not necessarily be of benefit to you. * Give these strategies a try and see what works better for you to help you focus. Let me know what strategy was the most helpful in the comments below! #ifrn #studybreak #nurse #newnurse #education #habits #music #focus #concentration #commitment #studyhabits #studysmart #Youtube

Tell me if this is true...💡 Do you agree with these tips? Let me know in the comments! * I believe there is so much more to nursing than passing meds on time. * It takes grit, passion, and a thirst for improving healthcare. For me, it's about having the back of the underprivileged young black women in Atlanta who truly want to make a difference, but don't have have the funds to do so. * I am here to be their voice until they cultivate their own. IFRN is making a difference and we need more people to help. * Visit www.IFRN.org to show up for them. #healthcare #ifrn #nurse #leader #leadership #nurseeducation #atlantanurses #tips #nursetips #mentor #witness #atlanta #black #voice #youngblackandgifted #blacknurse #growth

Giving away all this cash for #nursing #scholarships. Listen to learn more. And visit ifrn.org to donate. Who's with us?

We are #raising $10K to provide $1K each to 10 #GA #woc who will be starting their first semester of #nursingschool in the Fall 2023. Visit ifrn.org to donate! And follow our #foundation on instagram @ifrn_org