Entrepreneur IQ

EIQ is a strategy driven, full service accelerator for organizations that specializes in turnkey solu Not standing out is the same as being invisible.


More than just making your organization or product a reality, we make it wildly profitable with proven blueprints for success. EIQ is a strategy driven, full service accelerator for organizations that specializes in turnkey solutions for CRM, systems, branding, marketing and digital services for accelerating companies. In order to understand EIQ, you must

Oxygen Magazine Challenge > Fittest Couple > Entry 01/14/2018

Health is the foundation to the success of entrepreneurs. Lee and Emily, true icons of health and success are examples of this. Help them lock down the contest to become America's Fittest and win! Go to the link, vote up to 5 times per day, share and then repeat. http://challenge.oxygenmag.com/Fittest-Couple/Entry/entryid/2220

Oxygen Magazine Challenge > Fittest Couple > Entry The woman's ultimate source for the best workouts, fat loss, health, nutrition and muscle-building information.


Social predictions buzzing for 2018? Facebook: AR will rise and VR development will take place on social. Twitter: bot crackdown and image-recognition triggered advertising. IG: More shopping tags and image recognition and visual search options. Snapchat: AR ad options and better search functions. Linkedin: Further Microsoft app integration and improved data options. Last, Pinterest will likely update their "Table Graph" for marketing insights and improve buyable pins. Takeaway? With the continue in rising of social going into 2018, the strategy is key. Learn more at eIQhub.com.


Most expensive Google keywords going into 2018? #1 is Business Services. The cost per click according to Wordstream is $58.64. This is followed by Bail Bonds, Casino, Lawyer and Asset Management. Organizations should remember that its cost per conversion that matters; not per click. Aim to optimize your quality score in the New Year to drive cost down up to 80%. Strategy is key. Learn more at eIQhub.com.

Mike Casey – Founder & CEO of Entrepreneur IQ (eIQ) & Formula IQ 11/08/2017

Last week we were on the national broadcast The Shrimp Tank discussing entrepreneurship. Check out the podcast to hear some of the insights from the show. http://shrimptankpodcast.com/mike-casey-founder-ceo-of-entrepreneur-iq-eiq-formula-iq/

Mike Casey – Founder & CEO of Entrepreneur IQ (eIQ) & Formula IQ Mike Casey / Entrepreneur IQ (eIQ) & Formula IQ Mike’s career began in the health and supplement industry in 2006 with a focus on increasing sales and customer experience. During that tim…


Digital downfall? Following Twitter earlier this week, Facebook has announced their new ad transparency initiatives with the ongoing investigations after the elections. As stated by Facebook: “Starting next month, people will be able to click “View Ads” on a Page and view ads a Page is running, whether or not the person viewing is in the intended target audience for the ad." If that wasn't enough pressure, an area bound to disrupt fast growth marketing is Facebook's current test which is experimenting with a new, alternate News Feed set up which would remove all direct Page posts from the main News Feed and shift them across to the newly expanded ‘Explore Feed’, which would make it almost impossible to reach users. Contact our analyst at eIQhub.com to learn more and stay up to date on latest updates.


The numbers are in and up 4 million to 330 million users for Twitter in Q3, which is higher than anticipated. Twitter still has many challenges, but there’s also still significant opportunity for the platform, especially if their video content plans takes hold and they can better convert their engaged audience into a stronger avenue for revenue generation. As we last stated, the proof is always in the numbers. Entrepreneurs shouldn't count Twitter out going into 2018 given their initiatives. Subscribe to Analyst notes at eIQhub.com.


Using micro-influencers for maximum results is smart in fast growth. Micro refers to the group that has 1000 to 2000 followers. While that may not have the appeal of the millions celebrities have, the cost does not have a price tag of $50k per post. The key is engagement and conversion as the micro-influencers have a close group of friends and family which leads to a large engagement at a small cost- making the ROI lucrative. Maximizing marketing dollars through strategy leads to success that can be measured and scaled. Let our Strategist dial in your strategy for 2018- eIQhub.com.


Most of the noise regarding Facebook is around Snapchat, however they have their eyes on other platforms such as LinkedIn. Facebook has now released their new work history section, which enables users to upload a virtual resume similar to LinkedIn. Alongside their partnership with ZipRecruiter and other new test and features, indicators point to Facebook putting more focus on professional-based tools, further expanding their dominance in the social space. Keep up to date with latest Analyst notes at eIQhub.com.


Facebook has announced PayPal as a new peer-to-peer payment option in messenger. This focus is specifically part of Facebook’s larger ambition to follow the lead of Asian chat apps like WeChat, which many view as an essential tool within its 963 million monthly active users. WeChat users utilize the app for everything – from staying in touch, to doing banking, and - most importantly from Facebook’s perspective - for shopping. Keep up with the latest Analyst notes at eIQhub.com.


Last week Facebook announced that their Snapchat clone, Facebook Stories were now available on all pages. With organic reach down 20% (Buzzsumo), stories are prime real-estate right now and show highest on feeds. Fast growth companies should leverage this to generate engagement and sales as the usage is predicted to increase. A large benefit of this to leverage is the ability to cross promote stories with Instagram. In terms of personalized, real and valuable content, Facebook Stories are non-negotiable for most fast growth companies. Learn how to dial in your fast growth strategy- eIQhub.com.


was announced as Twitters newest team of Strategist to allow users to maximize video ad performance in order to provide "end-to-end creative consulting and support". According to Twitter, their video ads are found to be almost 2X as memorable when compared to the same ads on other premium sites. Their main focus will be on boosted content through creating stopping power on feeds as the legacy approach is no longer as effective. Fast growth as Twitter portrays shows the scale of video on digital for those who know how to execute with strategy. Dial in your video strategy for 2018 with our team at eIQhub.com.


Each week Facebook test several updates- some stick and some fall wayside, however this week two interesting ones are Facial Recognition and B2B Business Discovery. The first is expected given Apple's recent direction. Facebook is now treading on LinkedIn's turf by testing a new platform, which could help companies connect with relevant providers – and help businesses generate more exposure on the platform. While not many details, this could help Facebook create a B2B ecosystem. Stay up to speed and register for our full Analyst notes at eIQhub.com


Hack has become a buzzword in marketing, but reality is they are simply smart strategies. Key ones can fall under "OPM"- Other people's marketing and messaging. Utilizing third-party ambassadors and platforms is the quickest way to accelerate your organization. If you have a great product or service, others most likely have the audience in need. Look for the win and keep it simple. Learn more at eIQhub.com.


Magical Marketing- Email Marketing to be exact. Just when is the magical time to send marketing emails? While there isn't one, a study recently by sendinblue shows us that 85% of marketing emails are opened on weekdays. 32% of B2B emails were opened around 10pm and overall 24% were clicked between 4-6pm. However, the optimal time was between Tuesday and Thursday at 10am or 2pm. Strategy is key in winning the war on marketing in the digital space. Dial in your campaigns for 2018. Learn more at eIQhub.com.


According to a recent study by Mediakix there has been a 33% decline in Influencers using Snapchat. Why? They're all moving to Instagram. More than just a user preference, Instagram has proven to have better tracking metrics. Data is king going into 2018 for fast growth. Learn more at eIQhub.com.


Non-HTTPS Website Owners Have an Unpleasant Surprise Coming in October. Starting October 2017, Chrome (version 62) will show a “Not secure” warning when users enter text in a form on an HTTP page or when they view any non-HTTPS page in Incognito mode. The alert will appear to the left of Chrome's address bar, as shown below. GlobalWebIndex estimates that 46% of international website users use private (incognito) windows for browsing, so you can expect roughly half your audience will see the warning. Companies should verify with their web developers or register with Google Search Console to ensure they are covered. Still unsure? Have our analyst review your site to gain insights. Go to eIQhub.com to learn more.


Twitter is making additional moves: TweetDeck has announced that users are now able to upload and send videos via tweet through the Twitter management app. Twitter is here to stay and should be utilized for fast-growth. Learn more at eIQhub.com.


3X the revenue and transactions. That is the amount of revenue welcome emails generate over any other email you send to your customers and prospects, yet only 57.7% of companies send them. Every brand is entitled to tackle their welcome email series how they like and should- first impressions are everything. Make them feel different, get them acquainted, set realistic expectations and let them know why they subscribed, or better yet, why would un-subscribe. Own your space or someone else will. Check out eIQhub.com to learn more and how our analyst can help.


Snap’s next performance numbers will be released around November, and as always, the market will be keenly analyzing their figures. If there’s no improvement – or worse, a decline in their numbers – Snap will need to start assessing their options. But there may come a time where the company considers potential partnerships, and as seen, Apple or Google may be at the front of that running given their recent interactions, such as mention at the iPhone X release from engineer Craig Federighi, which led to a spike in the price of Snap's shares. Stay tuned to know more, but never count Snapchat out.


Entrepreneurs are often quick to jump to opinions as they know when to raise. The most important and hardest factor though is knowing when to leave the table. With Twitters new Tweet count everything we put forward now is opinion – the true measure will be reflected in the data. While There are concerns about spammers and marketers spewing forth massive blocks of texts in users feed, if Twitter sees an increase in usage and adoption because of the change, it’s a good one. More from less is important, Quality is critical, but engaging through relevance is non-negotiable no matter the character count. Simplify fast growth- EIQhub.com.


What are non-negotiable in a video marketing campaign? First, goals that are measurable with a deadline. Second and vital is a content schedule (at the start). Third is defining a content creator, but most important is defining Team roles. Fourth, get your customers behind the camera and get user-generated content. Lastly, ensure users know exactly what to do at the end. Whether it's to sign up, buy or learn more it must be simple and clear to complete an effective campaign cycle. Learn more at EIQhub.com about how to creative disruptive campaigns.


LinkedIn has changed the way comments are ranked in your post (we know... who cares right?) You should and here's why: in 2017 social activity on posts have increased by +60% year-over-year on the platform. “The number of interactions generated per comment update impression is 2.5x that of connection updates (updates indicating your professional network has new connections), and 1.8x that of viral updates from likes from your connections.” How do they now rank? See below. Dial in your acceleration for 2018 by utilizing our Analyst at EIQhub.com.


Accelerating actions to grow: SEO non-negotiables going into 2018. 1. Site Quality is key as Google is prioritizing sticky, deep sites going into 2018. 2. In-depth, engaging content ranks higher on Google as page rank is tied to page time, not read time. Placement and imagery is key. 3. Smartphones are the primary search device now. 77% of U.S. adults have a smartphone. 4. Search is becoming localized. 40% increase took place in food and beverage searches in the last year. 5. Traditional SEO is a baseline, not an advantage. 65% of domains ranking for high-volume keywords are now HTTPS secure. Google's March 2017 "Fred" update changed the game so companies should pivot to scale. Learn more at EIQhub.com.


eMarketer just dropped a new study showing that teens and young adults are leaving Facebook and are on Instagram and Snapchat. Snapchat's projected to overtake both Facebook and Instagram in the 12 to 17 and 18 to 24 age groups with its share of U.S. social network users surging to 8%. On paper all would run to Snapchat for that age group. Our analyst say stay the course. Why? Instagram's projected to grow 23.8% in the U.S., with users under 12 increasing 19% and the 12 to 17 year-old demographic rising 8.8%. The two most important reasons: Facebook owns Instagram and while the teen's say "I want", it's the parents who "buy". Know your true purchaser, yet appeal to all decision makers and plan strategy accordingly. Learn more at EIQhub.com.


Most know by now that the $5 billion in debt caught up with Toys R Us, as well could push our loan default rate for retail past 10% as they filed bankruptcy, but what's the lesson for entrepreneurs? Experience matters, but on-demand is non-negotiable for companies. Tesla and Apple have continued to prove this model. E-Commerce is only increasing and attention spans decreasing. Knowing how to reach your customer right where they're at when they're having the need is essential. Check out our site to dial in your E-Commerce presence. EIQhub.com.


If you advertise (and you should) or are an influencer on Instagram you should take note as they are testing a new 4-Wide Layout, which could cause a presentation re-think for not only marketers, but third party apps. This could be to increase everyday engagement as there's 25% more content per line. Contact us today at EIQhub.com.


If you're accelerating in the B2C space you need to be utilizing Pinterest. With now 200 million MAU (up 40% year-over-year), they're driving ROI. Who should take note the most? Those in the financial space as in their most recent stats they have seen an 85% increase in pins related to financial market year to date. With 1 out of 2 who see a promoted pin making a purchase the is ROI high. Other hot markets to watch are food and auto. Know your customer and where to reach them. Learn more at EIQhub.com.


LinkedIn recently did a study that showed 44% of professionals valued straight to the point educational content. 89% of those surveyed engaged with trending industry news and 86% with best tips and practices. So actionable application: address your audience directly as it has a 185% higher engagement and keep the range between 60k to 400k. More importantly set your bid at a 10% higher rate as it has a 27% higher conversion rate. Strategy is key and to the point is non-negotiable. Learn more at EIQhub.com.


29 years old. The age of David Knopf who was named the new CFO of Heinz. Disrupters understand strategy and that age is simply a number. Analyst and Strategist are the future of acceleration and that future starts now. The Princeton grad was an investment banking analyst for Goldman Sachs. He was nominated in 2017 for Forbes 30 under 30 for his role in the 3G- led $11 billion Burger King- Tim Hortons acquisition, and Heinz's $45 million merge with Kraft. David seized the opportunity to have it "his" way. Learn more at EIQhub.com. Photo credit: Forbes


Market research is everything in B2B when it comes to accelerating. Systems and insights provide little ROI unless used. According to Salesforce companies who use segmented campaigns see a 760% increase in sales. These should be broken out into: market, client type, service area and buyer persona at minimum. Secondly, personalize it as emails with personalized subject lines have a 26% higher open rate. Data is the new sales going into 2018 and knowing your client matters. Learn more at EIQhub.com.


Entrepreneur application- BuzzSumo, a content discovery app has recently added a new feature that could provide significant help to those looking for new content ideas – and importantly, ideas that resonate with their target market. Their new "Question Analyzer" provides relevant context by crawling forums, Quora, Reddit and Amazon. This allows you to dial in the questions people are seeking answers on. Content is King for accelerating companies and it must be relevant. Access the Analyst hub at https://www.eiqhub.com/hub/

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