Balance Atlanta Family Chiropractic

Family Chiropractic, BrainCore Therapy, Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Wellness Coaching, Difficult Everyone is welcome. This is my personal creation.

“You never know how far reaching something you say, think or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” – BJ Palmer, son of the founder of chiropractic

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Balance Atlanta. In nearly 20-years of being in practice, I have always had one simple objective – to educate, to inspire and to care for people of all ages so they may become the best version

First-in-nation ban on 6 chemicals in school foods passes in California | CNN 08/31/2024

Gabriel and the EWG said that though “new science is available,” the US Food and Drug Administration’s current regulations of the dyes in food is based on research that’s 35 to 70 years old.

The law is “important to me as a parent, it’s important to me as somebody who’s struggled with ADHD as a child, and it’s important to me as a parent of a child who is struggling with ADHD,” Gabriel said in the briefing. “We know that the synthetic food dyes that are targeted by this bill can cause harm for all kids, but we know that there is a specially pronounced impact on a lot of our young people with ADHD and other challenges.”

First-in-nation ban on 6 chemicals in school foods passes in California | CNN The California Legislature has passed a bill banning red dye No. 40 and five other chemicals from use in public school foods.


Because we like it when patients look at something other than their phones. But they still look at their phones...😳


As a chiropractor, I focus on the musculoskeletal system's health, emphasizing spinal alignment and how it affects overall body function. Adjusting the spine and peripheral joints like the feet, ankles, and knees is essential for maintaining optimal musculoskeletal health. Here’s why these adjustments are necessary:

1. Alignment and Biomechanics
The feet, ankles, and knees form the foundation of the body's kinetic chain. Misalignments or dysfunctions in these joints can cause altered biomechanics, affecting walking, standing, and moving. This can lead to abnormal stress on the muscles, ligaments, and other joints (including the hips and spine), potentially causing pain and injury.

Proper foot, ankle, and knee alignment ensures an even distribution of body weight, reducing the risk of developing imbalances or compensatory patterns that can lead to musculoskeletal problems.

2. Improving Gait and Posture
Misalignment in the feet, such as overpronation (flat feet) or supination (high arches), can affect the entire body's posture and gait. Due to altered movement patterns and compensation, these misalignments can lead to issues such as knee pain, hip pain, and lower back pain.

Adjustments to the feet, ankles, and knees can help correct these postural imbalances, promoting a more natural gait and preventing compensatory stress on other body parts.

3. Pain Relief
Misalignments and joint dysfunction in the feet, ankles, or knees can lead to localized pain and inflammation. Conditions like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, knee pain, and arthritis can often be traced back to improper joint alignment or function.

Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper joint movement and alignment, relieving pressure on surrounding tissues, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain.

4. Enhancing Joint Mobility and Function
Restricted joint movement can limit mobility, leading to stiffness and decreased range of motion. This can affect an individual's ability to perform daily activities, exercise, or participate in sports.

Chiropractic adjustments help improve joint mobility, enhancing overall function and flexibility. This supports better performance in physical activities and reduces the risk of injury.

5. Preventing Injuries
Proper alignment and joint function in the feet, ankles, and knees are crucial for stability and balance. Misalignments can make these joints more prone to sprains, strains, and fractures, especially during physical activities or sports.
Regular adjustments can help maintain joint stability and alignment, reducing the likelihood of injuries and ensuring the joints can handle the stresses placed on them during movement.

6. Supporting the Spine and Pelvis
The alignment of the feet, ankles, and knees directly affects the alignment of the spine and pelvis. For example, a misalignment in the feet can lead to compensatory changes in the pelvis and spine, contributing to conditions like lower back pain, sciatica, and hip pain.

By ensuring proper alignment of the lower extremities, chiropractic care helps maintain the integrity of the musculoskeletal system, supporting spinal health and reducing the risk of pain and dysfunction in the back and pelvis.

7. Enhancing Athletic Performance
Athletes often put significant stress on their feet, ankles, and knees. Misalignments or dysfunctions in these joints can negatively impact performance by affecting balance, agility, and power.

Chiropractic adjustments can help optimize joint function, improve biomechanics, and enhance athletic performance. Athletes who receive regular adjustments are better equipped to handle the physical demands of their sports and recover more quickly from injuries.

8. Addressing Compensatory Patterns
When one body part is misaligned, others often compensate to maintain balance and function. For example, if one knee is misaligned, the opposite hip or ankle may overcompensate, leading to pain and dysfunction in those areas.

By addressing misalignments in the feet, ankles, and knees, chiropractic care helps correct these compensatory patterns, promoting more balanced movement and reducing the risk of further injury.

9. Improving Circulation and Nerve Function
Misalignments in the lower extremities can lead to restricted blood flow and nerve compression, which may cause symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or swelling.

Adjustments help improve circulation and nerve function by restoring proper alignment and reducing pressure on blood vessels and nerves. This can enhance overall health and well-being.

10. Holistic Approach to Health
Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to health, focusing on the body's interconnected systems. Adjusting the feet, ankles, and knees is part of this comprehensive care, ensuring that the musculoskeletal system functions harmoniously.

This holistic approach supports physical health and mental and emotional well-being, as pain relief and improved mobility can significantly enhance a person’s quality of life.


CATS Cranial Adjusting Technique

CATS, or Cranial Adjusting Turner Style, is a chiropractic technique Dr. Charles H. Turner developed. It focuses on the alignment and balance of the cranial bones, aiming to optimize the function of the cranial nerves, improve cerebrospinal fluid flow, and enhance overall nervous system function.


Gentle adjustments: CATS utilizes gentle and noninvasive adjustments to address misalignments and imbalances in the cranial bones. Dr. Caroline makes specific hand contacts and applies light pressure to encourage the skull bones to move into their proper positions.

Palpation and assessment: The doctor uses palpation and manual assessment techniques to identify areas of tension, restriction, or asymmetry in the cranial bones and surrounding tissues. This hands-on evaluation helps select appropriate adjustment techniques and treatment protocols.

Balancing the cranial rhythms: CATS focuses on balancing the cranial rhythms, which refer to the subtle, rhythmic movements of the cranial bones and membranes associated with the production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. CATS aims to optimize nervous system function and promote overall health and well-being by addressing restrictions or dysfunctions in these rhythms.

Integration with other techniques: CATS can be integrated with different chiropractic techniques, such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue techniques, and rehabilitative exercises, to provide comprehensive patient care. Dr. Caroline will tailor treatment plans to each individual's unique needs and preferences, combining multiple therapies for optimal results.

Patient comfort and safety: CATS adjustments are gentle and comfortable, making them suitable for patients of all ages and conditions. Dr. Caroline prioritizes patient comfort and safety during treatment, ensuring a positive and relaxing experience for individuals receiving CATS adjustments.

Treatment of various conditions: CATS Cranial Adjusting Technique can be beneficial for addressing a wide range of health concerns, including headaches, migraines, TMJ dysfunction, sinus issues, ear infections, neurological conditions, and musculoskeletal pain. By restoring proper cranial alignment and function, CATS helps support the body's natural healing processes and promote optimal health and wellness.

Patient education and self-care: CATS practitioners such as Dr. Caroline often educate and guide patients on self-care techniques and strategies to support their overall well-being between chiropractic visits. This may include recommendations for stress management, relaxation techniques, ergonomic modifications, and home exercises to complement the benefits of CATS adjustments.


Stress can have a profound impact on the developing brain of a teenager, both in the short term and long term. Adolescence is a critical period for brain development, characterized by significant changes in brain structure and function. The teenage brain is highly sensitive to stress due to its ongoing development, particularly in regions associated with emotion regulation, decision-making, and impulse control. Here’s a detailed explanation of how stress affects the teen brain:

1. Activation of the Stress Response System
When a teenager experiences stress, the body's stress response system, known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, is activated. This system releases stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, into the bloodstream. These hormones prepare the body to respond to a perceived threat (the "fight-or-flight" response) by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and energy levels.

In small amounts, this stress response is normal and can help teens handle challenging situations. However, chronic or excessive stress can lead to prolonged activation of the HPA axis, resulting in consistently high levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

2. Impact on the Prefrontal Cortex
The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making, impulse control, planning, and rational thinking, is one of the last regions of the brain to fully mature. It continues developing into the mid-20s. Chronic stress can impair the function and development of the prefrontal cortex, making it harder for teens to make sound decisions, control impulses, and manage emotions.

High levels of cortisol can reduce the size of the prefrontal cortex, impairing cognitive functions such as attention, problem-solving, and memory. This may lead to difficulties in school, social interactions, and increased risk-taking behaviors.

3. Effects on the Amygdala
The amygdala, the brain’s emotional center, is responsible for processing emotions like fear and anxiety. During adolescence, the amygdala is particularly sensitive to stress. Chronic stress can cause the amygdala to become hyperactive, leading to heightened fear responses, anxiety, and emotional outbursts.
An overactive amygdala can result in teens being more reactive to stressors, perceiving situations as more threatening than they are, and experiencing more frequent feelings of anxiety or anger.

4. Hippocampal Damage and Memory Impairment
The hippocampus, a brain region critical for memory formation and learning, is highly sensitive to stress. Chronic stress can lead to shrinkage of the hippocampus and reduce its ability to form new memories. This can impair a teenager's ability to learn, retain information, and recall memories.

High cortisol levels can damage hippocampal neurons, leading to difficulties with concentration, academic performance, and cognitive processing.

5. Impact on Neurogenesis
Neurogenesis, the process of forming new neurons, is particularly active during adolescence. Chronic stress can inhibit neurogenesis, particularly in the hippocampus, affecting brain development and cognitive functions.

Reduced neurogenesis can lead to impaired learning, memory deficits, and decreased ability to adapt to new situations or challenges.

6. Increased Risk of Mental Health Disorders
Chronic stress during adolescence has been linked to a higher risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The ongoing changes in the brain make teens more vulnerable to the impact of stress, potentially leading to long-term mental health issues.
Stress can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are crucial for mood regulation. This imbalance can contribute to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or irritability.

7. Effects on Sleep
Stress can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep. Lack of sleep can further exacerbate stress, creating a cycle of sleep deprivation and increased stress.

Sleep is essential for brain development, emotional regulation, and cognitive function. Poor sleep quality can impair memory, concentration, and decision-making, leading to academic and social challenges.

8. Impact on Social Behavior and Relationships
Stress can affect a teen’s social behavior, making them more withdrawn, irritable, or aggressive. These changes in behavior can strain relationships with peers, family members, and teachers.

Social stress, such as bullying or peer pressure, can have a significant impact on a teen’s self-esteem and identity development. Chronic stress in social situations can lead to social anxiety and difficulty forming healthy relationships.

9. Behavioral Changes and Risk-Taking
Adolescents under chronic stress may engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse, smoking, or reckless driving, as a way to cope with stress. These behaviors can provide temporary relief but may lead to long-term consequences and further stress.
The underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, combined with an overactive amygdala, makes teens more prone to impulsive and risky behavior when stressed.

10. Long-Term Impact on Brain Structure and Function
Chronic stress during adolescence can have long-lasting effects on brain structure and function. Changes in brain regions like the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus may persist into adulthood, potentially leading to ongoing difficulties with emotional regulation, cognitive function, and mental health.
These structural changes can affect a teen’s ability to handle stress in the future, making them more vulnerable to stress-related disorders later in life.


Wow! You look so vacation-y.
“Yes. I was shark fishing.”

We love our patients!

Revenues Down and Stock Battered as Data Firm Faces Scrutiny (Gift Article) 08/16/2024

“Hospital systems, chiropractors, addiction treatment centers and other medical providers across the country have sued MultiPlan, accusing the firm of conspiring with insurers, including Aetna, Cigna and UnitedHealthcare, to drive down payments. Some of them asked a panel of federal judges to consolidate the lawsuits, and the panel recently agreed to do so, sending more than two dozen cases to a court in Illinois.”

One reason why Balance Atlanta stays out of the insurance hassle…

Revenues Down and Stock Battered as Data Firm Faces Scrutiny (Gift Article) MultiPlan has helped big health insurers make billions by reducing reimbursements for medical bills, but its business model is now being questioned.


Safe travels and good luck on your new adventure in Colorado, Michelle. Thanks for being a wonderful patient of our Balance Atlanta family. We will miss you! ❤️💕😎


A rockstar comes in for a chiropractic adjustment. 🎸


No Bull. That’s how we like it. A good reminder while doing a chiropractic leg check to assess spinal mechanics.


Emily’s response to insurance questions.


Another day of photos and videos for the new website. Everything will turn out well despite my nerves!


Through tears and laughter, this winner is a woman who embodies strength and kindness.


My view while adjusting a spine today. Well, I hope everyone feels better.


Swamp juice to get the day going. Ginger, lemon, cucumber, parsley, water. Throw it into a Vitamix blender. Add more water. Strain pulp. Drink. (You can save the pulp and put it in vegetable soup so you don’t toss valuable nutrition.)


When not at work as “Dr. Caroline” - work/life balance - change of scenery.


Sammy does NOT believe I’m the doctor. She’s convinced that Emily (in scrubs) is the real ideal and I’m the imposter. Sammy plays Emily the Chiropractor Barbies. Here she is, with her muse…Emily.


I have no idea how I found this background, but I’ll take it!


Have a great holiday week!


I filled out a form. I hope to see more women stepping up and being business owners.

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Our Story

“You never know how far reaching something you say, think or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” – BJ Palmer, son of the founder of chiropractic

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Balance Atlanta. In nearly 20-years of being in practice, I have always had one simple objective – to educate, to inspire and to care for people of all ages so they may become the best version of themselves. Balance Atlanta is community of diverse families who make the pursuit of well-being a priority.

While some people come to Balance Atlanta for short-term care, others become extended members of my own family. Everyone is welcome. Relationship is the overriding currency – establishing a collaborative partnership built on a foundation of trust, respect and commitment. Having someone in your corner who will listen, find and correct the cause of the issue, and guide you towards balance is what health care should be about.

Practice members recognize that with a foundation of mental and physical balance, children and adults are better equipped to express their full potential. They look beyond the limiting belief system of symptoms, sickness and disease. Instead, they strive to integrate all components of a healthy lifestyle at every stage of development.

The scope of care offered at Balance Atlanta is exclusive – you will not find the combination of Chiropractic, BrainCore Therapy, Functional Medicine, Difficult Cases, Premium Services, or Social Impact – anywhere else in the world. Someone recently said, “I didn’t know chiropractors do all of that…” They don’t. This is my personal creation. For nearly 20-years, I continue to listen to the needs my patients. I evaluate the pros and shortcomings of our current health care system. I learn from experts in the holistic and allopathic fields. By merging cutting edge technology and clinical experience with a genuine passion to be of service to others, I address structural health, brain function, and chemical balance. Pieces of the puzzle must fit together to support the whole person.

A new patient may initially seek care for a specific condition. Perhaps due to injury, they cannot exercise efficiently. Or, being overwhelmed by stress, happiness, sleep quality, family life, and productivity have been compromised. Frequently, Balance Atlanta has become the last resort for those who are frustrated when conventional treatments fail to resolve chronic illnesses. Seeing how their health has improved, many practice members continue as wellness patients. A natural outcome of their experience is maintaining an active lifestyle with preventive care. Having suffered from chronic migraines prior to ever receiving chiropractic adjustments, and having lost both of my parents to cancer, I firmly believe we should never take health for granted.

Mothers have given me the honor to adjust their newborns, just minutes old. Where peak performance is on the line, professional athletes and celebrities in the film industry get adjusted at 360 Pharr Road. Teens navigating the pressures of academics, sports and social expectations are fans of chiropractic. Watching them grow up, I’ve become their “Aunt Dr. Caroline” – someone they can count on, a personal confidante of sorts. The difference between success and falling through cracks may just be nurturing a nerve system that can handle stress effectively. Parents and business people have expressed how safe and welcome they feel here. With fresh flowers, healthy snacks, educational literature, upbeat music, original art, and small personal touches, Balance Atlanta becomes a family-friendly oasis in the middle of Buckhead. My staff and I truly care about you.

Whether you decide Balance Atlanta is the place for you or not, I appreciate the time you took to explore my website. I am always happy to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions. Having put a lot of love into creating the practice of my dreams, I look forward to sharing my commitment to balance with you and your family.

In health and happiness,

Dr. Caroline von Fluegge-Chen

Videos (show all)

Even dentists like sweets!
Solving TMJ issues, one jaw at a time with chiropractic and laser therapy.
Dogs are loved on at Balance Atlanta.
Balance Atlanta Family Chiropractic at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market today.
Her daughter is an intensely competitive swimmer. After just a few weeks of chiropractic care, she’s noticing a huge dif...
I had no idea Laura races cars. Chiropractic has helped her spine feel better and perform on the track with greater ease...
Under chiropractic care since he was in his mom's belly. My heart melts when I think back to what a wee little baby he w...



360 Pharr Road NE
Atlanta, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm

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