Web Marketing Therapy

Healthy Marketing = Wealthy Organizations®
Optimization • Training • Marketing Management Healthy Marketing = Wealthy Organizations®

Web Marketing Therapy is a full-service agency specializing in marketing support and optimization, getting our clients on the right path for success. We help our clients learn, grow and achieve via our simple diagnose, prescribe and guide approach, putting the pieces of your marketing puzzle together so it clicks!


It’s essential for leaders to disconnect from their day-to-day lives to reconnect strategically, gaining new ideas and ways to grow. Our marketing retreats are specifically curated for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketing teams seeking strategic growth.

We offer fully customized half, full, and multi-day retreats to help you take your marketing and business to the next level.

We host our retreats in Serenbe, Georgia, a destination celebrated for its harmonious blend of nature, wellness, amenities, and community, offering an exceptional environment for renewal. Surrounded by verdant landscapes and renowned for its diverse dining and enriching experiences, Serenbe provides an unparalleled backdrop for transformative retreats, where well-being and inspiration thrive.

Learn more:

Strategies for balancing the art and science of marketing - The Business Journals 08/21/2024

Business leaders often view marketing as a necessary evil — a task they dread dealing with but need to meet their sales and growth goals. Lorrie Thomas Ross, CEO of Web Marketing Therapy, is passionate about changing this mindset. Her mission is to help leaders have a happier, healthier, and wealthier relationship with marketing so they not only do marketing effectively and authentically but also enjoy the process. Read her article in The Business Journals to get more positive marketing in motion!

Strategies for balancing the art and science of marketing - The Business Journals For Leadership Trust member Lorrie Thomas Ross, effective marketing incorporates both heart and strategy.


One of the smartest strategies to help convert social media followers into customers is to create a sense of community and connection. We buy from people and brands we know, like, love and trust. The key to community and connection? CONTENT.

Content needs to be nutrient-rich. It has to have a style and substance that is on-brand and on-purpose. Thank you Forbes Agency Council for including Lorrie Thomas Ross' insights in your "How To Turn Social Media Followers Into Customers" article!

Read the full article here: https://bit.ly/3WIc6QS


Love seeing our recent photography for Creek Retreat at Serenbe in this super inspiring article that highlights the incredible spa career of the founder and the vision of their incredible wellness space. Click here https://bit.ly/3StLuld to read their full article in Insider's Guide to Spas and visit https://www.webmarketingtherapy.com/photography/ to learn more about our brand photography solutions!


Lorrie Thomas Ross was interviewed by Voyage ATL about her professional journey and our marketing solutions company. In the interview, she shares that marketing isn't just about selling; it's about serving and building trust. Her professional path (from Girl Scout cookie sales to agency leadership) showcases the importance of meaningful connections and ethical marketing practices. Read her full story and insights! Read the full interview here: https://bit.ly/4b068ja

Beyond Words: How Photography Elevates Brand Communication 06/26/2024

Visuals create a lasting impression in a way that text cannot, tapping into the psychology of imagery to forge deeper connections with your audience. 📸✨ The human brain processes images faster than text, making powerful imagery in marketing essential for capturing emotions and conveying your brand’s narrative.

Beyond Words: How Photography Elevates Brand Communication In today's fast-paced digital world, the importance of visual content in modern marketing cannot be overstated. Consumers are bombarded with information daily, and brands need to stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape. Photography plays


Lorrie Thomas Ross shares her career story in a recent feature with Voyage ATL. 🚀💼 Read the interview here: https://bit.ly/4b068ja

Is Your Marketing Right or Right Now? 05/24/2024

Digital marketing is ever-evolving, which is exciting but can also be derailing. Should you jump on the latest marketing trend? Our blog post discusses how to make strategic marketing decisions that will benefit your business for the long haul.

Is Your Marketing Right or Right Now? The only constant in this wild and wonderful web world is change. Digital marketing trends are ever-evolving, which is really exciting, but it can also be a bit derailing for those who are a little

How to encourage productive employee feedback: 11 leaders’ insights - The Business Journals 05/16/2024

We take pride in being an agency with AGENCY. The creative collaboration we have is essential to being the best to our clients. In this Atlanta Business Chronicle Leadership Trust article, Lorrie Thomas Ross shares how our culture of collaboration naturally yields creative feedback and suggestions to make positive changes and optimize processes. We have a “silence is death” rule at WMT — not only with our clients but also with each other. Business owners who give their employees agency get natural feedback.

How to encourage productive employee feedback: 11 leaders’ insights - The Business Journals Getting input from the team is an important step before making significant changes, since they have the most knowledge of what’s needed.

The Power Of Hitting The Pause Button in Marketing 05/03/2024

When envisioning marketing success, we tend to think about the act of moving forward, taking action, investing in new solutions, or making a new plan(s). What we have found is that some of the biggest success stories start simply in the act of pausing.

Marketing, and especially digital marketing, is often perceived as a continuous journey where you constantly accelerate and go-go-go to capture market share. While we love momentum, there is nothing heroic about going for the sake of going. This can cause stress, burnout, and poor decision-making.

If you are in the mood for a marketing chill pill, consider strategically pausing to help you regroup, pivot, and prioritize to save, simplify and amplify your results. Click below to read more.

The Power Of Hitting The Pause Button in Marketing When envisioning marketing success, we tend to envision the act of moving forward, taking action, investing in new solutions, or making a new plan(s). What we have found is that some of the biggest success stories

Illuminating the Path: The Importance of Passion and Purpose in Marketing 04/25/2024

In the marketing world, light can be used as a powerful metaphor. Ads, social media, websites, videos, and email are examples that represent the lantern – marketing vehicles that shine when they have a guiding force, the light within. While it’s essential to move forward with marketing (momentum is a must), we encourage you to take a tiny step back to ensure you are clear on your light (your “why”) as this clarity will illuminate your strategy, making all these amazing marketing tools work more powerfully to brand, build and boost your business.

Illuminating the Path: The Importance of Passion and Purpose in Marketing "It is the light in the lantern which shows you the path, not the lantern." In the marketing world, light can be used as a powerful metaphor. Ads, social media, websites, videos, and email are examples

194 - Even Our Businesses Can Use a Little Therapy with Lorrie Thomas Ross by Become Your Own Boss: Tips for Starting and Growing Your Own Small Business 04/16/2024

Lorrie Thomas Ross was interviewed by Monica Allen, Entrepreneur and Podcaster on her Become Your Own Boss podcast.

Lorrie gets real, sharing stories about her entrepreneurial journey and the power of:
- starting ugly
- reinvesting in your business
- branding, consistency
- unplugging
- being a good listener
- bringing solutions to your clients
- and so much more

194 - Even Our Businesses Can Use a Little Therapy with Lorrie Thomas Ross by Become Your Own Boss: Tips for Starting and Growing Your Own Small Business Join Monica as she sits down with Lorrie Thomas Ross, the CEO of Web Marketing Therapy and the renowned "Marketing Therapist." This episode dives into the essentials of branding, the importance of listening to your customers, and the power of letting go to boost your business. In This Episode, You W...


Marketing solutions are not "one size fits all." Understanding your organization's WHY is essential to determine what plans work best for you.

Our CEO, Lorrie Thomas Ross, aka "The Marketing Therapist", had the pleasure of sitting down with Shoutout Atlanta to discuss all things digital marketing. We are always grateful for opportunities to share how Web Marketing Therapy puts the puzzle pieces together for our clients and creates solutions specifically for them.

Read the full article: https://shoutoutatlanta.com/meet-lorrie-thomas-ross-the-marketing-therapist/


One of the toughest parts of our job is seeing and hearing the tales of great leaders and organizations who are experiencing burnout or have trust issues after having negative marketing experiences.

One of the main reasons we see marketing fail is from neglect or dismissal of the relational side of marketing. Yes, there is an art and science to marketing, but so often, it's the ❤️HEART❤️ that needs to be attended to.

When maximizing healthy relationships is at the forefront of your marketing strategy, passion and process collide, and projects, processes, and systems begin to become clear.

Our honest, tough-love, solution-oriented approach supports intentional leaders and enterprising organizations, putting your marketing puzzle pieces together so work clicks. If you are tired of meaningless marketing and want to invest in sustainable

Meet The Marketing Therapist – Lorrie Thomas Ross Interview 01/26/2024

When it comes to digital marketing, there are so many options, which is exciting, but for many leaders, the plethora of options can seem overwhelming. What works for one company is not necessarily going to work for another. In this interview, Lorrie Thomas Ross talks about WMT and how we help take the stress out of by providing solution-oriented support and optimization, putting the puzzle pieces together for long-term success.

Meet The Marketing Therapist – Lorrie Thomas Ross Interview Lorrie Thomas Ross, The Marketing Therapist was interviewed by Shoutout Atlanta.

The Power of Speaking Up 01/04/2024

Our company amplifies the visibility, credibility, and sellability of our clients. Every member of the WMT team is encouraged to share their perspective to improve our client's marketing and is encouraged to speak their mind if they feel a system, situation, or approach can be improved. Speaking up opens the door to exploring solutions that might otherwise go unnoticed. It encourages teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, conversation, AND HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, WEALTHIER marketing!

The Power of Speaking Up In business, as in life, we are often presented with moments of opposition or conflict when speaking up can create opportunities for improvement, growth, and new solutions. Having a foundation of trust, compassion, and confidence

Create Memorable Marketing with Brand Continuity 12/04/2023

When it comes to messaging and experience, consistency is key. It begins with the first impression and follows with all other experiences to help communicate, connect, and convert customers. Whether that messaging is in an Instagram post, an ad, a website visit, a video, or a blog post, marketing is meaningful and memorable when there is continuity.

Create Memorable Marketing with Brand Continuity First impressions are important. When it comes to marketing, so are the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh… (you get the point) At Web Marketing Therapy, we remind our clients that when it comes to messaging

Diagnosing Your Marketing: A Solutions-Driven Approach 11/09/2023

Managing marketing and running daily business operations is a recipe for over-complicated, overlooked and misused marketing opportunities. Taking a step back to analyze the effectiveness of your marketing can always uncover room for improvement.

Diagnosing Your Marketing: A Solutions-Driven Approach Time is money, and where you spend your time is essential to your business’ growth. A major cause of stalled growth and ill-spent resources lies in one-size-fits-all marketing plans that over-promise and underperform. Optimizing your digital

Council Post: 14 Leaders Share Their Agencies’ Internal Plans For The Holiday Season 11/06/2023

Just as stores decorate for the holidays early, our team is already ideating and creating holiday items for our clients --customer gifts, creative holiday greeting card design ideas, and crafting seasonal messaging. It's so fun to be ahead of the game marketing-wise so efforts are on-brand and on-purpose and so the holidays can be enjoyed. Lorrie Thomas Ross, our CEO and Forbes Agency Council member shared her marketing planning insights in this article.

Council Post: 14 Leaders Share Their Agencies’ Internal Plans For The Holiday Season Taking a proactive approach allows teams to fine-tune operations and campaigns and head into the busiest shopping season with a clear focus and a spirit of camaraderie.


Our founder Lorrie Thomas Ross looks at life through a marketing lens. Seeing this photo reminded her not only of a bad photo shoot fashion decision (jacket and pants shouldn't have been paired up, tight leather leggings and heels look like something Sandy from Grease wore in the final “You’re the one that I want” dance number!) but more importantly, about the value of coordination.

To get the most mileage out of our marketing, it's critical to question how coordinated your marketing efforts are.

Read the full blog post here: https://bit.ly/3rWKXOF

As a verb, the Oxford Dictionary beautifully defines coordination as bringing the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony.

Marketing coordination serves to bring all the different elements of your marketing strategy and efforts into a relationship that will optimize, and ideally harmonize the way you build your credibility, usability, visibility, sellability, and scalability.

Coordinated marketing is about having consistency and flow, no screeching halts.

Lorrie began her career in marketing working in luxury retail, so when she talks about coordination, she always reiterates that that does not mean all your marketing has to be “matchy-matchy” (a non-flattering retail term used to refer to clothes that did not coordinate, but over-matched in a thoughtless, robotic or fashion-victim way) but instead have a harmonious flow, ideally in a seemingly effortless way.

Marketing that matters is about building meaningful relationships via maximizing exchanges.

Visit https://bit.ly/3rWKXOF to read the full post :)

Three Marketing Mistakes Law Firms Make (and How to Avoid Them) | Daily Report 09/28/2023

Marketing is one of the three key components of running a successful business (along with administration and business operations). While marketing initiatives may be in place, that does not necessarily mean you’re doing all you can to optimize your marketing efforts. In this post written by our CEO Lorrie Thomas Ross for Law.com, she outlines common marketing mistakes.

Three Marketing Mistakes Law Firms Make (and How to Avoid Them) | Daily Report If you’d like to get more out of the time, money and effort you spend on marketing, read on to make sure you aren’t making one of these common marketing mistakes.

Take a Calm Approach to Marketing 08/31/2023

Why spin in a marketing victim tornado when you can take a calm, happy, healthy, and wealthy approach and get better results? Take a step back from your today and ask yourself if your approach to growth is calm and effective or frantic and stressful. If the latter, it may be time to shift your marketing mindset, implement some of the strategies in this blog post, and find your marketing happy place.

Take a Calm Approach to Marketing In a world ruled by instant gratification, everchanging social media platforms, and complex search engine optimization, navigating digital marketing can feel like you’ve been sucked helplessly into a tornado. There is no point spinning for minimal


Our CEO, Lorrie Thomas Ross is one of the 25 thought leaders speaking at this transformative event that will revolutionize your approach to business. Save your spot now for the Purpose and Profits Summit on September 14 & 15 from 10 AM - 4 PM Eastern. You'll gain access to over $5000 worth of resources and tools to elevate both profit and purpose in your business. Learn more and reserve your spot now: https://bit.ly/3qJtsAU to elevate your business profitability and global impact.

ACE - Certified™: August 2023 - Ready to Build Your Website? Here’s What You Must Have on It 08/18/2023

“A great website marries the art of design and the science of programming with the heart and soul of a company’s purpose,” says Wil Thomas, lead web programmer and designer for Web Marketing Therapy. Read more of his pro tips in this American Council on Exercise - ACE article.

ACE - Certified™: August 2023 - Ready to Build Your Website? Here’s What You Must Have on It You know you need a website and are ready to get it done, but knowing where to start, what to include and how much it will cost can feel overwhelming. Here, we break it down so you can map out what you’ll need on your website to start generating traffic—and, ultimately, income.

Employees Acting as Brand Ambassadors for Your Company 07/21/2023

If you want employees to act as brand ambassadors on behalf of your company, prepare to invest in experienced, professional support to educate and guide them. While social media policies are essential to have in place, policies alone will not get employees on board to take action.

Employees Acting as Brand Ambassadors for Your Company As the Marketing Therapist and CEO of a web marketing firm, I am often asked by other business leaders, “How do I get my employees to act as brand ambassadors on behalf of my/our company?” The

Creative Direction Is Where Design and Strategy Intersect 07/20/2023

Strong creative direction is key to the success of every marketing project.

Whether you’re designing a logo, building out a website, creating a complex marketing campaign, making educational whitepapers, or creating social media graphics, creative direction helps keep everyone on your team focused and ensures cohesive messaging and appearance to your target audience.

Creative Direction Is Where Design and Strategy Intersect You wouldn't try to build a house without a blueprint, would you? In marketing, creative direction is the critical process of setting creative goals and creating foundational guides that will be followed throughout the implementation of

Does Your Marketing Strategy Make Sense? 06/08/2023

One of the main reasons marketing strategy doesn’t make sense is because the focus is on shiny, new future-forward tools vs. first focusing on how to build meaningful connections. Tools and technology will come and go, but the future of marketing will always tap into the five senses.

Does Your Marketing Strategy Make Sense? What is the future of marketing? Once upon a time, back in 1999, it was flashing ads on the Internet. Then came (not in the exact order) email marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO, search ads and YouTube.

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Videos (show all)

Lorrie Thomas Ross was interviewed by AlignWomen on "Enabling Sustainable Marketing Strategies for Intentional Entrepren...
Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
Content Marketing That Converts
The Real Reason Why Your Marketing Isn't Functioning
Stop thinking marketing - start thinking markeding®
Get your Digital Marketing Rx :)
Client Testimonial | Web Marketing Therapy
The Marketing Therapist Speaking at Scheinfeld Center
Healthy Web Marketing Tips and Best Practices



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Atlanta, GA

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Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
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