Cliffwood Presbyterian Church, PCA, Augusta, GA Videos

Videos by Cliffwood Presbyterian Church, PCA in Augusta. 2525 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA 30909 Tel. (706) 798-2691 Fax (706) 798-2699 cliffwoodpca@cliffwoodp

Sunday evening service | Ezra 7:1-10

Sermon Text: Ezra 7:1-10
Title: “Ezra Arrives”

God graciously provides His law for His people that they might know how to serve and worship Him.
Point 1: The Blessing of the Law (Ezra 7:10)
Point 2: The Teacher of the Law (Ezra 7:1-9)
Point 3: The Life of the Teacher (Ezra 7:10)

Other Cliffwood Presbyterian Church, PCA videos

Sunday evening service | Ezra 7:1-10
Sermon Text: Ezra 7:1-10 Title: “Ezra Arrives” God graciously provides His law for His people that they might know how to serve and worship Him. Point 1: The Blessing of the Law (Ezra 7:10) Point 2: The Teacher of the Law (Ezra 7:1-9) Point 3: The Life of the Teacher (Ezra 7:10)

Sunday morning service | Romans 13:1-7 Part 1
Sermon Text: Romans 13:1-7 Title: “A Renewed Life in Society - Part 1” The civil magistrate is instituted by God and therefore the Christian subjects himself to its authority. Point 1: Christian Responsibility to the State (Romans 13:1-2) Point 2: The State as God’s Instrument (Romans 13:1)

Sunday evening service | Ezra 6:19-22
Sermon Text: Ezra 6:19-22 Title: “The Passover Celebrated” Though God’s people are sinful, yet the angel of destruction passes over them because of the Lamb’s blood. Point 1: The Significance of the Passover as Instituted (Ezra 6:19) Point 2: The Celebration of the Passover (Ezra 6:19-22) Point 3: Christ in the Passover

Sunday morning service | Romans 12:14-21
Sermon Text: Romans 12:14-21 Title: “A Renewed Life in Hardship - Part 3” Vengeance for injustice against God’s people is uniquely His responsibility. Point 1: Vengeance and Man (Romans 12:19-21) Point 2: Vengeance and God (Romans 12:19-21)

Sunday morning service | Romans 12:14-21
Sermon Text: Romans 12:14-21 Title: “A Renewed Life in Hardship - Part 2” The renewed Christian life is marked by imitation of God demonstrated in gentleness for his fellow man. Point 1: Instructions for Relationships

Sunday evening service | Matthew 13:10-17
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:10-17 Title: “The Purpose of the Parables” Jesus explains why he speaks to the crowds in parables.

Sunday morning service | Romans 12:14-21
Sermon Text: Romans 12:14-21 Title: “A Renewed Life in Hardship - Part 1” The steadfast love and faithfulness of God shapes the Christian’s response to the most difficult circumstances. Point 1: Imitating Christ Point 2: Imitating Christ in Persecution (Romans 12:14)

Sunday evening service | Ezra 6:1-18
Sermon Text: Ezra 6:1-18 Title: “The Adversaries Vanquished” God overcomes the adversaries and princes of the land to ensure the completion of His temple. Point 1: The Adversaries Are Restrained (Ezra 6:1-12) Point 2: The Temple Is Rebuilt (Ezra 6:13-18)

Sunday evening service | Ezra 4:1-24
Sermon Text: Ezra 4:1-24 Title: “Opposition and Threats” The enemies of God’s people hate when worship is given to Him. Point 1: False Friendship (Ezra 4:1-6) Point 2: Feigned Loyalty (Ezra 4:7-16) Point 3: Royal Orders (Ezra 4:17-24)

Sunday morning service | Romans 12:1-2
Sermon Text: Romans 12:1-2 Title: “A Renewed Life” By the mercies of God the Christian lives according to the will of God. Point 1: A Renewed Life in the Body (Romans 12:1) Point 2: A Renewed Life in the Mind (Romans 12:2)

Sunday evening service | Ezra 3:1-13
Sermon Text: Ezra 3:1-13 Title: “Weeping and Shouting” The weak church rejoices greatly in offering worship to the Lord. Point 1: Rebuilding the Altar (Ezra 3:1-7) Point 2: Laying the Foundation of the Temple (Ezra 3:8-13)

Sunday morning service | Matthew 13:44-46
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:44-46 Title: “Treasure and Pearls” Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to treasure and to a most precious pearl.

Sunday evening service | Jonah 4:1-11
Sermon Text: Jonah 4:1-11 Title: “Anger at Mercy” After the repentance of Nineveh, Jonah is angry at God’s mercy.

Sunday evening service | Jonah 3:1-10
Sermon Text: Jonah 3:1-10 Title: “Repentance from the Greatest to the Least” The people of Nineveh repent at the preaching of Jonah.

Sunday morning service | 1 Peter 3:18
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 3:18 Title: “Christ Suffered”

Sunday evening service | Jonah 1:17-2:10
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:17-2:10 Title: “Out of the Depths” Jonah prays to the LORD from the belly of the fish.

Sunday morning service | Romans 11:33-36
Sermon Text: Romans 11:33-36 Title: “The End: Glory to God” God is to be worshiped for His great mercy in salvation. The Mystery of God’s Ways (Romans 11:33-35) The Response to God’s Ways (Romans 11:36)

Sunday evening service | Jonah 1:4-16
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:4-16 Title: “The Relentless Pursuit of God” The LORD hurls a mighty tempest upon the sea and is implacable in his pursuit of Jonah. The mariners are caught up in Jonah’s controversy with the LORD.

Sunday evening service | Jonah 1:1-6
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:1-6 Title: “Fleeing the Face of God” Jonah tries to flee from the presence of the LORD.

Sunday morning service | Romans 11:25-27
Sermon Text: Romans 11:25-27 Title: “God’s Faithfulness Proved” God’s faithfulness is proved in His saving the full number of elect Jews and Gentiles. Point 1: Israel’s Salvation (Romans 11:25-26a) Point 2: Isaiah’s Prophecy (Romans 11:26b-27)