yudaewellness, Austin, TX Videos

Videos by yudaewellness in Austin. Health and wellness brand offering free educational resources and guidance to help healthy people reach the next level of wellness.

The only workout worth a deck.

“I’ve been to the depths of the internet and haven’t seen anyone do something like this”

👆 actual feedback from actual people

No AI made this post 🤟😎

Get your deck today at link in bio (LIB).

#yudae #yudaewellness

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The only workout worth a deck. “I’ve been to the depths of the internet and haven’t seen anyone do something like this” 👆 actual feedback from actual people No AI made this post 🤟😎 Get your deck today at link in bio (LIB). #yudae #yudaewellness

Take a breath. Flip a script. Do a handstand. YUDAE wellness is more than a company. We’re a brand symbolizing the work you put in to make yourself a happier, healthier human being. It’s a natural thing. Come join us for weekend workouts every week. More greatness on the way. 📸 @nevernotclimbing @nncmedia @ryan.j.brenner

You’ll never catch us calling something hard, easy. And it’s not easy to be athletic. But it IS worth every second spent. More core tutorials on YouTube. Check the LIB.

Not everyone will see this post, so if you did, keep reading we have 🎁 gift for you. Today we dropped an all new 1-Month Health & Wellness Course available which is available now! And it’s free. 100% free. The Yudae Life Planner Course includes: ✅ 1-month planner designed to build healthy habits ✅ 2 pre-scheduled courses/week on health & fitness DM us “GET STARTED” for the free download. ✅ Free workouts & programming guide included

This was back in 2007. What a strange world we live in. DM us “GET STARTED” to receive a free wellness field guide.

If bodyweight exercises, calisthenics, and/or strength training are your thing, we think you'd like this article: https://www.yudaewellness.com/post/upper-body-calisthenics-workout

Take a breath. Let yourself feel it. Let it remind you that you are a person. We’re here for it. Check the lib for healthy living info and tips.

🚀🧨 BE A ROCKET Get it? Cause you’re jumping so high. Anyway, this exercise is a great addition to any power focused workout. If you’d like more video tutorials like this, be sure to leave a like. LIB will take you to an archive of even more workouts and exercise non on IG. Check it out.

Can you lose body fat without losing weight? HIGHLY UNLIKELY! There was someone who tried to answer this with a scientific explanation on mass equivalency. You don’t need to know all that. Just know it’s not gonna workout. If you’re having a hard time losing weight and/or keeping it off, check the Health HUB (lib) for tons of free resources to help. Let us know if you need anything else.

New articles dropping TODAY, TOMORROW, and FRIDAY where we provide unsponsored reviews of popular products you use every day. We’re going to give out (what we’re calling) the YUDAE Healthy Design Award so you can easily search for YUDAE recommended products on our site. The goal is to teach what goes into “healthy product design” when approaching wellness products with #humancentricdesign in mind. Check Threads for first 3 brands + popup-challenge

Granted this is more of a meme than it is a question, it felt like it was topic worth discussing as it is frequently brought up in the fitness community. The short answer made shorter is no, cardio is not bad for muscle growth and yes you should do it, but not for the reasons talked about in this Reddit video. The truth is, cardio and strength training are two side of the same coin. They both are vital in building athleticism — a major pillar of longevity. If you’re interested in this topic, check out the full article at the link in bio.

🚨 Check the link in bio to learn more about this exercise. ⚠️The gist is that it is really good for balance, strength, and keeping you warm when it gets cold outside. 🥶 Head to the Health HUB ❤️ to discover a free workout that uses this exercise and is designed to boost resting metabolism. 🥵💦 Bonus - it boost your core temperature as well 🥰🌤️ Stay safe and stay warm. We’ll be back next week with another Sunday morning Wellness Workshop. Check the link in bio to register.

Making the robot work for it.

Yudae Wellness HUB
Hello 👋 and welcome to the Yudae Wellness HUB -- a collection of all yudaewellness health resources. Because we are unaffiliated with any insurance company, hospital, or university... and because we do not sell or promote drugs, nor do we get paid to advice you to take any... We are able to dedicate our time to providing the best health and wellness knowledge available. Think of us as the open-source version of your favorite digital doctor (without the red tape). What will I find on the HUB? - the lastest health and wellness articles - host of Yudae YouTube workouts/exercises - discover the Wiki of Wellness And if after all that you STILL CANT FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR... Scroll all the way down to the bottom where you'll find a form to submit your own question where we will personally research and post a video and/or article for your unique question. We trully beluieve that health knowledge should be available for anyone and everyone, without a killer price tag. Because at the end of the day, your life is yours. Enjoy it. Live #Yudae everyday. Follow the link below to visit the Yudae Wellness HUB https://www.hub.yudaewellness.com #atx #yudae #fitness #wellness #healthandwellness #healthandfitness #mindfulness #yudaewellness

Yoga is a legendary practice of fortifying the mind through bodily movement. But it shouldn’t be making you angry. If it is, you might be doing something wrong. That said, everyone experiences things differently. Which means it’s important to take the time to understand why. At the end of the day — practice more.

Part 3 of Answering your @reddit questions The question asked was: how can I fix my muscle ups / chicken wing? It’s an easy answer but a tricky concept. Especially when put into practice. But give it a shot and tag us in your attempt. #yudae #yudaewellness

It’s a question I know so many have, yet so few are brave enough to ask: How do you eat a taco without spilling? Well…it’s a great question, and boy do I have an answer for YOU! Make sure you watch till the end 😏

Merry Christmas to all! We hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend with friends and family. We’ll be back next week. Have fun, stay safe, live YUDAE. #atx #yudae #health #smallbizentrepeneur #spirituality #entrepreneurship #yudaewellness #mindfulness #WorkoutWednesday #profesionalism #healthandfitness #healthandwellness #creativity #austintx #mentalhealth

## Day 16: **10 Step Guide for a Well-Groomed Mustache** What we will cover: - 10 step guide for maintaining & grooming your mustache - bonus nutritional tips for facial hair health - downloadable quick-care guide — 1. **Wash Your Face:** - Cleanse your face to remove dirt and oils. 2. **Comb Through:** - Detangle and straighten your mustache with a comb. 3. **Choose Style:** - Decide on your mustache style for guidance. 4. **Start Trimming:** - Use small, sharp scissors or an electric trimmer to trim excess length gradually. 5. **Shape Mustache:** - Define edges and trim along the desired shape. 6. **Taper Ends (Optional):** - If preferred, taper or trim the tips at an angle. 7. **Check Symmetry:** - Regularly check length and symmetry in the mirror. 8. **Use Trimmer Guards (Optional):** - If using a beard trimmer, attach guards for an even length. 9. **Inspect ‘Stache’:** - Final check in the mirror for satisfaction. 10. **Regular Maintenance:** - Trim regularly to prevent unruliness based on your preferred style and hair growth. Read the rest of the article on our website. Link in bio. Along with the host of resources we provide at yudaewellness.com, we hope to empower you and your community to take proactive steps towards fostering a healthier and more inclusive world for all. As we continue this series for the remaining month of November, we’re asking for you donation to help improve mens health worldwide. Click the donation link to learn more. `#yudae #yudaewellness #austin #texas #austintexas #movember #movemberfoundation #movember2023 #movemebermovement #movemebermoustache `

Sunday mornings we get after it. We value flexibility and a change of pace so be sure to follow our main account @yudaewellness to be notified when / where we set up. #BYOW, #Dumbbells, #Barbells, #Kettlebells All welcome Send us a message if you have any questions or need help signing up. Link in bio.