Karnivore Kurt

Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About the Carnivore Diet and It's Healing Impact on Skin, Weight Loss, Gut Issues, and Mental Health...Naturally

Powerful Beef Liver Gummies 02/20/2024

For those who were having trouble getting to the link, here's the 1st product I've created which I'm quite stoked about: https://getoptistacks.co/products/livergummies-v3

Organic, grass fed, made in the USA. Brain power and energy at the source of the most nutrient dense food on the planet.

Powerful Beef Liver Gummies Elevate your health and vitality with Powerful Beef Liver Gummies! Packed with essential nutrients, our gummies support brain health, boost energy production, promote healthy vision, and aid in detoxification. Plus, with improved skin health, you'll feel confident and ready to take on the day! Try i...


Vegan plant based diets often need supplements. It's wise to learn about these essential nutrients that can be quite difficult to get on a purely plant-based diet. Thankfully many of them may be supplemented! This is the first of 2 and perhaps even a third video series that will discuss the most risky nutrient deficiencies, specifically micronutrients that are critical for optimal human function. Essential nutrients humans must obtain from their diet.

Thanks for watching, if you liked this video please like the video, comment and share it. Let us know what your experience has been with some of these nutrients and their potential deficiency symptoms. We'll cover another half dozen or so in our next list, but how do you feel about these?

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Testosterone and weight loss are actually linked together. In studies increased levels of T in both male and females has shown improvements in weight loss. On the flip side, low levels of testosterone has been linked with obesity and a whole slew of other health problems. Our hormones aren't everything, they are a HUGE variable in how our metabolic bodies operate.

Nature engineered them to hang on to fat when we live and consume foods that aren't ancestrally consistent while we have an incredible ability to burn fat and reverse pre-diabetic markers and body composition when we adjust things accurately.

How we can optimize our testosterone and support a healthy weight and fuel weight loss for those of us looking to get that edge? Is the Carnivore Diet a way we can better support this powerful anabolic hormone and fuel weight loss?

Stick around to the end and we'll go over some very practical points on how best to optimize. Watch this to find out!

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The Carnivore Diet is a powerful elimination and anti-inflammatory diet that is nutrient-dense WHEN YOU don't make these mistakes. It has become extremely popular, but people think it's largely just consuming steak, salt, and water.
This is a HUGE over-simplification and there can be real issues if you only follow it this way. There's more to it than simply eating big juicy steaks and in this video, we reveal 4 of the biggest Carnivore diet mistakes people are making in 2020.
Do any of these resonate with you? Let's talk about how they impact your overall experience and
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Cheating is a challenging aspect of the Carnivore Diet. Both Keto and Carnivore Diets can be quite restrictive, leaving us craving for carbs and plant foods we are not allowed on these meal plans.
The benefits and pros are great, but what about when I want to eat off-plan? How does that look, how can I do it well, and are there ways, common pro tips I can implement that can help me stay on track with this?
In this vid we'll talk about the ideas of cheating, what might be more toxic vs tolerable, and how best to do this, towards the end we save some real practice tips for you to implement.

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In this video I go over one of my first videos on the 6 Keys You MUST Follow on a Carnivore Diet in 2019.

We'll recap these points but I'll make some serious revisions to help clarify and improve upon them. Overall the original video was very good and still holds mostly valid keys that one should follow.

This video will simply update and clarify some of those points even further and really improve upon it.

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Today’s word of the day is “Choline.”

Say it with me, “Ka-Lean.”

This magical, real, superfood is found almost exclusively in animal foods. It will power your thinking.

Egg yolks and liver being some of the best sources.

If you want to perform mentally, you need to be getting this essential nutrient from animal foods.

You’ll see many supplement stacks that add acetylcholine formed from choline.

We must consume choline dietary to get proper amounts the body can’t make sufficient amounts on it’s own, animal foods are our best source.

It also plays a key role in the formation of all our cell membranes.

Don’t mess with choline deficiencies if you want healthy cell membranes and powerful brain.

Ensure you get adequate amounts regularly.

Personally I eat a lot of red meat, beef liver 3-4 x/week, 4-6 egg yolks most days.

How are you getting yours?


Sprints outside, in sunshine, mid afternoon, on bare ground.

Absolutely one of my favorite fitness hacks to incorporate regularly. If you’re looking for a way to optimize this has to be one of THE, pound for pound, best activities you do on a “cardio day.”

This trifecta covers health benefits of: (1) sun exposure, (2) sprints and (3) grounding.

As a CEO of two companies both heavily in growth mode, I don’t really have the luxury of spending hours every day on my fitness. I’m always looking for the minimal effective dose to maintain a physique and fitness level without spending hours in the gym.

When we think about this activity, this was probably something our ancestors did quite often. Walk, move and occasionally sprint, OUTSIDE in the sun.

Interesting how the more we eat and live like our ancestors the better we perform and the healthier we become.🤔

P.S. I was “breaking” in some hiking boots and also not as familiar with this park’s terrain but normally I will also do these barefoot after walking the path to clear debris. Making contact barefoot with the ground, grounds our electrical bodies


Last year in September I released a video that discussed my journey to tripling my total Testosterone over the course of a few weeks. I had experimented with OMAD and eating at a deficit and I went from barely 300 total T to over 900 in just a few weeks.

Same lab times, same conditions, I just made tweaks to what I was basically already doing and it got me really dialed in. Since then I've re-tested and confirmed robust levels of T over 700.

This video is not for the bodybuilder nor do I intend to become one.

But I do value strength, fitness, and overall healthy body composition as I believe I don't take exogenous T and I don't believe the best way of improving T.

Artificially manipulating your levels just to get overall higher levels of T can be damaging. In this video, we'll revisit the story from my experience, discuss my transformation and then we'll go into how I improved my overall hormones.

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This is one of the most compelling arguments for why humans are intended to eat animal foods.

Our stomach acidity is logarithmically much more acidic than our herbivore ancestor primates.

Humans gut PH levels can be lower than 2, down to mid 1s - extremely acidic.

Why is this so compelling? Carnivorous animals and scavengers all have stomachs that are highly acidity just like ours.

Evolutionarily it is extremely expensive metabolically to maintain that level of acidity. Stomach lining, acid production, all require more energy.

Why would humans have stomachs like this if we weren’t evolved to primarily consume animal foods?

Higher acidity creates a powerful adaptation to consume foods with bacteria and pathogens it can kill of.

We likely started using rocks and tools to crack open bones early in our evolution. This gave us access to incredibly nutrient rich, fatty, animal foods in bones and skulls left from animal remains. Our brains grew.

We weren’t tall enough and fast enough yet to hunt, our guts evolved and their acidity aided in the breaking down and protection from other harmful organisms we would’ve ate from these remains.

When eating plants it’s not necessary to have that level of acidity, but instead you need a much larger volume of space.

Our gorilla cousins have huge protruding stomachs to house much more “piping.” Ruminant animal foods have 4 different stomachs!

Both these animal groups chew on plant foods a large majorities of their days, they have consume massive volumes of plants to get their nutritional needs met.

Plant eaters kept lower levels of acidity, and have much longer intestinal tracts to ferment plant fibers into fats and nutrients the could utilize.

Nature doesn’t design things by accident it does so by necessity. Our ancestors who procreated had more acidity in their guts, ones who didn’t perished. Or they’re still in the trees eating their own p**p. (Sorry vegans)

I talk more about this in detail in my book. (Grab a copy, link in bio)

If you like this type of post throw me a comment and let me know your thoughts. I’ll share & make more.


During these “strange” times let’s better focus on what moves the needle for our health.

This pyramid is a great framework for optimal performance for the majority of us.

Though I’ve rarely discussed it, I write about it deeply in my book. Stress wrecks your performance.

It is a health killer and if you don’t understand and learn to frame it well you will feel its wrath in powerful ways.

Quality is another foundational area to master. It’s so important to master sleep, 1/3 of your life is in it.

Yet very few people take the time to really study, master, invest in it. Yes you can over-think it and over-complicate it, but if you’re ever had insomnia or just no longer sleep soundly and deeply all night, it’s not an “age” thing, you can master this.

ish. Another lever that is pretty obviously something I believe in. Animal foods support optimal human health in so many ways.

They give us the fuel our brains need to better balance and power our thinking, mood, and vitality. No skimp on your meat portions.

this is a pillar. Go walking, go running, go swimming, get outside. So many studies show benefits to profound health benefits of avoiding the sedentary lifestyle. Humans evolved outside, moving and being physically active.

on that same line we got sunlight. I realize we need to respect social distancing but your body needs full spectrum light to produce adequate hormones and fuel your immune system. Nature did not design us to stay indoors all day long, sun is the world’s primary fuel source. Don’t burn but make a real effort to get exposure to full spectrums of light regularly.

Our world and devices can now reach us the moment we open our eyes from rest. And the media is designed to keep us addicted coming back for more. Practice mindfulness, being without constant stimuli of content meditating. 10 mins / day every morning is the first thing I do when I wake.

Let’s get optimized!


Looking to lose weight naturally and effortlessly through your diet and lifestyle?

Have you heard of the Carnivore Diet and these three powerful tips?

High profile influencers like Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Mikhaila Peterson and many more have leveraged this way of eating, but what is is and what are some of the biggest tips to mastering this?

Does this diet really help with weight loss? Can I actually get results? And what are the most important components of the diet when considering it for weight loss?

If you're new thx for stopping by! Like, comment, subscribe
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I have to respectfully disagree with professionals who say we should be staying inside.. IF we can stay socially distanced.

Yes we should be socially distancing ourselves from others to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 transmission. To prevent becoming infected or infecting others.

But sunlight is an “essential” human nutrient that many are already deficient in. And many will be missing this if they heed this advice and stay inside.

D3 is largely produced by UVB sunlight, not oral supplementation. Your immune cells and hormones are supercharged by the sun.

UVA also super charges your cardiovascular system by supporting nitrous oxide production.

So I highly suggest more time outdoors away from the city in “social isolation.”

It’ll be amazing for your human spirit too!


Ex-Vegan goes Carnivore!

story is awesome, unfortunately not unique.

When you eat animal foods you truly thrive. When you remove triggering plant foods it can tremendously healing for so many.

We see so many of these stories in the community, but it is so hard to find the counter, animal-based thriving going plant-based!


Want to know what it's like to be a Vegan and then go to a Carnivore Diet and learn the Carnivore Diet results from an ex-vegan?

In this video we bring on a very special guest, Steak and Butter Gal () to share Bella's story. She was a strict Vegan for 6 years and started the Carnivore Diet last year Jan 1st 2019. After going Carnivore she shares this tremendous story and has been building her influence and story to spread the word with others.

To learn more specifics about her story, go follow Steak and Butter Gal at:
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvas...
Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sbga...
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Throw back to my appearance on the podcast last week.

Great convo with about the for the perspective of someone who might be a bit less versed in .


My book is out.

Businesses are closed and people are home “social distancing.”

You should get a digital copy today.

It will teach you how to optimize your mind, body, and performance.


Yesterday I released my book! It’s now available to get your copy (optialign.com/book).

It talks all about how to optimize your overall health through the Carnivore Diet.

I share my story going from an anxious wreck with gut issues and whack skin to absolutely thriving. How I am just one of many.

I go in detail into why this is not harmful, and why it’s actually incredible healthful. Cholesterol, cancer, fears of missing vitamins and nutrients, it’s all in there.

I break down the mindset, the progression and how to sustain this way of fueling the body. If you’ve ever wondered, or dealt with any sort of autoimmune or inflammatory condition, check this out.


My Carnivore Diet Book is live! Link to get it is live in the bio!

Foreword by the man himself 🙏🏻

Couldn’t be more excited to share this out, especially given the time and seriousness of human health right now.

There’s no better time to invest and spend time learning more about how you can optimize your overall health.

This book has been labor of love for nearly six months, dissecting and mastering my Carnivore Diet journey.

If you’re looking for an easy to digest resource to help you better understand this way of eating, why I started, some of the greatest concerns, how you can optimize, go grab a copy now. (Optalign.com/upcoming)

We’re offering limited free coaching for the first 50 who pick up their copy.


Should we hold off on animal foods?

I don’t know about you but when I seek advice I tend to take it from those who seem to be going where I want to go.

I wouldn’t listen to a doctor who is overweight, dealing with chronic inflammation or preaching taking meds vs solving the root cause of my disease.

What do you think of animal foods? Do they make you feel and look good? Maybe they really aren’t causing disease when we live a healthy life and optimize their quality while also removing plant toxins.


This is such a animal-based superfood.

If you’re plant-based, or limit your animal food consumption consider supplementing Creatine at the very least!

You get almost no creatine from plant foods and our body’s don’t make enough to thrive.

In fact there are studies that clearly show when vegans are supplemented creatine, mental and physical performance significantly improve.

Why would you limit foods that naturally contain this super food along with so many other health benefits and bioavailability.

Being plant-based is not better for the plant and it’s certainly not better for human health.

We must eat to fuel our brain’s and muscle’s natural ability to produce energy. Anything other way and we risk losing the most important thing truly have, our minds.

Are you getting enough Creatine?


Just dropped another Youtube video and it's "RED" hot! All about Red Light Therapy and "Flicker Stress" you might be exposing yourself too. Here's a preview. It's live over on YT, or you can view the full vid on my feed shortly.


Have you heard of inflammation?

Or insulin resistance?

Doctors and researchers today are starting to think these may be the root causes of most modern mental and physical deterioration in the human brain and body.

Did you know the Carnivore Diet is extremely low inflammatory and reduces insulin resistance?

Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) are ONLY in animal foods (the plant-form ALA isn’t really beneficial to humans) and they are a key essential nutrient to human health.

“Seasonal” fruits and veggies - not from an equatorial location are mostly genetically modified and shipped in from all over the globe.

You’ve been told to consume these foods year round but what if they are actually hurting you immune system and overall biology?

Plant “foods” we see in a western supermarket are the remains of a kingdom of organisms that co-evolved with animals of hundreds of millions of years on earth.

These organisms did not evolve to be a “perfect” food for their predation, being rooted and immobile they had to architect their own defense mechanisms.

By removing them you are toning done the bombardment of these pesky defense molecules and allowing the human body to reset and optimize to what we evolved to consume.

Kudos to my great friend and author of The Carnivore Code for his brilliance in questioning our “common” knowledge and looking further and helping me and so many others better understand these concepts.

Anyone know where I can get a Woolly Mammoth?!

Blue Light Blockers, "The Light Diet" | RaOptics Founder Review 03/05/2020

Check out my latest interview with founder and CEO Matt Maruca.

Blue-blockers are powerful for whacking down artificial light and light is a powerful nutrient: https://youtu.be/F_b38m_7ZRk

Blue Light Blockers, "The Light Diet" | RaOptics Founder Review This episode is all about light & how it impacts your health~ It's lengthy but goodie! Stick through it and we'll find some great nuggets of content. The 20y...


Testosterone is a key hormone for optimal human mental and physical performance.

Not just males, but females need it also!

It is converted from cholesterol in the body.

Food sources such as red meat rich in Zinc are an excellent way to get the this essential mineral needed to produce adequate levels.

Photos from Karnivore Kurt's post 03/02/2020

In total awe and grateful at the size of this bison heart and all I was able to consume from her.

When you can see regenerative farm and experience the field harvest first hand of an animal, you can truly appreciate and respect the food you consume.

My body has been nourished by her incredibly nutrient rich nose to tail foods the last 5 weeks, literally eating every part of this animal every day.

1000s of calories, vitamins, grams of fat and protein.

First hand hunting and farming has brought me much closer to my source of food and I have gained a great respect for animals humans I am evolved to consume. @ Fredericksburg, Julia McCurley


Three things I will continue to prioritize into 2020 that have absolutely changed my life and allowed me to earn more, and live where I want and create freedom I've never thought was possible:

1) I realize I am not, nor will I have ever be as smart as I think I am.

So many of us go through life in a delusion. Thinking we're in control, that we can easily figure it out on our own. Kobe, Jordan, Tiger, you name it, they all invested massively in coaches despite their already elite performances. As humans we create cognitive biases and interpret our performance subjectively in many cases to "soften" the reality of poor results. Seek out high achievers and realize if something matters to you, don't be cheap, invest HEAVILY ALL out in it.

2. Extreme, relentless priority for health over almost everything else.

Let me ask you a question? How much time do you spend consuming media vs actually reading about nutrition and health science the last six months? Okay for this audience it might be a bit biased but I see so many people who are clearly and publicly ADMITTING that they are not where they want to be with their health and yet they haven't picked up a book on health in literally YEARS. They'll read the news, they'll study the Corona Virus but when it comes to what will deeply and truly impact their long term health, crickets.

Anything you want to improve in, you MUST educate yourself on. Ignorance is NOT bliss, it simply breeds more ignorance and supports habits that do not help oneself. You must make this a powerful rule for yourself. That you will spend more TIME and ENERGY focusing on what you are NOT satisfied with in life, to learn and improve that area. Look down the barrel of those problems and condition yourself to face them and seek answers despite the fear we all have.

A. By using a Carnivore elimination diet to identify the plant foods that were chronically hurting me for years, creating inflammation and reducing mental and emotional health, I was able to cut down the dietary "noise" in my body. Most people don't realize kale, broccoli, spinach do NOT love you back. Olive oil, yes, olive oil can carry reactions for human bodies! Many of the plant foods can actually be causing serious health damage. They don't realize plant antioxidant triggering molecules can actual damage DNA and accelerate your risk of dementia and cancer development. Because this was such a profound shift for me personally I wrote about it in my book (linked above in my bio) to learn more. Sorry had to plug that one. But the point is when you eliminate foods that are not empowering you and give your body an ancestrally aligned consistent diet for extended periods of time it can heal and you can come out of the fog of sub-optimal health. You can then re-introduce these foods with much less noise and see if they truly don't hurt you and limit your performance.

B. Prioritizing my sleep. Going to bed EARLY, sleeping longer times, consistently has been a game CHANGER. My mind, mood and body have completely transformed. Hormones have become much more robust and my strength, thinking and vitality much more consistently potent. Tracking with Oura and/or Whoop or some device. What we don't measure we cannot improve. Eliminating higher half-life stimulants (some metabolize coffee better than others - I am not one of those), cooling and darkening my sleep environment. Getting more sunlight on my skin and in my eyes during the day. Stay tuned as I'm writing my second book entirely on sleep.

I know people say you should sleep faster, you should hustle hard. But preindustrial societies work less than 20 hours a week and they sleep much more than the average westerner. We have to respect our ancestral design and get this right, or we fall victim to modern disease of metabolic dysfunction, disease, and mental erosion after years of neglect.

C. Investing in food quality. Grass fed, consuming regeneratively raised and wild animals living, moving, and consuming their natural life of food and sunlight.

3. Investing heavily in personal coaching for my health and business. My doctor charges $1,000/hour. He's a #1 best selling author in 2020! He speaks to audiences all around the world educating them and searching for the root cause of illness and disease. He engages CONSTANTLY in discussions to sort and seek the root cause of diseases. He does not hang to conventional wisdom and myopic isolated pharmaceutical health solutions.

Do I think having $1,000 in my bank account is a better decision than the analysis and advice he can give me in one hour every few months? Absolutely not. In fact I wouldn't have earned the 5-10X what I invested in his advice and been the strength in mental and physical health to get there if I hadn't parted with that investment in his coaching.

My business coach is $2,000/month. is arguably more reasonable than many I know of. But how much time and energy would I spend trying to figure out the 1000's of hours and network of connections she's been able to curb for me? It has been instrumental in my writing my books, learning all that goes into the process, finding and hiring the help I've needed to invest.

Your mental, business and physical performance should be as valuable as your shelter. Your body is your only true shelter. Your mind and brain health, really the only tool you actually have.

Yet how many people today are spending at least $1,500/month on coaching? It seems the more I invest the faster I grow and I have yet to find an upper limit where I have spent too much time and money investing in the right coaching.

Most people will retire with some sort of wealth and stability but by the time they can afford to do that they'll be way beyond their prime to really enjoy it. Imagine how powerful a compound effect would be if you were just 5% more sharp on your decisions today. A flight that is off course just 2% degrees will end up hundreds if not thousands of miles in the wrong destination.

Now imagine if you have 15% more energy and your brain could process those thoughts? Life is short, I am looking for every edge I can take to legitimately cut my learning curve and short my approach from point A -> B.

We are social creatures. We become much more intelligent by osmosis (Imagine 10 minutes in a room with someone like Tony Robbins, how much time could that cut in your ability to overcome serious challenges). We have incredible blind spots and our minds protect us emotionally because fear (false evidence appearing real) is truly a primal mechanism that helped our species avoid real death in a time when it was evidence everywhere.

We must rise up, the fear of not investing, the fear of not knowing, the fear of not being able to figure it out can all be overwhelming. But if you stare down that barrel and if you look for the answers, you will begin to build distinctions, you will begin to see more and you will become optimized.

Can I get an amen on a Friday?

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Videos (show all)

Vegan plant based diets often need supplements. It's wise to learn about these essential nutrients that can be quite dif...
How to Increase Testosterone & Lose Weight with a Carnivore Diet
Are You Still Making These 4 Carnivore Diet Mistakes in 2020?
How to Cheat on a Keto Carnivore Diet (2020)
In this video I go over one of my first videos on the 6 Keys You MUST Follow on a Carnivore Diet in 2019.We'll recap the...
Sprints outside, in sunshine, mid afternoon, on bare ground.Absolutely one of my favorite fitness hacks to incorporate r...
Last year in September I released a video that discussed my journey to tripling my total Testosterone over the course of...
Looking to lose weight naturally and effortlessly through your diet and lifestyle?Have you heard of the Carnivore Diet a...
Ex-Vegan goes Carnivore!@steakandbuttergal @steakandbootygal story is awesome, unfortunately not unique.When you eat ani...
Want to know what it's like to be a Vegan and then go to a Carnivore Diet and learn the Carnivore Diet results from an e...
Using Light To Stimulate The Cellular Mitochondria
Joe Rogan Carnivore Results | 3 Life Changing Ways




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