Jelani Consulting, LLC

Where we shape the eternal arc of culture for good Increasing cultural competency reaches beyond building personal relationships.

Jelani Consulting, LLC provides executive and leadership consultation and coaching focused on cultural competency and communication for individuals, teams, and organizations in business, education, healthcare, and for non-profit groups. A premier, in-depth cultural competency assessment is used to create a customized profile and developmental roadmap, which is research validated and administered t

How to Thrive in Dry July When Everyone's Pushing Drinks On You — Sober Powered 07/01/2024

Let's try a Dry July as we invite building a love story with our livers.

Ah, July. The month of barbecues, beach days, and backyard boozing.

The month where "just one more drink" becomes a summer anthem.

But not this year.

This July, I decided with a bunch of my friends to embark on a journey as dry as a desert and as sober as a judge.

Yes, folks, I committed to Dry July, giving up liquor for the entire month to honor our friends and family and to continue on my health journey.

Cue the dramatic music and heartfelt cheers.

Why would I, a self-proclaimed non-connoisseur of craft beers and fine wines, give up the nectar of the gods?

It’s simple: love and liver.

I wanted to support my friends and family, many of whom have been cutting down or cutting out alcohol for health reasons.

Plus, I figured my liver could use a vacation as I continue on my health journey to avoid the pitfalls of heart disease, stroke and diabetes my mother, grandparents, famous people, and others suffered through.

However, going dry wasn’t just a health decision; here are some expected or unexpected benefits many of us might experience:

Waking up without a hangover is like discovering a secret superpower. Who knew mornings could be so… enjoyable?

Leave conversations, all of them, with not just the highlights. Who knew that staying sober could make you a better listener and conversationalist?

Your bank account will be thrilled. No more pricey cocktails or impulsive online shopping sprees after a glass (or three) of wine.

Dive into or rediscover some hobbies. Dust off your guitar, take extended walks, try (and fail) to bake bread, and picked up knitting or something. Okay, so maybe knitting wasn’t for me, but it was worth a shot.

Sticking to Dry July won't always be easy, but my action plan to stay on track includes some handy tips:

- Invite your friends and family, or buddy up because misery loves company, and together we can cheer each other on and share the highs and lows of going dry.

- Mocktails can be magic by exploring the world of mocktails whipping up non-alcoholic drinks that taste just as good (if not better) than the real thing. Plus, they’re way more fun than plain old water.

- Keeping busy helps to avoid temptation with planned activities that don’t revolve around alcohol such as hiking, museum, or a DIY project.

- Remind yourself why you’re doing this by writing your reasons and keep them handy for when the going gets tough.

- Celebrate successes by rewarding yourself with fancy dinner, spa day, or a new gadget for sticking it out to make the journey more enjoyable.

I'll likely return to drinking, but I assume that I'll go about with a different might set.

But one thing’s for sure: this Dry July journey will demonstrate that we're stronger than we think, and sometimes, the best way to show love and commitment is by giving something up – even if it’s just for a little while.

So here’s to you, Dry July.

How to Thrive in Dry July When Everyone's Pushing Drinks On You — Sober Powered Learn how to navigate social situations without alcohol during Dry July with this survival guide for dealing with peer pressure, drink pushers, and socializing.

Justice Department report finds 'cascading failures' and 'no urgency' during Uvalde, Texas, shooting 01/18/2024

Unraveling Truths: The Uvalde Report and the Power of Wokeness

In recent times, the concept of "wokeness" has become a central theme in our collective conversations about social justice, equality, and accountability. A poignant example of this can be found in the Uvalde Report, a compelling illustration of how embracing wokeness deepens our understanding of events, fosters transparency, and fuels actionable change. This report, born out of tragedy, serves as a stark reminder that acknowledging uncomfortable truths is a crucial step towards building a safer, more equitable world.

Deepening Our Understanding: The Uvalde Report stands as a testament to the power of critical self-awareness and an unyielding commitment to truth. In delving into the events that transpired, it goes beyond mere acknowledgment, aiming to understand the systemic factors and individual choices that led to the tragedy. This depth of understanding is foundational to dismantling ingrained biases and rectifying flaws in our systems.

Transparency as a Catalyst for Change: Transparency is the cornerstone of accountability, and the Uvalde Report exemplifies this principle. By openly addressing the events and their underlying causes, the report invites the public into a space of shared knowledge. This transparency is not just about revealing shortcomings but is a bold statement that signals a commitment to learning from the past and fostering a culture of openness.

Actionable Change: Wokeness is not merely about awareness; it demands tangible action. The Uvalde Report goes beyond being a documentation of past events; it is a blueprint for change. By outlining specific actions, recommendations, and safeguards, it sets the stage for a proactive response. This commitment to change is a manifestation of wokeness in action, ensuring that the lessons learned are not in vain.

Preventing Future Loss of Life: Perhaps the most critical aspect of the Uvalde Report is its focus on preventing future tragedies. Wokeness, in this context, means recognizing the systemic failures that contributed to the loss of life and implementing safeguards to protect against such outcomes in the future. By doing so, it acknowledges the value of every life and the responsibility we collectively bear to protect one another.

The Uvalde Report serves as an inspiring example of how wokeness, far from being a divisive or empty buzzword, can be a catalyst for positive change. It teaches us that understanding the complexities of our world, embracing transparency, and taking decisive action are not just virtues but obligations. As we reflect on the lessons embedded in this report, let us be awakened to the immense potential for positive change when we confront uncomfortable truths with courage and commitment.

Justice Department report finds 'cascading failures' and 'no urgency' during Uvalde, Texas, shooting Police officials who responded to the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas “demonstrated no urgency," according to a new Justice Department report.


Habari Gani? Nia!

Today’s principle is Nia.

One of the most exhilarating sensations a person can experience is that of a having a sense of purpose. 

Self-Determination helps us live on purpose. African-Americans are heirs to a tradition of communal greatness–from cultivating land that we were not allowed to own under generations of subjugation, to the limitless Black Girl Magic the world cannot get enough of today.

No matter what your purpose looks like or feels like, the principle of Nia reminds us that the ways we choose to use our time and our talents will build a legacy of Black Excellence.


Habari Gani? Ujima!

This is the day we light the third candle on the kinara for collective work and responsibility. Pause for a moment of gratitude to those that helped make you who you are today. Your ancestors. Community members. Any and everyone who made a difference big or small in your journey to Self-determination counts!

Next reflect on how you can make a difference–big or small–to someone. How can you pass your gratitude on?

Today, give someone a call or send a sincere email to encourage someone in your life or express thanks to a person who made a difference in your life.


Habari gani? Kujichagulia!

Yesterday’s principal was Umoja. Today, we light two candles for Kwanzaa. The foundation of building character and integrity begin with determining who you are.

Win Kujichagulia. Happy Kwanzaa.

“Freedom is not about how other people define you, but how you define yourself.”

Stedman Graham


Habari gani? Umoja!

If you want to go quickly, go alone.If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb

Today marks the first day of Kwanzaa. Today’s principle is Umoja. Please share and greet me back!


They were strangers, but they had one thing in common.

They both loved getting to know other people.

The woman was browsing the internet when she found an article about the importance of diversity to help you become a better person and how it could actually make you smarter.

The man was on his phone texting his friend about how he needed some new sneakers, but then he spotted this card deck for sale that featured different people playing their Djembe: Inspiring Inclusive Connections.

It wasn't just any ordinary card deck either; each card had real experiences people from all walks of life could share.

He thought this would be a perfect gift for his girlfriend who always wanted to learn more about other cultures and communities!

Grab your card deck today at


Support your local small business.


It's a great day to support Black-owned businesses on the biggest retail day of the year!

This holiday season, NABA is helping you find ways to keep your dollars circulating in the Black community.

Here are some places to get you started:
We Buy Black
Official Black Wall Street
Black Owned Everything
The Black Parade Route
Black Business Green Book
BLK Oceans
xoNecole ELEVATE Her Shop
Google Shoppable Film


Last week, I had the pleasure of joining an interview on CNN discussing critical race theory. In general, friends, family and supporters have been encouraging and lifted me up based on how I talked about the importance of discussing race and racism in school.

Since Tuesday, I've received harassing and hateful messages on several social media channels. Many of those messages came from self professed Christians interested in protecting children from hatefulness and evil of race baters, Muslims, woke, and pedophiles as I have been accused of being myself. Of course, I'm none of these labels and they mostly come from complete strangers who claim to love God and country.

I share this with you because what I'm describing above reflects the awful nature and circumstances we find ourselves in when fighting against racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and other bias and hatefulness hidden behind a thin vail of concern and fear for their children's future. I don't see how spewing hatefulness achieves their goals.

The truth is that their goal isn't saving their children from evil and hatefulness of an insidious network; rather, their behavior represents the exact hateful behavior they claim to not represent. It also speaks to how standing for anti-racism and anti-biased work can bring out the worst in others despite the goal to create a place where we all can thrive and live abundantly without having to abandon our culture, community and heritage.

I share this to give perspective and insight to those unfamiliar and/or disconnected from what it's like in the trenches dealing directly with overt racism. Prayer and faith are beautiful things but without acts they are dead. My hope is this will be a reminder to call out, stand up, and show out if necessary to fight for freedom, justice, and the best we have to offer one another: love and dignity.


Today continues to be another sad day in our country and across our globe as we continue to fight COVID-19. In particular, I'm sad to see Colin Powell die from it because he represented a special place in my life.

Colin Powell is a Republican who we had the pleasure having him come speak several years ago at Prairie View A&M University when I was in undergraduate school. It was a mix of honor and joy to have someone like him visit and speak with our little college on the Hill. His speech lead to much debate in our history class and on campus. A Black Republican with ideas many people I know didn't agree with. At the same time, he was one of the most powerful Black men in the country before President Obama arrived on the scene. Smart, respected, a honorable man with grit and a Black man who persevered through it all.

In the photo, I finally had the pleasure to meet Colin Powell at a conference in San Antonio a few years ago. Well into his retirement, you see my big smile reflecting my deep admiration and respect I felt for him and appreciation for the many good things he has done. I didn't need to agree with him on everything. I'm not a fan of war and hated his involvement in Bush administration. However, he embodies people we can disagree with without being disagreeable and outright hateful towards.

In the age of the Black Hole of Ignorance that seems to plague our country in one way of another, remembering his life, sacrifice, words of wisdom and special place he had in the lives of Black people and others over the last few decades is worth noting.

Rest in Power!

Photos from Jelani Consulting, LLC's post 10/17/2021

Few more pics from the Washington Chatmon Reunion with family enjoying a day of festivities.


Beautiful night with my kids and family at the Washington Chatmon Family Reunion


CNN interview discussing the role of race and racism in education.


Had a good conversation today on New Day speaking on the value of having meaningful conversations about race and racism in our country.


Honored to be on New Day @7:40 AM ET Tues morning to discuss parents involvement in schools and the importance of talking about race and racism in education.

Photos from Jelani Consulting, LLC's post 10/11/2021

Found a few more I liked and received support from friends to pick these as well.


Episode 4 drops tomorrow at noon!! I’m joined by the clever, lovely, sweet and kind man who is Dr Prince! If you like me, have been doing some real soul searching recently, you’ll love this episode. We talk about all things diversity and inclusion, music, and just how not to be a dick. And Kazique introduces me to his brand new card deck which could just change your life!

Please give it a listen, like and review. It will be on all major podcast platforms and YouTube too!


Today's going to be a great day.


Out with friends celebrating another week.


We were all sitting in a circle.

I told myself that this was going to be an experience of a lifetime and the card deck would change me for the better, but what if it only made my anxiety worse?

That worry went away as soon as we started talking about our experiences with the cards.

They asked us about their favorite ones and which ones they enjoyed most or least.

It’s like they wanted to know all of our thoughts on them because then we could talk about it later.

The cards touched on different topics like some from faith-based perspectives, others from other cultures and traditions that I had never heard of before.

There is so much out there in this world that people take for granted every day! We talked for hours.


I had it all planned out.

I would walk over to the restaurant with my friends and order a drink, but when we got there, everyone was outside waiting for me.

They were dressed in their nicest casual fun gear and said they wanted to share an experience with me that they knew I might not have ever been exposed to before.

When I told them no because of work they said "come on, this is important."

So what did I do?

Thought about it some more and then proceeded inside.


When does time pass most quickly at work?


"Joe and his friends were all gathered around the table, holding a card.

They were shuffling through the deck looking for something to do before they called it quits for the night.

They had just gone over their phone bills, and Joe didn't want to go home because he was feeling lonely.

It seemed like they both needed each other now more than ever with everything going on in their lives; so Joe suggested that instead of calling it a night, they should play cards or at least talk about what's been happening in their lives lately.

They looked through some of the decks when someone noticed one that said Djembe: Inspiring Inclusive Connections.

They thought it might be worth a shot."


How often do you do the things your best at?


The group of friends came together to experience the Djembe: Inspiring Inclusive Connections card deck.

They each took turns talking about their experiences and how they felt after playing with the cards.

They were so excited to learn more about one another, surprised by what they had learned, and happy that they shared such a meaningful experience together.

The only thing all of them agreed on was that it was hard for them to put the card deck down when it was over because the appreciation, admiration, and comfort from exploring their cultural heritage through these cards made this time unforgettable.


Enjoyed catching up with my friend during an interview on new podcast: The Deb O'Keefe Podcast. We had a fun time chatting and talked about racial equity and social justice. We also talked about which was hella enjoyable to share with people.

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Videos (show all)

They were strangers, but they had one thing in common. They both loved getting to know other people. The woman was brows...
CNN interview discussing the role of race and racism in education.
#Repost @debokeefe...Episode 4 drops tomorrow at noon!! I’m joined by the clever, lovely, sweet and kind man who is Dr @...
If you pre-ordered a Djembe: Inspiring Inclusive Connections online, your order is on its way.Djembe brings you together...
Pre-sale! Order now. Djembe: Inspiring Inclusive Conversations
It's been amazing to see how excited people are to receive their new Cards for Belonging & Inclusion decks. Honored to s...
Amazing display . . .
Lights . . . Action!
Enjoy the discussion with @yhpaa
Powerful way ERGs can help in a pandemicA lot of people are in a lot of pain right now. They're juggling their family li...
Is DEI a priority in a pandemic?At a recent On the Dot Diversity webinar, some leaders in the diversity, equity, and inc...
This is my very first LinkedIn video!I’m Dr. Kazique Prince, Founder and CEO of Jelani Consulting, LLCWhen clients work ...



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