Vasavi Kumar

Find me on Instagram! @mynameisvasavi


yes i am the queen of saying it out loud and i will advocate for your self-expression till the day i die.

but here’s the truth: sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do isn’t speaking—it’s listening. deeply.

before you rush to share, ask yourself: are you truly listening? to your own needs, to the people around you, to the story that’s unfolding in front of you?

self-expression isn’t just about talking; it’s about understanding, connecting, and tuning in to the voices that matter—including your own.

so yes, say it out loud—but first, make sure you’ve heard it.

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/30/2024

There are so many more ways to speak from a place of authenticity and vulnerability that I will show you how inside of my BORN TO EXPRESS 1:1 coaching program.

Self-expression is just about being heard--it's about being seen for who you truly are.

So who are you?

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/29/2024

i dare you to hit publish on it today. let yourself be seen.


i know you're busy so ill keep this short.

you know that thing you have saved in your drafts folder? or maybe even in your notes app or photo album?

that video, that blog post, that caption, that podcast, photo...

you get my drift.

i dare you to hit publish on it today. let yourself be seen.

say it out loud. BE it out loud.

i'll be here cheering you on. tag me and let me know how to goes!

you were born to express yourself. let's start being the embodiment of self-expression 👏🏽🙏🏽💕


If you’re hiding your story, you’re leaving money on the table.

I used to keep parts of my life locked away—especially my journey with bipolar disorder—because I was scared of what people might think. I thought if I shared that part of myself, clients wouldn’t trust me. But guess what? When I finally started speaking my truth, the opposite happened.

People connected with me on a deeper level. They saw my realness, my resilience, and they trusted me more. And that trust? It led to more clients and more money.

Here’s the hard truth: People buy from those they trust, and trust isn’t built on perfection. It’s built on raw, real, relatable stories.

Stop hiding. Stop playing small. Your story isn’t just a story—it’s your greatest asset. Use it to build trust, connect deeply, and unlock the money you deserve.

Ready to turn your story into your most powerful tool? DM me to learn how my BORN TO EXPRESS 1:1 coaching can help you make it happen.

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/28/2024

If you want to be more self-expressed, authentic, and vulnerable—both in your relationships and your business—stop trying to sound like everyone else.

Start talking like you’re talking to your best friend.

Think about it—how do you sound when you’re with your closest friend? Do you let your guard down? Do you speak your mind without filtering every word? Do you curse a little, get real, and let the conversation flow naturally?

I’m willing to bet you do. And that’s exactly how you should be showing up everywhere.

Here’s the hard truth: most of us have been trained to water ourselves down in different areas of our lives. We put on a professional mask at work, a polite mask in social settings, and sometimes even a mask in our closest relationships. We’re so worried about being “appropriate” or “likable” that we end up hiding the very thing that makes us unique—our voice.

My top tip for breaking out of this cycle? Talk to everyone like you’re talking to your best friend.

If that means cursing, curse. If that means being blunt, be blunt. If that means being raw and vulnerable, then go there—every time. Because when you start showing up as your full self, unapologetically, that’s when the magic happens.

You stop feeling like a chameleon, constantly changing colors to fit your surroundings. You start feeling connected to yourself, no matter who you’re talking to or what situation you’re in. And let me tell you, that’s a powerful place to be.

This isn’t just about making conversations easier or more comfortable. It’s about living fully expressed in every aspect of your life. It’s about closing the gap between who you are on the inside and who you present to the world.

That’s exactly what we focus on in my **BORN TO EXPRESS** 1:1 coaching program. We hone in on your voice—your real voice—and we work on bringing that same level of authenticity and vulnerability to everything you do. Whether you’re speaking to a client, a partner, or an audience of thousands, you’ll learn to show up as you, with no compromises.

Born to Express 1:1 with me- first step is to book a call with me. Link in bio.

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/28/2024

Does sharing your story online scare the s**t out of you?

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/27/2024

You know that moment at a party when you're just *done*?

The small talk has run its course, the forced smiles are wearing thin, and all you want is to slip out without the hassle of saying goodbye to everyone. So, you do it—the Irish goodbye. You quietly disappear, no drawn-out farewells, no explanations, and it feels *incredible*. 🙌

Now, imagine if you could bring that same unapologetic freedom into how you share your story.

Why should you feel the need to seek approval, explain yourself, or sugarcoat your truth? You don't owe anyone that. Just like you don't owe anyone a long goodbye at a party.

Your story is *yours*, and you have every right to drop it like a truth bomb and walk away, no apologies necessary. 💥

This is the kind of power I want you to embrace—the power to share your story on your terms. No hesitation, no fear. Say what needs to be said, speak your truth out loud, and let the chips fall where they may.

The world doesn't get to dictate how you share your voice—only you do. Just like you decide when it's time to leave that party, you decide when it's time to own your story. No apologies, no regrets. Just the raw, unapologetic truth. 🗣️🔥

If you're ready to step into that kind of freedom, to own your story with confidence and clarity, then my *Born to Express* 1:1 coaching program is for you. This four-month journey is all about guiding you to share your story authentically—whether it's to feel more real in your personal relationships or to turn your story into a powerful business or brand.

It's time to stop holding back. You were born to express. Let's do this together.

If you're ready to stop hiding and start sharing, I'd love to talk about how we can work together. **Book a call with me today** to see if this journey is the right fit for you. Link in bio or DM me.


I stopped expecting other people to see me and I started seeing MYSELF first. 🤯

Drop a 💯 if that's a foreign concept to you because it was for me!

But that simple shift (and yes, i said SIMPLE because it is!) allowed me to see myself differently than I ever had.

We always want others to see us, to hear us and to be there for us. Yet we are hardly ever there for ourselves?

A weird concept, right?

Yet we allow it to happen time and time again.

❌ We expect others to see us, yet we ignore ourselves.

❌ We expect others to hear us, when we haven't ever heard ourselves.

❌ We expect others to be there, when we haven't been there for ourselves.

Let's flip the script and say this out loud…

“From here on out, I stop expecting others to see me, until I start to see myself first"

Sending you love always,
xx Vasavi

P.S. My BORN TO EXPRESS 1:1 coaching offers you the experience to see yourself first and start sharing your story online. Link in bio to book a call with me.


If you’ve ever thought your experiences are “too much” or “not enough,” you’re buying into a dangerous lie.

Minimizing your life experiences doesn’t just rob you of your power—it robs the world of your unique perspective.

Your story, no matter how big or small, has the potential to inspire, heal, and connect with others in ways you can’t even imagine.

The truth is, the world doesn’t need another muted version of you—it needs the real, unfiltered, unapologetic story you’ve lived.

Stop shrinking your story to fit someone else’s idea of “enough”—your experiences are exactly what someone out there needs to hear.

That's why I created the BORN TO EXPRESS 1:1 coaching program. In four months, I'll guide you through my exact process to start sharing your story online. No more excuses, no more hiding—just you, owning your story and using it to create the impact you're meant to make.

Ready to stop playing small and start living big and OUT LOUD? Comment or DM me "OUT LOUD" and i'll send over the link to book a call with me.


Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “My story is just too much” or “What I've been through isn't enough to matter”? If so, you're not alone.

These are two of the biggest lies we tell ourselves when it comes to sharing our stories online, and they're holding you back from living a more authentic life or building the brand you've always dreamed of.

Lie #1: The “Too Much” Lie
You might think your story is too intense, too complicated, or too messy to put out there. But let me tell you something: Your story isn't “too much.” It's exactly what the world needs more of—real, raw, and unapologetic truth. If you're holding back because you think people can't handle it, you're underestimating the impact your story could have. Stop playing small.

Lie #2: The “Not Enough” Lie
Or maybe you're telling yourself the opposite—that your experiences aren't enough to matter. That's a lie designed to keep you invisible. Every moment, every lesson, every struggle you've faced is a part of your unique journey, and it's more than enough. If you're minimizing your life experiences, you're robbing yourself—and the world—of the value you bring. Stop hiding behind the lie that your story doesn't count.

Whether you want to feel more authentic in your personal relationships or you're ready to turn your story into a business or brand, the time to start sharing is NOW. The world doesn't need a watered-down version of you—it needs the full, unfiltered truth.

That's why I created the BORN TO EXPRESS 1:1 coaching program. In four months, I'll guide you through my exact process to start sharing your story online. No more excuses, no more hiding—just you, owning your story and using it to create the impact you're meant to make.

Ready to stop playing small and start living big and OUT LOUD? Comment or DM me "OUT LOUD" and i'll send over the link to book a call with me.

It's time to take your story off mute and turn up the volume.



I read this quote from on Instagram and thought that it immaculately summed up the vibe of the SAY IT OUT LOUD community I have created as well as my 1:1 coaching/therapy sessions with clients.

The entire point, intention, and purpose of all my offerings is to be a safe space for you to be entirely yourself—your quirks, idiosyncrasies, weird personality— ALL OF IT—because other than when we are with ourselves, where else do we really get to be fully US?

That’s why I want to invite you to experience the FREEDOM that comes with being able to be entirely yourself and say it out loud— whatever your “IT” may be.

Let me shoot straight with you—time is of the essence.

You could wait another day, week, month, or even year to start cultivating authentic and compassionate communication with yourself, or you can let more time pass you by.

But do you really have time to spend a second more on beating yourself up, suppressing your desires, and hiding your gifts from the world?

No. You really don’t.

No more living your life from a place of regret. No more coulda, woulda, shouldas. Life is way too precious.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out or COMMENT the word OUT LOUD and i'll send you the link to book a call with me.

Said out loud with intention,


you were born to stand out.

don't let society pressure you into making yourself smaller. you are not meant to be small, fit in, and hide in a box.

your dreams were put inside of you for a reason. the thing that keeps you up at night is calling on you for attention.

refuse to let the voices in your head convince you that you are not capable of achieving the things that you want.

embrace the truth that you were born to shine.

don't let the world convince you to dim your light or shrink to fit in. you are not here to blend into the background.

your dreams are a beacon, guiding you toward your purpose. the passion that stirs within you is there to be nurtured, not ignored.

don't allow the doubts in your mind to hold you back. you are more than capable of turning your aspirations into reality.

with love and gratitude,

Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/21/2024

As you continue to transform into your highest self, remember that you’re shedding thought patterns, belief systems, and who you thought you “should” or “needed” to be in order to be accepted.

Quick Win:

1. Stand in front of the 🪞 mirror

2. Look at your reflection and ask the mirror prompts provided above , out loud. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and your commitment to becoming closer to your Self.

3. Practice looking in the mirror, talking and responding back out loud, and watch as you learn to like your reflection every day.

The more you can look, like, and respect your reflection, the less you’re concerned with the outside world’s perception of you.

It’s ok to care about what other people think.

Just remember to care more about your perception of yourself than what others think.


Photos from Vasavi Kumar's post 08/20/2024

Your ability to get back up and say to yourself, “I will figure this out,” is what will set you apart from those who make it in business and those who are barely making ends meet.

My immigrant parents, Shanti and Geetha taught me this (SWIPE to see how cute they are when they first moved here 47 years ago!!)

Every single time you are faced with a challenge, a struggle, a roadblock, a misstep—first—allow yourself to feel AND .

You’re human.

Immediately after that i want you to train yourself to then breathe, take a walk, and say out loud, "I have what it takes to figure this out.”

Not figuring it out is no longer an option.

Saying “I don’t know” is no longer an option.

Not knowing where to start is no longer an option.

Take it off the table.

When you do that, when you develop your resilience muscle— you know what happens?

💪🏽You become confident in your abilities.

🙏🏽You trust that you have what it takes.

⬆️Your self esteem goes up.

👀You start to look at yourself with a fresh set of eyes.

Slowly but steadily you start to gain the confidence to start speaking your truth because:

YOU know what you’ve been through.

YOU know how diligently you’ve been working.

YOU respect yourself.

Suddenly the opinions of others no longer matter.

And if the opinions of others have been holding you back from putting yourself out there comment BO$$ below or DM me for details about a very special and intimate way to work with me.

5️⃣spots to work with me 1:1 in September!


Read the following statements out loud and count how many you identify with:

• “Don't be vulnerable — you'll just get hurt.”
• “I'm better off on my own.”
• “I'm not worthy.”
• “I'm too much for anyone to handle.”
• “I don't deserve to be happy.”
• “I'm weak/inadequate.”
• “I'm so bad at …”
• “I can't ever be too happy, because then it will go away.”
• “I'm a failure.”
• “I should be farther along.”
• “Asking for help makes me look weak/stupid.”

How many of these narratives did you identify with?

Every narrative you identify will help you gain access into deeply held beliefs that have been stunting your fullest self-expression.

Let's use the eighth one as an example: “I can't ever be too happy, because then it will go away.” If you've been telling yourself this, a few things are predictable:

You won't ever allow yourself to be happy, because you've already told yourself you can't be.

You will allow people into your life who always manage to leave you feeling worse about yourself.

And you will seek out situations that perpetuate the narrative you have about yourself.

Pay attention to what you're telling yourself about what you're experiencing throughout the day.

When a thought comes up about something or someone, notice the story you have.

Also pay attention to how you speak about the different scenarios in your life.

Notice how you speak about other people and their lives and how they “should” or “shouldn't” be.

We cannot outrun the voices in our head, even the quietest ones.

We free ourselves from our shame by saying out loud, essentially, “I'm no longer allowing this story to control my life. I'm ready to create a new story.”

Did you know that I have a 9-month SAY IT OUT LOUD community/group? We started in April of this year and will be completing our time together in Jan 2025.

If you were on the fence, didn't enroll, and now are thinking to yourself, “I shoulda joined!!!!”— you can join the waitlist for our upcoming program in 2025.

Get on the SAY IT OUT LOUD group waitlist by heading to the link in my bio- or DM me and I'll send you the link!


Choose yourself first, even if you’ve never been your first choice.

How are you choosing to put yourself first today? lmk 👇🏽


Ever feel like you're juggling a thousand different things in your business, and instead of getting ahead, you're just spinning in circles?

One minute you're the visionary, the next, you're knee-deep in content creation, customer service, and trying to figure out how to make it all work. It's overwhelming, right?

Here's the truth: Wearing multiple hats in your business is inevitable, but feeling lost and all over the place doesn't have to be.

The problem isn't that you're stuck—it's that you don't have a plan. Without a clear strategy, your energy is scattered, your focus is blurred, and your results? Well, they're probably not where you want them to be.

You don't need to be stuck. You need a plan.

Imagine knowing exactly what to do every day to move the needle in your business. Imagine feeling confident about the content you're putting out there, knowing it aligns perfectly with your brand and attracts the clients you want to work with. That's what happens when you have a clear plan.

If you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start taking focused, strategic action, I have two offers that can help:

1. 1:1 Coaching (Four Months): We'll work together to create a customized strategy that aligns with your business goals, and I'll support you every step of the way. You'll walk away with clarity, confidence, and a plan that works for you.

2. Power Hour Session: This is a deep dive into your content and business strategy. We'll tackle whatever is holding you back, and you'll leave with a clear, actionable plan to move forward.

Don't stay in this place of overwhelm and confusion. Take action.

DM me to see if working together for four months is the right next step for you.

If you're looking for a quick but powerful boost, the Power Hour session might be exactly what you need- link in bio.

Remember, you're not stuck. You just need a plan.

Let's get you moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Happy to help,


Women in their 40s...share your words of wisdom for women in their 30s


Thank you for this powerful message.


I would love to share a few key things about me that will let you decide whether you want to continue to stay here for a while or quietly bow out.

1. My top three core values are community, curiosity, and creativity. This wasn’t always the case. As I’ve grown and evolved, my values have changed as well. I’m the founder of the Say It Out Loud community which is a community that helps women focus on creating meaningful work and feeling good from the inside out.

2. I’m the daughter of Indian 🇮🇳 immigrants. My father is the light of my life. My mother is where I get my no B.S. approach from. I wasn’t coddled by her. She used a very direct and firm approach with me. Sometimes I wish she was softer but as I have gotten older I realize that that was simply her way of loving and disciplining me.

3. I am Hindu and was raised vegetarian— still am. I’ve eaten meat twice- once in high school when I was stoned out of my mind, and once when Taco Bell slipped beef into my Mexican pizza.

3. I’m loyal to a fault and have learned the art of discernment. I know where to give my energy and when to walk away.

4. I’m originally from Long Island, NY. I love pizza and bagels.

5. My biggest pet peeves are repeating myself, having my intentions questioned, and people who refuse to take responsibility for their life.

6. I’m extremely sensitive to what’s going on around me. I soak up energy like a sponge so I take frequent breaks to reset myself.

7. believe women strip themselves of power and need to recognize just how powerful they actually are.

8. I’m a good person. I used to hate myself and when I started to do the things that were aligned with my core values, my self respect went up.

9. I’m the host of the SAY IT OUT LOUD podcast. I’m also a Licensed Therapist ( represent) and Coach.

10. I love communicating and getting to know you. Reach out via DM if you ever want to talk. That’s what I’m here for.



It's ok to admit this, out loud even. There is freedom in understanding and recognizing this about ourselves. I've been the toxic one and that's ok. People change. Forgive yourself for the times you were in hyper vigilant mode.

xoxo Vasavi



But we sure as hell try our best to prove to ourselves and others that we can meet this asinine and non-existent standard.

If you are highly uncomfortable with dealing with negativity, I'm sorry to say, that the solution isn't to positively affirm yourself, or sprinkle love and light all over your aura.

Matter of fact, you're causing more damage to your emotional being than you may think.

Let's look at some of the top things we tell ourselves when we're trying be emotionally perfect:

1. "I shouldn't be mad about that."
2. "This isn't really a big deal. I should just get over it."
3. I can't look sad because then people will think I'm not doing ok."
4. "I can't let people know that I'm upset because then I'll be a burden."

In other words, you have very little tolerance for your unpleasant feelings. And while I'm not suggesting that you sit and brood in your s**t—what I am suggesting is that you stop being so cold-hearted and closed off to yourself. If you're constantly trying to be "emotionally perfect," your anxiety is going to through the roof because you've been suppressing, avoiding, and denying your feelings.

Emotionally healthy individuals feel ALL THE FEELINGS, and have learned how to express them—which leads to an increase of confidence and a decrease in anxiety. I understand that even the thought of feeling your feelings can be debilitating. But what's your other option? Living in a constant state of emotional perfectionism with anxiety through the roof?

Stop applying impossible standards to how you should feel. Feel however the hell you want to feel. All of it.



The only guarantee in life is that one day you will no longer be here. So if you’re waiting till tomorrow to do “that thing” you e been saying you want to do—guess again. No such thing as some day, or tomorrow, or next month. Life’s too short to sit on your butt and wait around. Wake up. This is it.


Nobody calls Rhianna “all over the place”--they call her a MOGUL.

But when an aspiring singer with a day job waiting tables also moonlights as a web designer?

She’s called “all over the place”--and I call bulls**t.

I’ve always identified as a Jill-of-all-trades, multi-passionate QUEEN… 👑

In a given week you’ll find me supporting life coaching + therapy clients, doing voice over work, slaying my sales job, and helping thought-leaders record micro-video content for IG...

…& I firmly reject the idea that this makes me “all over the place”

I reject the judgment society places on people with non-linear career paths.

If you’ve been told to “be more focused” or “pick a niche”...

…and it’s just never felt right…

…you are my PEOPLE!

And I want you to know that I’ve never been happier (or more profitable!) than I am right now…

doing a range of activities that all uniquely fulfill me.

If you’re a multi-passionate “kindred spirit” - I’d love to be the coach who helps you turn your many interests into a yummy (and profitable) tapestry.

I currently have 1 coaching spot open for the human who wants to be deeply supported as they FLY over the next 6 months.


DM me and we’ll set up a call to explore if it’s a fit.



🩷It’s ok to be afraid that you’re being “too much.” That’s what you’ve been told, hinted at, and programmed to believe about yourself.

🙏🏽Welcome the fear. It means you’re getting closer to being more of YOU. And if YOU are “too much,” consider yourself ALIVE.

You are meant to feel and be FELT by others.


Wise words from


daily reminder to 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I'm hosting a retreat!!

Last time I hosted a retreat it was in Malibu, CA and we had 15 people join us.

This time I'm hosting my SAY IT OUT LOUD retreat in Playa del Carmen, Mexico!

Dates are TBD. But if you know that it's time for you to get away, unplug, and relax....then all I need from you at this time is your expressed interest in coming.

Adding your name to the waitlist means that you are interested in coming for three nights and four days to a beautiful all-inclusive spot with nourishing food, playful activities, and of course plenty of 1:1 time with me and group time with the rest of the attendees.

Think of this as your time to step away from the hustle and bustle, and recharge with yourself, in community.

DM me "RETREAT" to add your name to the waitlist. I will keep you posted with all of the details including dates of retreat.

Cheers to your rest and relaxation,


All I want at this stage of my life is to be around people with integrity. I don't want to be around negative ass people who are choosing to stay stuck in the problem, rather than focus on solutions. I don't want to be around people who gossip and talk s**t. I want to be around people who are self-aware, take 💯 radical self-responsibility, and have excellent boundaries.

How about you?

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