ZiVae Retirement Services

Zivae Retirement Services ZiVae Retirement Services provides financial and retirement planning services to the Baltimore, MD area and beyond.


↗️Retirement Planning & Digital Real Estate Master Class!!!🚀💰‼️

**Ready to Secure Your Future?**

Are you thinking about retirement? Do you want to ensure that you're not only financially secure but also thriving in your golden years?

Imagine a life where your investments grow while you sleep, and your wealth works for you, not the other way around. 🌱

Join me for a **Free Masterclass** on **Retirement Planning & Digital Real Estate**. I’ll show you how to build a sustainable income that lasts beyond your working years. Don’t just retire; retire with confidence.


✅Are you safe enough to retire? Do you know what your expense number really is? Are you competent to spend qualified money and avoid being over taxed?

✅We can help.

❌Comment READY for more information!!


We get this question a lot as it is stressful to think about. With our Retire & Earn Program, we provide you with the tools necessary to ensure that your fixed income is secure no matter how much money you make if at all possible.

If you’re younger than full retirement age during all of 2024, we must deduct $1 from your benefits for each $2 you earn above $22,320.

If you reach full retirement age in 2024, we must deduct $1 from your benefits for every $3 you earn above $59,520 until the month you reach full retirement age.

Get more tips and FREE resources for retirement planning and schedule a FREE retirement analysis today. https://buff.ly/3AtZ2Hp


At Zivae Retirement, we care about your quality of life in retirement. This is why we have studied and learned a $400 Billion market that allows people WITH NO EXPERIENCE to monetize their hobbies through digital marketing platforms.

With DONE-FOR-YOU resources, you won't have to create anything and mentorship is also available. Retirement planning is only the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship with Zivae Financial.

The possibilities are endless. Comment HOBBY LOBBY for more information.

planning; &EARN &LEARN


An advisor should feel like someone you invite over for tea or coffee to chit chat. You should feel as comfortable with your advisor as you do your physician. 🥼

After all, we are financial physicians in a way and finance is professionally considered a practice. You should feel better, or at least have been given instruction on how to correct the things you need to change before you retire. 🤗

Not every advisor will connect with you because it's not the goal for most. Be sure to enjoy your advisor and if you wouldn't invite him/her over for Thanksgiving dinner, don't allow him/her to be invited in your retirement planning.🥰



If you are still unclear on the impact of inflation on your retirement income, we can help. Comment INFLATION and schedule an appointment with us today!!


Are you worried about what will happen financially after the election. You aren't alone. Planning ahead will eliminate this fear because at Zivae Retirement, we plan with worse case scenario in mind so that you don't have to think about your retirement plan once we it has been completed.

Do you have a written retirement plan? Comment PLAN to schedule an appointment today!!


I have talked to thousands of prospects and the one thing I find most concerning is this. The illusional of control in making financial decisions without a finance professional can be catastrophic.

The truth is that you always have control over your financial future. Even with a broker, retirement consultant or any other type of financial advisor, it is still YOUR asset.

Trust is a risk in any area of our lives. However, trusting the right person to educate you and to consult with regarding your retirement is optimal.

Schedule a FREE retirement analysis today!!! Comment the word FREE to get scheduled today!!!

SEO| retirement planning, social security, medicare, pension, never out live your money, written retirement plan


Financial planning is a crucial aspect of managing one’s personal and family finances. It involves setting financial goals, creating strategies to achieve them, and ensuring long-term financial security. One of the significant life events that underscore the importance of financial planning is the death of a spouse.

Impact of the Death of a Spouse

Emotional and Financial Strain: The death of a spouse is a deeply emotional event that can also have significant financial consequences. The surviving spouse may face immediate financial challenges, such as covering funeral expenses, settling debts, or managing day-to-day living costs.

Loss of Income: If the deceased spouse was a primary or contributing earner, their death could result in a significant reduction in household income. This can strain the family’s finances, making it difficult to maintain the same standard of living.

Changes in Financial Priorities: The surviving spouse might need to reassess financial goals and priorities. For example, they might need to focus more on securing retirement funds, adjusting investment strategies, or providing for dependents.

Estate Planning and Inheritance: The death of a spouse often triggers the need to address estate planning issues. This includes the distribution of assets, understanding inheritance laws, and ensuring that the surviving spouse and any dependents are provided for according to the deceased's wishes.

Insurance Payouts and Benefits: Life insurance policies, pensions, and other benefits can provide financial relief. However, the surviving spouse needs to be aware of how to access these funds and how to manage them effectively.

Let us do the heavy lifting for you at Zivae Retirement.


If you are starting to plan for retirement within 1-2 years of your planned retirement date, you might have waited too late to start planning.

Retirement planning provides the opportunity to mitigate risk and prepare your financial future to be as simple and comfortable as possible.

Comment PLAN for a FREE GUIDE to help!!


Turning a hobby into a passive income stream can be a rewarding and practical way to benefit from something you already enjoy.

Here are some key benefits:

Monetize Your Passion: If you're doing something you love, turning it into a source of income can be incredibly fulfilling. It allows you to spend more time on what you enjoy and potentially make a living from it.

Financial Flexibility: Passive income provides a steady flow of revenue that can supplement your primary income or offer financial freedom. This can give you more flexibility in how you allocate your time and resources.

Low Startup Costs: Many hobbies require relatively low initial investments, especially in the digital age. For example, if your hobby involves writing, photography, or crafting, you can often start a blog, online store, or social media presence with minimal upfront costs.

Scalability: Hobbies can often be scaled into a larger business. For instance, if you enjoy creating art, you could sell prints or digital downloads. As your audience grows, so can your income potential.

Personal Satisfaction: When your hobby becomes a source of income, it can increase your satisfaction and motivation. Seeing your work appreciated and valued can be a powerful boost to your self-esteem and happiness.

Skill Development: Turning a hobby into a passive income stream often involves learning new skills, such as marketing, sales, or content creation. These skills can be beneficial in other areas of your life or career.

Flexible Work Schedule: Passive income typically offers more flexibility compared to traditional jobs. Once you've set up your income stream, it often requires less daily effort, allowing you to balance your time between your hobby and other responsibilities.

Network Expansion: Engaging with others who share your interests or are involved in similar markets can expand your professional network. This can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

Legacy Creation: If your hobby involves creating content or products, you can build something that lasts beyond your own active involvement. This can be particularly satisfying if you’re passionate about your work and want to leave a lasting impact.

Potential Tax Benefits: Depending on your location and how you structure your income stream, there might be tax benefits associated with turning your hobby into a business. Always consult with a tax professional to understand the implications for your situation.

While turning a hobby into a passive income stream can be highly beneficial, it's important to be aware of the effort required to set up and maintain it. Initial work is often needed to get things rolling, and even passive income streams can require occasional attention. However, if you’re willing to put in the effort, the rewards can be substantial.


Providing yourself a personal pension is key to retiring with confidence. Most people retire with only social security as 80% of US jobs don't offer a pension. Let us know if we can help. We are happy to partner with you in your journey to a peaceful retirement.


What are your biggest concerns? We can help. 😬


What will you learn in retirement? I am always pushing my clients to get into something they've never done before to keep their minds active.🏌️‍♂️

Learning new things in retirement offers a wide range of benefits, including:

🤓 Cognitive Health: Engaging in new activities stimulates the brain, helping to maintain mental sharpness and potentially reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

🤸‍♀️ Sense of Purpose: Exploring new interests provides a sense of accomplishment and purpose, helping to fill the gap that work once occupied.

🤼 Social Connections: Learning new things often involves meeting new people or joining groups, which can lead to new friendships and social interactions.

🤗 Emotional Well-being: Pursuing new hobbies or skills can boost self-esteem and contribute to overall happiness and life satisfaction.

🤺 Physical Health: Some new activities, like learning a new sport or dance, can promote physical fitness, enhancing overall health and mobility.

🤦 Adaptability: Staying open to learning keeps you adaptable and resilient, making it easier to navigate the changes that come with aging.

😲 Lifelong Growth: Embracing lifelong learning can lead to continuous personal growth, opening up new perspectives and opportunities even in retirement.

😁 Legacy and Contribution: Learning new things can allow retirees to share their knowledge and skills with others, leaving a lasting impact on their community or loved ones.


Travel is a no brainer for most clients who are planning to retire. Will you have enough money to travel the way you want to? You might be able to go farther than you thought!! We can help ?


You will have nothing but time to fill with meaningful events and memories. If you have a partner, check in and see what their plans are for retirement and talk about your differences. You will be able to do whatever you want now, no kids and no commitments. Time management in retirement might seem overwhelming once you have retired.



With potential rate cuts on the horizon, you may want to secure today's rates. If that's the case, consider a Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA). It functions similarly to a CD but comes with a significant advantage—you won't owe taxes on the interest until you withdraw the funds.

Why should you think about a MYGA?

✔️ Guaranteed Interest Rates: MYGAs provide a fixed interest rate over a predetermined period, usually between 3 to 10 years.
✔️ Tax-Deferred Growth: The interest accumulated on a MYGA is tax-deferred until you begin making withdrawals, allowing your investment to grow without yearly tax deductions, which can enhance compounding over time.
✔️ Capital Preservation: MYGAs aim to safeguard your principal investment. Since they are insulated from market volatility, they are a viable option for those looking to protect their capital while still achieving a reasonable return.


Do you have a written retirement plan? We can help!


Customize your retirement based off your needs and not the needs of your co-workers. With so much information out there, you have to be certain you're looking in the right direction.


🚨JUST RELEASED: July 18, 2024, the IRS has established that Non-Designated Beneficiaries must take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) annually.🙂

Alongside this confirmation of general post-death RMD guidelines, the extensive 260-page document provides detailed regulatory guidance for specific situations related to the new rules governing Eligible and Non-Eligible Designated Beneficiaries.🙃

🚨Experts Jeffrey Levine and Ben Henry-Moreland from Kitces break down the new regulations, which include:

-Updated rules for managing undistributed RMDs in the year an account owner passes away.

-A new "Hypothetical RMD" rule for surviving spouses who initially opt for the 10-Year Rule but later decide to roll over or treat the inherited account as their own.

-Clarification that if a plan participant has their entire plan balance in a Designated Roth account, Non-Eligible Designated Beneficiaries are not obligated to take annual RMDs during the 10-Year Rule period.

-Guidance on successor beneficiaries who may need to either initiate a new 10-year period for complete account distribution or finish the original beneficiary's 10-year period, depending on the situation.

-New definitions clarifying which beneficiaries of a See-Through Trust are also regarded as beneficiaries of the retirement account and which can be excluded for retirement account purposes.

-A regulation stating that when a See-Through Trust is divided into separate trusts for each beneficiary upon the account owner's death, the RMD rules will apply individually to each trust beneficiary, rather than uniformly based on the beneficiary with the shortest required distribution timeline.

-Clarification that when a retirement account (including IRAs) consists of both annuity & non-annuity assets, these assets can be aggregated for RMD calculation purposes, and payments from the annuity can be counted towards the total RMD for both asset types.



It's the first day of school for many kids, marking a bittersweet moment for parents. Watching them grow—from their first school bus ride to eventually driving their own cars—reminds us how quickly time passes. Alongside these milestones, the costs of raising a child seem to rise just as fast, with expenses for after-school programs, activities, athletics, and daily meals adding up.

Have you considered the costs beyond grade school? If your child chooses to pursue higher education, financial responsibilities extend beyond tuition. Even with scholarships, significant expenses like room and board, textbooks, and meal plans can become overwhelming.

How can you prepare for these future costs? Here are a few strategies to help ease the burden:

1. **High-Yield Savings Account**: Start early by opening a high-yield savings account. Make regular contributions and consider adding extra during special occasions.

2. **529 Plans**: These tax-advantaged education savings plans are tailored for college costs. Thanks to the SECURE Act 2.0, you can roll over unused 529 funds into a Roth IRA if your child opts out of higher education, with a lifetime limit of $35,000, penalty-free.

3. **Whole Life Insurance**: Consider a whole life insurance policy, with premiums typically paid off in 20 years. This can align well with your child graduating high school, covering future education costs while building cash value over time.

Many paths are available, but the key is to start planning now. Your children won’t stay little forever, and the earlier you prepare, the better positioned you'll be to support their dreams.

How looming tax law change could affect ultra-high-net-worth - InvestmentNews 08/05/2024

The impending expiration of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is prompting increased attention to estate planning, particularly regarding the possible decrease in the lifetime exemption. Aaron White, CFP® from Adero Partners, offers insights into how this change in tax law may affect wealthy families and emphasizes the importance of a strategic approach.

How looming tax law change could affect ultra-high-net-worth - InvestmentNews With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 set to expire next year, clients want more estate planning advice.


Are you planning to retire with less than $500k, we can help. While most advisors won’t even have a conversation with you if you don’t have $500k, we can analyze what you have and provide you with solutions that will maximize your income in retirement!!

Comment: Risk Analysis today!! 🙂


Being referred to an advisor might be the safest route to take. However, planning for retirement on your own exposes you to great risk. Here are a few tips.

1. Find a person whom you connect with and takes the time to make sure that you understand.
2. An advisor should listen more than anything. Avoid talkers
3. Listen to your gut. Most of the time you'll know whose honest and who isn't.
4. Avoid personal bias. You can miss out on excellence if you personalize what you hear by your own standards.

Do you have a written retirement plan? We can help! $500k?


Retirement planning that creates a sense of ease with a wholistic approach.🙂

Your Retirement plan will include the following:

Written Retirement Plan
Risk Analysis
Social Security Maximization Report
Retirement Health Care Maximization Report
Medicare Education (If Requested)
Legacy Planning
Charitable Trusts
Course: How to turn your hobby into Digital Real Estate🤑
And More.

Comment EASE to schedule a Free Retirement Analysis.


Inflation in Retirement Planning

As we approach retirement, one of the most crucial factors to consider is inflation. Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, eroding purchasing power. Here are a few tips:

1. Eroding Purchasing Power-Over time, inflation can significantly reduce the value of fixed income sources like pensions or savings. For instance, if you retire with a fixed annual income, a 3% inflation rate means that in just 10 years, your purchasing power will decrease, making it harder to maintain your lifestyle.

2. Healthcare Costs-Healthcare expenses tend to rise faster than general inflation. As retirees age, health-related costs become a larger portion of their budgets. Planning for inflation in healthcare costs is essential to ensure adequate coverage and access to necessary services.

3. Investment Strategy-Inflation impacts investment returns. Retirees should consider investments that can outpace inflation, such as stocks or real estate. A well-diversified portfolio that includes assets with growth potential can help mitigate the effects of inflation over time.

4. Social Security Adjustments-Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation through Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs). However, these adjustments may not always keep pace with living costs, so relying solely on Social Security may not suffice to maintain your desired lifestyle.

5. Longer Life Expectancy-With advances in healthcare, people are living longer. This means that retirement savings must stretch further, making it even more critical to account for inflation in long-term financial planning.


Inflation is a silent yet powerful force that can undermine retirement savings. To safeguard your future, it's essential to incorporate an understanding of inflation into your retirement planning strategy. This might involve reassessing your investment choices, budgeting for rising costs, and regularly updating your financial plans to ensure you can enjoy your retirement without financial stress. Being proactive about inflation will help you maintain your purchasing power and overall quality of life in retirement.


Don't just get an iron clad retirement plan, enhance your plan with passive income strategies include templates for you to get going fast. Make money doing the things you love, that is what retirement is all about anyway right?


It is essential that you keep moving in retirement. You must plan to keep your mind active as well as your social life.🙃

At Zivae Retirement, we have partnered with marketing firms to create a database of opportunities for retirees to turn their passion into passive income. These strategies come with templates ready to use so that you don't have to work too hard in retirement! 🤸‍♀️

Comment HOBBIES to learn more.😱


Most clients often miss out on great opportunities because of a lack of education. Invest time and energy in learning as it is the best way to make the best decisions.

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↗️Retirement Planning & Digital Real Estate Master Class!!!🚀💰‼️ **Ready to Secure Your Future?**Are you thinking about r...
↗️Retirement Planning & Digital Real Estate Master Class!!!🚀💰‼️ **Ready to Secure Your Future?**Are you thinking about r...
✅FOLLOW ✅LIKE ✅SHAREWhat You'll Learn at Our Retirement Seminar🎯Diversifying Your Portfolio🎯Creating a Solid Retirement ...
🎯What You'll Learn at Our Retirement Seminar📌Diversifying Your Portfolio   - *Digital Real Estate & Alternative Investme...
🎯FOLLOW 🎯LIKE 🎯SHARE✅Boost your retirement spending by 22%—just by adding one key element to your savings plan. Find out...
✅Follow ✅Like ✅Share🎯As retirement approaches, many people anticipate rising health care costs, but long-term care—ongoi...
💥FOLLOW 💥LIKE 💥SHARE✅Maximizing Your 401(k) Contributions: The Power of Catch-Up Contributions After Age 55As you approa...
🎯 What is the FRC Designation?The Federation of Federal Employee Benefit Advocates, LLC (FFEBA) provides education and c...
🌴 Ready to retire with ease? 🏖️ Imagine a life where your retirement plan is rock-solid, and your income potential keeps...
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