blackbird letterpress, Baton Rouge, LA Videos

Videos by blackbird letterpress in Baton Rouge. Letterpress stationery, handmade notebook & paper novelties

Other blackbird letterpress videos

Fireworks for Monsters on Fire 🔥 @lemieuxgalleries through this week Exhibit photos by Mike Smith Photography Artist statement (reposting): Kathryn Hunter works in mixed media, from wool appliqué to laser cut steel and paper cutting to relief printing/letterpress. Red wool may touch emotion; a stitch may connect to nostalgia or illustrate a symbol; relief printing may present a pattern; paper cutting may offer a silhouette or shadow. In the exhibit, Fireworks for Monsters on Fire, animals are characters, like those in the folktale tradition, reflecting on the damage caused by white supremacy, violence and pacification, truths and false truths, and the erosion of our natural world. With the elevating gun violence deaths in the US, police related and non-police related, it is hard not to see the country grappling with freedom, the sense of uncertainty of the future, the glaring reality of the disparity between Americans. This work provokes a dialogue about our current state. It is an observation of America’s freedom while symbolically pondering its historical and current destructive conflict upon autonomy and liberty. I’ve learned a lot about dialogue in the last few years being involved with @dialogueonracelouisiana and I’m still figuring out how to visually create a dialogue but that’s part of the practice right? Life is all about practice and then practice Thanks again to @lemieuxgalleries for showing my work! ❤️❤️❤️ y’all are the best ❤️❤️❤️

Install day @lemieuxgalleries Fireworks for Monsters on Fire, opening Saturday 11/5, 6-8. Show up thru Dec 23 And showing up front in the gallery @press_relief Don’t miss it!

Work in progress #wip For upcoming exhibit @lemieuxgalleries in November! #woodcut #wolf #wolf #foureyes #doublevision #🐺 @press_relief will have work there at the same time too!

May 29-June 3 I’ll be teaching a workshop called Letterpress in Motion at @penlandschool ! I think there is still an open spot available. Check it out here: Link in stories too. Hope to see you there! #penlandworkshop #penlandletterpress #penland #letterpress #letterpressinmotion (This is not a workshop about animation, just good ole movable paper)

Happy 🌎 day! Here’s a little earth and sky doing their thing.

Happy International Women’s Day! To celebrate we’re emailing a coupon to our email list tomorrow for all Inspiring Women goods. Sign up today if you aren’t on our list (on the front page We don’t send too many emails. Promise. #inspiringwomen #blackbirdletterpress #octaviabutler #idabwells #fannielouhamer #eleanorroosevelt #ruthbaderginsburg #susanbanthony #sylviarivera #shirleychisholm

3 FREE mystery holiday cards with any purchase in our online shop today thru Sunday 12/5 #holidaycards #letterpress

New things coming! 2nd pattern series with a new size sewn stitched bound notebook + jotter + mini calendar + cards! Will be up in our online shop by Thanksgiving. And—> our big sale of the year starts Friday 11/26-11/29. There will be a coupon code plus lots of sale items. Sign up for our newsletter to hear all the details. Link in bio Botanical pattern by @eliselassonde #botanical #linocut #letterpress #sewnstitchedbinding #notebook #journal

Still making bear hugs 🐻💛 (excuse the mess) #bearhug #letterpress #diecutting #blackbirdletterpress

Easy does it boo bat 🦇 #diecutting #diecut #bat #🦇 #boo #letterpress

We’re in this together. In the wake of Hurricane Ida, Baton Rouge missed the worst part of the storm. But widespread power outages are across the city since Sunday and so we are at a stand still at Blackbird until power is back. David and I evacuated at the last minute and our home and studios fared well. We are lucky to be able to evacuate (not everyone is able to) and we’re lucky we didn’t have damage. Our hearts go out to those affected to the south and East of us. It will be a long recovery. But we’re in this together. If you need updates check out @mayorbroome and our good friends @mimosahandcrafted always do an amazing job of sharing resources in times like these. Take care out there my friends ❤️

Our sweet ball obsessed girl ❤️ #avathegirlscout

Really enjoying this book. 🤍🤍@clintsmithiii is an amazing storyteller. #howthewordispassed . Needed a bookmark and gray fox is perfect! #howlyes #howlyes🐺

💥 On press and back in the shop! 🌺 Hope Is A Discipline 🌺notebook. 50% of the sale goes to @project.nia ‘s #AYONYC Abolitionist Youth Organizing Institute. We sold out of the first batch of 100 quick. Let’s send some more $ their way! Link in stories or click on “limited editions & fundraising” in our online shop. #hopeisadiscipline #projectnia #letterpress #blackbirdletterpress

A really fun project we worked on with our fave @npr local station #wrkf last fall! #89.3 #batonrouge These coaster sets were giveaways to special fund drive donors. My favorite bio is for #SteveInskeep “on days of bad news, he draws inspiration from the Langston Hughes book, Laughing to Keep From Crying.” It may not be fund drive time but you can always donate to your favorite public radio. and #letterpress #customcoasters #publicradio

Lil beast getting used to the big beast 💙 #muddydogwaters #windmill #heidelberg

Inspiring Woman #linocut #wip Fannie Lou Hamer. More to come (revisions have been made to linocut post-video) #fannielouhamer #printmaking

Happy International Women’s Day! #yurikochiyama #rosaparks #marychurchterrell #idabwells #jeannetterankin #ingridwashinawatokelissa #susanbanthony #graceleeboggs #gloriaanzaldúa #francesharper #shirleychisholm #elizabethcadystanton #eleanorroosevelt #alicepaul #inspringwomen #inspiringwomennotebooks #internationaleomensday

You are pure sunshine! 🌞 #3Dhousecard #greenhouse #diyhousecard #sunshine #🌞 #plants #plantlover #🌱 design by @eliselassonde #letterpress