
Located in Beavercreek, Ohio
Be kind, Appreciate Others, Worship Your

Photos from Skinbymars's post 09/03/2024

Never underestimate that we are gifted the power to change our lives at any given moment in time – I’m here to hold you with nurturing arms & remind you that you don’t have to go through it alone.

Seeing this transformation side by side is a true metamorphosis. Lil mama said it’s my turn, and got her spark back.

Our bodies communicate with us on a day to day basis, we just have to attune ourselves to listening + responding with actions that positively serve us.

Her body was sending signals that her root cause of acne was both internal + external.

We began by eliminating all pore clogging ingredients in her lifestyle: anything + everything that comes in contact with the skin.

Incorporated a handpicked routine with clinical, active skincare to re educate the skin cells from manifesting by interrupting the process of the follicle that leads to the formation of acne.

Throughout this journey discovered that she was gluten + dairy intolerant, constantly setting her body on FIRE & back into remission. Once we eliminated those triggers the body was able to heal SYSTEMICALLY, along with reducing inflammation through lifestyle changes by supporting diet, sleep, movement, detoxification, cortisol + blood sugar balance.

Now she’s clear, healthy, happy & thriving in homeostasis. 🪐


Through this season of nurturing + regulating my nervous system I have brought so much awareness around my day to day habits that is allowing me to fully understand how they are or aren’t serving me with positivity + well being.

And making a conscious intention to implement + act with only the ones that serve me.

I have always been someone who feens over oral fixation of bringing something to my mouth, especially a drink in a social setting.

Now without shocking/denying my system of ‘nothing’ — I am just rewiring the substance of that habit.

So instead of over indulging in: caffeine, coffee, alcohol

I’m replacing it with: adrenal mocktails, herbal teas, matcha, water w/ electrolytes, adaptogen coffee/hot cocoa, poppi (gut loving sodas) etc.

Habits are easy to create, and even harder to break. At times feels impossible. I feel like this can be used as a metaphor to so many vices in our lives, simply that we don’t have to break habits - just change them in a way that allows them to serve us.

We are all gifted with the intuition/innate intelligence that wants to bring our bodies to state of peace, as it knows + wants to heal itself. We also have those voices that want to keep us where we are at, because routines (positive/negative) become comfortable & feel safe.

It just comes down to listening + honoring that intuition within us. When we do there is a beautiful sense of freedom + liberation.

Intuition is uncomfortable, and fantasy is not. 💫



This lil roadmap of red lightening bolts is exactly what we want to see after a session, visible proof that enzyme therapy doesn’t merely work on the surface, but at a cellular level.

Enzyme therapy works on two very important systems in the body —
The blood supply & the lymphatic system, providing a dual action to inspire our innate healing + detoxification response.

Enzyme Therapy dilates the capillary network & blood vessels, allowing a greater supply of oxygenated nutrient rich blood to be pulled up from the cardiovascular system.
Giving a spring clean & nourishment to the cells, neutralizing toxins, then backflushing via ‘reverse osmosis’ through the lymphatic pathways.

Many skin conditions are rooted in poor circulation, a sluggish lymphatic system & a dysfunction in enzymatic activity.

Enzyme therapy allows us to reach homeostasis with the most powerful healer, ourselves. 🪐


Hi my precious clients – I created a master guide of my approach + philosophy to wholistic wellness & care. I am excited for us to have all of our resources in one place. It’s full of education, resources, external links for easy use & always, love love love.
I plan to continue adding + growing what has already been built but she is yours for the taking.

If you haven’t already, send over your email & I will add you.

Can’t wait for you to dive in, xx


Harmonizing with the internal poetry of our bodies — Meet S’eau Prima, our new hypochlorous acid mist.

The conversion of salt water to hypochlorous acid — We are able to identically replicate a molecule inspired by human nature’s innate ability to heal + repair itself.

Hypochlorous acid is a natural disinfectant produced by our white blood cells. It’s just as effective in killing bacteria as bleach while remaining as gentle as water, making it a line of defense against infection, inflammation & pathogens. Our vessels are designed to protect us & we must nurture that gift with upmost love + care.

Essentially, our bodies recognize hypochlorous acid because it’s been inside of us this entire time. S’eau Prima is completely harmless, potent & natural.

By replicating + supporting our immune system there are so many powerful benefits for acne, rosacea, eczema, dermatitis etc.

It’s the gentlest anti microbial + anti inflammatory safe for all skin & one I confidently recommend to everyone.

Helps to balance pH, bring oxygen to skin, improve absorption of active ingredients, repair + maintain the moisture barrier while dancing with the internal poetry of our bodies to maintain homeostasis.

She’s going to be so powerful & I am so excited for you all to try.



Acne is a devastating + heartbreaking condition that can create emotional + physical damage. When taking on a new case, I deeply understand how much of a vulnerable and scary feeling it is to seek + receive + trust this kind of care.

This is why I am so passionate about treating skin. I get to hold the hands & hearts of my clients & guide them holistically with love + education.

The clearing process a whole bonding experience, one I don’t take lightly or for granted. It’s also a very rewarding one, for the both of us.

My promise to you, is to give you all the tools + inspiration to positively impact the skin + mind from the inside out and the outside in.

It’s not easy, but you are in good hands.



My heart is warmed to welcome to my craft and our journey to healing + homeostasis.

Combining science, art & philosophy Dr. Sarah Jane has developed a unique modality to essentially — return us home. By working with the spine, the nervous system & the energetic field we harness a deeply introspective & transformative journey that allows us to reconnect with our authentic + creative selves, inner knowing & innate wisdom to heal.

Our vessels are not limited to a physical form, we are also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, sexual and soul: Woven together & influenced by our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and trauma & character.

Spinal Energetics produces an organic flow + movement that allows us to locate bound tension stored within the spine aka the nervous system and essentially unwind + release stored trauma, resistance, chronic stress & unprocessed emotion.

This is a practice of collaboration - working to establish deep self awareness & the mind, body, soul connection to allow us to shift our energy to heal, process & move forward in life. An invitation to presence, self compassion & reconnection to our inner world.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel to LA in September to not only enhance my personal evolution but to be an optimal force in the lives of others & to share with you all I learn.

Excited to share more of my personal journey & how my feet lead me here while bringing you along my journey of education & exploration.

Going with an open heart, an open mind and a deep hunger to heal.

It will be some time before Spinal Energetics is available on my booking site – but for now, am taking a waitlist for in person + virtual sessions.

This is just the beginning, thank you for being here.



My dearest clients,

Truly so excited to announce a change in my booking system that will directly impact the quality + care of our one on one time we spend in the treatment room.

For the past two years I have seen 4-5 clients a day with each service roughly around an hour and a half. As I fall deeper into my craft, I have found so much value in our time to connect, relax & heal.

I plan to extend each service to 2 hours & offer one base price – in this time, we allow the body a chance to truly rest and melt into a deep state of relaxation. I promise to always approach your skins needs + goals with upmost love + progression. This will push our results even further – once the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the body is gifted the opportunity to enter a state of healing – and I genuinely believe this extra time will be so powerful for the both of us & get the most out of our time together.

I will also be offering another option with a shorter time as I know not everyone can spend that amount of time away from work, family, life etc.

Additionally, please never hesitate to express if there is a service you know I offer & are interested in – I will always take my time to educate you about what will benefit your skin most at that time.

Just want to give you all the best of the best & all my love – excited to see the opportunities this change brings.

I love you forever.

Photos from Skinbymars's post 06/17/2024

& one day we look back, and everything has changed.

Confidence ressurects as balance takes the lead & peace is finally in place.

Peace felt systematically. Healing the skin through healing the body, which directly acends to healing the mind.

To me, it truly all comes down to restoring confidence at a cellular level & i’m beyond words grateful to hold you through the process.


Dropping by with infinite love 💌

Been more distant than usual on social media lately & truly just focusing on soaking in the present moment in + out of the treatment room.

Big news, changes & projects that I’ve been working on and pouring my heart into that I’m beyond excited to share with you when the time comes.

Thank you for allowing me to live + share my passion & continuously choosing to grow with me.
I love you with every molecule that makes me.


Photos from Skinbymars's post 06/11/2024

My recommendations + approach to hair removal

I can’t express how many times I have had a first time client come in with a wrecked + compromised barrier from ‘at home dermaplaning’ — I know it’s tempting, but it will not achieve the result you are looking for & will only lead to greater skin concerns down the line.

Ti**le razors & other forms of hair removal are also not meant for everyone. The fine, vellus hair on our face serves a regulatory purpose to wick the oil that’s within the pore. Without that hair, and especially in skin’s prone to the over production of oil, it will lead to the formation + exasperation of existing inflammation, bacteria and in turn, acne.

The most important takeaway is to work with a trusted professional that knows your skin and responds with upmost care + progression.



Understanding acne gives us the tools we need to gain control over it —

Acne aka retention hyperkeratosis can take up to ninety days to form. Under the surface, there is a network of micro-comedones (the beginning stage of all acne) forming as dead skin cells and sebum mix and create a plug. As more oil produces, this impaction traps it in the follicle, and it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

The growing bacteria irritate the follicle and oil gland, which then triggers redness and swelling. What you see on the surface, has been brewing for weeks at the micro-comedone level. And the next batch is already on the way if we don’t come in and change the way acne is manifesting at the root.

Understanding acne means we understand that there is no cure - there is only prevention, and there is only maintenance.

& I am here to stand side by side with you to find what works for you + your skin to gain control - to reach balance.


With patience, consistency, trust & a little magic - one day we look back and realize everything has changed.
&&& that’s the most powerful thing, that we are gifted the opportunity to change our lives, mind & skin every single day with intention - a conscious aim tied to an embodied action.

I’m here to give you tools, resources & education necessary to initiate this change. To initiate this healing.

Hand in hand, we make it happen.



Checking in, letting you know how much I love you.

Skin by mars will forever remain my passion, vision & mission. I am so thankful for each and every one of you that has gifted me the opportunity to explore & master my craft. My goal is to create a safe space to welcome you with open arms that hold you with kindness, understanding & compassion. I dedicate my business to my clients and to helping them finally achieve the answers they seek by providing the necessary tools, education & resources for wholistic healing. Approaching our precious vessels at a cellular level & viewing the skin from the inside out and outside in - creating life changing results rooted in longevity & sustainability.

Skin by Mars would be nothing without you. Thank you for letting me live my dream & love of my life.

I promise to always pour my heart & soul into this.
I promise to always deliver upmost care with intention & love.



That smile is all I could ever ask for.

My sweet client came to me in a vunerable state as she felt defeated after years of failed treatments and guessing games as to what could possibly aid in finding relief + restoring confidence in her skin.

This is where I asked for her trust & proudly took her hand.

The classic approach to treating acne rosacea has always been to “calm it down” using antibiotics and steroid creams or blasting it with a laser. This will ALWAYS result in rosacea coming back in waves & remissions as it does nothing address the root cause as to why this condition is manifesting or preventing it from getting a chance to from.

The root cause in her case: trans epidermal water loss, poor circulation + lympathic drainage, a weekened immune response/langerhan cells, an imbalanced microbiome & systemic inflammation. I made sure her routine + lifestyle recommendations addressed each and every one of these issues & did so as a whole.

I’m not about quick fixes.
I’m about healing at a cellular level, from the inside out with longevity in mind.


A cherry colored christmas, from me to you. 🎁

Cherishing every last second back home with my family, wishing nothing but love to you this holiday season. I am so grateful for every last one of you. 🕊️


Flow state 💫


If art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time —
My heart goes !!!! knowing that my YEARS of obsession with discovering my sound, finding new music, curating playlists, communicating through lyrics, singing & dancing has seamlessly carried over to drive my passion in + out of the treatment room.
To create love, in art form - through movement, through expression, through emotion.

One day my client asked, “I just wanna know what goes through your mind when you give a facial.” I paused for a second & realized, it’s my meditation. A place I feel completely myself. A place I feel completely at peace.

At the end of the day, I am blessed to be able to share this side of me - with my clients, bare girls & other estheticians on the mission for spa music - that isn’t spa music. I have poured my heart n soul into this playlist & it is designed to be listened from the intro to the outro.

Music is my best friend & my warmest hug.
This is just what makes me move.


It’s moments like these 🤍

Surprised my sweet + beautiful friend with a lil Skin by Mars love on the day of her wedding.
We sipped mimosas & giggled & enjoyed a few moments of stillness together – how I was honored to be apart of your big day + how I love you so


I’m SO fu***ng excited about these results ✨

A 2 week difference – I wish I would’ve gotten more before pictures & you could feel the texture difference, but we treated her with a routine that addressed fungal acne.

And when fungal acne is fed the right environment to thrive, IT THRIVES.

My heart is bursting

Photos from Skinbymars's post 10/24/2023

Fungal Acne – one of the trickier conditions to recognize & treat & maintain. I’m just here to hold your hand + make it as easy as possible. ☁️


The key to my heart: Healing acne at a cellular level after years of harsh topicals, accutane & antibiotics. To help someone who has tried EVERYTHING finally reach a state of peace & acceptance in their own skin.

There is no better feeling. 🪐

Photos from Skinbymars's post 09/29/2023

The complete guide to acne safe makeup ✨You don’t have to sacrifice makeup for clear skin, but there are some guidelines to follow + research to be done first. I am here to help you eliminate/moderate all things working against our progress & contributing to the cause of acne.

Makeup that contains pore clogging ingredients will absolutely contribute to never ending congestion & breakouts. My best advice: Do not put anything on your skin, hair or body without checking the ingredients first.
Even if it says ‘won’t clog pores’ or ‘non comedogenic’
— no government agency oversees this, skincare companies can claim their products promote clear skin and still have pore-cloggers in their products. I have an entire list of pore clogging ingredients under my ‘resources’ tab & have taken my time to find all skin loving products for you.

This post is designed to be saved & used as a tool + resource when finding the perfect makeup routine – that won’t work against you


Age management 💌

The heart of all aging starts at the molecular, then cellular level. Poor circulation + lymph drainage result in the loss of structural integrity, weakened/fragile capillaries, and decreased skin density.
At the end of the day, Aging, is a loss of structure + function within the skin. A decline of collagen production & enzymatic activity.

Aging can be intrinsic, extrinsic, or both. Extrinic aging is environmental/sun damge, free radicals, diet, & lifestyle.
80-90% of aging is due to extrinsic activity.

In her case, we were also treating rosacea. Which was due to a lack of oxygen + blood flow & trans epidermal water loss.

Enzyme therapy + muscle banding allowed for a constant reeducation of the skin + paired with time, patience, trust, a tailored routine & consistency — we made it here & we are both so, so happy.


Hi friends 💌

I have had lots of new followers + messages recently & wanted to explain my ‘non traditional’ way of booking + in person treatments.

My facials are pure intuition from start to finish. I let my knowledge + education lead the way. The lines/products I carry serve as tools to give your skin upmost care to treat your concerns with love.

No matter what, on the day of your appointment we will always respond to the skin with exactly what it’s calling for. It could be sculptural massage, dmk enzyme therapy, hydrafacial, biorepeel. Sometimes all the above.

No facial is ever the same — because no skin is ever the same.

I will always guide the way, but please always always always voice if there is anything you would like to try. Our time together is sacred to me and I will do everything in my power to give you the best.

We truly are working magic every single time.
Entirely customized, delivered with care.

I am so grateful for the time I’ve spent in the treatment room with all of my clients & the phone calls with my virtuals. You bring so much light to me. I love you 💖

Here’s a list of some things I offer in the treatment room if we wanna have sum fun ;)

Dermaplane, Buccal + Scalp + Chest Massage Sheet masks, Ice Globes, Led Light Therapy, Manual Lympathic Drainage + Gua Sha the list goes on

Photos from Skinbymars's post 08/25/2023

Forever keeping my approach to healing the skin as honest + genuine as possible. Purely put of love for you + your skin & my passion for addressing the root cause.


Looks like nothing. Protects from everything. A high quality, mineral based broad spectrum sunscreen isn’t skincare, it is healthcare.

No-Show Mineral Spf 50 is a lightweight, velvety & milky mineral sunscreen that blends into the skin effortlessly while giving a sheer coverage. Environmental defense against UVA/UVB, blue light, pollution + free radicals. Free radicals lead to irreversible changes in dna structure & overtime leads to premature aging and photodamge. Even cancer. This formulation prevents the formation of free radicals & neutralizes them with antioxidants. Not only is the skin protected but also nourished with soothing actives & potent hydration.

It is one of the sexiest formulations I’ve ever had my hands on. Powerful, speciality ingredients come together in a formula that leave the skin smooth, white cast free & most importantly protected.

- All Mineral SPF 50 protection
- Water/Sweat Resistant
- Free of all chemical active ingredients
- Layers well under makeup
- Blends effortlessly in all skin tones, safe for the entire family (can be used 6mo & older)
- Oil Free, Non Comedogenic, Cruelty Free, & Non Greasy
- Barrier boosting hydration + defense against free radicals


As clear as ever 🪄

The perfect example of how inflammation is not a symptom of acne – instead, a trigger. My sweet client, a teenager battling acne since the age of 12. The hormonal shift during puberty increases the activity of sebaceous glands, which means more oil production. When that oil mixes with dead skin, it clogs the pores, traps bacteria & initiates breakouts. She was already genetically prone to acne, but when driven/exasperated by: a diet mostly processed, chronic stress to the nervous system, a lack of essential nutrients + vitamins, and pore clogging ingredients in: toothpaste, laundry & haircare.

It all comes down to what is driving the inflammation – internally + externally. We must be aware of anything we are putting in our bodies & on our bodies.
& that’s where I come into play — we dive deep into daily habits/lifestyle & get to the root cause.

A from there, it’s all love 💌


A breakdown of Vitamin A Formulations 🖤

Vitamin A Proprionate is the derivative used, founded & patented by Dr. Fulton. It is just as effective as prescription strength Retin-A. It delivers all the same benefits of accelerated cell turnover, cell regeneration & collagen synthesis — without the excessive irritation.

Derma A Gel: Vitamin A, Lactic Acid, Niacinamide
The one I start most of my clients on right away, especially acne & pigment.

Derma A Renew: Oligopeptides, Vitamin A, Lactic Acid, Niacinamide
Added peptides treat inflammation & aging beautifully, my choice for rosacea and hyper reactive skin.

Exfol A: Vitamin A, Glycolic Acid, Niacinamide
Designed for skin already acclimated to derma a gel or derma a renew. Added AHA’s make it a good choice for oily, more resistant skin.

The why behind what I choose to treat your skin with — above all, Vivant’s Vitamin A formulations allow for the best results, with rhe best delivery system.



I love skin care so much 👼

Our first step was getting to the root cause of her acne - treating it, and preventing it. Looking at everything in her daily life that was driving inflammation & triggering the acne. Our next task was clearing post inflammatory pigmentation (were almost there).

It took a custom, result driven routine. In person treatments: dmk enzyme therapy, biorepeel, hydrafacial etc. Making the right lifestyle adjustments + trust.


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3979 Indian Ripple Road
Beavercreek, OH

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