Cheshire Bakery

Cheshire Bakery

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We are a small home-based bakery located in Bellevue, WA


For a long time I liked to experiment with cake flavors, but in the last couple of years my preferences switched towards classic. And honey cake is unbeatable - for sure, one of my favorites and my first choice for kids’ birthday party :)

Ingredients: 2 eggs 160 g sugar 80 g of honey Pinch of salt 100 g butter 1 tsp soda 380-400 g flour
1) In a pan roughly combine eggs, sugar, honey, salt, and butter.
2) Heat the mixture until very hot, but not boiling. Remove the pan from the heat
3) Add baking soda. The mixture will increase in volume. Mix it a little bit with a whisk and set aside. Let the mixture cool to room temperature.
4) Add flour and make a dough. It will be a bit sticky, but it is fine. Don’t add too much flour because the cake layers will become tough.
5) Cover the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.
6) Roll the dough about 3 mm thick, cut the circle and bake at 365F for approximately 5 minutes (until golden brown, but still soft and pliable). Cool cake layers completely before assembling.

300 ml milk
1 egg
40 g of corn starch
230 g of sugar
80 g of butter
100 g of sour cream
250 g of heavy whipping cream
1) With a whisk combine an egg, corn starch, sugar, and a few tbsp of cold milk. Set aside.
2) Bring the remaining milk to boil.
3) Gradually, very slowly add hot milk to the egg mixture and whisk well.
4) Pour the mixture into a pan, add sour cream, and heat until the filling becomes thick (boil it for a few minutes). Mix it constantly with a whisk.
5) Add chunks of butter and mix until the butter melts and the filling becomes smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight.
6) Beat cold heavy whipping cream until hard peaks are formed. Beat the custard slightly. Combine the two mixtures using a spatula.


I love tulips! They are so colorful, beautiful, and always bring sense of spring warmth and nature awaking from long and cold winter.
I made this wafer paper tulip in the beginning of spring, but only half a year later got time to get to the photos :)
I like how it turned out - and I’ll leave this photo here even though it’s already the end of summer :))
#вафельныйцветок #тюльпанизбумаги #вафельнаяфлористика #вафельнаябумага #цветыизвафельнойбумаги #тюльпаны #желтыйтюльпан


My favorite Semolina Cupcakes. They are very easy to make and taste great! I like to use homemade jam - during summer we have so many ripe delicious sweet fruits and berries on farmers markets that are perfect for this dessert!

200 g of semolina flour
100 g of flour
1 tsp of baking powder
120 g of powdered sugar
2 eggs
70 g of vegetable oil
200 g of milk

1) Combine all dry ingredients using a whisk
2) Combine all wet ingredients
3) Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients and mix well
4) Place about 1-1.5 Tbsp of batter in cupcake form, add 1 tsp of your favorite jam. Then, place a little bit of batter on top.
5) Bake at 360F for approximately 25-30 minutes.

#манник #манникрецепт #кексы #кексырецепт


A slice of vanilla cake with Halva & Condensed Milk buttercream 😍


Today I would like to post a recipe of cookies that became my favorites - Armenian cookies Mutaki.
First time I tried them at Armenian festival last year, and was captured by the idea of making these cookies for my family. During last month I’ve made them three times already, and want to save this recipe here among my favorites :)

1.5 cups of flour
100 g of cold butter
100 g of sour cream
1 egg yolk
Dash of salt
1/2 tsp of baking powder

1) Sift flour and baking powder. In a mixer bowl put small cubes of cold butter and flour. Using paddle attachment mix well until the consistency of crumbs achieved.
2) Add egg yolk, sour cream, salt and mix very well using dough hook attachment.
3) Make a ball from the dough, wrap it with a plastic wrap, and refrigerate for an hour.

100 g of walnuts
1/2 cup of sugar
1 egg white

1) Using blander crush walnuts very well.
2) Add sugar and egg white. Mix well with a spatula

To make cookies divide the dough in two equal parts. Roll the dough into a 10” circle (use 10” baking pan to cut out the shape). Divide into 8 segments. Place about 1 tsp of filling to the outer edge of each segment and roll.
Make the third 10” circle from cut outs. This amount of dough and filling is good for 24 cookies.
Bake at preheated to 390F oven for approximately 18 minutes.

#мутаки #рогаликипеченьекчаю #рогаликисорехами #печеньерецепт #мутакирецепт


Write a caption... To be honest, I don’t know what to call this type of dessert: cake? pie? bun? bread? :)
Whatever the name of this dessert is, it is perfect and absolutely delicious! I baked it for many years, and many people who tried it claimed it to be the best poppy seed bread ever! Try it and you won’t regret it! It will be your favorite dessert too! :)

60 ml of water
2.5 tsp of instant yeast
1 tbsp of sugar

450 g of flour
50 g of semolina
0.5 tsp of salt
240 g of whole milk
2 eggs (room temperature)
60 g of butter (room temperature)
50 g of sugar

240 g of cream cheese (I use Philadelphia cream cheese)
150 g of sugar
2 tbsp of flour
4-6 tbsp of poppy seed
1 egg
1 tsp of vanilla extract

1) Prepare the starter. Microwave water in a small bowl or a cup until its temperature becomes 100-110 F. Add sugar and yeast. Mix with a spoon and place in a warm place for 10 minutes to proof. I have a “proof” setting in my oven. If you don’t have this setting, just turn on the light in the oven and put the bowl there. The bulb generates enough heat for the bread to proof. After 10 minutes you should see some bubbles and yeast should increase in volume a lot. If not - it means that the yeast died and you should redo this step.

2) In a mixer bowl put sifted flour, semolina, salt, warm milk (up to 110F), eggs (room temperature), sugar, and yeast mixture. Mix very well using a hook attachment. At the end add chunks of butter (room temperature), and mix very well. Scrape the bowl occasionally. The dough will still be sticky, and pretty runny, but uniform. I don’t recommend adding more flour, because the bread won’t be as fluffy and soft.

3) Take another big bowl and oil it with olive oil. With your hands covered in olive oil, place the dough in the oiled bowl and cover the bowl with a towel (that doesn’t touch the dough). Place it to proof for 1 - 1.5 hours. In my oven the dough reaches perfect condition in 1 hour. Don’t overproof the dough because yeast will eat all the sugar and will start to produce alcohol and alcoholic smell.

*the rest of the recipe in comments

Photos from Cheshire Bakery's post 10/04/2023

Tiramisu is an iconic Italian dessert that is very light, aromatic, and easy to make. I've already posted on my Instagram page the recipe of tiramisu with cooked eggs, but I mentioned there that I prefer the recipe with uncooked eggs :)
I found this recipe on youtube channel. She has a lot of wonderful recipes of sweet and savory dishes.
This recipe of tiramisu is perfect, and I have been making tiramisu following it for many years. The only downside of it - it's so gentle that it is almost impossible to make a beautiful looking photogenic slice :)
Thank you for this great recipe!

5 eggs
125 g of sugar
250 g of mascarpone
325 g of heavy whipping cream
approximately 500 ml of espresso
35-40 lady fingers

1) Make espresso and let it cool to room temperature. I mix 4 tsp of instant coffee with boiling water, cause I normally don't drink coffee and don't have a coffee machine :)

2) Beat eggs with sugar on a high speed for a few minutes very well until pale in color and very fluffy.

3) Beat heavy whipping cream with mascarpone until the mixture is fluffy and uniform, but not thick. Don't overmix the mixture.

4) With a spatula combine two mixtures together

5) Assembling:
Briefly dip half of the lady finger cookies in espresso and place in a square form. Pour half of the filling on top. Then, place another layer of lady finger cookies dipped in espresso. Pour the remaining filling.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight.
Generously sprinkle with cocoa powder before serving. Enjoy!

#торт #тирамису #тирамисурецепт


When I asked my dad what his favorite cake was, he answered “Skazka cake” (“Fairytale cake”) without hesitation! I remember this classic cake from my childhood, and it was one of my favorites too :)
I’ve never made “Skazka cake” before, but happily accepted this challenge! According to my dad, the cake that I made was very similar to the classic one sold in Belarus, but tastier :)) so here it is! A good recipe of classic sweet beauty! :)

6 eggs
180 g of flour
150 g of sugar

1) Separate egg yolks from egg whites.
2) Beat egg whites on a high speed gradually adding 75 g of sugar until hard peaks are formed
3) In a separate bowl beat egg yolks with the rest amount of sugar until they become pale in color and increase in volume
4) Carefully combine egg yolk mixture with egg white mixture using a spatula
5) Add the flour and carefully fold it into the batter just until combined
6) Bake at 360 F (at 8” baking pan) for approximately 30 minutes until fully baked

100 g of sugar
100 g of water
1 tbsp of cognac

Bring to boil water and sugar and boil for about 1 minute. Turn off the heat. Then, add cognac and mix.

300 g of sugar
4 egg yolks
250 ml of milk
1-2 tbsp of cognac
400 g of butter (room temperature)
1 tsp of vanilla extract

1) In a pan combine milk, sugar, and egg yolks using a whisk. Bring the mixture to boil and boil it for a few minutes constantly whisking, so it won’t burn. Let it cool down to room temperature
2) Beat the butter very well until pale in color and very fluffy. Add cognac.
3) Slowly add egg mixture constantly beating it with a mixer until you get smooth uniform frosting

Cocoa powder

Optionally you can add cocoa powder to a part of the frosting and to either cover the cake with chocolate buttercream, or to make one layer of chocolate frosting.


Let be honest, when I first saw the photo of this cake I was in disbelief that this gorgeous color is possible without food coloring. Also, I was very skeptical about the flavor, since one of the main ingredient of the cake is SPINACH! I don’t like spinach, but curiosity was stronger than my taste preferences, and I was eager to give it a try.
Guys, this cake blew my mind! It is super moist, colorful, delicious, and it doesn’t taste like spinach at all! I cannot recall how many times I’ve already made this cake, but this one is definitely one of my favorites.
Hopefully, you’ll give this SPINACH & PISTACHIO cake a try as well :)

CAKE recipe:
6 eggs
150 g of sugar
120 g of flour
60 g of pistachio flour
8 g of baking powder
20 g of corn starch
200 g of spinach (100 g of spinach purée)
60 g of melted butter
50 g of pistachios (roasted)
1 tsp of vanilla extract

1) Using a blender make spinach puree, strain the liquid.
2) Combine spinach puree with melted butter and corn starch
3) Sift flour and baking powder. Add chopped pistachios and pistachio flour.
4) Beat eggs with sugar for about 6 minutes until the mixture becomes white and thick
5) Carefully gradually add flour mixture.
6) Add spinach mixture. Mix until just combined. Add vanilla extract
7) Bake at 320F for approximately 40-50 minutes.

150 g of milk
50 g of sugar

Combine milk and sugar. Bring to boil until sugar dissolves. Cool down the syrup to room temperature. Use to soak each cake layer when assembling the cake.

10 g of gelatin
60 g of water
100 g of sugar
250 g of heavy whipping cream
200 g of mascarpone
100 g of ricotta
50 g of pistachio flour

1) Combine gelatin and water. Set aside
2) Beat heavy whipping cream to the consistency of thick sour cream
3) With a mixer combine mascarpone, ricotta, sugar, pistachio flour.
4) Heat the gelatin mixture in microwave using short intervals of 5-10 seconds. Gelatin should dissolve and become liquid, but be careful not to overheat it.
5) Slowly add gelatin to cheese mixture, constantly mixing.
6) With a spatula combine heavy whipping cream with cheese mixture and mix until combined.
7) Assemble the cake.


Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert that won hearts of millions of people around the world. It’s origin is disputed, but it’s believed that the restaurateur Ado Campeol and his wife invented the dessert, and it first appearance was in 1972 in the restaurant. Tiramisu is usually made with lady fingers dipped in coffee and has a filling made of whipped eggs, sugar and mascarpone cheese. However, nowadays you can find some variations to the recipe.

I usually make it with raw eggs and lady fingers, but this time decided to make a safer version of it - with cooked eggs and vanilla sponge cake. It turned out great, even though I prefer it to be “raw” :)

This is the recipe of TIRAMISU with COOKED EGGS.

Ingredients for SPONGE CAKE recipe:
6 eggs
2 tsp of vanilla sugar
15 g of corn starch
200 g of sugar
180 g of flour

1) Beat the eggs for 1 minute over a pan with hot water (double boiler).
2) Add starch and vanilla sugar sugar and mix well.
3) Gradually add sugar while keep mixing the eggs on a high speed. Mix well until the mixture becomes white and thick (about 8 minutes)
4) Gradually add flour and mix it in with a spatula.
5) Bake in preheated to 350F oven without convection for 30-35 minutes.

Ingredients for COFFEE SYRUP:
200 ml of boiled water
2 tbsp of instant coffee
2 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp of cognac

Combine all the ingredients and let the syrup cool completely.

Ingredients for EGG YOLK mixture:
4 egg yolks
50 g of sugar
8 g of vanilla extract
50 ml of heavy whipping cream

Combine all the ingredients in a pan. Set it to medium heat and bring to boil. Mixture will thicken. Wrap it with plastic wrap and let it cool in the fridge.

Ingredients for EGG WHITES mixture:
4 egg whites
150 g of sugar
60 g of water
8 g of vanilla extract

1) Combine water, vanilla extract, and sugar in a pan and bring the mixture to boil. Boil it for until the syrup reaches 118 C.
2) Meanwhile start beating the egg whites on a high speed.
3) When the syrup reaches 118 C, gradually add it to the egg whites while keep beating. Beat the mixture for 3 more minutes.
The recipe continues in comments.


Every cake has a story behind it, and this one is not an exception :)
Milch-Madchen is a cake originated in Germany. It consists of many thin cake layers and custard or heavy whipping cream filling. One of the main ingredients in cake batter is condensed milk. The main brand preferred by local bakers was called Milch Madchen, which is translated to English as “Milk Girl”. That’s how the cake got it’s name.
In my bakery I listed it as condensed milk cake to make it simpler to understand the flavor of this dessert :)

I’ve never had a chance to make a Chocolate Milch Madchen cake before, and just a couple of days ago I finally gave a new recipe a try. What can I say?.. Guys, it is amazing! Save this recipe and give it a try! I’m sure you will enjoy this cake as much as I did!

Ingredients for cake layers:
300g of flour
70g of cocoa powder
8g of baking powder
4 eggs
200g of melted butter
760g of sweetened condensed milk

1) Sift all dry ingredients.
2) Combine condensed milk, eggs, and butter.
3) Gradually add dry ingredients and mix with a whisk.
4) Bake thin cake layers on parchment paper for 6-7 minutes at 390F.

Ingredients for FILLING:
300g of milk bring to boil
150g of sugar
35g of corn starch
200ml of milk
3 eggs
2 tsp of vanilla extract
100g of dark chocolate
2 tbsp of cocoa powder
250g of butter

1) Combine sugar and starch
2) Combine 200g of milk with sugar + starch mixture
3) Using a whisk combine eggs and vanilla extract. Add milk+starch+sugar mixture and mix well
4) Bring 300g of milk to boil. Gradually add it to the egg mixture and mix with a whisk
5) Constantly mixing with a whisk bring this mixture to boil and boil for about 30 seconds until the mixture becomes thick
6) Add chocolate and mix it.
7) Cover with plastic wrap and let the custard to cool down to room temperature
8) Beat well butter (room temperature) with cocoa powder. It will take about 5 minutes
9) Gradually add custard of room temperature and mix well.

Assemble the cake and refrigerate. Let it set for 8-12 hours before serving.


In my opinion, lemon cake is the best cake for summer time; however, lemon cakes are tricky - it might be hard to make lemon flavor strong enough, but not overwhelming. To my taste this recipe is perfect, and I highly recommend you to give it a try!

Ingredients for cake layers:
5 eggs
150g of flour
150g of sugar
1 tsp of baking powder
50g of milk or heavy whipping cream
40g of butter (can substitute to oiil)
Zest of 1 lemon

Lemon ganache:
200g of white chocolate
320g of heavy whipping cream
120g of butter
Juice of 2 lemons
Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of 1 lemon
40 - 80g of sugar
150g of water

200g of blackcurrant (or other berries)
100g of water
80g of sugar
20g of corn starch

1) For cake layers separate egg whites and egg yolks. Beat egg whites with sugar until hard peaks are formed. Mix well egg yolks, milk, butter, and lemon zest. Add this mixture to egg whites and carefully combine using the spatula. Sift flour with baking powder. Gradually add to the egg mixture and carefully combine using the spatula.
Bake for approximately 30-40 minutes at 320F. Cover baked cake layers with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.

2) For the filling bring to boil butter and heavy whipping cream. Gradually pour this hot mixture over chocolate and lemon zest and mix well until chocolate is melted. Add juice of 2 lemons and mix well. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

3) For the syrup combine all the ingredients, boil for 2 minutes and let it cool down.

4) For the jam combine all the ingredients and boil until the mixture thickens. Refrigerate for 4 hours.

5) Beat ganache until matte in color and thick. It will become thinner at first, but continue beating the ganache until it thickens. Assemble the cake: cake layer - syrup - thin layer of ganache - jam - ganache - repeat :)
Refrigerate for 8-10 hours before serving.
#тортслимоном #лимонныйторт #разрезторта #домашнийторт #тортрецепт #рецептторта


Guys, welcome one of the most loved cakes of many kids - cake “Anthill”. It got this name because of unique shape that resembles anthill 😛
Basically, it’s crushed cookies and caramel condensed milk buttercream, so this cake can literally be done in minutes with just 3 ingredients - store bought cookies, caramel condensed milk, and butter 🙃
But if you are not looking for an easy shortcut and would like to make the cake completely from scratch, here is the recipe:

Ingredients for cookies:
500g of flour
200g of butter
200g of sour cream
100g of sugar
10g of baking powder
1) With a mixer mix well butter and sugar
2) Gradually add sour cream, and mix well
3) Sift flour with baking powder and add to the butter mixture. Make dough. Wrap it into plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 40 minutes.
5) Preheat oven to 400F
6) Grate the dough (you can also cut the dough into small chunks).
7) Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden color.

For frosting:
400g of caramel condensed milk (room temp)
200g of butter (room temp)
Beat butter well. Gradually add condensed milk and mix well until combined. As an option, you can substitute some butter to sour cream of room temperature.

To assemble the cake crush cookies, combine well with frosting, and put the mixture on the plate creating a hill shape :) Refrigerate for 12 hours before serving.
P.S. You can also add nuts or poppy seeds to taste.
#тортмуравейник #муравейник #тортрецепт #торт #домашняявыпечка #домашнийторт


Wafer Paper Peony Poppy 💛💖
A couple of busy months passed, and I recalled a that’s already filmed, but needs to be edited. Well, slowly, but surely was working today on YouTube tutorial. A couple more days - and hopefully I’ll be ready to post a new tutorial. For now I will share the photo :)
#вафельнаяфлористика #вафельныецветы #цветыизвафельнойбумаги #цветыизбумаги ☀️


Just one week left before the summertime - a wonderful time of lemonade and fruits! Seattle was kind enough to bring us nice sunny days this weekend, and I'm getting so excited about the summer! So, I decided to make a Chocolate Cake with Blueberry Compote, Blueberry Cheesecake, Creamcheese filling and Heavy Whipping Cream frosting.
This cake is amazing - light, creamy, fruity, with little sourness of blueberries (and the slice looks stunning as well). BTW, this recipe is just a base, an idea, that can be easily modified according to your taste (you can use other berries or fruits or switch chocolate cake to vanilla).

Here is a recipe for this cake!
For Blueberry Compote you will need:
300 g of blueberries
70 g of water
80 g of sugar
14 g of cornstarch
In a pan combine blueberries with sugar. Mix water with cornstarch and add to the blueberries. Heat the mixture over medium heat, constantly mixing with a spatula until it thickens (about 2 minutes after boiling). Cover with plastic wrap and let it chill in the fridge.

For Blueberry Cheesecake you will need:
350 g of cream cheese
65 g of sugar
1 egg
6 g of cornstarch
150 g of blueberry compote (use sifter to get rid of blueberry skin)
Preheat the oven to 230F. Combine all the ingredients using a mixer and bake for 50 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

For Chocolate Cake you will need:
125 g of flour
150 g of sugar
30 g of cocoa powder
8 g of baking powder
6 g of salt
1 egg
145 g of milk
30 g of butter
30 g of oil
Preheat the oven to 340F. With a whisk mix together all dry ingredients. Then, add an egg, milk, soft butter, and oil. All the ingredients should be room temperature. Mix everything together until combined. Bake in a buttered pan for approximately 40 minutes. Cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

For Cream Cheese filling you will need:
360 g of cream cheese
120 g of heavy whipping cream
65 g of powdered sugar
With a mixer mix well all the ingredients until well combined and fluffy.


When I was a kid, all cakes leaned towards classic traditional flavors - Napoleon, Honey Cake, Chocolate Cake, Tiramisu, etc. The flavors were well-loved among everybody and very predictable.
However, so much changes over time - people travel around the world and discover new flavors, their tastes evolve and eventually we want to try something new, experiment with flavors and textures. A few years ago I made Lemon Napoleon that became my husband's favorite cake. Now I decided to make a Crunchy Napoleon with Chocolate Diplomat Cream and Boozy Apricots (or, as my husband noticed "ex-boozy apricots" since alcohol evaporates during cooking :) ).

You can find the recipe for cake layers on Cheshire Bakery YouTube channel (Lemon Napoleon video). For this cake I baked 8 cake layers 8 inches in diameter.

For the Diplomat Cream you will need:
500 ml of milk
35 g of cocoa powder
210 g of sugar
4 egg yolks
30 g of cornstarch
55 g of dark chocolate
350 g of heavy whipping cream
30 g of powdered sugar
1) Combine sugar with egg yolks, corn starch, and cocoa powder.
2) Bring milk to boil and gradually add to egg yolk mixture. Mix well.
3) Constantly whisking, heat the pan with the mixture over medium heat until the mixture becomes thick and smooth. Add chocolate and mix until it melts completely.
4) Cover with plastic wrap and let it cool in the fridge. Then beat it using a mixer
5) Beat heavy whipping cream with powdered sugar until stiff peaks are formed. Then add chocolate cream and combine using a spatula.

For "Ex-Boozy Apricots" :) you will need:
170 g of apricots (cut into small chunks)
35 g of sugar
6 g of cornstarch
50 g of rum or whiskey
1) Combine sugar with cornstarch
2) Add sugar and cornstarch mixture to alcohol and apricots and heat it over medium heat until the mixture becomes thicker. Cool it down completely before assembling the cake.


Kiev Cake is a brand cake made in Kiev, Ukraine since 1956. It is fascinating that the original recipe was created by accident - and this "mistake" gave the world an incredible unique dessert so well loved among people around the world! ❤️
#киевскийторт #торт #тортразрез #разрезторта #вкусныйторт #кусочекторта #тортсбезе #торткиевский


While the majority of people open the winter season with photos of Christmas inspired cakes, I always lean towards bright vibrant colors and warm sunny summer days ☺️💖
Hope the photo of these wafer paper Gerberas will make this gloomy cold day a little bit warmer and brighter! Have a beautiful day my friends! ❤️


Wedding day is always so special, romantic, and sweet. It's a special day when two people in love say "YES!", and since that very day they will join their lives and hearts to take a beautiful and exciting life journey together! It's a day when a new family is born, and this day will always have a special place in the hearts of the bride and groom!

I am so happy and grateful to you for choosing me and trusting my bakery to make a special cake for you on such an important day! Thank you so much for this precious opportunity to be part of your special day!

Inside is vanilla cake with vanilla Swiss Meringue buttercream and Condensed milk cake with condensed milk whip.


Every cake has a story behind it and this one is very special to me. This cake is a success story of collaboration and help!

For over two years I’ve been operating Cheshire bakery, and I was the only person who took all the orders, answered the emails, did all the paperwork and accounting, baked and decorated cakes, and did deliveries as necessary. I couldn’t even imagine in my worst dream what would happen in case of injury or family emergency. However, last Monday I got an elbow injury and doctors put my hand into the cast. For that moment my hand, my work tool, became immobilized and completely useless. With just a few days left before the party I couldn’t cancel the order and put all the stress onto the client, even though I had an emergency and couldn’t move my left hand. If I take an order, I give a promise and take responsibility to deliver a client the best cake no matter what!

Luckily, we are not alone in this world! I feel very grateful to my husband who (under my close supervision 😁) baked the cake, made condensed milk syrup, made three types of feelings, assembled the cake, covered it with fondant, beautifully arranged all cake toppers, made fondant mushrooms and trees, and took a beautiful photo of the cake! I feel very grateful to an amazing cake artist Natasha Natalya Yugay] who made absolutely beautiful cake toppers and leaves.

Thank you Max and Natasha Natalya Yugay] for your support and help in such a difficult situation in my life! I know anybody can be in such a difficult and unpredictable situation that depends on pure luck, and we should trust people around us! They will help and support us! 💖 This cake will always remain a success story of people’s help, support, and collaboration for me!
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Cheshire Bakery's post 10/22/2021

Beautiful, fun, and unique cake for Julian’s first birthday! 🥳
Wafer paper & buttercream greenery, hand-painted characters, fondant crown and honey&coffee cake with cream cheese whip 👑

Photos from Cheshire Bakery's post 10/21/2021

Daisies.. so pure, innocent, and romantic.. 💖
Inside is a honey&coffee cake with cream cheese whip 🥰


Cute Bunny cake for a very sweet girl who turned two! 💖💖💖

Inside is a condensed milk cake with homemade strawberry jam and fresh strawberries 🍓🍓🍓


Do you know that this year Minnie Mouse celebrated her 92nd birthday?
A couple years ago I got an opportunity to visit a museum of Walt Disney, and was amazed by Mickey Mouse story! The creators of this cartoon put so much consideration and soul into every tiny detail defining the personality of every character! That's why Mickey and Minnie Mouse look so alive! That's why for almost a century they are well loved among kids and adults all around the world connecting the generations!

For a long time I had an idea that Minnie Mouse themed cake should reflect this connection of generations by combining classy look of the cake with some modern twist. And here we are - classic Minnie Mouse signature bow and hand-painted happy and elegant character! I am very happy about this cake and very grateful to the opportunity to bring this design idea to life and make a special cake for a sweet 3-years old girl 🤗
Thank you so much for your trust! ❤️

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