HIS Glory Reigns Ministries (H.G.R.M.) (2 Corinthians 2:17; 1 Samuel 30:24-25). Ministry Passion ~ To see the Glory of YHVH, GOD Cover the Earth!

is a Biblical Protestant Christian international, prophetic worship arts, intercultural, multi-ethnic, spiritually prosperous ministry ordained and anointed by ABBA ADONAI! Embrace the Earth! Permeate the Earth! Take over the Earth! Mission Statement ~ "To encourage, edify, exhort, enlighten and educate the followers of YESHUA, Our Messiah and the family of ABBA ADONAI to worship YHVH, ELOHIM in Spirit and Truth!" ~ John 4:23-24.

August 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield 08/20/2024

HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield August 2024

August 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield Isaiah 55:5 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield ~ a Harmony of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2017 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joini


We are excited to welcome Huntington, WV native, Carney M. Layne. Join us at 10:00 am tomorrow morning.

His ministry experience includes serving as an International Construction Missionary and nearly 30 years pastoring local churches in the Pacific Northwest. He holds both a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Bible and Pastoral Ministry.

Carney and his wife of 37 years, Robin, have six adult children and three grandchildren. They currently reside in the Phoenix area of Arizona.

33 ~ State of Oregon, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 08/17/2024

33 ~ State of Oregon, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

33 ~ State of Oregon, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 17, 2024 State of Oregon (אורגון), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hello Jen

August 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield 08/15/2024

Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield August 2024

August 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield John 12:17 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield ~ a Cadence of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2006 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joini

32 ~ State of Minnesota, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 08/10/2024

32 ~ State of Minnesota, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

32 ~ State of Minnesota, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 10, 2024 State of Minnesota (מינסוטה), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hello

August 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield 08/10/2024

North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield August 2024

August 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield Mark 14:6 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield ~ a Convocation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2003 Hello Jennifer, Than


Yes and amen!

Word for the Week 📖✨

Why did the Lord create man with the freedom to rebel, and by this allow all of the pain and suffering that has come upon the world? Freedom. There must be freedom for there to be true worship, or true friendship. We can teach a parrot to say the right things, but they will not be from its heart. Likewise, we can compel men to say and do the right things, but they will not be in their hearts. As we have read in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” ...

To read more, click the link below:


Yes and Amen

HOW DO WE PREPARE FOR THE GREAT SHAKING THAT IS COMING: As Psalm 32:6-7 states: "Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach Him." DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!

As the next verse in Psalm 32 to states: "You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble." We are coming to the time when the only safe place on earth will be the will of the Lord. Do not let this day pass without seeking Him, not just for guidance, but seek Him. He is our refuge. He is our Ark.

August 2024 ~ North America Continent Prayer Shield 08/05/2024

August 2024 North America Continent Prayer Shield

August 2024 ~ North America Continent Prayer Shield Matthew 19:26 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 North America Continent Prayer Shield ~ a Connection of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2005 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joini

31 ~ State of California, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 08/03/2024

31 ~ State of California, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

31 ~ State of California, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 3, 2024 State of California (קליפורניה), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hel

August ~ 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield 08/01/2024

America Israel Prayer Shield August 2024

August ~ 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield Luke 6:12 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield ~ a Confluence of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2003 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joinin

August 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time 07/31/2024

The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time August 2024

August 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time Glory to YHVH! HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | August 2024 The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time ~ a Resonation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2007 Hello Jennifer, July

30 ~ State of Wisconsin, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 07/27/2024

30 ~ State of Wisconsin, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

30 ~ State of Wisconsin, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 27, 2024 State of Wisconsin (ויסקונסין), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hell

July 2024 ~ Africa Continent Prayer Shield 07/25/2024

Africa Continent Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ Africa Continent Prayer Shield Psalm 55:1 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 Africa Continent Prayer Shield ~ an Infiltration of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2019 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining us in p

29 ~ State of Iowa, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 07/20/2024

29 ~ State of Iowa, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

29 ~ State of Iowa, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 20, 2024 State of Iowa (איווה), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hello Jennifer,

July 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield 07/20/2024

HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield Isaiah 55:5 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield ~ a Harmony of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2017 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining



Word for the Week 📖✨

As we have already covered, God’s unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity by conformity. That is so important to understand. This is a reason why there is so much about the antichrist in the book of Revelation, which is stated in Revelation 1:1 to be “the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Discernment to distinguish between that which is of Christ and that which is from the antichrist is crucial. Distinguishing God’s unity from the devil’s is crucial to this.

For those who live in this world that is under the power of the evil one,...

To read more, click the link below:

July 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield 07/15/2024

Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield John 11:39 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield ~ a Cadence of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2006 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining


Please Pray!

God just spared President Trumps life!🙏🏽🇺🇸

The bullet grazed his ear! Pray for him right now!

28 ~ State of Texas, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 07/13/2024

State of Texas, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield

28 ~ State of Texas, USA ~ 2024 ~ America Prayer Shield 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 13, 2024 State of Texas (טקסס), USA! America Prayer Shield ~ a Convergence of YESHUA's faithful intercessors ~ Established 2001 Hello Jennifer,

July 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield 07/10/2024

North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield Luke 5:34 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield ~ a Convocation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2003 Hello Jennifer, Thank


State of Florida Prayer

July 2024 ~ North America Continent Prayer Shield 07/05/2024

North America Continent Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ North America Continent Prayer Shield Matthew 19:14 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 North America Continent Prayer Shield ~ a Connection of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2005 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining


Yes and Amen!

Installing Heaven's Infrastructure by Chris Reed
July 4, 2024

Last week, I talked about Nehemiah 4 and how, just as the Israelites worked together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, we can each be part of what God is wanting to build today. People responded from everywhere to Nehemiah’s call for help. It is going to be increasingly important for us to be ready to respond to God’s call to build His kingdom on earth. The Bible tells us to, “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). That can mean moving to a new place just like some of the workers in Nehemiah 4 did...

To read more, click the link below:

July 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time 07/03/2024

July 2024 The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time

July 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time Happy Birthday America! HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time ~ a Resonation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2007 Hello Jennifer

July 2024 ~ 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield 07/01/2024

America Israel Prayer Shield July 2024

July 2024 ~ 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield Happy Birthday America! HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | July 2024 5784 Israel ~ America 2024 Prayer Shield ~ a Confluence of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2003 Hello Jennifer, Thank y


In 2016, Steve Armer wrote 432h music for our America Prayer Journey. A noble, brave act. https://www.hisgloryreigns.com/america-prayer-journey.html


State of Michigan Prayer

June 2024 ~ Africa Continent Prayer Shield 06/25/2024

Africa Continent Prayer Shield June 2024

June 2024 ~ Africa Continent Prayer Shield Psalm 42:8 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | June 2024 Africa Continent Prayer Shield ~ an Infiltration of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2019 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining us in p


State of Arkansas Prayer

June 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield 06/20/2024

HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield June 2024

June 2024 ~ HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield Isaiah 55:5 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | June 2024 HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield ~ a Harmony of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2017 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining

June 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time 06/18/2024

The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time June 2024

June 2024 ~ The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time Psalm 77:18 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | June 2024 The Sounds of HIS Shofars and Hammers Worship Time ~ a Resonation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2007 Hello Jennifer, June 19-21

June 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield 06/15/2024

Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield June 2024

June 2024 ~ Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield John 10:7 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | June 2024 Pastoral Prayer and Blessing Prayer Shield ~ a Cadence of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  Established 2006 Hello Jennifer, Thank you for joining u


State of Missouri Prayer

2024 Wild Ox 5784 Holy Anointing Oil 06/14/2024

2024 WIld Ox 5784 Holy Anointing OIl

2024 Wild Ox 5784 Holy Anointing Oil May the Anointing of YESHUA continue to transform your life HIS Glory Reigns Ministries 2024 Wild Ox 5784 ~ Holy Anointing Oil ~ ~ the Anointing of YESHUA ~ Established 1999 Hello Jennifer, June 5, 20

June 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield 06/10/2024

North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield June 2024

June 2024 ~ North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield John 1:43 HIS Glory Reigns Ministries | June 2024 North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield ~ a Convocation of YESHUA's Faithful Intercessors ~  ESTABLISHED 2003 Hello Jennifer, Thank

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PO BOX 6083
Bend, OR

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61303 S Highway 97
Bend, 97702

Services: Sundays at 9AM & 11AM http://www.journeyinbend.com

Mountain View Ward Elders Quorum Mountain View Ward Elders Quorum

A place to connect and get information out for the Elders Quorum of the Mountain view ward.

Bible Street Ministry Bible Street Ministry
Bend, 97701

Bible Street Ministry we meet people right where they are. Spreading the Hope in Jesus .

Bend Friends Church Bend Friends Church
2051 NW Shevlin Park Road
Bend, 97703

A church plant with a mission to raise up leaders. Our corporate worship is Sundays 5pm.

Taize of Central Oregon Taize of Central Oregon
231 NW Idaho Street

Monthly Taize chanting and celebration of faith with different themes and languages.

27th Street church of Christ - Bend 27th Street church of Christ - Bend
61691 SE 27th Street
Bend, 97702

A group of believers simply following God’s Word, the Bible, as our only guide.

New Hope Bend MS New Hope Bend MS
20080 Pinebrook Boulevard
Bend, 97702

The official New Hope Bend Middle School Page!

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon
61980 Skyline Ranch Road
Bend, 97703

Sunday services at 10 a.m. on Zoom. "Love is the spirit of this fellowship and service is its law. T

Bend Mennonite Church Bend Mennonite Church
230 NE 9th Street
Bend, 97701

Our mission is to continue the work of Jesus Christ, in communion with one another, through the gifts

Bend Nazarene Bend Nazarene
1270 NE 27th Street
Bend, 97701

Sunday: 10:00am English Service 12:00pm Spanish Service

First Missionary Baptist Church First Missionary Baptist Church
21129 Reed Market Road
Bend, 97702

The RodeHouse The RodeHouse
Wildhorse Harley Davidson Dealership 639028 Sherman Road, Bend
Bend, 97701

The RodeHouse, a Church for Bikers who don't like Church, or A Church, Custom Built for Bikers. www.therodehouse.com