Great Commission Church Women of Virtue

Connecting the women of Great Commission, so that we may encourage and pray for one another on a daily basis.

Photos from Great Commission Church Women of Virtue's post 11/15/2023

“….Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Photos from Great Commission Church Women of Virtue's post 11/13/2023

Reading in 2 Corinthians 12 this morning about Paul’s thorn. This chapter is so personal to me. When I think of a thorn, I think of a painful nuisance, not the worst pain I have ever experienced but just frustrating and annoying. It bugs me until I remove it. I was reading in the Enduring Word app, and it said that the root word means a “tent stake and not a thumbtack!” I was like, oh yeah, that definitely describes pancreatitis! I’ve suffered with a tent stake impaling me since 1999! I looked it up myself, and stake is one of the meanings! I can relate with this explanation so much more!

I went on to read about how Paul prayed theee times for the Lord to remove it, and learned another interesting side note I thought I’d share. Some believe that three times is actually much more than that. In Hebrew, saying three times is a figure of speech for ceaselessly. I’ve actually had people suggest that either my faith isn’t big enough or that I’m not praying the right way to receive healing. I’ve asked God countless times why and what I’m doing wrong. What am I missing, Lord? Why am I not healed?

I’ve studied 2 Corinthians 12 before, but this morning I climbed into a whole other well of learning that I think I may share this week as I go along. We all have a thorn. Some worse than others, but everyone suffers throughout life. Understanding it through scripture has helped me to take an “even if” mentality about my own thorn. Even if Jesus doesn’t remove it while I’m alive, I will still praise Him! There is purpose, and I trust Him!

I was prompted this morning to write down some thoughts and questions. Excuse the messy handwriting and misspellings! Feel free to do this with me this week!


I woke up at 1:30 this morning and stayed up for a couple of hours before falling back to sleep. I don’t know if I was dreaming or in that stage of waking up where you aren’t completely awake, when I had a strong pain hit me. My mind went to “I’m dying.” Suddenly, I’m standing above- that’s the only way I can explain it- and I hear a voice.

Voice: “Shelley, if you had the choice of staying in Heaven or going back, what would you do?”

Me: “Oh Jesus, I’m one hundred percent staying here with You!”

Voice: “Would you stay if you knew that some of your friends and family wouldn’t make it to Heaven and that you telling them you met me and I’m real would change that?”

My response was first a pause to think about it. Like, I’m healed in Heaven! I want healing and rest and to be in the presence of Jesus. But….

Me: “I have to go back. Once I tell them I met You and that You are real, I know they will believe and be saved.”

Jesus’ Voice: “Why wait, Shelley? You have met me. I saved you. I walk with you everyday. You know me, and I have changed your life. Tell people now. You don’t have to wait.”

I woke up with a great sense of urgency….

My eyes were fully opened. I get on here and write about Jesus and what He means to me, but I sometimes hesitate. Not everyone shares my faith. Not everyone wants to dedicate their lives to loving and serving Jesus. Not everyone wants to hear the million different reasons I could offer them for why I’ve chosen to follow Him and why it’s the greatest decision I’ve ever made. But, everyone has the option to scroll on or unfriend me if they aren’t interested. I cannot be silent. I won’t be. He’s real!!

I do know Jesus, personally. I don’t know Him, because my Mom told me about Him and drug me to church every time the doors opened as a kid. I don’t know Him, because my pastor tells me about Him between 11:00-12:00 every Sunday morning. I don’t know Him, because a song gives me goose bumps when they talk about His goodness. I don’t know Him, because I speak to Him once a day about what I need Him to do for me. This used to be me. I knew of Him, but I didn’t truly know Him.

Now, I do know Jesus so personally that I call Him my Father and my best friend. That’s really personal! I call Him this, because I spend time with Him. I talk to Him about everything. I still ask Him for things, but I thank Him for everything first. I spend time getting to know Him by pouring myself into His Word, so I know His heart and character firsthand. I go to church every time the doors open, because I can’t wait to be with others who love Him like I do and to meet those that have made the choice to hop on this path with me. I want to learn from others that have known Jesus personally and learned about Him in greater depth for much longer than me. When I hear the songs, the goosebumps happen because I’ve experienced and remember vividly the goodness of the God they’re singing about.

Not one of these changes has anything to do with what I’ve done in my own strength. I said yes, and He does the rest.

I’m not perfect. I’m not holier than thou. I’m just a woman who has met her Savior and been changed. I fail daily, numerous times. But, my Father and best friend helps me to see those failures through His eyes. He forgives me and teaches me how He wants me to overcome my struggles and fears. He helps me to do those things, over and over. He’s so personal, and He knows exactly what I need, when I need it. He give graciously and abundantly all that I can ever ask or imagine. I still hurt and suffer, but so did He. I find comfort in knowing that Jesus understands what I go through more than anyone else.

He is my hope and joy and strength and salvation. I will boldly tell anyone who cares to hear me that saying yes to living my life for Him has changed this wild child into one who is wild about her Jesus. I love Him so much! The time for worrying about offending or being a bother to those who aren’t interested is over. I’m unashamed of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I will proclaim to anyone with ears to hear that He is the only way!




Such a beautiful reminder!!

TikTok · Going Beyond Ministries 08/18/2023

Such a good word from Priscilla!

TikTok · Going Beyond Ministries 11.8K likes, 215 comments. “John 15🙏”


Even when we don’t see what He is doing….
Even when our circumstances seem hopeless….
Even when the odds are not in our favor.…

God has already made provisions for us. He knows exactly when we will have the greatest need, and we will only receive them at that moment. In the meantime, take hold of His hand and trust in the only One who sees your way out and has already cleared the path. He is faithful to His promises! Have a blessed weekend, and remember that God is right by your side!

TikTok · Andrea A P 07/17/2023

Yes!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

TikTok · Andrea A P 757 likes, 39 comments. “ #”


This was in my memories today, and I thought I would share it again. Ask Jesus to fill you with His joy today ❤️

If I could bottle up the Joy of the Lord, I would pass it out freely to those who suffer and to those who don’t believe and to those who’ve walked away. It would be the cure all to every struggle and trial, and those who’ve never known Jesus would come running with open arms. Oh, how I would love to spread His unfailing love, peace and joy around in tiny bottles! Can you imagine how many would turn to Christ?

As I sit outside this morning, I am filled with that joy. It’s unspeakable. It’s better than any high the world can offer. It outweighs even our most beautiful moments. It is raw. It is pure. It is completely attainable. I believe that, for me, this is the outcome of years of reaching deep inside to try and walk in obedience and faith. It feels as though God is giving me a glimpse of what is to come, when i finally see His face. This is what trust and following His plan feels like. This is bliss, and I never want this feeling to end. But, I’m well aware that trials will come again. There will be sadness, heartache and grief. Our world is too polluted with the things that strip joy and peace from our lives.

The growing and maturing of our faith in Christ teaches us that, while sorrow and pain will arrive at our doorstep many times while we’re here, the joy and peace of God is something we always have access to. He promises us in Nehemiah 8:10“....And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Though it may seem to those who don’t know our God an unattainable and lofty goal, He will absolutely fill us with exactly what we need in the most trying of times. We need only surrender our broken selves into His waiting arms.

If you are in the midst of a battle that has been waging for far too long and your strength is almost gone. If life was beautiful yesterday, but today you’re world just fell apart. If you’re struggling to find happiness and meaning in a life that just feels like existing. If any of these scenarios sound like your life, I can relate. I’ve been each of these women at some point in my life, and I can honestly say that I don’t like any version of them. I can, however, look back with a clearer vision at the woman I was when my strength reserve was nearly empty, my life was obliterated and I felt like I served no purpose on this earth. I may not have loved the woman I was or the situation I was in, but I do love the God who rescued me every single time.

Looking back isn’t always easy. Recalling painful memories can make you feel like you’re right back there, hurting all over again. It would be so easy for me to take a detour from my joy-filled present onto a dead end road into my past, but that isn’t the purpose of looking back. I am able to search my history now, and see clearly the glimpses of that precious joy and peace only God can provide that ultimately led me out of each struggle.

In the middle of our mess, it’s sometimes difficult to see those priceless gifts from our Father, but they are there in the smiles and hugs of our loved ones that we needed so desperately that day. You can recall them in the moment a sweet friend offered words of love and encouragement. The memory of God speaking to your heart so clearly that it kept you from completely giving up is vivid. These moments of rescue are there. Look back to find them, and you will see God. You will find your own bottle of God’s peace and joy there, and it will always be yours.

Ladies, God doesn’t want His daughters to walk in sorrow and pain. He offers us a safe haven in His arms. Psalm 32:7 reminds us, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” I love this verse! I can’t tell you how many times I have imagined myself curling up in God’s protective arms. It’s that last part that I think we often pass over. He surrounds me with songs of deliverance. How beautiful is that! While God covers and keeps me safe me from the war that rages around me, He blesses me with the harmony of future deliverance from this present situation. You see, He is offering peace and joy right there.

It doesn’t matter what turmoil you are in at this very moment, crack open that bottle of the healing ointment of God’s peace and joy. Lather yourself in it, feel God’s perfect protection and allow the songs of deliverance to play in your head over and over!

God is so good to us! Love you all so much! Be blessed!


We’ve chosen our theme for the women’s retreat! Live Out Loud For Jesus! This Sunday, July 9, is the last day to sign up! Reach out to one of us if you are interested or have questions.


Great night at Bible study! We are learning and growing so much together! There is such a beautiful move of God happening in our women’s group! It’s still not too late to join us!! Come be a part of what He is doing! We welcome you!

Photos from Great Commission Church Women of Virtue's post 07/04/2023

Pulled these from my notebook. Love learning about the many names of God! My all time favorite is Jehovah Rapha, because I call on the Lord who heals me so often! My other favorite is El Roi, the God who sees me. When no one else sees me, my God does!! This morning, I learned one I had never heard, El Nekamoth. It means God who avenges me! 👊🏼🙌🏻


Yay!! Reservations have been made for our women’s retreat on September 14-16!! The house overlooks Lake Cumberland, and is just perfect for all of what we are planning!! We understand that going on a Thursday could pose an issue for some, but please know that you can always drive down on Friday to join us!! We will be cooking, doing devotions Thursday and Friday evening, having praise and worship, praying and just talking and enjoying each other’s company! We are really excited!! Let us know as soon as possible if you are planning on attending! There will be a small fee included that helps to cover the cost of our accommodations and food. Please contact Amy, Bridget or Shelley with any questions!


So very thankful for this truth! We are daughters of THE KING! We will not walk in fear, because of Who walks with us! Amen! Be encouraged that we are never alone. Walk in the boldness of Christ and in the calling He has placed on your life!


The blessing is not in what God can and will do for you. The blessing is God, Himself.


So excited to announce that Great Commission women will be going on a retreat on September 14-16 to Lake Cumberland! We have given a sign up deadline for July 9, so that we can make reservations! Make sure you secure your spot! We will have a sign up sheet at church, and you can also let us know here if you will be going. We look forward to this time together!! Hope you can join us❤️

Photos from Great Commission Church Women of Virtue's post 06/21/2023

Teens doing Bible study on the beach; Charles and I following suit and doing the same thing; watching a group of teens cheer and clap while their friends were baptized in the ocean…. This day has just been so full of God’s presence! He is everywhere and in everything, and I just can’t praise Him enough!!

Photos from Great Commission Church Women of Virtue's post 06/20/2023

The forecast is for rain throughout most of our stay, and I have complained numerous times. This morning, God reminded me of this….

“Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Thank you, Lord! Rain or shine, you are good! I will praise Your name and thank you for this time of rest and refreshing!


Wow! Tonight’s study was awesome! Thank you to Sandy for all of your study and preparation! It is greatly appreciated! Thank you to everyone for digging in deep with us! That’s the goal! We want to learn and grow in the Lord, and it’s so good to be doing it alongside so many amazing women! Let’s take time this week to really reflect on and talk to God about what we learned! Love you all!❤️


Tonight, we begin Day 2 study of Gideon! Just finished the lesson, and, wow, there’s some good stuff we will be unpacking in this one! At the end, Priscilla asks us to make some hashtags that pertain to what we studied and our own lives. These are mine below. What are yours?

Don’t worry that we’ve already started or that you may not have a book! If you’re interested in growing and learning with a fantastic group of women, join us! We”ll share our books and catch you up on our first lesson! Come be a part of this life changing ministry God is growing at Great Commission!

Women helping women, hearing each other’s voices and hearts, seeking a closer relationship with each other and, most importantly, with God! We are stronger in Him together!!

Greatly Loved 06/13/2023

This is the audio of the video I watched this morning entitled “Greatly Loved.” It’s so powerful! I encourage you to take a few minutes to listen!

Greatly Loved Provided to YouTube by DistroKidGreatly Loved · Hosanna WongGreatly Loved℗ Hosanna WongReleased on: 2023-06-09Auto-generated by YouTube.


What voice are you listening to? What words and names have you allowed to define your identity? This morning, I pulled up my Bible app to do a part of my daily reading, and the verse of the day story made me tear up. I’ll share it on here today. Besides the fact that it was beautiful, the topic was about who God says we are.

Lately, God has been helping me to see the foundations of the identities I have claimed over myself since I was a little girl. He’s shown me the moment where the careless words of my dad attached to me like a label stuck on with crazy glue. In addition, God has allowed me to see how those labels developed and grew into other labels and lies. That’s what they are. Lies. Lies from people and lies from the enemy.

These lies have defined a large portion of my personality and mindset for far too much of my almost 50 years of life. An example is that I was told I wasn’t smart enough, and I believed it. One day I found out that this was a lie, and I became proud, even arrogant at times, and bent on proving that to my accuser and everyone else. I had no idea how destructive and life defining these words spoken over me as a young girl had become over the course of my life.

Do you see how that works? Do you see how the enemy takes one lie and duplicates it into another and another and another. He inflicts the sting of the lie, and then introduces a sin to ”help” remedy the pain that the lie has caused. I fell for it. Most of my life, I believed I was all of the things that my dad, other people and Satan said were true about me. What a waste of time! What a waste of a whole lot of tears!

Praise God that it’s never too late to start believing and proclaiming over ourselves just who God says we are….

loved (John 3:16)
His (1 John 3:1)
worthy (Zephaniah 3:17)
purposed (Jeremiah 29:11)

These are just a few of the many truths that God declares over us! Look at the complete contrast to the lies that the enemy and others may be telling you right now.

After I watched the video this morning, I felt an urge to write down many of those lies that have been spoken over me and that I have believed. Then, I wrote a surrender/declaration statement and a prayer request to God. I encourage you to do your own version of this activity, because it truly does open eyes to see just how much power and authority we have allowed other people and the enemy to have over the thoughts we think about ourselves.

It’s never too late to begin declaring God’s truth about us over the lies we have believed! Today is the day!! if you don’t know what to declare, I’m including a list with verses attached in the comments section. Love you, ladies!


This brought me so much comfort this morning. For all of the mothers praying for your kids, whether they be wayward or going through many trials, keep praying! I saw the saying that the heart of a mother touches the heart of God. Keep crying out to God that they, like the children of Israel, will return from the land of the enemy! He hears us, and He is touched by our prayers!

“Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬


So, I don’t know about you all, but the Secret Sister Ministry has been so much fun for me! Shoutout to my Secret Sis for these wax melts! They have quickly become my favorite scent! Not only do they smell amazing, but they make my house smell like it’s just been cleaned! That’s a 10/10 gift for me! I could list many other of my favorites, but this one is making me smile today! Show one of your favorite gifts in the comments, or just say a simple thank you for the thoughtful gifts!

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Such a beautiful reminder!!




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Berea, KY

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Berea, 40403

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Join us for worship every Sunday at 11 AM! Wednesday services at 6:30 PM Email: [email protected]